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Publications (128)
The US Air Force completed Cyber Vision 2025, a science and technology blueprint to assure cyberspace advantage in the air, space, and cyber domains. Four cross-domain themes guide Air Force science and technology investments: mission assurance and empowerment, agility and resilience, optimized human-machine systems, and software and hardware found...
Language scientist, translator, German radio journalist, free-lance photographic reporter, and scientific ambassador are just some of the titles held by the multitalented Michael Zock. This opening chapter chronicles the professional milestones of this boundary spanning, cross cultural, psycholinguistic pioneer, while exposing his politeness, modes...
This chapter overviews the knowledge management (KM) history, strategy and practice at The MITRE Corporation. A non-profit organization working in the public interest in the domains of national security, aviation, and tax administration, MITRE has inculcated learning and knowledge sharing into its corporate culture. In particular, the chapter descr...
Previous chapters have addressed a variety of ways in which style can be expressed and evoked—in production, perception, and interaction. The present chapter explores the future of style in interactive applications of artificial intelligence (AI). To do so we dissect style along various dimensions, including functions, levels, domains, and uses, in...
Security computing requirements include confidentiality, integrity, and availability (FIPS 199, 2004). Confidentiality is the control of information so that it is only shared among users with appropriate access. Integrity is ensuring the information is accurate and has not been altered or manipulated in some way. Finally, availability means making...
The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence was pleased to present the 2008 Fall Symposium Series, held Friday through Sunday, November 7-9, at the Westin Arlington Gateway in Arlington, Virginia. The titles of the seven symposia were (1) Adaptive Agents in Cultural Contexts, (2) AI in Eldercare: New Solutions to Old Problems, (3...
Audio and video processing promise significant enhancements to current human intensive tasks such as transportation and border surveillance. Operational solutions are now emerging that promise effective, objective, and affordable systems that provide automation of missions ranging from broad area surveillance to close in deception detection. This p...
This workshop brings together a community of researchers and practitioners to identify and develop the research agenda needed to enhance human interaction with increasingly powerful and independent intelligent systems e.g. sensors networks, autonomous systems, agents and robotic systems. These systems have applications in many domains including hea...
When we converse with one another, we utilize an array of media to interact, including spoken language, gestures, and drawings. We exploit multiple sensory systems or modalities of communication including vision, audition, and tac-tion. Providing machines with the ability to interpret mul-timedia input and generate coordinated multimedia output pro...
Previous work in natural language génération has exploited discourse focus to guide the selection of propositional content and the génération of referring expressions (e.g., pronominalization, définite noun phrase génération). However, there are many other sources of contextual information which can be used to constrain linguistic realization. The...
Webster's defines entertainment as "something diverting or engaging" or "a performance". IT occurs in a broad range of domains including games and toys, the fine arts, movies and radio, sports, travel, and education. Some examples from the digital world includes virtual games, interactive arts such as audience guided movies, augmented sports, virtu...
We, humans, anthropomorphize targets of communication. In this sense, humanoids or androids can have ideal interface for humans. This paper focuses on two new fundamental issues in the human interface studies. There are two relationships between robots ...
Next generation question answering systems are challenged on many fronts including but not limited to massive, heterogeneous
and sometimes streaming collections, diverse and challenging users, and the need to be sensitive to context, ambiguity, and
even deception. This chapter describes new directions in question answering (QA) including enhanced q...
Summary form only given. Collaboration services promise to improve the engagement and effectiveness of humans across geospatial, temporal, and organizational boundaries. However there also are many examples of collaboration failures. This article describes several successful deployments of state of the art collaboration environments and exemplifies...
Collaboration services promise to improve the engagement and effectiveness of humans across geospatial, temporal, and organizational boundaries. However, there also are many examples of collaboration failures. After a brief introduction to collaboration services, this tutorial will describe several successful deployments of state-of-the-art collabo...
insiders (an analyst, application administrator, and system administrator), measuring timeliness This paper summarizes a collaborative, six and accuracy of detection. month ARDA NRRC 1 challenge workshop to characterize and create analysis methods to counter sophisticated malicious insiders in the 1. The Threat: Malicious Insiders United States Int...
Users require more effective and efficient means of interaction with increasingly complex information and new interactive devices. This document summarizes the results of the international Dagstuhl Seminar on Coordination and Fusion in Multimodal Interaction that took place at Schloss Dagstuhl in Germany October 27 through November 2, 2001 1 . We f...
