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Publications (159)
The nine-year multicenter research project, titled REGman—Optimization of Training and Competition: Management of Regeneration in Elite Sports—aimed to advance the understanding of recovery management in sports and generate practical recommendations. In this article, we outline the overarching research program that links the specific research stran...
Jugendliche verdienen im Rahmen des Schulsports eine besondere Zuwendung. Sie gelten – je nach Perspektive – als Gradmesser moderner Sportkulturen, als anspruchsvoll und abwendungsgefährdet oder als engagierter Nachwuchs. Das Buch vereint verschiedene Sichtweisen auf diese Lebensphase und hilft dabei, Schulsport in der weiterführenden Schule als ei...
Current efforts to design an effective method of detecting talent are now focused on the differing interests of children (preferences) and not just their sport-related motor skills (ability). When a person-oriented approach is used, it is important to profile different types to design movement offers that effectively target the relevant groups and...
From the perspectives of training and exercise science and performance analysis on sports games, it is particularly important to analyze the competition. As a result of technological progress, a broad spectrum of different approaches to game analysis has developed in this field in recent years. A systematization model of quantitative match analysis...
The present study aimed to assess the perception and change of mental and physical fatigue and to examine acute effects of mental recovery strategies in air rifle athletes across simulated competition days with two consecutive competition bouts.
We conducted a randomized counterbalanced crossover study.
22 development air...
Die Trainingswissenschaft greift auf mehr oder weniger elaborierte Heuristiken, Theorien, Konzepte und Modelle zur Beschreibung, Erklärung und Ergründung von Anpassungs-, Regelungs- und Steuerungsprozessen zurück. Die Erklärungskraft der jeweiligen Theorien und Modelle zu Anpassungsprozessen durch Training sowie zur Trainingssteuerung reichen dabei...
Sowohl der Grundschulsport als auch das organisierte und informelle Sporttreiben im Kindesalter sind in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten mit neuartigen Herausforderungen konfrontiert und von Wandlungsprozessen erfasst worden. Neben der Berücksichtigung heterogener Lernvoraussetzungen der Schüler*innen im Fach Sport hat nicht zuletzt die Etablierung des...
Zusammenfassung. Der Athlete Sleep Behavior Questionnaire ist ein englischsprachiger Fragebogen zur Erhebung des individuellen Schlafverhaltens von Sportler_innen. Ziel dieser Studie war die Übersetzung des Athlete Sleep Behavior Questionnaire ins Deutsche sowie die wissenschaftliche Validierung dieser deutschen 18-Item-Version, dem Fragebogen zum...
Sowohl der Grundschulsport als auch das organisierte und informelle Sporttreiben im Kindesalter sind in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten mit neuartigen Herausforderungen konfrontiert und von Wandlungsprozessen erfasst worden. Neben der Berücksichtigung heterogener Lernvoraussetzungen der Schüler*innen im Fach Sport hat nicht zuletzt die Etablierung des...
Recently an individualisation algorithm has been developed and shown to significantly improve the diagnostic accuracy of creatine kinase (CK) and urea in endurance sports and Badminton. In this study, the applicability and benefit of this algorithm was evaluated using repeated measures data from 161 professional German soccer players monitored duri...
The early identification of sports talents includes finding the right sport and is of great importance for both scientists and practitioners. In this article, special attention will be paid to the entry into sports in general as a basis of a talent development process. Sport-specific evidence from a variety of talent development models will be list...
This project repository contains a documentation including data and analysis files to be able to reproduce all results presented in the main paper.
Plot displays individual change scores in HRex following recovery (ΔRecovery, blue) and following training strain (ΔStrain, red) during the 12-week study period.
Individual monitoring data are visualized for each player during the observational period.
Plot displays individual HRex for recovered (blue) and strained (red) state during the 12-week study period.
Individual data are summarized for recovered and strained state. Group data summarizes mean individual data.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether recovery from eccentric squat exercise varies depending on age and to assess whether the use of a mixed-method recovery (MMR) consisting of cold water immersion and compression tights benefits recovery. Sixteen healthy and resistance-trained young (age, 22.1±2.1years; N=8) and master male athletes (a...
