Marita MäkinenTampere University | UTA · School of Education
Marita Mäkinen
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Publications (50)
Teachers’ abilities to critically evaluate the credibility of online information are fundamental when they educate critical online readers. This study examined pre-service teachers’ abilities to evaluate and justify the credibility of online texts on learning styles. Pre-service teachers (N = 169) read and evaluated two more and two less credible o...
Tämä tutkimus tuo esille vähemmän tutkitun näkökulman inkluusiosta kouluyhteisön ja opettajien ammatillisen uudistumisen itseorganisoituvana prosessina. Tutkimus selvittää, miten aineenopettajat kuvaavat inkluusiota yläkoulussa (perusopetuksen vuosiluokilla 7.–9.) ja millaista opettajan työn muutosta sekä ammatillista uudistumista se heiltä edellyt...
Artikkeli tarkastelee opettajaopiskelijoiden reflektointia kriittisen nettilukutaidon opettamisesta ohjatun reflektioprosessin aikana. Tutkimus pohjautuu reflektiotutkimuksen mentorointisuuntaukseen, joka yhdistettiin uuteen opetettavaan aihepiiriin ja opettajan pedagogisen sisältötiedon käsitteeseen. Opetettavana aihealueena kriittinen nettilukemi...
This study sought to understand pre-service teachers’ abilities to evaluate and justify the credibility of online texts on a common myth in education—learning styles. The participants were 169 pre-service teachers who completed a credibility evaluation task in a web-based environment. They read four researcher-designed online texts on learning styl...
The number of immigrant students in Finland is increasing; thus, this qualitative case study investigates ways of providing targeted support measures for recently arrived Finnish language learners (RAFLLs) in Finnish lower secondary education. Focusing on linguistic responsiveness, the teaching arrangements and support measures are examined not onl...
This chapter argues that the problematic nature of reflection in the
teacher education field stems from associating reflection with the consideration of concrete teaching practices only. Our purpose is to revitalize teacher reflection by developing an understanding of reflection focused on meaning structures rather than on teaching practices. We i...
This article explores university students’ approaches to and positions with regard to making the most of their study time. The article discusses how various normative societal expectations around students’ use and management of time feature in their talk about how they organise their everyday lives. The research is based on thematic interviews (n =...
In this study, we examine a real-life case from a Finnish early primary school classroom and elaborate how the teacher and student(s) together create space for heterogeneous ways of being in the classroom that support their social and emotional competences and well-being. Our study offers conceptual tools and knowledge to support teachers in harnes...
This article explores the language learning experiences of four recently arrived adolescent plurilingual immigrant students who participated in additional structured linguistic support (SLS) in lower secondary education. The SLS was targeted at creating scaffolding for students who were learning both the language of schooling and the subject-specif...
The internet and search engines dominate within people’s information acquisition, especially among the younger generations. Given this trend, this study aims to explore if information and communication technology (ICT) practices, internet reliance and views of knowledge and knowing, i.e. epistemic beliefs, interact with each other. Everyday...
This study explores the agency of academics and the structures that enable or impede agency in curriculum change. The study was conducted at a research university that experienced curriculum change in two waves: the first on a departmental level, and the second as a university-wide curriculum change. Interviews were conducted with the same academic...
This study aims to explore how student engagement evolves during vocational education and training. A qualitative longitudinal study was carried out; 12 students were interviewed once a year during their three-year education. A qualitative content analysis was performed and three different student engagement profiles were identified. The findings h...
This study explores academics' changing agency in curriculum work in higher education. Bourdieu's concepts of field, habitus and capital, followed by the metaphor of game, are used as tools to analyse stability and change in agency. The interview data collection from 17 academics was implemented twice over 3 years after two different processes of c...
Digitaalisia lukutaitopelejä käsitellään tyypillisesti kvantitatiivisissa tutkimuksissa taidon näkökulmasta. Tässä tutkimuksessa lähestyimme pelin pelaamista prosessin kannalta. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia erilaisia kielellisiä strategioita lapset käyttävät ratkaistessaan digitaalisen lukutaitopelin tehtäviä ryhmätyöskentelynä ja millaisia...