As Digital TV subscribers are offered more and more channels, it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to locate the right programme information at the right time. The personalized Electronic Programme Guide (pEPG) is one solution to this problem; ...
Broadcast news sources and newspapers provide society with the vast majority of realtime information. Unfortunately, cost
efficiencies and real-time pressures demand that producers, editors, and writers select and organize content for stereotypical
audiences. In this article we illustrate how content understanding, user modeling, and tailored prese...
This paper surveys our efforts in the automated analysis of human created digital artifacts and human computer interactions to enable peer-to-peer (P2P) knowledge management (KM). We begin outlining the relationships among knowledge management, peer-to-peer computing, col- laboration, and human language technology. We first discuss tools to support...
This paper reports on an exploratory project investigating multiple perspectives in question answering (MPQA). The project was conducted as a summer workshop
hypertext in early 1990, it now attracts many researchers from different communities such as hypertext, user modeling, machine learning, natural language generation, information retrieval, intelligent tutoring systems, cognitive science, and Web-based education. model, an adaptable system requires the user to specify exactly how the system should b...
Summary The Broadcast News Navigator (BNN) is a fully im plemented system that incorporates image, speech, and language processing together with visualization and user preference modeling to support intelligent, personalized access to broadcast news video. The demonstration will illustrate the use of the system's underlying machine learning enable...
This poster describes methods to enable intelligent access to multimodal information streams. We illustrate these methods in two integrated systems: the Broadcast News Editor (BNE) which incorporates image, speech, and language processing and the Broadcast News Navigator (BNN) which provides search, visualization and personalized access to broadcas...
Growth in government investment, academic research, and commercial question answering (QA) systems is motivating a need for increased planning and coordination. The internationalization of QA research, and the need to move toward a common understanding of resources, tasks and evaluation methods provided motivate a need to facilitate more rapid and...
Tomorrow’s question answering systems will need to have the ability to process information about beliefs, opinions, and evaluations—the perspective of an agent. Answers to many simple factual questions—even yes/no questions—are affected by the perspective of the information source. For example, a questioner asking question (1) might be interested t...
This paper summarizes several initiatives at MITRE that are investigating the visualization of a range of content. We present results of our work in relevancy visualization, news visualization, world events visualization and sensor/battlefield visualization to enhance user interaction in information access and exploitation tasks. We summarize sever...
An overview of expertise sharing, an approach to knowledge management that emphasizes the human components of knowledge work in addition to information storage and retrieval.
The field of knowledge management focuses on how organizations can most effectively store, manage, retrieve, and enlarge their intellectual properties. The repository view of...
This article describes automated tools for increasing organizational awareness within a global enterprise. The MITRE Corporation is the context for this work; however, the tools and techniques are general and should apply to a wide variety of distributed, heterogeneous organizations. These tools provide awareness of team members and materials in vi...
This paper describes the design and application of time-enhanced, finite state models of discourse cues to the automated segmentation of broadcast news. We describe our analysis of a broadcast news corpus, the design of a discourse cue based story segmentor that builds upon information extraction techniques, and finally its computational implementa...
Increasing sources and amounts of information challenge users around the globe. Newspapers, television news broadcasts, Web sites, and other forms of communication provide society with the vast majority of teal-time information. Unfortunately, cost and time pressures demand that producers, editors, and writers select and organize content for stereo...
This paper considers multimodal systems, resources, and evaluation. We first motivate the value of multimodal information access with a vision of multimodal question answering and an example of content based access to broadcast news video. We next describe intelligent multimodal interfaces, define terminology, and summarize a range of applications,...
This article outlines new technologies in the areas of automated expertise finding, expert network discover, virtual place-based collaboration, and automated question answering. We illustrate each of these areas with implemented and in some cases empirically evaluated systems. Collectively, these illustrate new methods for automatic discovery of kn...
The present article reports on expert findings about collaborative virtual environments. While computer-supported collaborative virtual environments have been successfully applied to revolutionize distance learning, distributed design, and collaborative analysis and planning a fundamental challenge of these systems is establishing the right teams o...
