Martin I. Brogger

Martin I. Brogger
Martin verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Martin verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Centro Nacional Patagonico



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My main interest is to study the feeding and reproductive adaptations of brittle stars and other echinoderms to particular habitats, such as deep waters or anthropogenic environments, in order to understand how these adaptations may be related to the distribution and diversity of different species. For this I combine morphological, reproductive and taxonomic studies with biodiversity surveys and biogeographical analyses.
Additional affiliations
Instituto de Biología de Organismos Marinos (IBIOMAR-CONICET)
  • Researcher
January 2011 - March 2014
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"
  • PostDoc Position
October 2005 - December 2010
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"
  • PhD Student


Publications (59)
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Studying marine mammal's bones is often constrained by limited access to original skeletal material which limits the possibility of using osteological material for educational and scientific purposes. While high-definition scanners represent valuable tools, their high costs, combined with the challenges of manipulation and transport, poses signific...
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La disponibilidad de material osteológico original es un factor limitante para su estudio, así como para su utilización en actividades educativas y centros de comunicación científica. Las técnicas actuales para la generación de réplicas tridimensionales involucran escáneres de alta definición con costos elevados y de difícil manipulación y transpor...
Conference Paper
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La disponibilidad de material osteológico original es un factor limitante para su estudio, así como también para su utilización en actividades educativas y centros de comunicación científica. Las técnicas actuales para la generación de réplicas tridimensionales involucran escáneres de alta definición de costos elevados y de difícil manipulación y t...
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Environments contaminated with metals can induce accumulation of trace metals in soft tissues of marine fauna resulting in negative effects. The oral brooding sea star Anasterias minuta is one of the most conspicuous macro-invertebrate top-predator species in the Atlantic Patagonian rocky shores that could accumulate trace elements and be used as b...
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Understanding how animals move in dense environments where vision is compromised is a major challenge. We used GPS and dead-reckoning to examine the movement of Magellanic penguins commuting through vegetation that precluded long-distance vision. Birds leaving the nest followed the shortest, quickest route to the sea (the ‘ideal path’, or ' I-path...
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Background: Temperate rocky reefs in the SW Atlantic are productive areas that support highly diverse communities of invertebrates, algae and fishes. Rocky outcrops form complex structures which offer a diversity of microhabitats that lead to a great variety of co-existing species. Subtidal biodiversity within the Natural Protected Area Península...
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Introduction: Sea urchins in the order Spatangoida are the most diverse group of extant echinoids. Objective: Describe a new genus and species of Spatangoida from abyssal depths, and add new records for known species. Methods: Specimens were collected during several cruises at different areas of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean (SWAO), among 37-55...
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En este capítulo se introduce el problema ambiental que representan las pequeñas partículas de plástico denominados microplásticos. La intención del presente capítulo no es profundizar en aspectos específicos de dicha problemática, sino presentar una visión general de la misma, que permita al lector tener un panorama general de la situación actual...
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Between 2012-2013 we study the reproductive mode of deep-sea invertebrates from the Southwestern Atlantic after a series of cruises on board of the B/O “Puerto Deseado”, with focus on the submarine canyon of Mar del Plata (about 38°S and up to 3,500 m depth). This region of the world is poorly known and is very interesting because like other deep-s...
Bernasconiaster pipi gen. et sp. nov. is described from work carried out in deep waters off Argentina. It is a small species with six arms, which has only cross-type pedicellariae, among other particular characteristics. Some specimens were found brooding their offspring in the oral area with their arms arched. Up to seven different stages of devel...
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Nuestro mar está siendo afectado por diversos factores antrópicos, como la contaminación, la sobreexplotación y el cambio climático. Los objetivos de las iniciativas de ProyectoSub incluyen la promoción de la transferencia del conocimiento científico sobre los organismos y ecosistemas marinos hacia distintos sectores de la sociedad, con el fin de f...
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Isometra vivipara Mortensen, 1917, which was described one hundred years ago, represents a particular case within the feather stars of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. This is a dioecious species in which the oocytes are fertilized in the ovary and not externally as in other species. Some authors have pointed out that I. vivipara stores spermatozoa...
