Martin AronssonRISE Research Institutes of Sweden | II
Martin Aronsson
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Publications (64)
Emerging technologies and their applications within intermodal and rail freight terminals enable improvements in efficiency and existing business processes, relieving them of manual activities and enabling higher degree of automation and digitalization. To initiate the next logical step to a higher level of automation at marshalling yards and inter...
Novel detection and identification technologies, such as optical character recognition (OCR) and radio-frequency identification (RFID) and their applications within rail based transport chains, enable reduction of manual activities and higher degree of automation and digitalization. To initiate the next logical step to a higher level...
As railway markets are increasingly deregulated, coordinating and prioritising between capacity requests becomes more complex and more important. This paper describes the advantages and challenges of different allocation methods in vertically separated open-access railway markets, with several railway operators and heterogeneous traffic, and where...
This report presents a novel approach to calculate volumes of trains from a set of requirements describing the transportation demands. The model presented is based on a multi commodity network flow model. The model comprises three different layers: the demand level in which the requirements on the transports are presented, the route layer which des...
This document is the third sub-report from the research project SATT (Samplanering av trafikp{\aa}verkande {\aa}tg\"arder och trafikfl\"oden, modellstudie / Coordinated planning of temporary capacity restrictions and traffic flows, model study). The report summarizes the modelling alternatives that have been considered. The main result of the model...
Railway capacity allocation in a deregulated market requires planners to solve a mathematically complex optimization problem while simultaneously arbitrating the wants and needs of different stakeholders. This paper analyses timetable quality from the perspective of timetable planners working for the Swedish infrastructure manager Trafikverket. Sev...
The emergence of new technologies and their corresponding applications within intermodal and rail freight terminals enable improvements in efficiency in existing business processes, relieving them of manual activities and enabling higher degree of automation and digitalization. To initiate the next logical step to a higher level of automation in te...
This paper explores the applicability of the Semantic Web technologies to the logistics domain, as an open, flexible and efficient approach to share the digital information. The Semantic Web is a framework of technical standards and information management tools that provides a method to store and publish digital data, securely, easily searched, cro...
The congestion on the tracks are increasing and to plan all requested trains on the tracks become harder. The infrastructure manager must have good methods for ruling out which operator gets its requested timetable. These methods must maximise the welfare and the decision must also be fully transparent to the operators. The aim of this paper is to...
This paper considers multi-stage train formation with mixed usage tracks at a marshalling yard without departure yard. A novel integer programming model for scheduling shunting tasks as well as allocating arrival yard tracks and classification bowl tracks is presented. By taking a comprehensive view of the marshalling yard operations, more effectiv...
Bundle methods are often used to solve dual problems that arise from Lagrangian relaxations of large scale optimization problems. An example of such problems is the train timetabling problem. This paper focuses on solving a dual problem that arises from Lagrangian relaxation of a train timetabling optimization program. The dual problem is solved us...
To reach a perfect competition on the tracks, new market based approaches to train timetabling needs to be investigated. In this paper, a process for dynamic pricing of track capacity is suggested. The process includes methods for calculating the supply of and demand for track capacity for an application for delivery commitments. These methods make...
Using mathematical methods to support the yearly timetable planning process has many advantages. Unfortunately, the train timetabling problem for large geographical areas and many trains is intractable for optimization models alone. In this paper, we therefore present a MILP-based heuristic that has been designed to generate good-enough timetables...
In an ideal world, all railway tracks would be available to trains at all times. In reality, track sections need to be closed every now and again for track maintenance and upgrades in order to ensure a satisfactory level of safety and comfort. In this paper, we present a MIP model that optimizes a production plan with regard to both trains and prev...
Railway timetabling in Sweden has traditionally been associated with long lead times. In order for the railway sector to be able to compete with other transport modes, the infrastructure manager must become better at meeting the demand for railway services whose need for infrastructure capacity is not well-defined 6-18 months in advance. Research a...
