Martin Bujard

Martin Bujard
Federal Institute for Population Research (BIB)



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Martin Bujard currently works at the department Family and Fertility, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), Germany. He is Professor for Medical Sociology and Family Sociology at University Heidelberg. Martin does research in Demography, Family Sociology, Public Health and Quantitative Social Research. Together with several collaborators, his main current project is 'FReDA - The German Family-Demographic Panel Study'.


Publications (120)
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Background Research points to a high depression burden among youth during the COVID-19 pandemic; however, a lack of systematic evidence exists. We determine the change in depression symptoms among children and adolescents during COVID-19 compared to pre-pandemic baselines. By using country differences in pandemic-related restrictions and school clo...
FReDA - The German Family Demography Panel Study is a representative panel for 18-49 year old population with about 32,000 respondents. FReDA is rooted in the international Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) and the German Family Panel (pairfam) and covers further innovative items developed by the FReDA-team and the scientific community via a call...
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This is the Editorial on the Special Issue "Family Research and Demographic Analysis – New Insights from the German Family Demography Panel Study (FReDA)".
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Background Emerging research suggests that physical activity among children and adolescents decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, a differentiated overview of European youth is lacking. In particular, no systematic analysis has been conducted to date on the impact of heterogeneous pandemic restrictions and school closures within European...
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Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries faced short-term fertility declines in 2020–2021, a development which did not materialize in the majority of German-speaking and Nordic countries. However, more recent birth statistics show a steep fertility decline in 2022. We aim to provide empirical evidence on the unexpected birth dec...
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Gute Bedingungen für die Erwerbstätigkeit von Frauen sind wesentlich für die Geburtenentwicklung, insbesondere ausreichend Kinderbetreuungsangebote, ein familienfreundlicher Arbeitsmarkt und eine kulturelle Verankerung von Gleichstellung. Wenn junge Erwachsene mit besseren Bedingungen für die Kombination von substanzieller Erwerbs- und Care-Arbeit...
Technical Report
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Although abortion trends can be highly informative for understanding fertility reactions amid COVID-19 pandemic, this perspective is rarely taken yet. In contrast to many other countries, Germany has reached above-average fertility rates in the first years of the pandemic. However, in-depth subgroup analyses of these trends are lacking. This paper...
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Die Rushhour des Lebens bezeichnet die Phase für Eltern, bei der die Summe aus Erwerbsarbeit, Fürsorgearbeit und Hausarbeit besonders hoch ist. Dies zeigt sich insbesondere dann, wenn das jüngste Kind unter sechs Jahre alt ist, da der Zeit-aufwand für Fürsorge bei kleinen Kindern besonders hoch ist. Wenn die Kinder älter werden, reduziert sich die...
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In times of polycrisis, such as COVID-19, the Russian war against Ukraine, and inflation, fear and uncertainties challenge many people. While the impact of the pandemic on subjective well-being was thoroughly studied, the medium-term effects and impacts of more recent crises are still to be observed. Based on the first five waves of the biannual (a...
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Background Restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic induced changes in the fitness behavior of children and adolescents, which may be associated with long-term public health challenges. This systematic review analyses how physical fitness has changed during the pandemic and to what extent the changes remain in the aftermath of the pandemic. Metho...
Background Emerging research suggests that physical activity among children and adolescents decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a summarizing analysis of changes in youth’s physical activity for Europe is lacking, we performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to close this research gap. Amongst others, we examined the relevance of restr...
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Forschungsfrage Wie haben sich die Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen sowie das Wohlbefinden von Eltern während und nach der Coronapandemie entwickelt? Was können wir für die Zukunft daraus lernen? Ergebnisse - Während Kita- und Schulschließungen: Anstieg von Angstsymptomen und Depressionen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen, begleitet von einem de...
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Fertility patterns vary frequently between immigrant groups and the majority population. Although many immigrant groups and their descendants have-on average-lower educational levels than non-migrants, the role of education in fertility patterns among immigrants has received limited attention. Given the significant role of educational choices in fe...
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The World Health Organization (WHO) has published guiding principles on online mental health content for young people, recognizing the transformative role of online technologies in providing mental health support. This article aims to integrate the key principles of the WHO report into European contexts and needs, to enhance the efficacy and releva...
We measure the prevalence of emotional and social loneliness in Germany for adults in the age from 18 to 52 years.
