Marta HargitaiEötvös Loránd University · Department of English Studies
Marta Hargitai
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Publications (19)
The play-text of Macbeth enigmatically leaves the future of Scotland open. The play ends with Malcolm
hailed as the new king, but the rest of the weird sisters’ predictions, namely that Banquo’s issue will be kings, is left
unanswered even though Shakespeare’s main source, Holi...
Preface to the Reel Eye special issue.
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Representations of Hell and the journey to and from it in literature and film tend to follow the katabatic scheme, i.e. they present narratives of a descent and return made by a living human being. In the present paper, I discuss another technique: the presentation of Hell on a horizontal plane. I focus on images and structures of evil space in two...
Critical editions of Macbeth attempt, to varying degrees, to reconstruct the ‘original’ text, and in doing so they reflect upon the ambiguity of the phrase, “bank and shoal of time” (1.7.6).1 Suspending for the time being the “sand-bank and shallow” meaning of the expression, a “characteristic Shakespearean near-redundancy, treating time as a river...
Restorative and Reflective Nostalgia
in Doctor Faustus, Macbeth and The Tempest
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In the paper nostalgia and their types will first be explained and revisited; then, three examples will be provided for early modern dramatic representations of the then-unnamed concept of t...
Marlowe' s Doctor Faustus has a lot to offer when interpreted in the context of belief and disbelief. From the beginning, Faustus repeatedly reminds himself that he should be resolute, but at the end of the play, he wishes above all to be like beasts whose souls are soon dissolved in elements he , however, is convinced that his soul "must live stil...
Although Hitchcock said that "the cinema can do without Shakespeare” , the authour of the article argues that beyond the numerous atmospheric, conceptual and stylistic affinities between the two masters, one might find numerous further minor correspondences between their works.
The paper focuses on the concept of time in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and The Tempest with special reference to time gaps and to what may qualify as the right time to perform the deed—whether magical or murderous. The two plays share some peculiar features concerning time: they are both unusually short, and what Frye writes about The Tempest could also...
One possible way to understand the two plays is to view them as studies in search of the infinite, more specifically of infinite knowledge and power, or power-knowledge. Not unrelated to this, however, is the basic paradox of early modern tragedies,...
In the paper nostalgia and their types will first be explained and revisited; then, three examples will be provided for early modern dramatic representations of the then-unnamed concept of the pain of missing one’s homeland and the yearning to return safely to where one belongs. The frustration felt by various characters for to the means of escape...
Marlowe’ s Doctor Faustus has a lot to offer when interpreted in the context of belief and disbelief. From the beginning, Faustus repeatedly reminds himself that he should be resolute, but at the end of the play, he wishes above all to be like beasts whose souls are soon dissolved in elements—he, however, is convinced that his soul “must live still...
The paper focuses on the concept of time in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and The Tempest with special reference to time gaps and to what may qualify as the right time to perform the deed—whether magical or murderous. The two plays share some peculiar features concerning time: they are both unusually short, and what Frye writes about The Tempest could also...
Vajon megengedhető-e, vagy indokolható-e, hogy Shakespeare-t – akárcsak az óangol, és középangol szövegeket – modern angol fordításban olvassák a hallgatók? Milyen modern angol Shakespeare-fordítások érhetőek el, és ezek milyen színvonalat képviselnek?
The aim of the paper is to verify the relationship between the various representations of the circle and the only one of the square in King Lear and find a synthesis of them in the concept of the quadratura circuli.
Hargitai Márta: Kentaurok Shakespeare Lear királyában, a képzőművészetekben és a mitológiában Centaurok alul Bár asszonyok különben. (4.6) 1 Lear két idősebb lánya elleni heves dühkitörésében kentaurokhoz hasonlítja az egész női nemet Centaurok alul, Bár asszonyok különben. Csak övig Bírják az istenek; mi azon alúl van, Az mind az ördögé: ott a pok...