Markus LedererTechnische Universität Darmstadt | TU
Markus Lederer
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Publications (78)
Is the hype about "ecoterrorism" analogy, warning or propaganda? In order to answer this question, we start by defining radicalization, terrorism, and civil disobedience to develop systematic categories which allow us to pursue two specific research goals: First, we analyse how the breadth of the German climate movement is represented in the media,...
Recognizing that no central authority can combat climate change, scholars have pointed to the potential of polycentric governance in tackling climate change. Yet, empirical evidence for such a claim is scarce, particularly in the Global South. This study analyzes the characteristics, promises, and pitfalls of polycentric governance to promote clima...
Focusing on three initiatives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat – the Momentum for Change Initiative, the Lima–Paris Action Agenda, and the Non-state Actor Zone for Climate Action – this chapter studies how an international environmental bureaucracy can evolve from a low-key and servant-like secretari...
Im Bereich der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation hat die Politikwissenschaft einiges beizutragen. Anhand zentraler Ansätze der politikwissenschaftlichen Nachhaltigkeitsforschung – Policy-Forschung, Governance-Ansätze, Diskurs- und Machtfragen – werden in diesem Beitrag intra-, inter- und transdisziplinäre Forschungsperspektiven eröffnet und zukünftige...
The Paris Agreement expresses far-reaching commitments to combat climate change, but its translation into national contexts faces severe confrontation by populist movements and individuals worldwide. We unpack and compare how differently right-wing populist leaders translate rhetoric into climate policy-making and institutional change. We do so by...
Several scholars have pointed to the increasing salience of cities in the global endeavour to reduce dangerous climate change to 1.5°C. However, we still lack systematic comparative analyses on how urban climate initiatives evolve in different political-administrative systems of countries in the Global South and what role transnational city network...
Digital sustainability education (DSE) is becoming increasingly relevant in higher Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and spreads globally. DSE is fueled by the Covid-19-pandemic and urges lecturers, students and universities alike to break new ground in academic teaching. DSE impacts established approaches to ESD and raises questions of a...
Governments and civil society are increasingly aware that the decarbonization of energy systems needs to be aligned with justice principles of recognition, distribution, and process. This paper establishes a conceptual linkage between “sustainable development”, “low‐carbon energy transitions” and “energy justice” and examines social priorities to a...
Les scientifiques s’intéressent de plus en plus depuis peu au rôle et à la fonction des bureaucraties internationales dans l’élaboration des politiques de par le monde. Certains affirment que les fonctionnaires internationaux ont acquis une influence politique significative dans divers domaines stratégiques. Par rapport à d’autres bureaucraties int...
The 2030 Agenda of the United Nations comprises 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 sub-targets which serve as a global reference point for the transition to sustainability. The agenda acknowledges that different issues such as poverty, hunger, health, education, gender equality, environmental degradation, among others, are intertwined...
Scholars have recently devoted increasing attention to the role and function of international bureaucracies in global policymaking. Some of them contend that international public officials have gained significant political influence in various policy fields. Compared to other international bureaucracies, the political leeway of the Secretariat of t...
Focusing on forest policy and urban climate politics in Brazil and Indonesia, the primary objective of this chapter is to identify domestic pioneers and leaders that compared to other sectors, governmental levels or jurisdictions within the same nation-state move ‘ahead of the troops’ (Liefferink and Wurzel, 2017: 2-3). We specifically focus on the...
The paper analyses ask why and promoted by which actors Costa Rica and Vietnam have started to develop domestic sustainable tourism strategies, and which opportunities and challenges arise locally in the context of practicing sustainable tourism. Thereby, we contribute to both the research agenda on green transformations as well as on sustainable t...
The objective of the paper is to shed some light on one aspect of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) that so far has only indirectly been at the centre of the debate, the interplay between public institutions and REDD+ practices. The paper, therefore, analyses the evolvement of REDD+ in Costa Rica, Indonesia and Vi...
