Martin KalibaUniversity of Hradec Králové · Department of Special Pedagogy
Martin Kaliba
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Publications (26)
The main purpose of the presented study is to explore the existing risk of Internet addiction for undergraduate students of Czech universities. The research was conducted as quantitative research; a CIAS-R questionnaire was applied. The data were collected in the years just before the Covid-19 pandemic (between October 2019 and March 2020). 3,366 r...
The topic of the paper is a man in a wheelchair in a metal subculture in the context of educational and inclusive aspects of this specific subculture. The text deals with people with disabilities and their culture, subculture and describes in more detail the specifics of the metal subculture. It deals with the topic of socialization of individuals...
The paper aims to present the experiences of primary school, secondary school and high school teachers from the Czech Republic with online lifelong learning of educators in the field of inclusive education. Covid-19 worldwide pandemic crisis significantly influenced lifelong education system in the Czech Republic, which has massively switched to di...
Contemporary czech educational reality is affected by the massive transition to an online learning environment due to anti-epidemic measures because of the fight against COVID-19. Using digital tools supporting distance learning such as MS Teams, LMS systems, Google meet, Zoom etc. bring new forms of teaching aproach. Gamification is a suitable app...
Edukační realita 21. století prochází hlubokými a často velmi dynamickými změnami.
Využívání digitálních technologií se stává běžnou součástí výchovy a vzdělávání v prostředí mnoha
škol, výchovných institucí i rodin. Kromě široké škály benefitů, které tyto prostředky přináší, se do
popředí odborného zájmu dostávají také jejich rizikové as...
The pandemic situation of covid-19 in the Czech Republic is one of the worst in the world at the turn of 2020-2021. Primary prevention of coronavirus infection is therefore becoming a very topical issue, especially in the context of primary school education. While information campaigns through the mass media (news, television spots, radio broadcast...
The situation in the education system in the Czech Republic is currently affected by restrictions in connection with lockdown due to a coronavirus pandemic. In this context, teachers are looking for new approaches to distance learning, which also brings a number of emerging issues. One of these problems is the increase in the number of teacher-sham...
The article presents the results of the research which was done in 2011 with the aim to contribute to effectiveness increasing of the primary prevention process of selected social pathological phenomena regarding hearing impaired pupils at schools for hearing impaired.
As the results from the conducted research indicate, pupils and students with
hearing disorders at selected schools display very low levels of knowledge and
comprehension of the selected key terms in the area of risk behaviour. No re-
spondent revealed an acceptable level of knowledge in the whole spectrum of key
areas. We are aware of the fact tha...
Introducion Mass media and other communication and information media belong to the phenomena which influence many areas of life of an individual in the whole society. Communication in the contemporary society is more and more linked to the use of mass communication media and various devices of new information and communication technologies. Many pe...
The paper deals with problems using computer games within primary prevention of risk behaviour of children and youth.The text is based on the fact that current society is strongly influenced by new technologies in many areas. One of many elements within this phenomenon is computer games. Based on the parallel with the concept "playing based learnin...
The article presents the results of research which was conducted in 2011, with the aim of contributing to the increase of effectiveness of primary prevention processes within some selected social pathological phenomena concerning pupils with hearing incapacity at schools for the aurally impaired.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w...
The global coronavirus pandemic has brought many changes and new challenges to educational reality. Academic procrastination is a serious current problem affecting not only the process and results of studies of many students. It was the COVID 19 pandemic that, as in other parts of the world, caused the closure of all types of schools in the Czech R...
The relationship between teachers and their pupils (students) is key factor of education, especially
during the global pandemic of a new type of coronavirus. Teacher-shaming as a new type of
cyberbullying of teachers which is a serious problem of the contemporary (not only) czech educational
reality which is now affected by the massive transitio...
Příspěvek se zaměřuje na postoje vybraných tvůrců obsahu platformy YouTube k jejich vlivu na mladou generaci, která jejich videa aktivně sleduje. Článek prezentuje výsledky kvalitativního výzkumného šetření, jehož cílem bylo zjistit, jaké jsou postoje YouTuberů s vysokým počtem sledujících k vlivu na chování dětí a mládeže.
Příspěvek pojednává o vlivu sociální sítě Instagram na zdravý životní styl studentů Univerzity Hradec Králové. Zvláště se zaměřuje na oblasti stravovacích návyků, vztah k jídlu a pohybovou aktivitu studentů. Dále se věnuje roli Instagramu v problematice utváření body image.
Příspěvek se zabývá seniory a sociálními sítěmi se zvláštním zřetelem na Facebook. V rámci článku jsou publikovány výsledky kvalitativního výzkumného šetření, které je zaměřeno na používání sociálních sítí seniory. Příspěvek tak odpovídá na otázku, jakým způsobem senioři využívají sociální sítě a jaké jsou jejich zkušenosti v této oblasti.