Mart Laanpere

Mart Laanpere
Tallinn University | TLU · School of Digital Technologies

Started a new job as a tenure professor in mathematics and computing education at the Tallinn University.


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Senior researcher at the Centre for Educational Technology in Tallinn University, ERA Chair project CEITER, Co-chair of ICEM 2018 Co-chair of TEA 2016, Tallinn Local organizer for JTEL Summer school 2016 Program co-chair of ICWL 2015, Guangzhou Co-chair of ICWL 2014, Tallinn Local organizer for IFIP conference on Open & Social Technologies for Networked Learning, Tallinn,
Additional affiliations
January 2006 - present
Tallinn University
  • National research grants on technology-enhanced learning
February 2009 - May 2012
Tallinn University
  • FP7 ICT STREP Intelleo
October 2005 - October 2008
Tallinn University
  • FP6 IST STREP iCamp
September 1998 - December 2012
Tallinn University
Field of study
  • educational sciences (educational technology)
July 1996 - December 1997
University of Twente
Field of study
  • Educational & Training Systems Design
September 1982 - July 1989
Tallinn Teacher Training Institute
Field of study
  • mathematics and physics teaching


Publications (128)
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This report analyses a systemic policy initiative in Portugal to support the development of the Student Learner Profile at the core of K-12 formal education.
Conference Paper
Since the last curriculum reform in 2011, all Estonian lower-secondary students have to conduct a year-long creative work. Unfortunately, in many cases, it is implemented as an individual written report that has little to do with improving learners' digital competence or Computational Thinking skills. In the new national curriculum (to be in force...
Just like the rest of the EU, Estonia has prepared a national strategy for the next 15 years and this strategy focuses on a smarter, digitally transformed and sustainable economy and society. Digital competence of citizens is an important prerequisite for wide-scale digital transformation in industry and society at large. This paper describes and a...
Digital competence of educators is one of the key factors affecting wide-scale digital transformation of education and is considered as one of the major aims in the European Digital Education Action Plan (2021–2027). To plan, conduct and report progress in digital competence development requires the ability to measure this competence. Hence, the im...
Although CT is a rapidly expanding field of educational research, it is a relatively new concept in official national curricula. From the perspective of curriculum policy, CT is closest to two subjects taught in primary and secondary schools: computing/informatics and mathematics. Since informatics is not present as a separate subject in many count...
The three Baltic countries have a long history of teaching computing at all levels, from preschool to doctoral studies. Although computing education in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania was quite similar when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, subsequently the paths of school informatics in these three countries departed significantly. In Estonia, inf...
Digital competence is considered as one of the key competences for active participation in the technologically fast-evolving society. Additionally, digital competence has become national-level indicators for implementing digital innovation in education, but there is a lack of common understanding on how to carry out methodologically sound digital c...
Data-informed teacher inquiry into their own practices should help teachers pick most effective teaching methods for each particular group of students and teaching situation. However, there is not much research into the thought processes that teachers employ when making these decisions. This study is an attempt at finding out how data about teachin...
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During recent decades, technologies have been widely available for educational institutions, being just one step in the long process of adoption and integration. Despite the number of studies focusing on the adoption of technologies in education, they often focus on teachers’ perspectives, leaving out students’ perceptions. Given that student learn...
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This study explores schools’ digital maturity self-evaluation reports’ data from Estonia. Based on quantitative data (N = 499) the schools that attempt digital transformation were clustered into three successive digital improvement types. The paper describes 3 main patterns of school improvement in different phases of innovative change: classroom i...
Through an increased focus on computing and computational con- cepts in the school curriculum the Nordic and Baltic countries are preparing to equip themselves to explore the opportunities that Industry 4.0 and beyond can offer. Realising this vision has inevitable consequences for the curriculum in compulsory schooling (preschool to year 9) as new...
Conference Paper
This paper describes and analyses the goals, process, and results of designing a new informatics curriculum for Estonian upper-secondary schools. The action research consisted of five stages: (1) participatory design of the curriculum concept, (2) syllabus development for five core courses, (3) development of digital learning resources, (4) pilot i...
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The rapid increase in recent years in the number of different digital competency frameworks, models, and strategies has prompted an increasing popularity for making the argument in favor of the need to evaluate and assess digital competence. To support the process of digital competence assessment, it is consequently necessary to understand the diff...
