Mark VetterTechnische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt | THWS · Geovisualisation
Mark Vetter
PhD, Habilitation
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March 2013 - February 2018
April 2012 - February 2013
Publications (90)
The effect of climate change on autochthonous malaria, in countries where it is still endemic, and the risk of re-emergence in those where it had already been eradicated, is a widely discussed topic nowadays. The role that the increase in temperatures can play is especially relevant in the biological cycle of both the vector and the parasite that c...
Since the early twentieth century, the intensity of malaria transmission has decreased sharply worldwide, although it is still an infectious disease with a yearly estimate of 228 million cases. The aim of this study was to expand our knowledge on the main drivers of malaria in Spain. In the case of autochthonous malaria, these drivers were linked t...
Malaria is one of the most cited vector-borne infectious diseases by climate change expert panels. Malaria vectors often need water sheets or wetlands to complete the disease life cycle. The current context of population mobility and global change requires detailed monitoring and surveillance of malaria in all countries. This study analysed the spa...
Numerical modeling provides an opportunity to quantify the reaction of lakes to alterations in their environment, such as changes in climate or hydrological conditions. The one-dimensional hydrodynamic General Lake Model (GLM) is an open-source software and widely used within the limnological research community. Nevertheless, no interface to proces...
Virtual Reality (VR) is becoming a tool that is more often used in various types of activities, including the investigation of landscape visualizations. For the creation of VR environments, it is necessary to explore the existing technical potentials. In this paper, the author will mainly focus on the possibilities of creating 3D worlds and the int...
3D-Visualisierungen von Landschaften gibt es seit der Erstellung der ersten Blockbilder. In der Vergangenheit vor allem analog (Schaubilder, Reliefkarten, Globen etc.). Die Zukunft der 3D-Visualisierung von Landschaften ist digital. Daher beschäftigt sich dieser Beitrag mit den gegenwärtigen Begriff lichkeiten, den Möglichkeiten, bzw. Methoden. Die...
Audio files entered cartography about 25 years ago. Since the mid-1990s, several examples of audiovisual maps have been created and published. These maps cover a diverse range of applications. In terms of the sound elements implemented, four characteristic variants were mainly used: abstract sounds/sound sequences, language recordings, and music an...
Numerical modeling provides the opportunity to quantify the reaction of lakes on alterations in their environment, such as changes in climate or hydrological conditions. The one-dimensional hydrodynamic General Lake Model (GLM) is an open-source software and widely used within the limnological research community. Nevertheless, neither an interface...
Malaria is one of the infectious diseases with the highest number of cases worldwide. It has always been linked to aquatic environments, since these can be a necessary reservoir for the anophelines that transmit the disease. This study analyses the role that unhealthy water bodies have played, since the early 20th century, in the most endemic and/o...
In sozialkonstruktivistischen Ansätzen der Landschaftsforschung wird „Landschaft“ nicht als „objektiv“ gegeben gefasst: Das Wissen darüber, was „Landschaft“ sei und welchen Deutungen und (Be)Wertungen sie unterliegt, ist aus dieser Perspektive das Ergebnis „sedimentierter Erfahrungen“, die sich weniger in unmittelbarer Konfrontationmit den physisch...
In approaches of social constructivist landscape research, “landscape” is not addressed in an objective way. From this perspective, the knowledge of landscape itself, its meaning, evaluation and assessment are the result of “sedimented experiences”. These experiences are hardly based on the direct confrontation with physical elements, they are rath...
Die Kartographie schenktjedem Geographen lebenslang persönlich begeisternde und beruflich unterstützende Themenkomplexe. Ludwig Ellenberg (geb. 1946), Landschaftsökologe mit dem Wunsch, bei der Betrachtung von Landschaften natur- und humangeographische Sichtweisen zu kombinieren, hat während seiner 90 Uni-Semester den Studierenden (zu denen auch de...
The modelling community has identified challenges for the integration and assessment of lake models due to the diversity of modelling approaches and lakes. In this study, we develop and assess a one-dimensional lake model and apply it to 32 lakes from a global observatory network. The data set included lakes over broad ranges in latitude, climatic...
In recent years, hardware and software innovations in the computer and video game industries have established affordable Virtual Reality (VR) systems as mass media products. Modern VR headsets, such as HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, are used to play games at home, while being part of VR landscapes and control them with natural body movements transported...