This article investigates the perceived and actual predictability of teacher educators working as assessors in entrance examinations for the Finnish Primary School Teacher Education (PSTE) programme. The section examining perceived predictability was conducted as a survey. The data for actual predictability, containing student teachers’ entrance ex...
Opetussuunnitelma on vahva koulutuspoliittinen väline, jolla koulun toimintaa ohjataan. Kansallinen opetussuunnitelma viestii yhteiskunnallista ja poliittista tahtotilaa ja eri intressiryhmien odotuksia koulua kohtaan. Opetussuunnitelman ymmärtäminen sekä asiakirjana että kompleksisena keskusteluavaruutena edellyttää tulkintaa. Ehdotamme artikkelis...
This study explored what kinds of phonological strategies are used by children and how they scaffold each other while they solve tasks in a digital literacy game. The theoretical basis of this study lies in Vygotsky's thoughts on the role of social interaction in learning and in the concept of peer scaffolding. The data included eight videotaped ga...
This mixed-methods study examined student engagement at the beginning of vocational studies. The focus of the study was on students' certainty about their career choices, how they experienced the social environment in vocational education and the relationship of these factors to student engagement. Firstly, 364 first-year students (aged 15-17) part...
In the digital era, students are walking new literacy paths. For this reason, there is a need to explore evolving literacy practices in school pedagogy. This is often addressed by the expanding use of the concept of multiliteracies. This article reviews studies (N = 67) of multiliteracies pedagogy. The main purpose was to explore how the concept of...
The article presents an interpretive phenomenological approach (IPA) to preservice teachers’ experiences of their current secondary teacher education programme (STEP) in Finland. The focus of the study is the millennial generation cohort in which new teachers comprise a key group to be studied because they will contribute to the future of education...
Luokanopettajakoulutuksen opiskelijavalintakriteereitä tarkastelevan artikkelimme huomio kohdistuu erityisesti opettajankouluttajien käsityksiin koulutukseen ja opettajan ammattiin soveltuvista hakijoista. Tutkimuksemme menetelmäksi valitsimme kehittävän fenomenografian, joka antoi mahdollisuuden kartoittaa kompleksisia valintakriteereitä ja tavoit...
Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan yliopisto-opiskelijoiden esittämiä kriittisiä puheenvuoroja sukupolviajattelun näkökulmasta. Taustalla on tulkinnallista fenomenologiaa hyödyntävä haastattelututkimus, johon osallistui 27 eri aloja edustavaa yliopisto-opiskelijaa. Analyysin perusteella aineistosta muodostui kolme fenomenologista yläteem...
This article reports findings from a diverse third grade classroom that integrates a literacy through photography (LTP) curriculum as a central component of writing instruction in an urban public school. A case study approach was used in order to provide an in-depth, multi-dimensional consideration of phenomena by drawing on multiple data sources t...
This paper raises questions regarding the practices of educational psychologists in the school context. The aim is to contribute to the construction of practical knowledge by presenting a study of how the theoretical perspective of the Network of Meanings can help professionals structure their practices in school settings. The dialogue surrounding...
In this study, we explored how children with intellectual disabilities engage in activities with peers through pretend play, and the effects of this on their development. We analysed video recordings of interactional moments of play activities, aiming to identify how regulations and (co)regulations of behaviour are constructed and carried out betwe...
This article presents an analysis of the experiences of scholars in a university-wide curriculum reform in one public research university. The focus is on the intentions and dynamics that shape the curriculum process in the local communities of practice (CoPs). The data, comprising interviews with 25 scholars, are examined as experience-centred nar...
This systematic literature review portrays a comprehensive and critical view of the state of studies on curriculum in higher education. On the basis of the concepts arising from curriculum studies, four conceptualisations of curriculum are identified, comprising of distinct features in their orientation to knowledge and ownership. The study shows t...