The Swedish infrastructure manager Trafikverket is funding research for timetabling optimization tools as part of their overall mission to utilize the existing infrastructure more efficiently. Currently, Trafikverket is moderniz-ing both planning processes and the IT architecture, and will soon be ready to start using optimization tools on a broad...
Measuring timetable robustness is a complex task. Previous efforts have mainly been focused on simulation studies or measurements of time supplements. However, these measurements don't capture the production flexibility of a timetable, which is essential for measuring the robustness with regard to the trains' commercial activity commitments, and al...
While mathematical optimization and operations research receive growing attention in the railway sector, computerized timetabling tools that actually make significant use of optimization remain relatively rare. SICS has developed a prototype tool for non-periodic timetabling that minimizes resource conflicts, enabling the user to focus on the strat...
This paper presents a MIP model for a locomotive routing and scheduling problem
from the domain of freight railways. Innovative features of the model include the
use of binary variables to separate the integer and continuous parts of the problem
to maintain the flow character of the integer part of the problem. The model has
been developed with, an...
This paper introduces two mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models for railway traffic planning using a cumulative scheduling constraint and associated pre-processing filters. We compare standard solver performance for these models on three sets of problems from the railway domain and for two of them, where tasks have unitary resource consump...
It is a common fear in industry that introducing condition based maintenance (CBM), with its constant monitoring of several subsystems, will lead to more frequent service interventions compared to traditional cyclic maintenance, effectively countering the potential value of implementing CBM. Because of this, adoption of CBM must be done with great...
We report results on a combined scheduling and resource allocation problem in transportation. The problem occurs in a real time management system for vehicles when it is disturbed by introducing unplanned service tasks and temporal delays of the transportation and service tasks. A method to solve the the problem using a constraint programming model...
Sammanfattning Rapporten beskriver möjliga ansatser för att lösa det abstraherade tidtabellproblemet som bl.a. diskuteras i rapporten "Leveranstågplan: Specifikation och åtagande" (DDTP Arbetsdokument SICS-DDTP-002). Till grund för de olika ansatserna ligger en modell med avgångstider och hålltider (dvs. väntetider och i viss mån traverseringstider...
We will demonstrate various implementation techniques in the language GCLA. First an introduction to GCLA is given, followed by some examples of program developments, to demonstrate the development methodology. Other examples are also given to show various implementation techniques and properties of the system.KeywordsInference RuleMeta LevelObject...
This paper presents an IP model for a vehicle routing and scheduling problem from the domain of freight railways. The problem is non-capacitated but allows non-binary integer flows of vehicles between transports with departure times variable within fixed intervals. The model has been developed with and has found practical use at Green Cargo, the la...
This paper presents an IP model for a vehicle routing and scheduling problem from the domain of freight railways. The problem is non-capacitated but allows non-binary integer flows of vehicles between transports with departure times variable within fixed intervals. The model has been developed with and has found practical use at Green Cargo, the la...
The deregulation of the Swedish rail transport market and introduction of sev-eral operators competing for train paths has fundamentally affected the demands on the capacity allocation process. As a consequence this process is facing radical change in the near future. The demands and their consequences for the future are analysed in this paper. The...
Sammanfattning Denna rapport beskriver status hos den forskning som är relevant för tåglägestilldel-ning samt analyserar och kommenterar några av de reglerande dokument såsom la-gar och förordningar samt instruktioner och information som Banverket och Tåg-trafikledningen tagit fram. för att styra tåglägestilldelningsprocessen. Rapporten ger också e...
This article highlights an application in the area of decision support for planning transports in a railway company utilising
constraint logic programming and a flexible design which has been successfully tested on real world data.
We discuss the problem formulation for the co-ordination of distinct sub-problems, the allocation of track resources...
