Marta Moreno-García

Marta Moreno-García
Spanish National Research Council | CSIC · Instituto de Historia

MSc, PhD


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January 1992 - April 1995
English Heritage
  • Research Assistant
March 2016 - September 2016
University of Padua
  • Professor
October 2009 - August 2020
Spanish National Research Council
  • Researcher
January 1996 - April 1999
September 1990 - September 1991
Institute of Archaeology, UCL, United Kingdom
Field of study
  • Bioarchaeology


Publications (132)
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Este trabajo presenta la asociación arqueofaunística compuesta por 240 restos de vertebrados (sobre todo mamíferos) procedente de los sondeos llevados a cabo en el recinto murario del complejo defensivo medieval de Torre de Haches, Bogarra (Albacete), asociadas a la ocupación andalusí de los ss. XII-XIII. Los datos de representación taxonómica y an...
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Taxonomic identification of whale bones found during archaeological excavations is problematic due to their typically fragmented state. This difficulty limits understanding of both the past spatio-temporal distributions of whale populations and of possible early whaling activities. To overcome this challenge, we performed zooarchaeology by mass spe...
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The Canary Islands were initially colonized around 200 CE by North African Berber populations who brought with them domestic plants and animals. These communities remained isolated until the arrival of Europeans in the Late Middle Ages which triggered the conquest of the archipelago. Its geostrategic location in the framework of Atlantic expansion...
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Las investigaciones arqueológicas en el Dolmen de El Pendón (Reinoso, Burgos) han sacado a la luz la compleja biografía de un monumento megalítico. En origen, se trata de un sepulcro de corredor, en cuya cámara funeraria se depositaron los cuerpos de cerca de un centenar de individuos en distintos momentos a lo largo del IV milenio a.C. y que, post...
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En este trabajo se presenta una aproximación a la población depositada en el depósito funerario del Dolmen de El Pendón (Reinoso, Burgos) a lo largo del IV milenio a.C., tras el desarrollo del análisis antropológico, aún en curso. La muestra analizada hasta el momento está compuesta por 90 individuos, de ambos sexos y todas las categorías de edad,...
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The techniques of agriculture and animal husbandry at Tell Humeida, a Middle Uruk Period (Late Chalcolithic) site on the middle Syrian Euphrates, were studied using stable isotopes of bone collagen of domestic and wild mammals and from cereal and ruderal plant seeds. Two archaeological campaigns in 2009 and 2011 yielded a small collection of bones,...
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The 78 faunal remains recovered from the Ribadeo I shipwreck, identified as the San Giacomo di Galizia galleon found at the Ribadeo estuary of north-west Spain, represent a very small part of the meaty provisions that this 16th-century warship would have originally carried on board. Cattle, sheep, pig, goose and hake are the species identified in t...
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Este trabajo presenta los resultados del estudio pluridisciplinar de un asentamiento temporal preeuropeo situado en la Reserva Natural Especial de las Dunas de Maspalomas (Gran Canaria). Carece de estructuras estables de habitación, pero conserva de manera excepcional una estructura de combustión sobre la arena dunar. El sitio se ocupó en el cambio...
Objective: To provide prevalence data for future comparative analysis of the health status of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) accumulated in the archaeological record. Materials: Two contrasting assemblages were analysed for pathological and sub-pathological changes: 1) an assemblage of domestic modern rabbit bones; and 2) a non-anthropogenic ac...
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The Organising Committee of the 2nd Iberian Zooarchaeology Meeting (formerly EZI 2020, now EZI 2021) has taken the decision to hold the meeting online. The conference will take place on the 23rd , 24th and 25th of June 2021 and registration will be free of charge. We believe this is the best option left to keep the dissemination of research going...
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Se presentan los resultados del estudio arqueozoológico del material recuperado de una unidad de poblamiento localizada en la Zona Arqueológica de Cercadilla, en el sector periurbano de madīnat Qurṭuba, frecuentada durante el s. XII. Los datos que se analizan se derivan, de un lado, de un conjunto faunístico identificado como residuos de alimentaci...
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Se presenta el análisis de un pequeño conjunto faunístico recuperado en las excavaciones del Sector 3 del yacimiento de Las Cabeceras, localizado en Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid. El material procede de los rellenos de 32 estructuras semisubterráneas de cronología calcolítica (primera mitad del III milenio cal. AC.) El espectro faunístico refleja el a...
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This study focuses on the chronostratigraphic sequence of the Cave of Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Dar Ben Karrich, Tétouan, Morocco) excavated in 2012 in the framework of the AGRIWESTMED research project. The broad sequence reveals a series of occupations ranging from the Pleistocene (Moroccan Aterian) to recent historical times. Our research identifies a ri...