This data brief introduces the German Family Demography Panel Study (FReDA;, a longitudinal, multi-actor database for family research. Major substantive fields addressed in the questionnaire include fertility-related attitudes and behaviours, reproductive health, work-family conflict, couples’ division of labour, gender...
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Proximate determinants theory considers infertility rates a risk factor for lower fertility rates, but the assumption that people who perceive infertility will have fewer children has not been tested. This study investigates the association of self-perceived infertility with the number of children people have had after 11 years. Infertility implies...
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Der Artikel betrachtet die Rushhour des Lebens, die durch die Doppelbelastung aus Familien- und Erwerbsarbeit für Mütter und Väter insbesondere in der Lebensphase mit kleinen Kindern entsteht. Basierend auf Daten des familiendemografischen Panels FReDA wird gezeigt, dass die von den Befragten als ideal angesehene Erwerbsarbeitszeit für Mütter mit K...
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Social science surveys remain important in the age of big data, as they are representative and use scientifically validated instruments to cover relevant topics. They complement official statistical data because they also measure attitudes and personality traits and employ long-term longitudinal survey designs. This article provides an overview of...
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Wie haben sich das Wohlbefinden und die gesellschaftliche Teilhabe ukrainischer Geflüchteter sowie ihrer Kinder in den ersten eineinhalb Jahren seit der Ankunft in Deutschland entwickelt? • Die Lebenszufriedenheit der Geflüchteten hat sich in eineinhalb Jahren seit ihrer Ankunft erhöht. • Eine hohe Zahl absolvierter Integrationskurse geht mit deutl...
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In this study, we compare the intended number of children in Germany, Moldova and Norway in 2020 and 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a first step, we compare the intended number of children (including children born) in the newly available Generations and Gender Survey round 2 (GGS-II) and the German FReDA-GGS data. In a second step, we estim...
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Much of the literature on fertility intentions has shown that they are broadly predictive of fertility behaviour. Fertility intentions tend to change over a person’s life. How religiosity affects these changes over time has rarely been the subject of investigation. In this paper, we focus on whether and how religiosity affects trajectories of lifet...
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Introduction The implementation of COVID-19 pandemic-related restrictions resulted in limitations for physical activity (PA) opportunities, which may have initiated a longer-term behavioural change. The protocol describes the methodology for a planned systematic review that aims to summarise changes in PA and physical fitness (PF) in children and a...
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We analyze paradata from an online pilot of the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) conducted in three countries (Croatia, Germany, and Portugal) to understand the extent, timing, and patterns in breakoffs during a long online survey. The GGP is notable as an online survey given that the median length of a face-to-face interview is 52 minutes, a...
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This study describes the first wave of the IAB-BiB/FReDA-BAMF-SOEP Survey on Ukrainian Refugees in Germany, a unique panel dataset based on over 11,000 interviews conducted between August and October 2022. The aim of the IAB-BiB/FReDA-BAMF-SOEP Survey is to provide a data-infrastructure for theory-driven and evidence-based research on various aspec...
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Das Wichtigste in Kürze: • In der Pandemie ist die Lebenszufriedenheit deutlich gesunken, vor allem in Zeiten von Kontaktbeschränkungen. Nach Lockerung der Restriktionen ist die Lebenszufriedenheit wieder etwas angestiegen. • Um gut durch Krisen zu kommen, sind u.a. drei Dinge wichtig: Gute Beziehungen in der Familie, finanzielle Sicherheit und die...
Study question What percentage of people use types medically assisted reproduction (MAR) in Germany? Is MAR use unequally distributed by social categories and stage of treatment? Summary answer The lifetime prevalence of MAR use in Germany is 11.4%. Treatment use varies by social categories and stage of treatment. What is known already Increasing...
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Background Considering the heterogenous evidence, a systematic review of the change in anxiety in European children and adolescents associated with the COVID-19 pandemic is lacking. We therefore assessed the change compared with pre-pandemic baselines stratified by gender and age as well as evaluated the impact of country-specific restriction polic...
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Depressionssymptome haben bei Kindern und Jugendlichen zugenommen. Besonders bei Mädchen ist die Zahl der klinisch relevanten Depressionen angestiegen. Oft wird ein Zusammenhang zwischen Schulschließungen während der COVID-19-Pandemie und psychischen Erkrankungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen hergestellt. Bisher fehlte aber ein systematischer europä...