Conference Paper
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A move from printed to digital textbooks is often implemented on three different levels, while the highest level is interactive textbook that is able to check the learners' responses to learning tasks (incl. program code) and give personal-ised, automated feedback. Such interactive textbooks were developed in Estonia to support implementation of ra...
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Educational processes take place in physical and digital places. To analyse educational processes, Learning Analytics (LA) enable data collection from the digital learning context. At the same time, to gain more insights, the LA data can be complemented with the data coming from physical spaces enabling Multimodal Learning Analytics (MMLA). To inte...
Conference Paper
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Analysis of learning interactions can happen for different purposes. As educational practices increasingly take place in hybrid settings, data from both spaces are needed. At the same time, to analyse and make sense of machine aggregated data afforded by Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) environments, contextual information is needed. We posit tha...
The rapidly changing world requires that lifelong learning must become an integral part of people’s life. This challenge is especially apparent in the small countries with limited human resources. Open educational resources and practices should be seen as a part of larger learning ecosystem to improve access and increase the quality of education. T...
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Educational processes take place in physical and digital places. To analyse educational processes, Learning Analytics (LA) enable data collection from the digital learning context. At the same time, to gain more insights, the LA data can be complemented with the data coming from physical spaces enabling Multimodal Learning Analytics (MMLA). To inte...
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution and Perspectives, ISSEP 2020, held in Tallinn, Estonia, in November 2020. Due to COVID-19 related travelling restrictions the conference had to be switched to online format. The 18 revised full papers presented were carefully r...
The paper takes a critical look at the existing approaches and online tools that are supposed to enhance the sharing and reusing of innovative pedagogical scenarios among teachers, such as IMS LD, LAMS, LessonPlanner, etc. We argue that there is a need for new ways of sharing pedagogical scenarios that would promote innovative approaches to learnin...
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Estonian Lifelong Learning Strategy (ELLS) 2020 aims to implement ambitious Digital Turn towards 1:1 computing, and schools are expected to explore new ways of using novel technologies (including wearables) to facilitate creative and collaborative learning through interdisciplinary projects. This case study summarises a pilot project that engaged 7...
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Learning Design, as a field of research, provides practitioners with guidelines towards more effective teaching and learning. In parallel, observational methods (manual or automated) have been used in the classroom to reflect on and refine teaching and learning, often in combination with other data sources (such as surveys and interviews). Despite...
Conference Paper
In the globally standardized domain of ICT, the vocational education curricula have to balance the requirements of fast-evolving international standards with unique local cultural traditions and socio-economic needs. This paper summarizes the results of a case study that tackled this challenge by developing and validating a reference model for onto...
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Learning analytics (LA) and lesson observations are two approaches frequently used to study teaching and learning processes. In both cases, in order to extract meaningful data interpretations, there is a need for contextualization. Previous works propose to enrich LA datasets with observation data and to use the learning design as a framework to gu...
Observational data can be used to illuminate different areas of teaching and learning process and enrich or triangulate Learning Analytics data. Majority of lesson observation tools provide observational data that is not compliant with LA datasets. The paper presents Observata – a tablet computer application for semantic annotation of significant e...
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Observational data can be used to illuminate different areas of teaching and learning process and enrich Learning Analytics data. Majority of lesson observation tools provide observational data that is not compliant with LA datasets. The paper presents Observata – a tablet computer application for context-aware semantic annotations of significant e...
The purpose of this study was to explore how a platform for collaborative ontology maintenance could enhance curriculum development in the domain of ICT-related vocational education. Although ontology engineering and maintenance are increasingly important in the era of Semantic Web, engaging the community in ontology-driven knowledge management is...
Conference Paper
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National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) that already exist in many countries are a promising infrastructure for nationwide e-assessments. However, researchers do not focus sufficiently on NREN based e-assessment architectures. Many e-assessment architectures based on public cloud computing already exist that have interoperability, security...
Conference Paper
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The technological environment that supports the learning process tends to be the main Learning Analytics data source. However, this trend leaves out those parts of the learning process that are not computer mediated. To overcome this problem, datasets could be enriched by involving additional data gathering techniques such as ambient sensors, audio...
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Technology Enhanced Assessment, TEA 2016, held in Tallinn, Estonia, in October 2016. The 16 full papers presented were carefully selected from 38 submissions. They are centered around topics like measurement of higher order skills; collaborative problem solving or present...
Conference Paper
Open Badges as a method for assessment and recognition of learning originates from the context of informal learning. Thus, it cannot be introduced into formal higher education without reconsidering the existing assessment processes. This paper presents experiences from three years of using Open Badges in a master level course. In each iteration, th...