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Sheep remains constitute the main archaeozoological evidence for the presence of Early Neolithic human groups in the highlands of the Southern Pyrenees but understanding the role of herding activities in the Neolithisation process of this mountain ecosystem calls for the analysis of large and well-dated faunal assemblages. Cova de Els Trocs (Bisaur...
Foodways represent a sphere of social life profoundly determined by cultural dispositions, as it might be conceived as a medium to express identity that defines us in relation to other individuals and groups. As a consequence, from the analysis of the archaeological remains of consumption of animal‑based food products we can offer a glimpse into th...
Conference Paper
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Abstract: The archaeological research at Els Trocs cave is a good example of a successful transdisciplinary project. Together with a great team of specialists in different areas of knowledge, we present an update of our research process. The site is a cave that was occupied for more than two millennia, from the Early Neolithic (the end of the 6th m...
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Small dogs as pets, objects of affection and special consideration by their owners, are known in the Western Mediterranean since classical Antiquity through texts, epigraphy and iconography. The study of a small-sized canid with a brachycephalic skull discovered in a cemetery, among other specimens, in the southern Hispania yields new interpretatio...
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The current phylogeographic pattern of European brown bears (Ursus arctos) has commonly been explained by postglacial recolonization out of geographically distinct refugia in southern Europe, a pattern well in accordance with the expansion/contraction model. Studies of ancient DNA from brown bear remains have questioned this pattern, but have faile...
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After most researchers have agreed to interpret the bone anvils as artefacts used by blacksmiths to cut teeth on metal sickles, present lines of enquiry are focused on drawing the geographic and chronological scope of these tools. Following this path, this paper presents the results of archaeological and ethnographic surveys carried out in Mallorca...
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Este artículo presenta los datos arqueológicos recuperados en las excavaciones del poblado castreño de El Castru, en Vigaña (Balmonte de Miranda, Asturias) realizadas en 2012 y 2013. Dicho yacimiento constituye un buen ejemplo de los pequeños castros de la Edad del Hierro en las montañas del área occidental cantábrica. Por ello, el análisis de las...
The study of the agricultural changes that took place since the Islamic conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in 711 AD has mainly focused on the spreading of agricultural irrigation. Ye t it is quite surprising to encounter few works dedicated to other agricultural practices that were equally relevant within the productive context of any preindustrial...
Se presenta el estudio de los taxones faunísticos domésticos recuperados en dos contextos espaciales y estratigráficos documentados en la Estructura 12 del yacimiento de La Cueva Pintada de Gáldar (Gran Canaria, España). Datados entre los siglos XV y XVI d.C., uno es indiscutiblemente anterior a la conquista de la isla y el otro corresponde, con to...
Conference Paper
L´arrivée de l´agriculture et l´élevage, apparait comme une des piliers fondamentaux pour la compréhension de la dynamique historique du Maghreb et sa relation avec l´ensemble des régions méditerranéennes, et en particulier, avec la Péninsule Ibérique. Entre 2011 et 2013 dans le cadre du projet AGRIWSTMED Origins and spread of agriculture in the so...
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The use of seashells for the decoration of pottery from the sixth millennium cal BC is well known in the western Mediterranean, with the emergence of so-called Cardial Pottery. Actually, the most discussed issue up until now has been the use of bivalves for impressed decoration. However, the experimental approach followed in the present study provi...
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Although the frequency of pastoral activities involving vertical sheep mobility has decreased over the last century, this is a herding strategy still used in the Ebro basin, where animals move from overwintering valley locations up to the Pyrenees from late spring to early autumn. Such practice allows herders to avoid the worst climatic conditions,...
Here we present the analysis of the faunal assemblage recovered during the archaeological excavations carried out in the Biblioteca Municipal of Mértola (Alentejo, Portugal). The samples studied are dated to the Late Iron Age and the Roman Republic periods. It is outstanding the high frequency of red deer (Cervus elaphus) and the dominance of porci...
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The results presented in this contribution focus on the avian remains recovered from Praileaitz I cave, Deba, Gipuzkoa. Taxa diversity and frequency are analysed within the recognized spatial and chronological frameworks. Corvids are the most abundant in all spaces and periods. The Alpine chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus) and the Red-billed chough (Pyr...
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O trabalho pluridisciplinar desenvolvido em torno das populações atuais de Lobo-ibérico, propiciado pela implementação do Sistema de Monitorização de Lobos Mortos (SMLM) no então Instituto de Conservação da Natureza (ICN), traduziu-se na criação da maior coleção de esqueletos completos desta espécie na Península Ibérica. Cada exemplar morto recolhi...
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This paper presents the results of the first excavation campaign of the Artusia rock shelter in Unzué, Navarre, Spain. Chronocultural and archaeobiological analyses revealed five different occupation phases (Artusia I-V) within the regional Mesolithic timeline, specifically in the Mesolithic of Notches and Denticulates (Artusia I and II) and the Ge...