Kontaktperson: Martin Aronsson <martin@sics.se> Sammanfattning TUFF-PO rör personalplaneringsarbetet, specifikt planering för bemanning av tåg med lokförare, i tidiga faser då tidtabellen ännu inte är fastställd men då ett antal villkor och begränsningar på tågen och deras rörelser är kända. TUFF-PO genererar förslag och data som möjliggör effektiv...
This paper explores the idea of using formalised abstraction as means of describing various operations on structured representations of planning, scheduling and resource allocation problems that can be used to coordinate the work of several solvers working on related sub problems.
We have designed and implemented a distributed model for planning and scheduling of transports in a railway company which is usable also for other production planning problems. Our model emphasizes the use of an agent for the coordination of distinct sub-problems occurring in railway scheduling such as for instance the allocation of track resources...
Reasoning with time is a natural activity for instance in the context of scheduling. We are interested in finding interfacing principles to combine several constraint solvers to allow users, for instance reasoning agents, to have a uniform view of the combined constraint store of heterogenous solvers, while allowing efficiently traceable interactio...
We present algorithms for computing A-sufficient substitutions and constraint sets together with the definiens operation. These operations are primitive operations in the language GCLA. The paper first defines those primitives, which together form a dual rule to SLD resolution, and then describes the different algorithms and some of their propertie...
The paper describes a tool for generating plans for the construction of a building. The application is implemented in GCLA, together with a simple constraint solving system. The main idea is that experiences from other plans are stored in methods; which are a systematic way of grouping activities together as higher level activities that can solve m...
The paper describes the basic implementation of GCLA II's control level. The basis of the implementation is a compiling scheme for transforming inference rules and strategies operating on the object level to an interpreter in Prolog, where the inference rules of the control level are coded inline. This is possible since the operational semantics of...
We present a logic programming language, GCLA*** (Generalized horn Clause LAnguage), that is based on a generalization of Prolog. This generalization is unusual in that it takes a quite different view of the meaning of a logic program—a “definitional” view rather than the traditional logical view.
GCLA has a number of noteworthy properties, for ins...
This paper introduces two MILP models for the cumulative scheduling constraint and associated pre-processing filters. We compare standard solver performance for these models on three sets of problems and for two of them, where tasks have unitary resource consumption, we also compare them with two models based on a geometric placement constraint. In...
We show how the programming language GCLA can be used to naturally express both relational and functional programs in an integrated framework. We give a short introduction to GCLA, and to the theory of partial inductive definitions on which GCLA is based. GCLA is best regarded as a logic programming language, but instead of saying that the query fo...
30:th June 2003 Swedish: SAMORDNING AV PLANERINGSFLÖDEN OCH KRAVSPECIFIKATIONER FÖR TRAFIKUTÖVARE PÅ JÄRNVÄGSNÄT (SPOK) Sammanfattning This project is concerned with how to improve the capacity allocation process. In particular the project aims at proposing an enhanced format for train path ap-plications, study the technical limitations for timetab...
Sammanfattning: Vi presenterar en studie som jämför två branscher där planeringsmetoder är en viktigt komponent för lyckad produktion. För en trafikutövare inom järnvägssektorn är resursplanering en mycket viktig komponent för effektiv produktion, och inom byggsektorn är produktionsplanering likaså en mycket viktig komponent för effektiva byggen. S...
SAMMANFATTNING Denna rapport sammanfattar arbetet i projektet TUFF, TågplaneUtveckling För Framtiden, finansierat av Banverkets FoU-program. Projektet har pågått under åren 2004 och 2005, och syftet med projektet har varit att studera beräkningsmodeller och beräkningsaspekter för tågplanekonstruktion. Rapporten presen-terar en beräkningsmodell för...
Nyckelord: planering, schemaläggning, villkorsprogrammering, omloppsplanering, cyklisk tid Sammanfattning TUFF är ett verktyg för strategisk planering av tågrörelser och resursomlopp (f.n. lok). Det unika med TUFF är inte att kunna utföra dessa planeringar var för sig, utan att de kan samverka. Detta är möjligt dels genom att de ingående komponente...