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a mixed-method recovery intervention (MMR) consisting of active recovery, stretching, cold-water immersion, and massage on physical, technical, physiological, and perceptual recovery during and after a five-day simulated tennis tournament. Nine competitive male tennis players (age, 24.6±4.2 ye...
The purpose of this study was to investigate blood-based biomarkers and their regulation with regard to different recovery-stress states. A total of 35 male elite athletes (13 badminton, 22 soccer players) were recruited, and two venous blood samples were taken: one in a ‘recovered’ state (REC) after a minimum of one-day rest from exercise and anot...
Das Regenerationsmanagement im Leistungssport umfasst die Abschätzung von Ermüdungszustand und Regenerationsbedarf (Teil 1 dieser Beitragsreihe in Ausgabe 4/2021, S. 4-8) sowie den Einsatz regenerationsfördernder Maßnahmen (Teil 2 dieser Beitragsreihe). Zur Unterstützung der Regenerationsprozesse werden in der Sportpraxis verschiedene Regenerations...
Das Regenerationsmanagement im Leistungssport umfasst die Abschätzung von Ermüdungszustand und Regenerationsbedarf (Teil 1 dieser Beitragsreihe) sowie den Einsatz regenerationsfördernder Maßnahmen (Teil 2 dieser Beitragsreihe). Die Erfassung des Regenerationsbedarfs erfolgt durch die Dokumentation der externen Trainings- und Wettkampfbelastung, der...
The standard fitness-fatigue model (FFM) is known to include several limitations described by the linearity assumption, the independence assumption, and the deterministic assumption. These limitations ensure that the modelled response to chronic training does not match the complexity observed in practice. The purpose of part II of this review serie...
To identify whether the use of active recovery (ACT) the day after high-intensity interval training (HIIT) benefits recovery and to assess whether individual responses to ACT are repeatable.
Eleven well-trained, male intermittent-sport athletes (age: 25.5 ± 1.8 y) completed 4 HIIT sessions, each separated by a 2-week washout pe...
Purpose: To investigate short-term training and recovery-related effects on heart rate during a standardized submaximal running test.
Methods: Ten elite badminton players (7 females and 3 males) were monitored during a 12-week training period in preparation for the World Championships. Exercise heart rate (HRex) and perceived exertion...
Both daily demands as well as training and competition characteristics in sports can result in a psychobiological state of mental fatigue leading to feelings of tiredness, lack of energy, an increased perception of effort, and performance decrements. Moreover, optimal performance will only be achievable if the balance between recovery and stress st...
To investigate short-term training and recovery-related effects on heart rate during a standardized submaximal running test.
Ten elite badminton players (7 females and 3 males) were monitored during a 12-week training period in preparation for the World Championships. Exercise heart rate (HRex) and perceived exertion were measured...
Objectives: Objectives were to examine subjective sleep quality and daytime sleepiness of the German ice hockey junior national team prior to the world championship to identify athletes of concern and areas of optimization with the intention of equally preventing injury and enhancing performance.
Methods: Twenty-one athletes (Mage = 18.5 ± 0.6 yea...
Cold-water immersion is increasingly used by athletes to support performance recovery. Recently, however, indications have emerged suggesting that the regular use of cold-water immersion might be detrimental to strength training adaptation.
In a randomized crossover design, 11 participants performed two 8-week training periods...
Portable polysomnography (PSG) is a promising tool to assess sleep architecture and stages in athletes, yet there are hardly any research findings concerning comfort and practicability within the applied field. Thus, aim of this study was to examine to what extent self‐applied portable‐PSG has an influence on objective (measured via actigraphy) and...
Background: This crossover study's objective was to investigate whether a cooling intervention during simulated tennis match play in the heat could affect players' performance, physiology, perception of effort, and well-being.
Methods: Eight competitive male tennis players performed two testing sessions of 45-minute simulated tennis match play on...