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The peristomial plates are skeletal components of the interbrachial frame (or mouth frame), which is located below the true mouth of ophiuroids. Whilst the peristomial plates were extensively described and used as diagnostic characters by some early workers, for the past 100 years they have been largely neglected as a taxonomic resource. In this in...
Geographical locations at which specimens of directly observed species were collected. Binomials and authorities in accordance with Stöhr et al. (2018) and family affiliations in accordance with O’Hara et al. (2018). (XLSX)
PEP character states of species from families not included in S2 Table; information obtained from the literature. Binomials and authorities updated in accordance with Stöhr et al. (2018) and family affiliations in accordance with O’Hara et al. (2018). Information on only adult animals is included. *Because, according to Matsumoto (1917), Histampica...
Survey of all interbrachial frame character states. Binomials and authorities in accordance with Stöhr et al. (2018) and family affiliations in accordance with O’Hara et al. (2018). (XLSX)
References for S2–S5 Tables and their captions. (DOCX)
PEP character states of species that were examined directly. Binomials and authorities in accordance with Stöhr et al. (2018) and family affiliations in accordance with O’Hara et al. (2018). DD, disc diameter; n, number of peristomial plates from which measurements were taken; RL, relative length; RW, relative width. Where n>1, the values for RL an...
Title PEP character states of additional species from families included in S2 Table; information obtained from the literature. Binomials and authorities updated in accordance with Stöhr et al. (2018) and family affiliations in accordance with O’Hara et al. (2018). Information on only adult animals is included. *The orientation of the PEPs is ambigu...
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The class Crinoidea is made up of approximately 650 living species. Two species are recognized for Argentina, both belonging to the order Comatulida, Phrixometra nutrix (Mortensen, 1918) and Isometra vivipara Mortensen, 1917. In order to review the taxonomy, and study the reproduction of I. vivipara through morphological analysis of adults, hatchli...
The reproduction of the brittle star Astrotoma agassizii was studied from deep waters of the South Atlantic Ocean, based on samples collected in August 2012, and May and September 2013. Ten samples from 800 to 1400. m depths off Mar del Plata Canyon were studied. The species was found to be a brooding simultaneous hermaphrodite. Hermaphroditic gona...
Different stages of development and growth were found in the dorsal surface under the paxillae of Ctenodiscus australis. The maximum number of broods found per specimen was 73 and in some cases different stages were observed on the same female. Oocytes were present in females of all months sampled and were diverse in size (120–850 µm in diameter)....
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Echinoderms are often of ecological importance in intertidal and subtidal waters, especially as predators and herbivores but also as prey. Several groups of echinoderms respond in a different way to environmental variables, contributing to some of the biodiversity patterns found along latitudinal gradient. This work listed the echinoderms species o...
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Wound healing in the arm tip after amputation in the brittle star Ophioplocus januarii was examined in San José gulf, Argentina, to observe histological and morphological changes. The process of wound healing is described and compared with other brittle stars species. This process in O. januarii involves the closure of the wound, the repair of the...
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Ophioplocus januarii is a common brittle star on soft and hard substrates along the Argentinian and Brazilian coasts. Based on stomach contents, tooth microstructure and field observations we identified its food. Opposed to previous suggestions, O. januarii appears to be a microphagous species feeding on macroalgal fragments (found in 60.0 % of the...
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Studies of biodiversity of echinoderms from South America have increased in recent years. Here we summarize sampling done on three expeditions along the Argentinean coast (35º-55º S) and near the Antarctic Peninsula. The first campaign, Mejillón II (M-II; 2009), was carried out between 35º-39º S and covered a depth range between 10 to 140 m. The se...
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The taxonomy of some ophiuroids reported from off Argentina, western Antarctica and the SW Atlantic Ocean is reviewed. The species Amphilepis sanmatiensis, known only from the small holotype, is a synonym of Amphioplus lucyae. This synonymy removes the only reported endemic ophiuroid from Argentina. The species name " Ophiacantha ingrata Koehler, 1...
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El conocimiento científico de las profundidades marinas frente a la Argentina y de los seres vivos que las tienen como hábitat abre el camino del descubrimiento de tipos biológicos únicos y permite conocer interacciones biogeográficas con otras cuencas submarinas.
Only three species of the order Cidaroida have been reported so far for the Argentine Sea, with no records of any sea urchin beyond 1,200 m depth in the area. In order to collect samples in the deep sea, we participated in three research campaigns between 2012 and 2013 on board the oceanographic vessel “Puerto Deseado” (CONICET). We sampled the Arg...