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Background: A growing number of studies point to a high mental health burden among children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly concerning anxiety. However, the study quality and effect direction are heterogeneous in the existing primary studies with a lacking overview for the European continent. Therefore, this systematic re...
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On average, temporary jobs are far less stable than permanent jobs. This higher instability could potentially lower workers’ incentives to relocate towards the workplace, thereby resulting in longer commutes. However, surprisingly few studies have investigated the link between temporary employment and commuting length. Building on the notion that i...
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Since February 24, 2022, more than one million people have fled Ukraine to Germany. The general conditions of the flight from Ukraine to Germany differ in many respects from the arrival of refugees in the past. The research project "Refugees from Ukraine in Germany" establishes a representative longitudinal survey – the IAB-BiB/FReDA-BAMF-SOEP surv...
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Objective: Why do parents decide to have more than two children? Background: This study explores how opportunity costs and socio-cultural factors such as value of children, perceived social pressure and intergenerational fertility transmission influence the transition to higher order fertility in seven European countries. Method: Using panel data f...
Nach Jahrzehnten sehr niedriger Geburtenraten sind diese in Deutschland seit einigen Jahren wieder auf Werte angestiegen, die im europäischen Mittelfeld liegen. Dieser Beitrag skizziert anhand aktueller Daten die Entwicklung der Kohorten- und Periodenfertilität und gibt einen Überblick zu zentralen Theorien zur Geburtenentwicklung. Ein besonderes A...
Since the outbreak of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, about one million people have fled to Germany in 2022. Due to the gender-specific policies for staying and leaving Ukraine, the socio-demographic composition of the refugees differs markedly from previous refugee migrations to Western Europe and from forms of voluntary migration. In particular,...
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We analyze paradata from an online pilot of the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) conducted in three countries (Croatia, Germany & Portugal) to understand the extent, timing and patterns in breakoffs during a long online survey. The GGS is notable as an online survey given that the median length of an interview is 52 minutes and the survey was...
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Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, several countries faced short-term fertility declines in 2020 and 2021, a development which did not materialize in Scandinavian and German-speaking countries. However, more recent birth statistics show a steep fertility decline in the aftermath of the pandemic in 2022. We aim to provide data on the unex...
Cite as: Bujard, M.; Gummer, T.; Hank, K.; Neyer, F. J.; Pollak, R.; Schneider, N. F.; Spieß, C. K.; Wolf, C.; …; Weih, U. (2022). FReDA-The German Family Demography Panel Study. GESIS, Cologne. ZA7777 Data File Version 1.0.0. http://dx.
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Some studies point to a high mental health burden among children and adolescents (CA) during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly concerning depression and anxiety (DA). However, the quality of existing studies and some results are heterogeneous. Research gaps exist regarding (1) a high-quality summarizing overview on studies with (2) a pre-pandemic...
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BpB, Informationen zur politischen Bildung, Heft 350
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Face-to-face interviews are still the standard in conducting cross-national surveys. Although web surveys have many advantages, so far they have rarely been used in cross-national surveys. The main problem of using web in cross-national surveys are coverage error of people without internet access and problems with the availability of sampling frame...
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BACKGROUND Franz Neuberger1 Tobias Rüttenauer2 Martin Bujard3 Public childcare provision and female labor force participation (FLP) have strongly increased over the past decades in European societies. However, studies offer heterogeneous findings on the link between public childcare and FLP. OBJECTIVE We investigate the link between public childcar...
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Most studies of the psychosocial consequences of infertility have focused on those who seek medical treatment, leaving a research gap regarding the psychosocial consequences of perceived inability to procreate in the general population. Moreover, most studies are cross-sectional and the results are thus likely affected by omitted variable bias. Ins...
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Medically assisted reproduction (MAR) potentially offers a solution for people who face medical or social barriers to meeting their fertility goals, and thus challenges the conventional understanding of how families are formed and what constitutes a family. MAR treatments include hormonal treatment, assisted insemination, and assisted reproductive...
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This article introduces the evolution, framework, objectives, and design of the new data infrastructure “FReDA – The German Family Demography Panel Study”, which has been funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) since 2020. FReDA is rooted in the Generation and Gender Survey (GGS) and the German Family Panel (pairfam)....