Geographische Informationssysteme (GIS) sind die zentralen Werkzeuge für die Arbeit mit Geodaten. Zunehmend werden GIS aber auch für Simulationen, Zukunftsprojektionen und fiktive Visualisierungen im Raum verwendet. GIS ist die ideale Software für die IT-gestützte Standortsuche von Energieinfrastrukturen (EIS), das Planungs-, Simulations- und Visua...
Thermal dynamics of lakes has a key role in chemical and biological processes in lakes including nutrient distributions and phytoplankton growth. Applications of hydrodynamic models to lakes can provide insights into possible future alterations in thermal dynamics induced by climate change. In this study, we present the calibration and validation o...
Lakes are sensitive to changes in climate and human activities. Over the last few decades, Mediterranean lakes have experienced various problems due to the current climate change (drought, flood, warming, salt accumulation, water quality changes, etc.), often amplified by water use, intensification of land use activities, and pollution. The overall...
Resumo The calibrated of bid rents of spatial interaction models can be very useful spatial economic indicators. The paper shows that the bid rents of the spatial interaction model calibrated for the Munich Region are strongly related to the prices of land. Being so, it is possible to evaluate the impacts of changes in exogenous variables such as t...
The calibrated of bid rents of spatial interaction models can be very useful spatial economic indicators. The paper shows that the bid rents of the spatial interaction model calibrated for the Munich Region are strongly related to the price s of land. Being so, it is possible to evaluate the impacts of changes in exogenous variables such as the bas...
The 3D reconstruction of archeological sites is still an expensive and time-consuming task. In this article, we present a novel interactive, low-cost approach to 3D reconstruction and compare it to a standard photogrammetry pipeline based on high-resolution photographs.
Our novel real-time reconstruction pipeline is based on a low-cost, consumer-le...
Extended Abstract Nowadays working as an Archaeologist or an Ancient History Scientist also needs incorporating new methods from the Geomatics field. Only by using these methods an extension of the already realised findings could be reached. This could help the ancient scientist in getting more knowledge about living conditions and living ecology a...
Workflow for the estimation of flood area and depth using ArcHydro Toolbox
Figure 1: A neronic bath in Metropolis, scanned (red version) and processed (blue version) using our pipeline. Abstract In this paper, we present an end-to-end pipeline for the online reconstruction of large-scale outdoor environments and tightly confined indoor spaces using a low-cost consumer-level hand-held RGB-D sensor. While scanning, the user...
Unlike other aquatic continental ecosystems such as lakes, small coastal brooks have not been used as indicators of anthropogenic or climatic impacts. Our study addresses reconstructing the evolution of coastal brooks in the southwest of Spain from the early 17th century to the end of the 20th century using fieldwork, remote sensing, historical sou...
Nuestro objetivo, en este apartado, es integrar los cambios que han tenido lugar en las lagunas
del antiguo Coto de Doñana con los factores principales que han causado dichos cambios durante
los últimos 400 años. La comprensión de las alteraciones históricas de los hábitats naturales puede
ayudar a los gestores a diseñar la manera de revertir décad...
Por ello, las tendencias seculares y los escenarios climáticos parecen perfilar un escenario climático
futuro para Doñana con una mayor evapotranspiración y, lo que es más importante, con una menor disponibilidad hídrica a escala secular. Estos resultados están en consonancia con estudios recientes para toda España (Argüeso y col., 2012). Estos aut...
The fast growing popularity of digital media thoroughly changes the way we perceive our environment and the means by which we orientate ourselves. But even though the benefits of digital media are manifold, the problems arising with these changes cannot be ignored. With regards to spatial orientation this means challenges for spatial capabilities a...
The possible connectivity between the spatial distribution of water bodies suitable for vectors of malaria and endemic malaria foci in Southern Europe is still not well known. Spain was one of the last countries in Western Europe to be declared free of malaria by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1964. This study combines, by means of a spatia...
Regional climate models (RCM) provide sitespecific
meteorological data at a suitable spatial resolution
for the estimation of future climate-driven changes in
aquatic ecosystems. In this study, we used meteorological
data from the RCM weather-situation-based regionalization
method (WETTREG), available for Germany, to force a
one-dimensional hydrody...
