Marta Połtowicz-Bobak

Marta Połtowicz-Bobak
Rzeszów University · Institute of Archaeology


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Publications (59)
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The manipulation of human corpses started to become commonplace during the Upper Paleolithic. This well-documented behavior among Magdalenian peoples consists of perimortem manipulation and the removal of soft tissues and has been understood as forming part of the cultural repertoire of mortuary actions. The study of these practices has given rise...
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Although the first numerical dating of Middle and Upper Palaeolithic sites in Poland was applied at the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, it has only been in the last two decades that a data increase has been recorded, making it possible to discuss both the development of human behaviour and cultural phenomena in time perspective. T...
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In 2019, new excavations were carried out at Doroshivtsi III site, dated to the Last Glacial Maximum. Ten identifiable archaeological levels belong to the Gravettian technocomplex. In the article, detailed data about the faunal remains is presented. The remains of reindeer, horses, mammoths, a wolf, a vulpine, and also a crow have been identified....
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Modern humans have populated Europe for more than 45,000 years1,2. Our knowledge of the genetic relatedness and structure of ancient hunter-gatherers is however limited, owing to the scarceness and poor molecular preservation of human remains from that period³. Here we analyse 356 ancient hunter-gatherer genomes, including new genomic data for 116...
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Wierzawice 31 site is one of the easternmost Magdalenian sites, situated in the south-eastern corner of the Kolbuszowa Plateau surrounded, to the east, by the broad San River valley and, on the south, by the sub-Carpathian ice-marginal valley. This archaeological site lies in an area with surface deposits developed as periglacial stratified silty-s...
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New research on the settlement of the Magdalenian culture in the Polish lands has made it possible to discover new sites. These new sites come mainly from two regions: Sandomierska Upland, at the confluence of the two rivers Vistula and San, and in south-eastern Poland. In the latter region, the sites are associated with the valley of the San and i...
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Settlement processes in Europe during the LGM period are a hotly debated issue. In Eastern Europe we observe several major settlement centres including the camp at Doroshivtsy III located in the Middle Dniester valley. It is one of the very important sites to understand the settlement processes at LGM and the importance of refugia, as well as studi...
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New research at the Doroshivtsi site in Ukraine has provided data that allow fresh insights into a well-known and important Gravettian site in the Middle Dniester Valley.
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If any of you would like to be added as a co-author of this message, let me know. ------------- Call to action to stop the Russian invasion of Ukraine by any means necessary. Заклик до дій, щоб зупинити російське вторгнення в Україну будь-якими необхідними засобами.
The role of environmental change in the evolution of cultural traits is a topic of long-standing scientific debate with strongly contrasting views. Major obstacles for assessing environmental impacts on the evolution of material culture are the fragmentary nature of archaeological and – to a somewhat lesser extent – geoscientific archives and the i...
The paper presents the results of the newly discovered Epigravettian site situated in the San river valley in the Carpathian foreland close to the Przemyśl Gate – sub- and cross-mountain route. The site lies at the edge of that culture's post-LGM re-settlement of that area. It is a unique remnant documenting the presence of an Epigravettian Culture...
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The terrains of Poland, located north of the Carpathians and the Sudetes, have been almost completely abandoned during the period of the LGM sensustricte. The reoccupation of Polish territories took place not until the end of LGM. These areas were then settled by the societies of the Magdalenian complex – a tradition that included upland areas of W...
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In terms of supply of good quality raw materials for stone tool manufacture, the area of southeastern Poland is rather poor. Considering research conducted so far, there are only few sites that can be the basis for analysis. Nevertheless, certain phenomena seem to be characteristic on sites in southeastern Poland in the later phase of the Upper Pal...
The subject of interdisciplinary studies was the Magdalenian archaeological site and its vicinity situated in the SE part of Kolbuszowa Plateau (Sandomierz Basin, SE Poland). The results of geoarchaeological analysis were not limited only to the area of archaeological excavations, but also include a wider background. From palaeogeographical point o...
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The aim of the paper is to present a new chronological model of recolonisation of the area located north of the Sudetes and the Carpathians after Late Glacial Maximum (LGM). Until recently, it was believed that reoccupation of these areas occurred only due to the Magdalenian people. New chronometric data (radiocarbon and optoluminescence ones) comi...
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Magdalenian ‘à navettes’ is the first trace of the Magdalenian presence on the territory of the eastern part of Central Europe, which is far ahead of the main phase of the Magdalenian settlement in these areas. It is represented by only one site — Maszycka Cave, located approximately 20 km north of Kraków, in Southern Poland, in the valley of the s...
