Mariza G. Méndez-LópezUniversity of Veracruz | UV · Centro de Idiomas
Mariza G. Méndez-López
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Mariza G. Méndez currently works at the Language Centre, Universidad Veracruzana, México. Mariza does research in Individual Differences in Language Learning and Teacher Training. Her current project is 'Achievement emotions of secondary students in English language classes in Mexico.' She is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI).
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August 2018 - present
August 1995 - July 2018
January 2008 - December 2011
Publications (26)
Work demands of language teachers in higher education have increased in the past two decades in Mexico as a result of the Professional Development Programme (Programa para el Desarrollo Profesional Docente—PRODEP) policy. The main goals of this policy are to increase the quality of teaching and encourage efficiency and productivity among university...
This article presents the results of a qualitative study which aimed to develop an understanding of the emotions experienced by pre-service English language teachers during their teaching practicum and the emotions' effects on instructional teaching. Attribution theory was used as a framework for analysing the results, while the data were gathered...
This article presents the results of a case study that aimed to develop an understanding of the emotional needs expressed by preservice ELT teachers in their accounts of their teaching practicum.
Data was collected from the teachers’ accounts of their practicum
and interviews. The results show that pre-service teachers’ low
self-concept, low profic...
The present article analyses the influence of previous learning experiences, emotions, and socio-cultural context on the development of teacher identity. The life history of a Mexican language teacher in the middle of her career is explored, in order to understand how previous learning experiences, emotional events, and culture have shaped her teac...
Estas investigaciones, ensayos, propuestas y sistematizaciones comprenden cuestiones tales como: activismo lingüístico a través de la traducción, enseñar español a estudiantes mayores, diseños tecnopedagógicos de cursos de lenguas, percepciones sobre lenguas originarias para determinar políticas lingüísticas, análisis de nuevas estrategias educativ...
En las universidades públicas la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras es un área que ha ido floreciendo en las últimas décadas. Gracias a la experiencia en docencia y en los últimos años a la investigación, la difusión de propuestas innovadoras y actualizadas se ha podido documentar en diferentes revistas especializadas así como en libros editados por...
Este año, el libro Flexibilidad e Innovación en la Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de Lenguas
presenta una compilación de textos originales producto de investigaciones empíricas, sistematización de experiencias o propuestas pedagógicas (implementadas o no) en el diario quehacer de profesores, investigadores y estudiantes de diversas instituciones de educació...
The present study examined the frequency of emotions experienced by 845 (F=448, M=397) secondary school students, in the city of Veracruz, Mexico, who self-reported their experience of eight achievement emotions, included in Pekrun’s (2006) framework, while attending foreign language classes. The students answered the Short Version of the Academic...
El campo de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras sigue consolidándose año con año. El año pasado, la pandemia del SARS COVID-19 nos obligó a buscar formas de seguir construyendo conocimiento para poder atender las diferentes problemáticas educativas en nuestro país. Estos retos deben ser atendidos con soluciones enfocadas al contexto en el que se pr...
El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la importancia asignada a las habilidades socio-emocionales en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. Para la recolección de datos se aplicó el Cuestionario de Habilidades Socio-Emocionales que incluye 43 reactivos agrupados en cuatro dimensiones: comunicación asertiva, relaciones interpersonales, manejo de em...
En el campo de la enseñanza de lenguas, resulta innegable que, en condiciones
similares, los estudiantes logran niveles de éxito bastante diferentes. Las preguntas
constantes son: ¿Por qué hay estudiantes que aprenden más rápido que otros? ¿Por qué
un mismo método de enseñanza puede ser causa de fracaso o frustración para algunos
estudiantes, mient...
Teaching practices of students in ELT programmes in
Mexico are an integral component of their training. In
this chapter, we explore the experiences of 19 pre-service
teachers at the University of Quintana Roo during their
10 weeks’ teaching practice in different institutions in the
Othón P. Blanco area. These were done in order to collect
their per...
Language teachers’ workload has intensified in Mexico as a result of the introduction of the Professional Development Programme’s (PRODEP) policy. This article presents an analysis of teachers’ emotions regarding the intensification and diversification provoked by the implementation of the PRODEP policy at Mexican state universities. Findings sugge...
The study aims to understand what factors may motivate and demotivate students with low emotional intelligence to participate in speaking activities during English class. Participants wrote an emotions journal to identify factors affecting student participation and were then interviewed at the end of the study period in order to elaborate on their...
Este artículo presenta una revisión de investigaciones afectivas para identificar el rango de emociones experimentadas por estudiantes de una lengua extranjera en diferentes contextos, las situaciones que han originado esas emociones y como éstas han afectado su motivación. En la presente revisión, la influencia dominante de las emociones en la mot...
The main objective of this collaborative project was to measure through a quantitative analysis the relationship frequency of the emotional experiences in the five components revealed in a previous qualitative study (Méndez, 2012). Six research groups in public universities engaged, then, in a project to find out what emotional experiences were ELT...
This book is the result of a research project that originated in the University of Quintana Roo with a group of five researchers that following the results of a qualitative study (Méndez, 2012), designed a questionnaire to ask students to report the emotions experienced when facing a particular situation in the following components: feedback approa...
Este artigo relata as experiências emocionais de alunos mexicanos em seu segundo ano de um programa de ensino de inglês em uma universidade estadual. O objetivo foi identificar os efeitos das emoções no comportamento motivacional dos alunos exibidos em aulas diárias. Os instrumentos utilizados foram diários de aprendizagem e entrevistas semi-estrut...
With the exception of the research on the expressions of emotions in a second language, the link between emotions and motivation has not received enough attention in the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA). This article aims at reflecting on the relationship between emotions, motivation and the social context where these are experienced. It...
The aim of this article is to review the literature on autoethnography as a research method. It will first describe what is meant by autoethnography, or evocative narratives, and consider the particular features of this type of method. The paper will go on to explore the advantages, limitations and criticisms this research method has endured since...
The present article reports on a study that explores the effects of the emotional experiences of Mexican language learners on their motivation to learn English. In this qualitative research we present how emotions impact the motivation of university language learners in south Mexico. Results suggest that emotions, both negative and positive, contri...
Although the process of learning a foreign language is replete with emotions, these have not been sufficiently studied in the field of English Language Teaching. The aim of this article is to report the motivational impact of the emotions experienced by second year students of an English Language Teaching programme in a South East Mexican Universit...
This article reports the speaking strategies used by students who were studying for a BA in English Language Teaching (ELT) in five public Mexican universities. Students from these universities were given questionnaires concerning their use of speaking strategies. The results show that the strategies used most by students are: asking for repetition...