Keine Armut, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, ambitionierter Klimaschutz. Diese und 14 weitere Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung, die sogenann-ten Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), beschloss die internationale Staatengemeinschaft im Rahmen der Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Ent-wicklung (Agenda 2030) im September 2015. Die Mitgliedstaaten der Vereinten...
Max Weber charakterisiert in seinem berühmten Aufsatz Wissenschaft als Beruf, den er im Jahr 1917 zunächst als Rede vor Münchener Studierenden hielt, den wahren Wissenschaftler als eine Mischung aus Leidenschaft und Eingebung. Er betont, dass auch wenn Fleiß von Nöten sei, Fortschritt nicht mit kaltem „Rechnen“ zu erreichen sei. Weber schreibt: „De...
In dieser Festschrift für Harald Fuhr behandeln Weggefährtinnen und Weggefährten unterschiedlicher beruflicher Stationen eine große Bandbreite an Themen aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive in drei Feldern: 1) Unter der Überschrift "Entwicklung und Verwaltung" sind Beiträge gefasst, die sich wie Harald Fuhr mit der Frage auseinandersetzen, wie...
The movement to develop indicators that provide a more nuanced view of quality of life (QoL) continues to gain momentum and support in both scientific and policy-making circles. However, measuring QoL still faces a number of challenges. While a range of indicator sets has been developed, it is unclear whether any of them is able to adequately captu...
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) is one of the most advanced global climate governance arrangements and we show that it contributes to the buildup of autonomous capacities and reliable procedures in areas of rather limited statehood. These partially unintended effects can be conceptualized as an increasing ration...
Transnational municipal networks (TMNs) have emerged as important actors in the global response to climate change. Environmentalists both within and out- side governments have placed great expectations and hopes on these networks (Betsill & Bulkeley, 2007; Valente de Macedo, Setzer, & Rei, 2016). Through their novel form of agency, TMNs are expecte...
Cambridge Core - Environmental Policy, Economics and Law - Urban Climate Politics - edited by Jeroen van der Heijden
Costa Rica has a strong international reputation for conservation and sustainable management of forests, including
through its national payments for environmental services (PES) system and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation
(REDD+). However, to be able to take those achievements to the next level, new approaches need to be...
Selten hat eine päpstliche Sozialenzyklika so viel Aufmerksamkeit und Zuspruch erfahren wie das Schreiben Laudato siʼ von Papst Franziskus über die Sorge für das gemeinsame Haus. Mitglieder des Zentrums für Interdisziplinäre Nachhaltigkeitsforschung (ZIN) der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster haben die Einladung von Papst Franziskus, auf s...
Vietnam has experienced rapid economic growth over the past few decades, as well as growing environmental pressures. The country is therefore pursuing strategies for green transformations, which are the processes of restructuring to bring economies and societies within the planetary boundaries. This article addresses the opportunities, barriers, an...
Over the past few decades, we have witnessed a tremendous increase of cross-border economic relations. The expansion of economic globalization has led to an unprecedented integration of the global economy and produced a broad range of economic and social benefits. Proponents of economic globalization highlight that the increasing flows of transboun...
Since the 1980s, central governments have decentralized forestry to local governments in many countries of the Global South. More recently, REDD+ has started to impact forest policy-making in these countries by providing incentives to ensure a national-level approach to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. Höhne et al. anal...
This article provides the introduction to a special issue on Green Economies in the Global South, that sheds light on the causes, complexities, consequences, and different practices of state engagement regarding national-level transitions from business as usual toward integrated economic, ecological, and social policies. Empirically, the special is...
In this article, we ask how the approaches of climate engineering – mostly highly technological approaches to address the challenge of global climate change – might be organised in the age of the Anthropocene. We understand the term ‘Anthropocene’ to be characterised by crisis, on one hand, and by promise, on the other. In particular, we aim to rai...