This paper raises questions regarding the practices of educational psychologists in the school context. The aim is to contribute to the construction of practical knowledge by presenting a study of how the theoretical perspective of the Network of Meanings can help professionals structure their practices in school settings. The dialogue surrounding...
This study explores Finnish children's word-level spelling by applying a linguistically based multilayered word structure model for assessing spelling performance. The model contributes to the analytical qualitative assessment approach in order to identify children's spelling performance for enhancing writing skills. The children (N = 105) particip...
Yliopistoissa on vaalittu ihannetta tutkimuksen ja opetuksen symbioosista Humboldtin ajoista lähtien. Tässä artikkelissa kiinnostus kohdistuu siihen, miten 2000-luvun yliopiston opiskelijat ja opettajat kuvaavat tutkimuksen ja opetuksen yhteyttä opetussuunnitelmatyön kontekstissa. Liitämme havainnot osaksi kansainvälistä keskustelua ja pohdimme, mi...
The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze the experiences relating to studies of Gen Y students in higher education. The theoretical approach relies on Mannheim (1952) who defined generation as a group of people born and raised in the same general chronological, social and historical context. The interpretative phenomenological approach (...
This manuscript introduces a multidimensional framework for academic literacies to help instructors become more aware of different aspects of literacies and how they might be used to plan and orchestrate meaningful, multifaceted literacy experiences in their classes. More specifically, this broad framework for literacy and learning explicitly consi...
The article presents an interpretive phenomenological inquiry into teachers' work engagement regarding teaching aspects in recently reformed inclusive schooling in Finland. The study focused on asking about teachers' teaching experiences and the type of work engagement they reveal. The participants comprised 97 pre-service and 72 in-service teacher...
There are numerous interpretations of the meaning and purpose of curriculum in higher education (HE), often with an emphasis on administrative perspectives. In this study, we understand curriculum as an intentional and dynamic process, revealing the values, beliefs and principles in relation to learning, understanding, knowledge and disciplines, as...
Finland’s successful PISA literacy results reflect the foundation of the Finnish education system, which could be characterised by the words equality, equity and individual support. However, international interest in this PISA success has not focused on curricular aspects, and yet the core curriculum specifies teaching and learning practices in Fin...
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää lasten teknisen lukemisen ja kirjoittamisen tai- tojen solmukohtia toisen luokan lopussa. Tutkimus oli osa Lukitaitojen aikaan -pitkit- täistutkimusta, jossa selvitetään taitojen kehittymistä eri ikävaiheissa (2001-2008). Aineisto koostui lasten (N = 57) lukemien tekstien litteroiduista äänityksistä ja sa- nelu...
This paper illustrates how university students describe the benefits and challenges of online community environment (OCE) in promoting engagement in university studies. The sociocultural framework allows gaining understanding of the engagement in learning processes as well as the collaborative dimensions of OCE in developing higher education in the...
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The article examines representations of the research-teaching nexus in curriculum design in contemporary higher education. It brings to the fore the pivotal aspects of enhancing research-teaching nexus in university studies reflecting dynamic and holistic view of curriculum design. Interviews with 27 academic teachers and 23 students from a multidi...
Teaching in inclusive setting : towards collaborative scaffolding
This study illustrates how teachers conceptualize learning and responding to students’ diversity in inclusive educational practices. The sociocultural framework and the concept of scaffolding allow us to gain better understanding of the dynamic learning processes as well as the ethic...
This study illustrates how teachers conceptualize learning and responding to students’ diversity in inclusive educational practices. The sociocultural framework and the concept of scaffolding allow us to gain better understanding of the dynamic learning processes as well as the ethical and collaborative dimensions of teachers’ competencies needed t...
Understanding curriculum development is ambiguous within the academic communities. The article reports on a study of the various meanings the academics give to the curriculum development in contemporary higher education (HE). The data consists of 45 theme interviews in two multidisciplinary universities, and the analysis was conducted by qualitativ...