The interaction between external training load (ETL) and players internal response in beach volleyball is currently poor investigated. Using single parameters (e.g. jump volume) described in indoor settings is questionable due to specific load characteristics like sandy ground and reduced number of players. The aim of this work is to analyz...
Current sport-scientific studies mostly neglect the assessment of sleep architecture, although the distribution of different sleep stages is considered an essential component influencing an athlete’s recovery and performance capabilities. A mobile, self-applied tool like the SOMNOwatch plus EEG might serve as an economical and time-friendly alterna...
In diesem Kapitel wird die im Rahmen des REGman-Projekts entwickelte Software "REGmon" - Regenerationsmanagement durch Athletenmonitoring - vorgestellt. Dabei werden unter anderem folgende Aspekte thematisiert: (I) der Prozess des Athletenmonitorings aus Sicht des REGman-Projekts als Datenerfassung, Datenanalyse und -auswertung und Ergebnisdarstell...
Das Interesse des Leistungssports am „Regenerationsmanagement“ (Kurzname des Projekts: REGman) ist ungebrochen, wie u. a. die Vielzahl internationaler Publikationen belegen. Ganz offenbar werden auf diesem Gebiet nach wie vor relevante Reserven im Hinblick auf die Leistungsoptimierung gesehen. Der erste 4-Jahres-Abschnitt von REGman I (...
Despite indications of positive effects of sauna (SAU) interventions, effects on performance recovery are unknown. The aim of the current study was to investigate acute effects of SAU bathing after an intensive training session on recovery of swim performance.
In total, 20 competitive swimmers and triathletes (3 female and 17 m...
Despite the general consensus regarding the implementation of self-report measures in the training monitoring, there is a lack of research about their applicability and comprehensibility among developing athletes. However, this target group needs special considerations to manage the increasing training demands while maintaining health and performan...
Der Wettkampfdiagnostik kommt aus trainingswissenschaftlich-leistungsdiagnostischer Perspektive gerade in den Sportspielen eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Bedingt durch den technologischen Fortschritt hat sich auf diesem Gebiet in den vergangenen Jahren ein breites Spektrum unterschiedlicher Ansätze zur Spielanalyse entwickelt. Vorgestellt wird ein Sy...
Die Analyse der individuellen Trainingsbeanspruchungen (TB) ist von entscheidender Bedeutung im Leistungssport geworden. Für die Messung der TB existieren verschiedene Methoden, wie die session rating of perceived exertion (sRPE), training impulse (TRIMP), Blutlaktat, Sauerstoffaufnahme und / oder psychologische Skalen sowie Fragebögen....
Methodenvergleich zweier „Session Rating of Perceived Exertion -
Methoden" im Schwimmen
Die Analyse der individuellen Trainingsbeanspruchungen (TB) ist von entscheidender Bedeutung im Leistungssport geworden. Für die Messung der TB existieren verschiedene Methoden, wie die session rating of perceived exertion (sRPE), training impulse (T...
Zu den zentralen Aufgaben trainingswissenschaftlicher Leistungsdiagnostik zählt, die Struktur sportlicher Leistung zu identifizieren (Hohmann, Lames & Letzelter, 2014), um daraus fundierte Empfehlungen für die Gestaltung von Trainingsprozessen zu erhalten.
In Kooperation mit dem Hessischen Handball Verband wurden sportmotorische Tests mit 152 Jugen...
Die Komplexität von Sportspielen führt dazu, dass den SuS innerhalb kürzester Zeit situationsadäquate Handlungsabläufe abgefordert werden. Doch wie können diese komplexen Handlungsabläufe effektiv vermittelt werden? Zur Sportspielvermittlung existieren unterschiedliche Vermittlungskonzepte, deren Auswirkungen kontrovers diskutiert werden. In diesem...