Since the 1980s, central governments have decentralized forestry to local governments in many countries of the Global South. More recently, REDD+ has started to impact forest policy-making in these countries by providing incentives to ensure a national-level approach to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. Höhne et al. anal...
Climate change is a global problem and in response several global governance initiatives have emerged. Scholars study which countries join these initiatives and whether they lead to emission reductions. We explore another dimension and ask how and to what extent global climate governance initiatives have affected –or even changed –the way in which...
Die Anbahnung und Umsetzung grüner Transformationen ist ein komplexer, sektoren- und ebenenübergreifender Prozess, der auf die Unterstützung mächtiger Akteurskonstellationen angewiesen ist. Solche Transformationen müssen von staatlichen Akteuren angestoßen oder begleitet werden, wie das Beispiel der „grünen“ Republik Costa Rica zeigt.
This white paper resulted from a risk dialogue project with climate scientists and experts on the subject of climate engineering – conducted by the neutral and independent Risk-Dialogue Foundation St. Gallen between April 2016 and March 2017. The aim was to identify the current state of research on the topic as well as related risk and to evaluate...
Der Beitrag behandelt globale Umweltpolitik aus drei Perspektiven. In einem ersten Überblick wird die Genese des Politikfelds beschrieben, der zweite Abschnitt diskutiert aktuelle umweltpolitische Herausforderungen und erläutert wie diese politikwissenschaftlich bearbeitet und interpretiert werden. Der letzte Teil debattiert wie globale Umweltpolit...
The article examines how the Islamic State (IS) has evolved into a community- and initial state-building project. Using Benedict Anderson’s concept of “imagined community” (Anderson, B. [1983]. Imagined communities. London: Verso), we claim that IS is about to construct an aggressive Sunni national identity with a specific territorial claim, which...
From its advent in 2005 within global climate change negotiations, reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and other forest‐related activities (so‐called REDD +) has been experimented with in developing country contexts for over a decade now, with a wide array of expectations coming to be associated with it. Three consecutive conceptualization...
This paper addresses the prospects for a green transformation in Costa Rica and Vietnam
From its advent in 2005 within global climate change negotiations, reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and other forest-related activities (so-called REDD+) has been experimented with in developing country contexts for over a decade now, with a wide array of expectations coming to be associated with it. Three consecutive conceptualizations...
In diesem einleitenden Beitrag des Themenschwerpunktes wird der
Hintergrund der internationalen Klimaverhandlungen erläutert und
die Ergebnisse des Kopenhagen-Akkords vorgestellt. Angesichts des
Scheiterns der Kopenhagener Konferenz muss die zeitnahe Schließung
eines rechtlich bindenden, globalen Klimaabkommens als unwahrscheinlich
gelten. Die Klim...
Der Beitrag behandelt globale Umweltpolitik aus drei Perspektiven. In einem ersten Überblick wird die Genese des Politikfelds beschrieben, der zweite Abschnitt diskutiert aktuelle umweltpolitische Herausforderungen und erläutert wie diese politikwissenschaftlich bearbeitet und interpretiert werden. Der letzte Teil debattiert wie globale Umweltpolit...
Am 25. und 26. Juni 2004 fand die sechste Konferenz des Forschungskreises Vereinte Nationen an der Universität Potsdam statt. Die Konferenz befaßte sich mit dem Thema „Integrative Konzepte in der Reform der Vereinten Nationen". Kennzeichnend für die „Potsdamer UNO-Konferenzen", die traditionell am letzten Wochenende im Juni veranstaltet werden, sin...
Review of: Sudhir Anand, Paul Segal and Joseph E. Stiglitz (eds.): Debates on the Measurement of Global Poverty (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).
Die Macht des Südens in der Klimapolitik wird meist als historisch gering eingeschätzt. Die gängigen Darstellungen interpretieren den Süden daher historisch als Opfer und beurteilen den zu beobachtenden Aufstieg einzelner mächtig werdender Staaten wie China oder Indien als strukturell negativ, da diese eine Vetospielerposition einnehmen würden. Ein...