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In Central Europe, human remains from the Magdalenian are a rare phenomenon. In Central and Western Europe, these remains are usually fragmented and often manipulated. The discovery of 50 human bone fragments from Maszycka Cave in the 19th and mid-20th century is an important source for studying the treatment of bodies in the Late Upper Palaeolithi...
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The terrain of south-eastern Poland provides more and more traces of Palaeolithic settlement. The close of the Palaeolithic epoch is relatively well recognised, while the earlier phases of this era are poorly identified. This is why the modest collection of artefacts from Łęki Dukielskie is deserving of attention. In its entirety it contains just 1...
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A multicultural complex of sites in Łąka (No. 11–16), Dist. Rzeszów has provided (apart from other numerous movable and immovable remains) a small collection of flint artefacts which was classified as a Magdalenian assemblage. It consists of 188 artefacts including 38 tools (such as endscrapers, which are more numerous than burins, a piercer, two m...
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The paper addresses the problem of the use of Bayesian methods for modelling age of the Magdalenian settlement on the territory of contemporary Poland. Basing on 14C datings of 10 sites we present the chronological frames of settlement on particular sites and we model occupation dynamic of Polish territory. Bayesian methods made it possible to clar...
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Full-text version is available on my website: The goal of this paper is to present the new records on chronology and settlement dynamics in the area situated north of the Carpathians and Sudeten between MIS-3 and GI-1. The focus is on records representing Middle Palaeolithic and so-called transitional industries...
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Link to full article text: The territory of the Southern Poland marks the northern border of the Szeletian settlement. Within the territory of Poland, the Szeletian settlement is noted in three regions: Silesia, Krakow-Czestochowa Jurassic Highland Chain, and the Carpathians (Kozł...
Full-text version is available on my website: Maszycka cave is one of the most important Magdalenian sites in Central Europe. The assemblage is characterized by a considerable number of organic tools including points, navettes and a decorated perforated antler. The cave was related to the middle Magdalenian of we...
This paper discusses the late Magdalenian settlement in Poland. These areas constitute a peripheral zone of the settlement of this technocomplex, at its north-eastern range. Most sites are small, briefly-occupied camps, although larger, longer occupied sites are also known, as well as workshops. Radiocarbon dating indicates that the late Magdalenia...
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The areas of south-east Poland, lying within the boundaries of today Podkarpackie voivodeship belong to those Polish areas where the Palaeolithic settlement is still poorly recognized. The research on the Older Stone Age has here, admittedly, a long, but very poor history. Therefore, the researchers noticed a large opportunity for understanding the...
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Plateau Plaskowyz Glubczycki, a constituent part of the Moravian Gate area, is one of the principal and most abundant in archaeological sources regions in Poland. The aim of the research on the Older Stone Age being conducted in the southern stretch of this region is to examine settlement and determine the inter-regional connections linking the Pol...
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In the article there are presented the latest results (2009–2010) of the research of the archaeological site No. 31 in Wierzawice. It was possible to identify there the remains of the hunting camp of the population of the Magdalenian culture, referred to the period of the warm Allerod oscilla- tion (14 th thousand. BC; one of latest Magdalenian sit...
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recent insight on Palaeolithic occupation in głubczyce Plateau (secured in 1999 during a fieldwalking survey made under the AZP nationwide project) comes from Pilszcz site 63 and 64 which were discovered by M. gedl from the Institute of Archaeology Jagellonian university. Pilszcz, site 64, yielded an inventory datable to various periods, with a sma...
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The first season (2006) of excavation at the Palaeolithic lubotyń, site 11, yielded a rich inven- tory. It stratigraphic position was at the bottom of a loess-and-clay deposit with an admixture of gravel resting over a level of humus. The inventory included all categories of forms: debitage, cores and tools, eg, leaf points, endscrapers and side sc...
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Im August 2006 wurde die erste Kam- pagne der Notgrabungen auf dem Fund- platz 11 in Lubotyn durchgeführt. Der Fundplatz liegt etwa 1,5 km südlich des Ortes Dzierzyslaw, auf einer Anhöhe von milden Abhängen (Abb. 1). Die erste Forschungskampagne setzte sich vor allem zum Ziel, den Fundplatz vorläufig zu erkennen. Es wurden drei Gra- bungsfläc...
From 1997 to 2001 Dzierżysław 35, a new Magdalénien site in South-West Poland was excavated. The existence of evident features (pits) grouped around house structures, is of special importance. The flint material is very rich, consists first of all erratic flint stone, but also Jura chert, quartzite and quartz and is typical for the Magdalénien peri...


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