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In this study, for the first time, we analysed and compared adoption of e-learning by lecturers in three largest universities in Estonia and Turkey. Total number of students and academic staff in the Estonian universities is 39,259 and 3,991, respectively, and 1,194,735 and 9,076, respectively, in the Turkish universities. The extended Technology A...
Conference Paper
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National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) are for sharing resources between member organizations. NRENs play an important role in e-learning activities as they provide necessary communication. Heterogeneous infrastructures used for e-learning are a challenge for system design, integrity and interoperability. This paper proposed a NREN e-lear...
Conference Paper
The top-to-down and bottom-to-up processes in the semantic competence management of curriculum development in higher education context were investigated based on different semantic systems for curriculum management. As a result the paper proposes the framework and the three interrelated curriculum maturing cycles of (i) standards maturing, (ii) cur...
Conference Paper
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In cyber security of a modern information society, digital safety is becoming more and more important regarding governance and schools as well as well-being of common people, especially children. There are models to evaluate cyber-attacks and technical risks in institutions and ICT services, but there are no good models yet to help understanding th...
Conference Paper
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Schools from all over the world are moving into the direction of using more e-learning, digital gadgets and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). In the Estonian Strategy for Lifelong Learning 2020, the switch to 1:1 computing in classroom is called “Digital Turn”. The strategy relies on expectations that smarter use of personal digital devices will improv...
Conference Paper
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In this paper for the first time we studied and compared socio-cultural differences and its' effect on e-learning at higher education in Estonia and Turkey using EES Model-2. Element of uppermost Instructional layer of the EES Model-2 of Turkish and Estonian e-learning system at higher education, socio-cultural factor, was compared and analyzed for...
Conference Paper
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In this paper for the first time we studied and compared actions of main Estonian (University of Tartu, Tallinn Technical University and Tallinn University) and Turkish universities (Anadolu University, Sakarya University and Istanbul University) in a field of e-learning in higher education using EES Model-2. Elements of Physical layer of the EES M...
Conference Paper
The steadily widening access to instruments and services for digital content production allows students and teachers to modify, remix and re-use a wide range of existing artefacts or create new artefacts and assemble them into various content collections. This development holds the potential for shifting patterns of power, roles, and responsibiliti...
Conference Paper
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Even without rigorous empirical research, we know that some teachers are more effective in their teaching approaches than others. We can hypoth-esise that part of their success can be attributed to the pedagogical methods or scenarios they use, and that these scenarios could also be re-used by other teachers. But it is quite complicated to describe...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web-Based Learning, ICWL 2015, held in Guangzhou, China, in Noavember 2015. The 18 revised full papers presented together with 2 invited papers and 7 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from about 79 submissions. The papers are organized in topical...
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Õpianalüütika on valdkond, mis areneb kiiresti ülikoolides ning on jõudmas ka üldhariduskoolidesse. Õpianalüütika võimaldab haridusuuringute raames kasutada veebipõhiste keskkondade kogutavaid avatud andmeid tõenduspõhiste otsuste tegemiseks (nt õppekavade või hariduspoliitiliste algatuste planeerimisel). Artikli eesmärk on välja pakkuda Eesti kont...
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This paper discusses the niche technologies that have and possibly will contribute to the future e-textbooks as a new socio-technical regime. We propose the conceptual map of textbook functionalities aiming at opening the conceptual discussion for brainstorming and finding scenarios how the niche technologies that explored novel textbook applicatio...
Conference Paper
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Wide-scale implementation of technology-enhanced learning in schools and higher education has been supported by national and institutional level strategies and policies. In this paper for the first time we compare and contrast the strategic development of technology enhanced learning on the national and institutional levels in Estonia and Turkey, r...
Conference Paper
In last few decades E-learning has been established as a recognized form of education. E-learning offers good opportunities for virtual mobility of students – taking courses from other universities. This calls for a need to harmonize strategic planning of e-learning innovation on institutional and inter-institutional (regional, national) levels. Th...
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Learning analytics is an emerging approach that is equally popular among researchers and educators-practitioners. Although the methods and tools for LA have been developing fast, there still exist several unsolved problems: LA is too much data driven, weakly connected to theory and is able to analyse only the activities documented in an online sett...
Conference Paper
Recent developments with personal learning environments and open online courses have led educators to experiment with opening up their formal higher education courses. In these courses, the online learning activities take place in open learning environments based on various Web 2.0 tools such as blogs. Although this type of courses have a number of...