The cytoarchitecture of the female gonad of the endosymbiont umagillid Syndesmis patagonica has been investigated using electron microscopy and cytochemical techniques. The female gonad consists of paired germaria and vitellaria located behind the pharynx in the mid-posterior region of the body. Both the germaria and the vitellaria are enveloped by...
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We studied the reproduction of Ophioplocus januarii from Playa Villarino (42° 24’ S, 64° 17’ W), based on monthly samples collected between April 2005 and April 2007. Gonad indices were generally synchronous for males and females with little seasonal pattern. The changes of the gonad index were not significantly correlated with day length or water...
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We investigated the current patterns of diversity by country and by class of echinoderms, and analyzed their biogeographical, depth, and habitat or substratum affinities, using the database of the appendix of this book. Traditionally, the area has been divided into five biogeographical Regions and nine Provinces that cover a wide climate range. Cur...
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This chapter reviews the research on echinoderms that occur in the waters of Argentina. One hundred and thirty-four echinoderm species have been recorded. Two species of Crinoidea, 58 Asteroidea, 32 Ophiuroidea, 16 Echinoidea, and 26 species of Holothuroidea. The variety of marine environments and the main oceanographic processes in the region are...
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The rocky shore of Punta Este, Golfo Nuevo (Patagonia, Argentina), was sampled by means of the standardized NaGISA (CoML) protocol, that was aimed to generate biodiversity baseline data in six levels, from high intertidal to 10 m depth. Based on the generated data, we analysed the benthic assemblage structure, species richness, mean abundance and t...
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Life history parameters, including size-age, production, mortality and size at reproductive maturity, were studied on the edible snail Adelomelon ancilla to provide useful management data. Stable oxygen isotope ratios confirmed semiannual formation of internal growth marks. Adelomelon ancilla can reach up to 18 years at a size of 150 mm, fitting to...
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The Nassariidae are considered to be carrion feeders. Nevertheless, the feeding habits of this family also include herbivory, detritivory and carnivory. In the present study, we observed the diet and feeding behaviour of Buccinanops cochlidium from northern Patagonic waters. B. cochlidium fed mainly on living bivalves and, as an opportunistic carri...
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A new genus and a new species of dendrochirotid, Thandarum hernandezi gen. et sp. nov., is described from Buenos Aires coast in the Southwestern Atlantic. For this species is quite significant the body U shape, up to 14.08 mm (along the trivium), with double row of podia restricted to the ambulacra. Other features are ossicles from body wall with b...
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Arbacia dufresnii is a common and abundant sea urchin in Argentinean waters. The gonad index cycle was studied for this species in Golfo Nuevo, Patagonia, from May 2001 to March 2003. Comparative studies of gonad index and gonad histology were performed for the three years of 2001, 2002 and 2003. The gonad index reflects gonadal stages, and the res...
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The umagillid Syndesmis patagonica n. sp. is described from the intestinal tract of the sea urchin Arbacia dufresnii, which represents a new host record for the genus. The hosts were collected from the coast of Patagonia (Argentina), and S. patagonica n. sp. is the first species of Syndesmis reported from South America. Syndesmis patagonica n. sp....
The umagillid Syndesmis patagonica n. sp. is described from the intestinal tract of the sea urchin Arbacia dufresnii, which represents a new host record for the genus. The hosts were collected from the coast of Patagonia (Argentina), and S. patagonica n. sp. is the first species of Syndesmis reported from South America. Syndesmis patagonica n. sp....
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In order to characterize the diet of Astropecten brasiliensis and Luidia ludwigi scotti, the stomach content of both starfish species was analyzed. Starfishes were sampled for two years off Puerto Quequén coast in the Buenos Aires province (Argentina), at a depth between 40 and 60 m. The main prey items were analyzed in relation to the starfish's s...
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A study of the presence of the freshwater mussel Limnoperna fortunei in the diet of the native fish Leporinus obtusidens was performed in Costanera Norte, Buenos Aires. Fish were collected monthly for a 1-year period to analyze their digestive tracts. From a total of 157 fish collected (20-55 cm total length), 21 had empty digestive tracts. Of the...


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