In the western Mediterranean, changes in hunter-gatherer subsistence strategies have been identified from the Early Upper Palaeolithic. These changes are characterized by broadening of diet and intensification of small prey exploitation. In the Iberian Peninsula region, intensified small prey exploitation is evidenced by the hunting of large quanti...
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No nos podíamos imaginar a finales de junio de 2009 que aquellos rebaños que veíamos aparecer por el paso de las Aras y se diseminaban como mancha de aceite por los claros de las montañas, primero hacia las crestas de los “dosmiles” para bajar paulatinamente a las planicies de mil quinientos metros, podrían ser los herederos directos de una tradici...
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No nos podíamos imaginar a finales de junio de 2009 que aquellos rebaños que veíamos aparecer por el paso de las Aras y se diseminaban como mancha de aceite por los claros de las montañas, primero hacia las crestas de los “dosmiles” para bajar paulatinamente a las planicies de mil quinientos metros, podrían ser los herederos directos de una tradici...
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Se presentan los resultados de la excavación en el abrigo de Valmayor XI (Mequinenza, Zaragoza), donde se ha documentado una secuencia de ocupación de tres fases sucesivas, entre el mesolítico y el neolótico antiguo, con una fase intermedia que economica y culturalmente pertenece a una ocupación temporal de cazadores-recolectores con cultura materi...
This paper presents the results of the first excavation campaign of the Artusia rock shelter in Unzue�, Navarre, Spain. Chronocultural and archaeobiological analyses revealed five different occupation phases (Artusia IeV) within the regional Mesolithic timeline, specifically in the Mesolithic of Notches and Denticulates (Artusia I and II) and the G...
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In this paper we describe and analyze the faunal remains recovered from Locus 5 at the fortified settlement of Penedo do Lexim, Mafra dated to the Middle Chalcolithic (without Bell Beaker). Most of the 1532 remains identified belong to mammals. The outstanding contribution of domestic animals, in particular caprines and suids (mainly pigs), suggest...
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The “Els Trocs” Cave is located in San Feliú de Veri (Bisaurri, Huesca). It is situated between two of the most important rivers of the region of Ribagorza, the Ésera and the Isábena. Both of them run deeply embedded creating the gorges of “Congosto de Ventamillo” and “Obarra”. The cave is located at 1500 m above the sea level, controlling the plai...
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The “Els Trocs” Cave is located in San Feliú de Veri (Bisaurri, Huesca). It is situated between two of the most important rivers of the region of Ribagorza, the Ésera and the Isábena. Both of them run deeply embedded creating the gorges of “Congosto de Ventamillo” and “Obarra”. The cave is located at 1500 m above the sea level, controlling the plai...
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The 2014 campaign of the archaeological research project in the region of Sous-Tekna (Morocco) confirmed the identification of the current village of Ksabi with ancient caravan city of Tagawst. This is a major commercial, artisanal and agro-pastoral enclave, from the thirteenth century, replaced as regional capital to neighbouring trans-Saharan «po...
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Six sites besides Toledo, dated to the Early Mesolithic, are known in coastal Estremadura. Materials excavated at all these sites indicate that their inhabitants all behaved in a similar way. They exploited marine resources, particularly mollusks, causing the formation of shell middens. These were accumulated during a 2500/3000 year period, roughly...
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An overview of the economic profile of the visigothic (6th-8th) village of Gózquez, as exemplified by its fauna and botanical records, is presented. The site, located in the center of the Iberian Peninsula, has been one of the first Early Medieval sural sites in Spain to be extensively excavated in the context of preventive/rescue archaeology. Arch...
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Los depósitos con restos óseos animales enterrados bajo el pavimento en ámbitos domésticos forman parte de prácticas rituales bien conocidas en la Protohistoria peninsular, tradicionalmente asociadas a la fundación o remodelación de nuevos edificios o a ritos vinculados a la propiciación y la fertilidad. Aunque los ejemplos mejor estudiados se encu...
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RESUMEN1 La existencia de fosas rellenas con tierra, cenizas, fragmentos cerámicos y fauna denominadas genéricamente como cenizales, basureros o vertederos, es un hecho bien conocido en la Meseta Norte durante la Segunda Edad del Hierro, vinculándose con los grupos Vacceos y Vettones. Sin embargo, su distribución debe ampliarse al occidente de la M...
a b s t r a c t The recording of digestion corrosion damage on the surface of archaeological skeletal remains is an important variable to take into account in taphonomic analyses. Different kinds of predators produce digestion damage of variable intensity. Consequently, digestion is one of the most distinctive features used to identify the agents o...