Die Trainingswissenschaft greift auf mehr oder weniger elaborierte Heuristiken, Theorien, Konzepte und Modelle zur Beschreibung, Erklärung und Ergründung von Anpassungs-, Regelungs- und Steuerungsprozessen zurück. Die Erklärungskraft der jeweiligen Theorien und Modelle zu Anpassungsprozessen durch Training sowie zur Trainingssteuerung reichen dabei...
In mathematical modeling by means of performance models, the Fitness-Fatigue Model (FF-Model) is a common approach in sport and exercise science to study the training performance relationship. The FF-Model uses an initial basic level of performance and two antagonistic terms (for fitness and fatigue). By model calibration, parameters are adapted to...
Purpose: Individualized reference ranges for serum creatine kinase (CK) and urea are a promising tool for the assessment of recovery status in high-level endurance athletes. In this study, we investigated the application of this approach in racket sports, specifically for the monitoring of elite badminton players during the preparation for their wo...
Objective: In two independent study arms, we determine the effects of strength training (ST) and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) overload on cardiac autonomic modulation by measuring heart rate (HR) and vagal heart rate variability (HRV). Methods: In the study, 37 well-trained athletes (ST: 7 female, 12 male; HIIT: 9 female, 9 male) were su...
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2019.00582/full#supplementary-material |
Table 1.xlsx. Supplementary Tables. |
Data Sheet 1.xlsx. Data Sheet. |
Data Sheet 2.zip. Data analysis and statistical analysis. |
Data Sheet 3.docx. Instructions heart rate recordin...
Supplementary Figure 1. Standardized mean differences (d-diff) ... | Supplementary Figure 2. Correlations between performance and heart rate (variability) measures ... Strength Training ... | Supplementary Figure 3. Correlations between performance and heart rate (variability) measures ... HIIT ... | Supplementary Figure 4. Individual responses ......
Both meticulously structured trainig routine as well as specific characteristics of various sports (e.g., swimming, shooting, modern pentathlon)with multiple competition bouts in a single day appear to be mentally demanding and may result in a state of mental fatigue. Due to these multidimensional demands, adequate training and competition recovery...
Foam rolling is thought to improve muscular performance and flexibility as well as to alleviate muscle fatigue and soreness. For this reason, foam rolling has become a popular intervention in all kinds of sport settings used to increase the efficiency of training or competition preparation as well as to speed post-exercise recovery. The objective o...
Table 2. Characteristics of the included studies on the effects of post-rolling.
Table 1. Characteristics of the included studies on the effects of pre-rolling.
The recovery-stress state (rss) is important for optimal training control. Therefore, various, sometimes complex measuring methods for this parameter are available in competitive sports. A new generation of wearables promises consumer-friendly applications, e. g. the Vital Monitor calculates a regeneration and stress index based on HRV values. The...
To investigate the effects of different recovery strategies on fatigue markers following a prolonged running exercise.
46 recreational male runners completed a half-marathon, followed by active recovery (ACT), cold water immersion (CWI), massage (MAS) or passive recovery (PAS). Countermovement jump height, muscle soreness and perce...
Study data.
Rec, recovery; CMJ, countermovement jump; Dm, muscle belly displacement; Tc, contraction time; DOMS, delayed onset muscle soreness; SRSS, short recovery and stress scale; OR, overall recovery; OS, overall stress; CK, creatine kinase; CRP, c-reactive protein; f-T, free-testosterone; IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor 1.
Training is mostly targeted on achieving training goals that, in turn, result in physical adaptation and ultimately comply with superior intents, such as increasing performance capability, gaining fitness, losing weight and many more. Performance in sports is closely connected to physiological adaptations that are induced by the athlete's training...
INTRODUCTION: Accompanied monitoring of athletes recovery status is helpful to counteract overreaching and overtraining symptoms in
athletes and has recently been highlighted in many works (Le Meur et al., 2016). The heartrate recovery (HRR) assessment dur submaximal
training intensities hereby provides a promising approach to optimize training out...
Background: The relation between training load, especially internal load, and the recovery-stress state is of central importance for avoiding negative adaptations in high-performance sports like swimming. The aim of this study was to analyze the individual time-delayed linear effect relationship between training load and recovery-stress state with...
