Markus Frings

Markus Frings
Evangelisches und Johanniter Klinikum Niederrhein · Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy



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Publications (63)
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To investigate the long-term outcome of interdisciplinary treatment in a tertiary care neuro-otology institution after 2 years as part of the Dizziness and Vertigo Registry study. Risk factors associated with unfavourable outcome were assessed. 3113 consecutive patients with disorders of vertigo and dizziness were recruited prospectively between Ma...
Studies about recovery from cerebellar stroke are rare. The present study assessed motor deficits in the acute phase after isolated cerebellar stroke focusing on postural impairment and gait ataxia and outlines the role of lesion site on motor outcome, the course of recovery and the effect of treadmill training. 23 patients with acute and isolated...
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Background Migraine with aura is associated with patent foramen ovale and right-left-shunt. Jugular venous valve insufficiency is a further vascular anomaly. It is a frequent finding in transient global amnesia which is associated with migraine. Therefore, we investigated the prevalence of jugular venous valve insufficiency in migraine. Methods Su...
Fragestellung: Ist die Behandlung des M. Parkinson durch tiefe Hirnstimulation bereits nach dem ersten Auftreten motorischer Fluktuationen und Dyskinesien der alleinigen medikamentösen Therapie überlegen?Hintergrund: Nach der sogenannten Honeymoon-Phase mit gutem Ansprechen auf die medikamentöse Therapie des M. Parkinson können im Verlauf Wirkflukt...
Camptocormia, characterised by a forward flexion of the thoracolumbar spine may occur in various movement disorders, mainly in Parkinson's disease or in primary dystonia. In severe cases, patients with camptocormia are unable to walk. While treatment options are limited, deep brain stimulation (DBS) with bilateral stimulation of the subthalamic nuc...
We aimed to investigate the prevalence of cardiac right left shunts (RLS) in population-based samples of subjects with migraine with aura (n = 42), migraine without aura (n = 44) and controls without headache (n = 41). Cardiac RLS was assessed with transcranial Doppler sonography with intravenous injection of saline. Prevalence of RLS was highest i...
To better describe seizure type, frequency, and electroencephalographic (EEG) findings in posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) and correlate these data with clinical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data, we retrospectively assessed medical charts and EEG studies of patients with PRES treated between 2004 and 2011. Data collected...
Loss of movement coordination is the main postacute symptom after cerebellar infarction. Although the course of motor recovery has been described previously, detailed kinematic descriptions of acute stage ataxia are rare and no attempt has been made to link improvements in motor function to measures of neural recovery and lesion location. This stud...
Structural changes of the cerebellum have been reported in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in several studies. The cerebellum is a structure essential for motor coordination and motor learning. Beside behavioral deficits, children with ADHD often show slight motor abnormalities. In the present study, handwriting was examined in both...
The acquisition and timing of delay-conditioned eyeblink responses (CRs) have been shown to be significantly impaired in patients with disorders restricted to the cortex of the superior cerebellum. We were interested if patients improve incidences and timing of CRs across three sessions on three consecutive days. A standard delay paradigm was used...
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Structural changes of the cerebellum have been reported in several psychiatric diseases like schizophrenia, autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Beside behavioral deficits children with ADHD often show slight motor abnormalities. Cerebellar malfunction may contribute. The cerebellum is a structure essential for motor coordina...
In this review results of human lesion studies are compared examining associative learning in the motor, emotional and cognitive domain. Motor and emotional learning were assessed using classical eyeblink and fear conditioning. Cerebellar patients were significantly impaired in acquisition of conditioned eyeblink and fear-related autonomic and skel...
Up to 50% of children and adolescents with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) exhibit motor abnormalities including altered balance. Results from brain imaging studies indicate that these balance deficits could be of cerebellar origin as ADHD children may show atrophy in those regions of the cerebellum associated with gait and balance...
Introduction: Superior parts of the cerebellum have been shown to be critically involved in eyeblink conditioning. The cerebellar function in associative learning has been related to acquisition, but also appropriate timing of conditioned responses (CRs). The aim of the present study was to analyze incidences and timing of CRs across three conditio...
To elucidate whether the cerebellar cortex may contribute to trace eyeblink conditioning in humans, eight patients with degenerative cerebellar disorders (four with sporadic adult onset ataxia, three with autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia type III and one with spinocerebellar ataxia type 6) and eight age- and sex-matched healthy control subjects...
To evaluate the therapies for cerebellar diseases appropriate neurological assessment methods to measure severity of ataxia are required. Reliability and validity of the semiquantitative International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS) has recently been examined in patients with degenerative ataxias. We evaluated reliability (internal consiste...
The objective of this study was to test the reliability and validity of the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA) in ataxia patients not suffering from autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA). To this end, 64 patients with various ataxia disorders or stable cerebellar lesions were rated independently by two investigators. In...
