Marion HändelHochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Ansbach
Marion Händel
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Marion Händel currently works at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences in Germany. Marion does research in Educational Psychology, Media Psychology, and Educational Research.
Publications (103)
According to the unskilled and unaware effect (Kruger and Dunning 1999), low-performing students tend to overestimate their performance. Differentiating the assessment of metacognitive judgments into performance judgments (PJs) and second-order judgments (SOJs), PJs of low-performing students tend to be inflated, while their SOJs are usually lower...
Since its introduction in the late 1990s, the unskilled and unaware effect motivated several further studies. As it stands, low-performing students are assumed to provide inaccurate and overconfident performance judgments. However, as research with second-order judgments (SOJs) indicates, they apparently have some metacognitive awareness of this. T...
From a self-regulated learning perspective, adequate monitoring of own learning processes and outcomes is crucial to regulate one's own learning effectively. Research on metacognitive judgments, however, clearly indicates that students frequently overestimate their actual performance. Therefore, the present study with N = 209 undergraduate students...
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring term 2020, students faced a sudden change from on-campus learning to online learning with synchronous and asynchronous online courses (emergency remote teaching). To study successfully, students not only needed to be prepared in terms of digital readiness (workspace, IT equipment, previous online learn...
Given that video conferencing serves as a crucial means for remote teaching, the current study investigated higher education students' (non)use of webcams and engagement in synchronous online courses. Three phases were studied: (1) A state of engagement; (2) antecedents that influence it; and (3) consequences of engagement. The cross-sectional onli...
Evidence syntheses, such as systematic reviews, aim to summarise the current state of research in a field, often using the publication language of a study as a criterion for inclusion or exclusion. However, this has serious implications for capturing evidence from a wider range of geographical areas, and the potential for linguistic bias. In order...
Durch die zunehmende Digitalisierung hochschulischer Lehre benötigen Studierende – bereits zum Studienstart – digitale Kompetenzen. In der vorliegenden Studie mit N = 338 Studienanfänger:innen verschiedener Fachrichtungen wurde untersucht, wie stark ihre digitalen Kompetenzen ausgeprägt sind. Außerdem wurden Zusammenhänge digitaler Kompetenzen mit...
Die Transformation der Arbeitswelt erfordert digitale Kommunikation, die unmittelbar, verbal-auditiv und visuell gestaltet ist (Bailenson, 2021).
In einer qualitativen Studie mit 4 Grundschullehrkräften haben wir untersucht, wie der Status quo zum Thema digitale Kommunikation und Kollaboration an Schulen im sogenannten "new normal" ist (Siddiq et...
Learning from texts means acquiring and applying knowledge, which requires students to judge their text comprehension accurately. However, students usually overestimate their comprehension, which can be caused by a misalignment between the cues used to judge one’s comprehension and the cognitive requirements of future test questions. Therefore, rea...
Evidence synthesis methods are becoming increasingly popular in the social sciences, particularly in the field of educational technology, where secondary research has grown exponentially in recent years. Although review studies provide insight into these methods, questions have been raised about their methodological rigor and transparency. This ter...
The field of educational technology (EdTech) has witnessed a substantial increase in evidence synthesis efforts, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid transition to emergency remote education. While evidence synthesis holds promise for delivering insights from synthesising a plethora of individual studies, it can be resour...
Metacognitive monitoring is conceptualized as a situation-specific and context-dependent process that helps learners to regulate their learning. The current study builds on the idea that metacognitive monitoring can fulfil monitoring functions in different phases (when to monitor: during learning or during testing), and that it refers to several ob...
The ILAE Academy is the online learning platform of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and offers a structured educational program addressing the competency‐based ILAE curriculum in epileptology. The platform was launched in July 2020 with a self‐paced course portfolio of interactive e‐learning modules addressing ILAE Level 1 learning...
Metacognitive monitoring plays a central role in models focusing on either monitoring strategies (models of self-regulated learning) or monitoring judgments and their accuracy (models of metacognition). Although monitoring strategies and monitoring judgments are both concerned with monitoring one's learning progress, they have been analyzed indepen...
Two studies investigated the testing effects on performance and on metacognitive judgment accuracy in authentic learning settings. Across two educational psychology courses, undergraduate students had the opportunity to voluntarily participate in four different practice tests during the term—without feedback in Study 1 (N = 201 students) or with in...
Higher education includes e-learning in addition to on-site learning. Still, the shift to Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) as reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic in the summer semester 2020, presented a challenging situation for students. Cross-sectional studies pointed towards higher stress levels of students. However, only a few studies addressed th...
Across the globe, 2020 terms began under conditions incited by the corona pandemic. Within a relatively short amount of time, universities started to develop and implement online courses for distance learning. The current study is about an online survey at a German university investigating the unique circumstances under which students began the dig...
This study investigates students’ motivation during experimentation
in geography lessons by implementing a newly developed experimental
kit on soils (GeoBox) in Germany. The study focuses on a
first evaluation by means of a one-group pretest/posttest design.