A comprehensive monitoring of fitness, fatigue, and performance is crucial for understanding an athlete's individual responses to training to optimize the scheduling of training and recovery strategies. Resting and exercise-related heart rate measures have received growing interest in recent decades and are considered potentially useful within mult...
Objective: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be extremely demanding and can consequently produce high blood lactate levels. Previous studies have shown that lactate is a potent metabolic stimulus, which is important for adaptation. Active recovery (ACT) after intensive exercise, however, enhances blood lactate removal in comparison with p...
Massage, Eisbad oder Ausruhen – Es gibt viele beliebte Regenerationsmethoden. Sportler nutzen beispielsweise Sauna und Massagen als Erholung nach dem Wettkampf. Was ist effektiv? In einem Verbundprojekt untersuchten Sportwissenschaftler, wie sich unterschiedliche Erholungsmaßnahmen auf die Leistung der Sportler auswirken. Die Ergebn...
In order to assess lower extremity muscle mechanical properties in athletes, power-load characteristics during multi-joint tasks are frequently examined. This work compared 6 weeks of traditional (TP) and daily-undulated (DUP) periodized loaded countermovement jumping (CMJ). 20 amateur athletes (age: 24.2 ± 2.6 years, height: 175.6 ± 7.1 cm, body m...
This study investigated whether the repeated use of an active recovery (ACT) program is beneficial for promoting recovery of muscle function during an intensive training phase in elite Olympic weightlifters. Using a crossover design, eight competitive weightlifters (7 male; 1 female) from the German national Olympic team participated in a two-day m...
Tracking and predicting the performance of athletes is of great interest, not only in training science but also, increasingly, for serious hobbyists. The increasing availability and use of smart watches and fitness trackers means that abundant data is becoming available, and the interest to optimally use this data for performance tracking and train...
The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of wearing various levels of compression following repeated and exhausting sprint exercise on variables related to recovery. Twelve well-trained handball players performed three sessions of repeated and exhausting sprint exercise (30 × 30m). Directly after each session the participants wore tights...
Ullrich, B, Pelzer, T, and Pfeiffer, M. Neuromuscular effects to 6 weeks of loaded countermovement jumping with traditional and daily undulating periodization. J Strength Cond Res 32(3): 660-674, 2018-Loaded vertical jumps are routinely used to enhance athlete's power production in the lower extremity and to optimize jumping and sprinting performan...
The aim of this paper was a) to analyse the intraindividual change and criterion sensitivity of the AcuteRecovery and Stress Scale (ARSS) and its abridged version the Short Recovery and Stress Scale (SRSS) inresponse to a 6-day microcycle of intensified strength training (STM) and high-intensity interval training(HIIT) in comparison with the change...
Vertikalsprünge mit Zusatzlasten werden im Athletiktraining unterschiedlicher Sportarten genutzt. Der Einfluss verschiedener Periodisierungsmodelle auf biomechanische und muskelarchitektonische Anpassungsgrößen ist dabei aktuell unerforscht.
Für diese Arbeit führten 22 Spielsportler der regionalen Leistungsklasse (24,3 ± 2,6 Jahre; 12 Männer/10 Fr...
Purpose: Loaded vertical jumps are routinely used to enhance athlete’s power production in the lower extremity and to optimize jumping and sprinting performance (Cormie et al., 2007). Therefore, enhancing the effectiveness of loaded jumping programs is of practical relevance for conditioning experts. Periodization is a key feature to optimize condi...
The Acute Recovery and Stress Scale (ARSS) and the Short Recovery and Stress Scale were first established in German for the purposes of monitoring athletes' current recovery-stress states in an economical and multidimensional manner. The aim of this paper is to document the development and initial validation of the English versions of these two psy...
Monitoring athletes’ responses to training and other life stressors is crucial for implementing favourable training routines and achieving optimal performances. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview and evaluation of current psychological tools used in training contexts among athletes. The instruments discussed include the Profile of...