Experiment Findings
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The expansion of public childcare and increases in female labor force participation (FLP) are major developments in European societies. Though studies, in general, suggest the existence of effects of childcare on FLP, the results are very heterogeneous across different studies. This heterogeneity may well be driven by the lack of accounting for het...
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Die Studie gibt einen Überblick über die Größenordnungen der von der Schließung von Kindertagesstätten und Schulen betroffenen Elterngruppen sowie der Veränderungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt in den Monaten des Lockdowns. Im Anschluss werden vier Themenbereiche, die während der Krise an Relevanz gewannen, näher betrachtet: Eltern in systemrelevanten Beru...
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Zusammenfassung Seit 2015 viele Menschen mit Fluchthintergrund nach Deutschland gezogen sind, stand häufig deren Arbeitsmarktintegration im Zentrum des gesellschaftlichen, politischen und wissenschaftlichen Interesses. Lebenslagen und Lebensformen der geflüchteten Familien wurden hingegen viel weniger thematisiert. Dieser Beitrag präsentiert famili...
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Zusammenfassung Die reproduktionsmedizinischen Technologien Egg Freezing und In-vitro-Gametogenese ermöglichen die Schwangerschaft in späterem Alter, sogar nach der Menopause. Diese Möglichkeit hat weitreichende individuelle, aber auch gesellschaftliche Konsequenzen. Ziel des Beitrags ist, diese Konsequenzen aufzuzeigen und die damit verbundenen Zi...
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The worldwide spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the fieldwork of surveys. The data collection efforts via the face-to-face mode have been affected especially, including the ongoing surveys that were in the field during the COVID-19 outbreak and the planned surveys scheduled for fieldwork later in 2020. We provide an account of how COVID...
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Continued postponement of births and increasing use of reproductive medicine enhance the relevance of infertility and related perceptions for fertility research. Fertility researchers tend to assume that an existing perception of inability to procreate is a stable trait among persons of reproductive age. This assumption is questionable from a life...
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Die rechtliche Regelung der Fortpflanzungsmedizin ist dringend reformbedürftig. Das Embryonenschutzgesetz von 1990 erfasst die neuesten technischen Entwicklungen nicht, ist in manchen Bereichen unstimmig und lückenhaft, setzt die betroffenen Frauen, Paare und Kinder unnötigen gesundheitlichen Risiken aus, erschwert paradoxerweise die Durchsetzung v...
This deliverable is designed to evaluate the current technical state of the GGP infrastructure and possible amendments and developments that can help increase its performance as part of its infrastructural development. It outlines a technical evaluation that will be used to adapt the fieldwork and implementation guidelines and enable the initiation...
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Kinderreichtum ist in Deutschland selten geworden. Anders als viele Familienkonstellationen, die mittlerweile gesellschaftlich akzeptiert werden, sehen sich Kinderreiche immer noch einem sozialen Stigma ausgesetzt. Dabei nehmen kinderreiche Familien für die demografische Entwicklung eine wichtige Stellung ein. Wer sind die Kinderreichen in Deutschl...
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Diese Expertise setzt sich auf der Grundlage aktueller Daten ausführlich mit der Vielfalt kinderreicher Familien, ihrer gesellschaftlichen und demografischen Bedeutung sowie ihrer konkreten Lebenssituation auseinander. Dabei weist sie darauf hin, dass der überwiegende Teil der Drei-Kind-Familien der gesellschaftlichen Mitte zuzurechnen ist und spez...
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Die Familie und ihr gesellschaftlicher und politischer Kontext haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten starke Wandlungen durchlaufen. Diese Habilitationsschrift untersucht systematisch die Wechselwirkungen zwischen familialem und generativem Handeln einerseits sowie von Gesellschaft und Politik andererseits. Welche Konsequenzen hat die Geburtenentwicklung...
Background. Germany has no legislation on reproductive medicine, but more and more voices speak up for it. Such legislation should include regulations for surrogacy and oocyte donation. Objectives. What is a fair balance between reproduction autonomy,medical possibilities and the risk of exploitation? How does this trade-off differ in the case of s...
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Die rechtliche Regelung der Fortpflanzungsmedizin ist dringend reformbedürftig. Das Embryonenschutzgesetz von 1990 erfasst die neuesten technischen Entwicklungen nicht, ist in manchen Bereichen unstimmig und lückenhaft, setzt die betroffenen Frauen, Paare und Kinder unnötigen gesundheitlichen Risiken aus, erschwert paradoxerweise die Durchsetzung v...
