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Publications (25)
Seabirds have thrived over time in marine environments with highly variable productivity. Life history strategies favored by natural selection consist of late sexual maturation, few offspring per breeding event, high adult survival, long lifespan, and deferred breeding when food availability is low. Heermann’s gull Larus heermanni , with 95% of its...
Los giros ciclónicos son lugares donde se concentra una gran cantidad de partículas suspendidas en la columna de agua, entre ellas el fitoplancton que es una parte importante de la cadena trófica. En el sur del Golfo de México (GoM) la mayoría de la flota pesquera de altamar suele moverse entre sitios conocidos, debido a la concentración de organis...
Temperature, salinity and current velocity data were recorded during the two principal atmospheric seasons affecting the tropical micro-tidal estuaries in the western Gulf of Mexico. Tropical micro-tidal estuaries in the western Gulf of Mexico share many characteristics, among them a narrow connection between the estuary and the adjacent continenta...
Intraspecific morphological variation can be attributed to the result of genetic variation or influence of environmental heterogeneity. In the latter case, organisms are exposed to diverse environmental conditions which have an influence on their biological processes and can be seen reflected in the morphological adaptations of species. Indeed, Ree...
El modelo numérico “Regional Ocean Model System” (roms), forzado con datos diarios de satélite
(mareas, velocidad del viento, velocidades geostróficas, temperatura superficial del mar y clorofila-a)
entre el 24 de mayo del 2015 y el 23 de mayo del 2016, fue corrido con dos resoluciones espaciales
diferentes (1x1 y 5x5 km) para obtener los patrones...
Se evalúa el Corredor Arrecifal del Suroeste del Golfo de México (CASGM) como una zona clave para la interacción entre la circulación de mesoescala característica del golfo de México y la circulación costera. Si bien se observa una circulación sobre la plataforma siguiendo la dirección del viento estacional predominante, es decir, de norte a sur en...
The hydrodynamics characteristics in the reef corridor of the southwestern Gulf of Mexico generate changes in the physics-chemical parameters, which in turn produce changes in diversity, abundance and life cycles of coastal ecosystems such as coral reefs. Isla Verde Reef was choosing as a case study since it is directly affected by the Jamapa River...
The yearlong monthly mean satellite data of the geostrophic velocities, the sea surface temperature and the chlorophyll-a values were used to elucidate any possible pathway among the different coral reef systems of the Western Gulf of Mexico (WGM). The geostrophic current velocities suggested different pathways connecting the coral reef areas. The...
The “Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano” (PNSAV), a coastal reef system located in the corridor of the southwestern Gulf of Mexico, is an ecosystem with different environmental characteristics when compared to most tropical coral reefs. The current study aims to describe the hydrological variation of temperature, salinity, density, oxyge...
A taxonomic checklist, biogeographic data and spatio-temporal distribution for fish larvae in Veracruz Reef System, Mexico are presented. Twenty six stations were monitored monthly in the SAV with 9 samplings in total, in the period June 2011-June 2013. Samples were obtained from diurnal horizontal surface tows with a conical net. Fish larvae spati...
A taxonomic checklist, biogeographic data and spatio-temporal distribution for fish larvae in Veracruz Reef System, Mexico, from 9 samples (June 2011-June 2013) are presented. Samples were obtained from diurnal horizontal surface tows with a conical net. Fish larvae spatio-temporal distribution and ecological index in this system are showed. Highes...
Se describe la variación estacional de temperatura y salinidad observadas en la plataforma continental interna frente a Boca del Río, Veracruz, utilizando datos de veinticuatro campañas hidrográficas desarrolladas durante el 2011. Los resultados muestran que la temperatura y la salinidad de la capa superficial responden a los forzamientos locales c...
A spatio-temporal distribution and a taxonomic checklist for fish larvae and juveniles occurring at Veracruz Reef System during 10 months between June 2011 to June 2013 are presented. The surface ichthyoplankton samples were collected using a conic zooplankton net (303 µm), which was trawled in every station during five minutes. The aim of this wor...
Coastal bottlenose dolphins develop dynamic associations related to different factors (e.g., sex, age, environment); the goal of this research was to test if partner election was also related to dolphin activities. We conducted 80 photo-identification surveys along the coastal waters off Alvarado over four years (2002-2003, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 20...
Se analizó el balance horizontal de momento en la capa superior de Canal de Yucatán para un periodo de 22 meses de septiembre de 1999 a junio de 2001, usando datos de corrientes superficiales de mediciones de ADCPs de ocho anclajes localizados a través del canal, datos de presión de mediciones de sensores de presión a ambos lados del canal, vientos...
La caracterización del Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano (PNSAV) se llevó a cabo con el fin de desarrollar un programa de monitoreo. Se eligieron ocho arrecifes, en cada uno se trabajó a dos profundidades: 3-5 y 10-15 m; con cinco transectos en cada profundidad. La tasa de sedimentación fue notablemente mayor durante el invierno (“norte...
Climate teleconnections link large scale regions through the transient behavior of atmospheric
waves. In the Atlantic Ocean, one of the most prominent teleconnections is the North Atlantic
Oscillation (NAO), which together with the Arctic Oscillation (AO) constitutes regional manifestations
of the Northern Annular Mode (NAM), closely linked to the...
The horizontal momentum balance in the upper layers of the Yucatán Channel is examined for a period of 22 months, from September 1999 to June 2001, using subsurface currents from ADCP measurements at eight moorings across the channel, pressure measurements from coastal pressure sensors on both sides of the channel, QuickSCAT winds and AVISO altimet...
The problem of obtaining information about the statistical properties of rough random surfaces from remote sensing images was solved by Alvarez-Borrego [1993, PhD thesis, CICESE, Ensenada B.C., México], who presented a model for one- and two-dimensional surfaces with numerical examples and experimental results. In this paper the same idea is follow...