Traditionally, it is believed, that the primary function of the cerebellum is to coordinate movement. During the past three decades, it has been controversially discussed, whether the cerebellum may also contribute to cognition and mental states like emotions. In this paper, no position relating to this controversy will be taken. Instead, the hypot...
An increasing number of human lesion and functional brain imaging studies appear to support the hypothesis that the cerebellum contributes to a wide range of non-motor functions, including attention, language and visuospatial functions. Various abnormalities have been reported in standard neuropsychological tests in children and adolescents who hav...
Introduction: Since trace eyeblink conditioning has been found impaired in animals and humans following lesions of the interposed nucleus, the cerebellum has been proposed to play a role in this form of hippocampally dependent associative learning. The aim of the present study was to clarify whether or not the cerebellar cortex may contribute to tr...
The aim of the present study was to compare possible activation of the interposed and dentate cerebellar nuclei during finger, foot and tongue movements using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Nineteen healthy control subjects performed sequential finger and repetitive tongue and foot movement tasks. Thin slices (2.5 mm) were acquired o...
A possible role of the human cerebellum in the generation of verbs corresponding to presented nouns has been suggested. Previous functional brain imaging studies have compared generation of verbs with the reading of nouns as a measure of verb generation. In the present fMRI study involving healthy human subjects, the effects of speech articulation...
Extinction of conditioned eyeblink responses (CRs) was analyzed in sixteen patients with pure cortical cerebellar degeneration, 14 patients with lesions within the territory of the superior cerebellar artery (SCA), 13 patients with infarctions within the territory of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) and 45 age-matched controls. Three...
Seit fast 20 Jahren wird eine mögliche Bedeutung des Kleinhirns für nichtmotorische Funktionen diskutiert. Aus den Befunden einer stetig zunehmenden Zahl von Läsions- und funktionellen Bildgebungsstudien wird eine Rolle des Kleinhirns für Sprache, visuell-räumliche Leistungen, Exekutivfunktionen einschließlich des Arbeitsgedächtnisses und für Aufme...
Numerous studies have shown an involvement of the human cerebellum in motor learning, but little is known about the role of the cerebellum in learning of unspecific aversive reactions. The present study sought to distinguish which areas of the human cerebellum and brain-stem are involved in short-term habituation (STH) and long-term habituation (LT...
In a previous study, a three-dimensional (3D) MRI atlas of the human cerebellar nuclei was introduced based on findings in one healthy human subject [Dimitrova, A., Weber, J., Redies, C., Kindsvater, K., Maschke, M., Kolb, F.P., Forsting, M., Diener, H.C., Timmann, D., 2002. MRI atlas of the human cerebellar nuclei. NeuroImage 17, 240-255]. The pre...
Previous studies suggest a role of the cerebellum in detecting and recognizing event sequences. In the present study sequences of two acoustic tones of different frequencies and sequences of two visual stimuli with different colours were presented with short, long and very long durations. Thirteen cerebellar patients and 13 controls were required t...
The traditional role of the cerebellum has been seen in coordination and execution of movements, control of stance and gait as well as control of eye movements and speech. Additionally, it appears to contribute to motor learning processes and processes of the autonomic nervous system. Patients with degenerative cerebellar disease, e.g., are impaire...
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In the present study, timing of conditioned eyeblink responses (CRs) was investigated in cerebellar patients and age-matched controls using a standard delay paradigm. Findings were compared with previously published data of CR incidences in the same patient population (Gerwig et al., 2003; Timmann et al., 2005). Sixteen patients with pure cortical...
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Delay eyeblink conditioning was examined in patients with genetically-defined heredoataxias and age-matched control subjects. 24 patients with spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6), type 3 (SCA3), and Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) participated. SCA6 affects primarily the cerebellum, whereas extracerebellar involvement is common in SCA3 and FRDA. Testin...
In patients with anti-Yo associated paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) neurological symptoms precede the diagnosis of the underlying cancer in about 60%. Ovarian carcinoma, breast cancer and other gynaecological malignancies are most frequently found as causative malignancies. Antitumour treatment should be applied in an early stage of di...
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A possible role of the cerebellum in detecting and recognizing event sequences has been proposed. The present study sought to determine whether patients with cerebellar lesions are impaired in the acquisition and discrimination of sequences of sensory stimuli of different modalities. A group of 26 cerebellar patients and 26 controls matched for age...
Fear-conditioned potentiation of the startle response was used to study the role of the cerebellum in associative learning of non-specific aversive reactions in healthy human subjects using PET. Prior PET scanning initially neutral light stimuli were paired with painful electric shocks (fear-conditioning phase). Four PET-scans each were performed w...
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Activation of stably expressed M(2) and M(3) muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) as well as of endogenously expressed lysophosphatidic acid and purinergic receptors in HEK-293 cells can induce a long lasting potentiation of phospholipase C (PLC) stimulation by these and other G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Here, we report that GPCRs c...


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