In der hydrodynamischen Modellierer-Community besteht aktuell ein hoher Bedarf an speziellen und automatisierten IT-Lösungen. Dieser dürfte auch bezüglich Umwelt-informationssystemen (UIS) im Allgemeinen bestehen, insbesondere mit Blick auf ständig steigende (Umwelt-) Datenmengen bis hin zu Big Data. Hydrodynamische IT-Lösungen sollen dazu dienen,...
In this study we implemented groundwater inflow to the one-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation of lake water
temperatures to improve the reproduction of the real water temperatures by the simulation results for Lake Ammersee,
Southern Germany. As the hydro-geological conditions at Lake Ammersee have not yet been finally clarified, we created simula...
We report on the calibration of the one-dimensional hydrodynamic lake model Dynamic Reservoir Simulation Model to simulate the water temperature conditions of the pre-alpine Lake Ammersee (southeast Germany) that is a representative of deep and large lakes in this region. Special focus is given to the calibration in order to reproduce the correct t...
Climate change-derived higher air temperatures and the resulting increase in lake surface temperatures are known to influence the physical, biological and chemical processes of water bodies. By using hydrodynamic lake models coupled with regional climate models the potential future impact of a changing climate can be investigated. The present study...
Due to climate change, an increase in the surface temperature of water bodies is located. As a result, physical and biogeochemical processes in lakes will be influenced. By the use of hydrodynamic models, which are combined with regional climate models, it is possible to predict limnological impacts of the climate change. The objective of the prese...
In order to enhance our research work on the impact of climate change on bodies of water, it is necessary to establish coupled hydrodynamic and ecosystem models that take into account simulated data of climate models. We assume that the coupled hydrodynamic models, along with the regional climate models, can serve to gain further knowledge on the f...
Throughout the last decades of the 20th century, nutrient concentrations in some continental aquatic ecosystems increased due to human activities in their catchment areas. This is also possible to observe in the Lake Ammersee, situated in South-East of Germany, 30 km away from the City of Munich. The lake and its catchment area are representative o...
In the past decades, nutrient concentrations in several pre-Alpine lakes in central Europe have increased due to human activity in the catchment area. Here, we examine whether this trend will continue in the future, through our analysis of the development of the trophic status, over a period of 25 years (1984–2009), of the pre-Alpine, dimictic temp...
RESUMEN Habitualmente los impactos antropogénicos son mucho más conspicuos que los climáticos. Por ello pueden contribuir a que los efectos del cambio climático pasen desapercibidos. Este estudio plantea la posibilidad de detectar si ambos tipos de impactos han afectado de forma sinérgica a los humedales del suroeste de España. Para ello hemos cuan...
Die Modellierung der thermalen Schichtung und des Wärmehaushalts von Seen im
Klimawandel ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung, um limnologische Veränderungen
abzuschätzen und anschließend durch ein ökologisches Stoffhaushaltsmodell das
Wasserqualitätsmanagement zu unterstützen. Der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf
Umweltsysteme und Seeökosysteme im Speziel...
Die Modellierung des Wärmehaushalts von Seen im Klimawandel ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung,
um limnologische Veränderungen für die Zukunft abzuschätzen und anschließend
das Wasserqualitätsmanagement durch ein ökologisches Stoffhaushaltsmodell zu unterstützen.
Der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf Umweltsysteme und Seeökosysteme im Speziellen
wurde ber...
In the nature reserve National Park Berchtesgaden we face a certain dilemma. Due to the rigorous criteria from the IUCN no utilisation is allowed in the area. Nevertheless, utilisation there does exist in the form of tourism and alp pasture. But can this be considered a problem? And, above all, is this kind of utilisation the reason for the small s...
Unter der Annahme, dass Anzeichen von Umweltveränderungen durch den Klimawandel besonders in sensiblen, wenig genutzten Hochgebirgsökosystemen gut erkennbar sind, ist im Einzugsgebiet des Königssees im Nationalpark Berchtesgaden ein landschaftsökologisches Projekt unter dem Titel „Landschaftsökologische Analysen im Königsseeeinzugsgebiet“ (LAKE) du...
Questions (2)
I really would like to know, if there exist a consitent and complete approach, to bring the concept of visual variables (basically according BERTIN) into 3D-Cartography requirements?
Im a looking for a workflow to transform GIS-Data (like ArcGIS or Q-GIS) into a Game Engine (like Unreal Engine or Unity? Maybe 3D-Modelling by Blender or 3D-Max could be a step in between.