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Die rechtliche Regelung der Fortpflanzungsmedizin ist dringend reformbedürftig. Das Embryonenschutzgesetz von 1990 erfasst die neuesten technischen Entwicklungen nicht, ist in manchen Bereichen unstimmig und lückenhaft, setzt die betroffenen Frauen, Paare und Kinder unnötigen gesundheitlichen Risiken aus, erschwert paradoxerweise die Durchsetzung v...
Die rechtliche Regelung der Fortpflanzungsmedizin ist dringend reformbedürftig. Das Embryonenschutzgesetz von 1990 erfasst die neuesten technischen Entwicklungen nicht, ist in manchen Bereichen unstimmig und lückenhaft, setzt die betroffenen Frauen, Paare und Kinder unnötigen gesundheitlichen Risiken aus, erschwert paradoxerweise die Durchsetzung v...
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Betrachtungen des regionalen Kontexts haben eine lange Tradition in der Fertilitätsforschung. Allerdings liegen für Deutschland kreisspezifische Fertilitätsdaten bisher lediglich für die zusammengefasste Geburtenziffer (TFR) vor, nicht jedoch zur endgültigen Kinderzahl (Kohortenfertilität, CTFR). Auf Basis von Zensus 2011 und Geburtenstatistik werd...
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Incorporating the regional context into fertility research has a long standing tradition. However, in Germany, fertility data at the district level only exist for period total fertility rates (TFR), but not for cohort total fertility rates (CTFR). Based on the 2011 census and birth statistics, we estimate the CTFR at the district level and analyse...
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Incorporating the regional context into fertility research has a long standing tradition. However, in Germany, fertility data at the district level only exist for period total fertility rates (TFR), but not for cohort total fertility rates (CTFR). Based on the 2011 census and birth statistics, we estimate the CTFR at the district level and analyse...
Data on CTFR for the cohorts 1969-72 for the 402 German districts.
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In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich familienpolitisch viel getan. Wird das Reformtempo beibehalten? Wo unterscheiden sich die Parteiprogramme zur Wahl? Und wie gut passen die familienpolitischen Leitbilder der Parteien zu denen der jungen Eltern?
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Betrachtungen des regionalen Kontexts haben eine lange Tradition in der Fertilitätsforschung. Allerdings liegen für Deutschland kreisspezifische Fertilitätsdaten bisher lediglich für die zusammengefasste Geburtenziffer (TFR) vor, nicht jedoch zur endgültigen Kinderzahl (Kohortenfertilität, CTFR). Auf Basis von Zensus 2011 und Geburtenstatistik werd...
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Erste Ergebnisse zur zweiten Welle des Leitbildsurveys
Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, wie der familienpolitische Paradigmenwechsel der Elterngeldreform möglich war und welche Rolle demografische Ziele gespielt haben. Dazu wird der Reformprozess des 2006 verabschiedeten Bundeselterngeld-und Elternzeitgesetzes (BEEG) anhand des Policy Cycle analysiert. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass das Agenda-Setting un...
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Es galt als sicher, dass die Bevölkerung in Deutschland langfristig altert und schrumpft. Allerdings gibt es neue Entwicklungen: eine Nettozuwanderung von 1,14 Mio. im Jahr 2015 und leicht steigende Geburtenraten. Der Beitrag analysiert mehrere demografische Szenarien bis zum Jahr 2060 und zeigt, welchen Einfluss Zuwanderung und Geburtenanstieg auf...
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Junge Menschen favorisieren eine partnerschaftliche Aufteilung von Beruf und Familienarbeit. Dabei geht es um gute Teilhabechancen in beiden Sphären und nicht zwingend um rechnerische Gleichheit. Damit junge Mütter und Väter berufstätig sein können und genug Zeit haben, um sich um ihre Kinder zu kümmern, benötigen sie ein flexibles Zweiverdienermo...
The decline of fertility in the course of the Second Demographic Transition is mainly caused by both an increase in childlessness and a decline of large families (three or more births). Which of these effects are stronger in Germany has been contested for a long time. An exact quantification of the particular effects is still missing. In this paper...
Background In Germany, demographic discourse is influenced by various myths regarding childlessness and birth trends. Over the past years, the data situation has fundamentally improved. This paper aims to clarify myths related to fertility trends by using new data sources and to show novel developments in Germany. Data and methods The current study...