The study of development has long remained “one of the last bastions of modernism in the social sciences” (Rapley, 2007: 185) and many of the practices of development agencies, the World Bank, and others are still conducted within the theoretical framework set up after the end of the Second World War. Yet empirical evidence of persisting global ine...
Proponents as well as critics of carbon trading underestimate the institutional and political underpinnings of evolving carbon markets. Based on institutionalist approaches, this paper argues that the strong embeddedness of carbon markets explains why certain characteristics (positive and negative) materialize. Focusing on the actors who initiate a...
Pragmatism has recently taken up the ‘practice turn’ in order to overcome the neglect of agency in poststructuralist accounts. To explore potential advantages if such an approach is used for an analysis of carbon markets, it is first asked whether a practice approach could allow us to go beyond the dichotomy of agents vs. structures and thus lead t...
Reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+) has developed into one of the most important carbon governance mechanisms that the international community has at its disposal in the fight against climate change. Deforestation and degradation, particularly in the tropics, constitute one of the major drivers of climate change, the avoid...
Nach den Anschlägen vom 9/11 versuchte die westliche Staatengemeinschaft Terrorismus auch über die Austrocknung seiner Finanzquellen einzudämmen. Ausgehend von der Debatte um die „Versicherheitlichung“ von Finanztransaktionen, erläutert der nachfolgende Artikel die Genese des entstandenen Regimes zur Bekämpfung von Terrorismusfinanzierung. Hierbei...
The conclusion to the special section has three objectives: First, it argues that a focus on “practice” implicitly connects all the articles in the special section and thereby reinforces the core points of the analytical framework introduced by Fuchs and Glaab. Second, the paper summarizes the main messages of the articles by identifying three red...
In den vergangenen Jahren hat die Europäische Union (EU) eine Führungsrolle in der internationalen Klimapolitik eingenommen (Michaelowa 2006; Oberthür, Roche Kelly 2008; Lindenthal 2009; Haug, Berkhout 2010; Roche Kelly, Oberthür, Pallemaerts 2010). Zum einen wäre das Kyoto-Protokoll verschiedenen Autoren zufolge ohne die EU und ihre aktive Rolle i...
The clean development mechanism (CDM) is one of the most hotly debated instru-ments of carbon governance. This paper evaluates the pros and cons of the CDM from the perspective of emerging economies. The argument presented is that the CDM is a classic case of the need not to "throw the baby out with the bathwa-ter" because, although the mechanism n...
Recently established carbon governance systems are quite different in Brazil, China, and India. Such divergence is surprising as emerging economies are primarily involved in carbon governance through the clean development mechanism (CDM). One would expect similar institutional and policy outcomes in the major host countries in response to the CDM,...
Tackling climate change is increasingly recognised as a policy challenge of outermost impor- tance. One of the most interesting and innovative building blocks in the Kyoto Protocol cli- mate regime is the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Starting with a review of the rele- vant literature on environmental governance we formulate a number of hypot...
The Politics of the Global. By Himadeep Muppidi. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2004. 130p. $60.00 cloth, $20.00 paper.
Himadeep Muppidi has written a short, sophisticated, and provocative book that pushes its readers to think hard about global politics. His main hypothesis is that a thorough analysis of the “contestations over the soc...
The essays in this collection seek to reflect on global governance and to provide a better critical understanding of the various practices that fall under its rubric. The first part challenges the concept of global governance, the second part focuses on organizational and institutional aspects, and the last part examines the rule systems implemente...
Just as every book on the international realm from 1991 to 2000 has referred to the end of the Cold War as a historical starting point, books in the twenty-first century refer to globalization, that is, the transformative changes in the international system (Fuchs and Kratochwil 2002). Globalization has thus created a need to find a new framework o...