The present article reports on the creation and application of a place-based virtual collaboration environment for distributed analysis and collaborative planning in intelligence and defence. The virtual office has been a dream for decades. Computer supported collaborative environments provides services such as integrated desk-top conferencing, sha...
This paper outlines the central role a range of human language technologies play in the emerging discipline of knowledge management. We articulate several grand challenges, illustrate some early successes, and recommend areas of continued research. 1
INTRODUCTION Intelligent human computer interaction 1 promises to support more sophisticated and natural input and output, to enable users to perform potentially complex tasks more quickly, with greater accuracy, and to improve user satisfaction. Intelligent interfaces are becoming increasingly important as users face increasing system complexity a...
This paper addresses existing functional needs and current technical opportunities for intelligent automation to support air campaign and theater level planning. In the context of a changing political, military, and acquisition environment, we describe several advanced automation activities that address key shortfalls in situation assessment, force...
. In naturally occurring discourse, much that is meant to be communicated is left out of the explicit text. The interpreter must reconstruct much of the intended meaning; and the generator can leave out information that will be reconstructed. In this paper, we use an abductive approach to generation and interpretation to provide an account of how t...
Efficient, effective and intuitive access to multimedia information is essential for business, education, government and leisure. Unfortunately, interface design typically does not account for users with disabilities, estimated at 40 million in America alone. Given broad societal needs, our community has a social responsibility to provide universal...
Abstract For several years we have been pursuing a vision of knowledge on demand, the ability for all users to access knowledge regardless of time, location, device or level of expertise. This paper overviews the central role human language technology can play in several areas of knowledge on demand. After motivating the importance of this area, we...
The article introduces a special section that aims to bring together some of the best work to date in the creation of intelligent News on Demand systems that automatically process news and provide personalcasts, tailored presentations to satisfy individu The article introduces a special section that aims to bring together some of the best work to d...
Most dialogues are multimodal. When people talk, they use not only their voices, but also facial expressions and other gestures, and perhaps even touch. When computers communicate with people, they use pictures and perhaps sounds, together with textual language, and when people communicate with computers, they are likely to use mouse “gestures” alm...
Traditionally usability holds the status of an art applied by
limited, highly expert scientists and engineers intended to enhance the
design of hardware and software for the ultimate benefit of the end
user. In the creation of human computer interfaces, the usability
engineer (or should we say interface artist) has at her disposal a
number of techn...
In this paper we describe two systems designed to connect users to distributed, continuously changing experts and their knowledge. Using information re-trieval, information extraction, and collaborative filtering techniques, these sys-tems are able to enhance corporate knowledge management by overcoming tradi-tional problems of knowledge acquisitio...
More effective, efficient and natural human computer or computer mediated human-human interaction will require both automated understanding and generation of multimedia. Fluent conversational interaction demands explicit models of the user, discourse, task and context. It will also require a richer understanding of media (i.e., text, audio, video),...
Multimedia communication is a part of everyday life and its appearance in computer applications is increasing in frequency and diversity. Intelligent or knowledge based computer supported communication promises a number of benefits including increased interaction efficiency and effectiveness. This article defines the area of intelligent multimedia...
The paper describes the application of a suite of innovative
information processing and analytic support tools developed at The MITRE
Corporation, in some cases as extensions of commercial tools, to the
problem of discovery of illegal chemical proliferation activities from
open (i.e. unclassified) sources. These include tools for multimedia
Increasing amounts of text, audio, and video content has fueled efforts to provide direct, content based access to these materials. Summaries are often necessary to enable timely relevancy assessments, information extraction, or information analysis from source material. Whereas text summarization research is receiving increasing attention, compara...
In this article, we describe the presentation components of two systems created at The MITRE Corporation: An Intelligent Multimedia Interface (AIMI) and the Textual Explanation PLANner (TEXPLAN) system. We then describe and analyze these two systems using the Standard Reference Model (SRM) for Intelligent Multimedia Presentation Systems (IMMPS) [M....
This article summarizes the main results of a joint endeavor towards a standard reference model (SRM) for intelligent multimedia presentation systems (IMMPSs), After a brief motivation, we give basic definitions for media terms and presentation systems. The core of this contribution is a generic reference architecture that reflects an implementatio...
ndirect means for achieving communicative goals rather than an exercise to produce grammatically correct output. However, despite a growing awareness of the importance of these factors, there is still relatively little work on connecting these aspects to surface generation and to develop a computational model that integrates these components into a...
