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March 2019 - October 2021
October 2010 - January 2016
Publications (31)
Register here: https://worldarchaeologicalcongress.com/wac10/registration/
and send us your paper proposal via email by 31 March 2025!
Mud architecture has been and is today a central element of many human communities throughout the world. Some construction techniques that use mud as the main material are much better known than others. In this sen...
Earth has been widely used by human communities to build all kinds of structures since the beginning of sedentarism. But, have prehistoric mud “mortars” changed over time and regarding their relation to the use of available natural and anthropic resources? The present work deals with this question by looking at the case of the territories in the So...
We are pleased to invite you to submit your contributions to session #160 "Mysterious Mud: A Transversal Approach to Interpreting Unsolved Earthen Remains". Call for papers until 8 February 2024. https://www.e-a-a.org/EAA2024
Abstract: the latest results obtained, both in the excavation work and during its processing, in the Can Sadurní cave (Begues,
Barcelona) have provided new information on the social and economic characteristics of the communities that, between ca. 4700-
3900 cal BC, populated the central coast of the NE of the Iberian Peninsula.
The use/s that thes...
The aim of this research is to investigate the efficiency of combustion structures, the fuels used, the structure maintenance and the range of related domestic activities. An experimental programme was carried out in which replicas of archaeological Iron Age combustion structures were put to work. Based on the available archaeobotanical records, va...
Call for papers deadline: 15th May 2023. The aim of this session is to increase interdisciplinarity in the analysis of earthen construction in archaeology, private or public, modest or monumental. We look for examples not only from archaeology (building sequence and systems), but also from micromorphology (of soils, surfaces and building materials)...
Belarte Franco, Maria Carme; Pastor Quiles, María; Mateu Sagués, Marta; Portillo, Marta; Saorin, Carme; Pecci, Alessandra; Vila, Sílvia; Gomar, Ada, 2023, "Experimental combustions conducted at the Iberian Citadel of Calafell (Tarragona, Spain) between 2021 and 2022", https://doi.org/10.34810/data581, CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca, V1
We are pleased to invite you to submit your contributions to sessions
--#202 "Using Earthen Architecture as an Excuse: Productive and Social Practices in Prehistoric and Protohistoric Building" and
--#303 "Unsolved Case Studies of Earthen Architectural Remains: A Workshop to Share Experiences"
The Annual Meeting (conference) on line registration...
We are pleased to invite you to submit your contributions to session #303 "Unsolved Case Studies of Earthen Architectural Remains: A Workshop to Share Experiences".
The Annual Meeting (conference) online registration is now open: https://www.e-a-a.org//EAA2023/Registration.aspx
Call for papers is open until 9 February 2023.
Please note that you...
We are pleased to invite you to submit your contributions to session #202 "Using Earthen Architecture as an Excuse: Productive and Social Practices in Prehistoric and Protohistoric Building".
The Annual Meeting (conference) online registration is now open: https://www.e-a-a.org//EAA2023/Registration.aspx
Call for papers is open until 9 February 20...
This paper presents a micromorphological analysis of a sample series from three Mesoamerican earthen architecture sites. It compares a soil sample, a sample from a construction fill and a sample of a soil mixture used for mud-brick and facing, resulting from different manufacturing steps. The purpose is to identify the soil features that remain and...
EXARC Journal 2022/2 https://exarc.net/ark:/88735/10640
Within the project “Transdisciplinary and experimental study of firing structures in the western Mediterranean during Protohistory (1st millennium BC)”, the TRANSCOMB project is an experimental research programme conducted at the Ciutadella Ibèrica (Iberian Citadell) of Calafell Archaeologica...
Earthen construction systems are generally inferred from stratigraphic evidence, without analytical follow-up, leading to poor or erroneous interpretations. Micromorphological analysis has shown potential to differentiate manufacturing techniques, and diagnostic features have been established for Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cases. This paper e...
We present a reflection on the genesis and
development of the first complex societies in the
north-eastern Iberian Peninsula1
. It is generally
agreed that the first records of complex societies
with a certain degree of consolidation in this area
are linked to the appearance of the Iberian Culture
in the mid 6th century BC. We believe, however,...
Firing installations, such as hearths and ovens, are among the most frequent structures documented in settlements of any period. They are mainly associated with cooking but also had other functions such as heating, lighting or transforming raw materials. Their location determines the circulation and use of space, as well as the organisation of dail...
The earthen architecture heritage of past societies is studied by archaeology, using different methods. Micromorphology allows to define the composition of the building material and the construction techniques, by analyzing thin sections of oriented samples with a petrographic microscope. This article describes the method and presents examples of m...
El patrimonio en tierra de sociedades pasadas es tratado en el campo de la arqueología desde distintas aproximaciones. La aplicación de la geoarqueología, y específicamente de la técnica de la micromorfología, permite entender la composición y la técnica de elaboración de esta arquitectura. Consiste en el análisis en microscopio petrográfico de lám...
The use of micromorphology to approach manufacturing techniques of earthen construction is a recent development in geoarchaeology, which has barely been applied in Mexico. This paper will present a case study from the archaeological site of La Joya, Central Veracruz, Mexico, using thin sections from three types of paleosols (paleodune B horizon, al...
The present paper proposes a method to define earthen construction techniques based on micromorphological observation of micro-features visible in samples made as part of a Carazas Test, where the amount of sediment, water and compaction is known. Thin sections of a sample selection of the test blocks, that can be associated with specific construct...
El renovado interés por el patrimonio construido con tierra ha arrojado nuevos retos a la investigación arqueológica, entre ellos la correcta identificación de las técnicas de construcción, en ausencia de información histórica o etnográfica. Por las deficiencias en la formación profesional de los arqueólogos con respecto a la arquitectura de tierra...
El bajareque es una técnica constructiva con tierra muy usada por todo tipo de sociedades, para elaborar paredes, muros, techos, cubiertas y otros tipos de elementos estructurales, en distintas áreas climáticas y períodos cronológicos. A pesar de esta ubicuidad, los casos arqueológicos han sido poco investigados. En el presente trabajo, se quiere h...
This paper presents the microstratigraphic analysis of the protohistoric site El Calvari del Molar, dated to the 8th century and the first quarter of 6th century BCE. It focuses specifically on Room 8, located in the northern part. The sedimentary record covers different stratigraphic units, including several floors with their layers of preparation...
Research on prehistoric architecture has a long tradition as mean of approaching socioeconomic and cultural aspects of human communities. Framed in this context, prehistoric earthen architecture has emerged as a relevant topic in the last decade not only to empirically analyse the material remains founded in the archaeological record, but as fundam...
This paper presents the results of an ongoing micromorphological investigation that aims at identifying the use of raw earth during the protohistoric period in the NE region of the Iberian Peninsula at the Early Iron Age site of Sant Jaume (Alcanar, Tarragona, Spain). The current manufactured raw earth elements (mainly composed of sun-dried mixed c...
RESUMEN Con este artículo presentamos una metodología para estudiar unos materiales poco tratados en la inves-tigación del poblamiento protohistórico del nordeste peninsular. Nos referimos a los elementos elabora-dos con una argamasa de tierra (arcillas, limos y arenas), con componentes minerales y/o vegetales, y secados al sol. Este material, muy...