Conference Paper
The paper explores the potential of using the e-portfolio as a transition tool from academic institutions to professional institutions. The main aim is to investigate what are current practices and attitudes of using e-portfolios and investigate if the employers are ready to use the e-portfolio as an alternative to the traditional recruitment appro...
Conference Paper
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The goal of the paper is to illustrate best practices that can be used in Design for All courses. We implemented the empathic modeling approach in HCI study programme by letting the students simulate users with disabilities in the physical settings in order to increase their understanding of Design for All in their work as HCI designers. The data w...
Conference Paper
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In 2005, a new profession called “educational technologist” was introduced in Estonian schools. At first, the idea was confusing for many school principals, because of the seeming overlap with the job descriptions of existing ICT support specialists or ICT managers. Other principals interpreted the role of the educational technologist as a technolo...
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Different virtual learning environments offer different affordances and pedagogical design for learning interactions which results in difference learning interaction patterns. With the emergence of a new era in VLE (virtual learning environments) a new set of affordances is needed to support the appropriate learning interactions. We argue that ther...
Conference Paper
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This paper envisages emerging trends and methods in learning analytics for post-LMS era, where learning increasingly takes place in distributed, user-defined digital learning ecosystems. Inspired by the recent developments on uptake framework and Experience API, we propose learning flow as the main unit of analysis while studying learning-related i...
In most cases, the traditional Web-based learning management systems (e.g. Moodle, Blackboard) have been designed without any built-in support for a preferred pedagogical model or approach. The proponents of such systems have claimed that this kind of inherent"pedagogical neutrality" is a desirable characteristic for a LMS, as it allows teachers to...
Conference Paper
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This paper describes design, concepts, and initial implementation considerations of a timeline-based mash-up service, which addresses the needs of researchers involved in collaborative writing. The process of collaborative writing was dramatically changed with appearance of new Web 2.0 tools and services. Being limited in time, researchers need too...
Technical Report
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Report is about digital safety and cyber security topics in the curriculas.!340&ithint=file%2cdocx&app=Word&authkey=!ALtyGq2CQwFt7Q4
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web-Based Learning, ICWL 2014, held in Tallinn, Estonia, in August 2014. The 18 revised full papers presented together with 9 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from about 78 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on computer sup...
Conference Paper
Online help seeking is a common form of informal learning, and it has been studied extensively in a number of different settings. In an attempt to better understand how help is provided in online help seeking for a physical work environment, we have performed an in-depth qualitative study on questions and answers found in the largest Estonian onlin...
Conference Paper
This paper discusses the ontology-based competence management in the context of curriculum development. The data was collected through two participatory design experiments, which were conducted to develop and formatively evaluate the designs and scenarios for computer-supported curriculum development in higher education context. These experiments i...
Conference Paper
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While several technological advances have been suggested to scale learning at the workplace, none has been successful to scale informal learning. We review three theoretical discourses and suggest an integrated systems model of scaffolding informal workplace learning that has been created to tackle this challenge. We derive research questions that...
Conference Paper
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This paper describes an exploratory study on school-level e-safety policy development. The research was based on the participatory design-based methodology, involving various stakeholders in a school-level policy development exercise. Our aim was to find out whether the schools with open and participatory culture would choose more flexible, emancip...
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Various tools and services based on Web 2.0 (mainly blogs, wikis, social networking tools) are increasingly used in formal education to create personal learning environments, providing self-directed learners with more freedom, choice, and control over their learning. In such distributed and personalized learning environments, the traditional role o...
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The study proposes a way in which the learning and knowledge building (LKB) framework, which is consistent with the knowledge conversion phases proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi, supports teachers’ informal and self-directed workplace learning. An LKB framework in a socio-technical system was developed to support professional development in an extend...
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This paper discusses the conceptual design of Digital Learning Ecosystems, which, as we argue, are becoming the foundation of next-generation Technology-Enhanced Learning systems (TEL systems). We illustrate our argument by a case study on design and development of a Dippler ecosystem. First, the framework for identifying the generations of TEL sys...
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This volume constitutes the refereed post-proceedings of the IFIP WG 3.4 International Conference on Open and Social Technologies for Networked Learning, OST 2012, held in Tallinn, Estonia, in July/August 2012. The 16 full papers presented together with 3 short papers and 5 doctoral student papers were thoroughly reviewed and selected from numerous...