In this paper we examine tire developed techniques and lessons learned in an operational multimedia exploitation system, Broadcast News Editor (BNE) and Broadcast News Navigator (BNN). BNE captures, analyzes, annotates, segments, summarizes, and stores broadcast news audio, video and textual data within tlte context of multimedia database system BN...
An abstract is not available.
This paper reports the development of a broadcast news video corpora and novel techniques to automatically segment stories, extract proper names, and visualize associated metadata. We report story segmentation and proper name extraction results using an information retrieval inspired evaluation methodology, measuring the precision and recall perfor...
Selecting the appropriate information to convey about an entity, or collections thereof, in a knowledge or data base is a fundamental problem in explanation generation. This article reports on the development and application of a general purpose similarity metric to the task of determining content during the automatic generation of explanations. In...
Summarization entails analysis of source material, selection of key information, condensation of this, and generation of a compact summary form. While there have been many investigations into the automatic summarization of text, relatively little attention has been given to the summarization of information from structured information sources such a...
This overview introduces the emerging set of techniques for parsing and generating multiple media (e.g., text, graphics, maps, gestures) using multiple sensory modalities (e.g., auditory, visual, tactile). We first briefly introduce and motivate the value of such techniques. Next we describe various computational methods for parsing input from hete...
The proliferation of information and services on our global information highways demands mechanisms to support more effective
and efficient interaction. This article claims that efficient and effective interaction requires both cooperative and multimedia
communication, illustrating this through several applications developed by our group that aim t...
Recent advances have fueled investigation into the integration of knowledge-based systems and multimedia technology. These intelligent or knowledge-based multimedia systems go beyond traditional hypertext and hypermedia and promise to provide capabilities such as knoledge-based search and retrieval from multimedia data bases, interfaces that intell...
We present an approach to control information flow in object-oriented systems. The decision of whether an informatin flow is permitted or denied depends on both the authorizations specified on the objects and the process by which information is obtained ...
This collection is an outgrowth of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Interfaces which took place at Anaheim, California in August of 1991. Multimedia interfaces are computer interfaces that communicate with users using multiple media (e.g., language, graphics, animations, video, non-speec...
The ability to argue to support a conclusion or to encourage some course of action is fundamental to communication. Guided by examination of naturally occurring arguments, this paper classifies the communicative structure and function of several different kinds of arguments and indicates how these can be formalized as plan-based models of communica...
One promise of telerobotics is the ability to interact in environments that are distant (e.g., deep sea or deep space), dangerous (e.g., nuclear, chemical, or biological environments), or inaccessible by humans for political or legal reasons. A key component to such interactions are sophisticated human-computer interfaces that can replicate suffici...
Knowledge-based systems that interact with humans often need to define their terminology, elucidate their behavior or support their recommendations or conclusions. In general, they need to explain themselves. Unfortunately, current computer systems, if they can explain themselves at all, often generate explanations that are unnatural, ill-connected...
An investigation is given on the application of knowledge-based
reasoning to the task of strategic corporate planning. An implemented
computer program, FIVE-FORCES, is described which models the five major
forces affecting corporate strategy: customers, suppliers, new entrants,
substitute products, and competitors. In addition, the effects of
The goal of this research is to develop explanation presentation mechanisms for knowledge based
systems which enable them to define domain terminology and concepts, narrate events, elucidate plans,
processes, or propositions and argue to support a claim or advocate action. This requires the development
of devices which select, structure, order and...
A number of researchers have investigated the use of planbased approaches to generate textual explanations (e.g., Appelt 1985; Hovy 1988; Moore 1989; Maybury 1990b). This paper extends this approach to generate multimedia explanations by defining three types of communicative acts: linguistic acts (illocutionary and locutionary speech acts), visual...
This technical report contains a dissertation submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Cambridge. This dissertation discusses the investigation of the hypothesis that the generation of multiple utterances, as with planning single utterances (Appelt, 1985), is a plan-based activity that is based on communicative acts. Th...
The advent of machine intelligence and the social and ethical issues it raises are examined. The concept of the silicon mind is discussed and landmarks in artificial intelligence (AI) are reviewed. The problem of knowledge representation is considered. The use of artificial intelligence by the military is described. The possible effects of AI on so...