Fifth-grade students (N = 166) answered a questionnaire pertaining
to regular geography les...
(1) Background: Teaching in today’s schools asks teachers to foster self-regulated learning and digital competences in children and young people. In order to do so, teachers first need to acquire and use these competences themselves. (2) Methods: Based on a mixed-methods approach, the study investigates self-regulated learning in online courses of...
Metacognitive monitoring plays a central role in models focusing either on monitoring strategies (models of self-regulated learning) or on monitoring judgments and their accuracy (models of metacognition). Although strategies and judgments are both concerned with monitoring one’s learning progress, they have been analyzed only independently, so far...
Lonely students typically underperform academically. According to several studies, the COVID-19 pandemic is an important risk factor for increases in loneliness, as the contact restrictions and the switch to mainly online classes potentially burden the students. The previously familiar academic environment (campus), as well as the exchange with pee...
Following publication of the original article (Bond et al., 2021), it was reported that due to a typesetting error Figs. 1–4 in the HTML version of the article were incorrect. The figures were correct in the PDF version of the published article. The article has been corrected so that the figures in the HTML version of the article match those in the...
Unter dem Eindruck der CoViD-19 Pandemie erfolgte im Sommersemester 2020 an deutschen Hochschulen flächendeckende Online-Lehre im Notbetrieb. Die vorliegende längsschnittliche Fragebogenstudie untersucht die akademische Mediennutzung, -kompetenz und -ausstattung Studierender (N = 2.037) an einer deutschen Volluniversität zu Beginn und zur Mitte des...
Bedingt durch die Covid-19-Pandemie wurde das Sommersemester 2020 deutschlandweit als reines Digital-Semester aufbereitet. Dies stellte Hochschulen, Lehrende und Studierende vor große Herausforderungen. Lehramtsstudierende, die der Nutzung digitaler Medien tendenziell eher skeptisch gegenüberstehen, sich studienbedingt aber mit (medien)-didaktische...
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and within a very short period of time, teaching in the 2020 summer term changed from predominantly on-site to online instruction. Students suddenly faced having to adapt their learning process to new demands for which they may have had both insufficient digital skills and a lack of learning resources. Such a situation...
Teaching and learning in higher education have been thoroughly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic; the switch to what is now labeled as emergency remote teaching (Hodges et al., 2020) has triggered both scientific and applied discourse in the field of educational research and beyond. Higher education institutions rapidly increased availability of su...
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic that spread globally in 2020, higher education courses were subsequently offered in fully remote, online formats. A plethora of primary studies began investigating a range of topics exploring teaching and learning in higher education, particularly during the initial semester. In order to provide an overview and initial...
Emergency remote teaching (ERT), due to the crisis that emerged as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, has impacted on every higher education institution around the world, which has led to widespread changes in teaching and learning. Much research has been quickly undertaken around the world to address the impact of ERT on students and teachers, as...
The pandemic situation continues to influence teaching and learning in higher education, with students oftentimes participating in synchronous videoconferencing sessions as a means to interact with peers and instructors. The frequently noted non-use of webcams by students incited the current study, investigating usage behavior as well as potentiall...
This is the data extraction coding tool for the systematic review 'Mapping the emerging field of research on "emergency remote teaching” in higher education due to COVID-19'. Please note that the codes may have moved within the coding tool, as a result of creating interactive evidence gap maps.
Lonely students typically underperform academically. According to several studies, the COVID-19 pandemic is an important risk factor for increases in loneliness, as the contact restrictions and the switch to mainly online classes potentially burden the students. The previously familiar academic environment (campus) as well as the exchange with peer...
This study investigates students’ motivation during experimentation in geography lessons by implementing a newly developed experimental kit on soils (GeoBox) in Germany. The study focuses on a first evaluation by means of a one-group pretest/posttest design. Fifth-grade students (N = 166) answered a questionnaire pertaining to regular geography les...
Given that videoconferencing serves as a crucial means for remote teaching, the current study investigated higher education students’ (non)use of webcams and engagement in synchronous online courses. Three phases were studied: (1) A state of engagement; (2) antecedents that influence it; and (3) consequences of engagement. In particular, the aim of...
Das Üben spielt eine zentrale Rolle beim Musizieren. Gelingende Übeprozesse sind durch einen vielfältigen Einsatz verschiedener Lernstrategien gekennzeichnet. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, das selbstregulierte Lernverhalten während des individuellen Übens anhand verwendeter Lernstrategien zu erfassen. Dazu wurden Video-Stimulated-Recall Interviews mit...
Das Üben spielt eine zentrale Rolle beim Musizieren. Gelingende Übeprozesse sind durch einen vielfältigen Einsatz verschiedener Lernstrategien gekennzeichnet. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, das selbstregulierte Lernverhalten während des individuellen Übens anhand verwendeter Lernstrategien zu erfassen. Dazu wurden Video-Stimulated-Recall Interviews mit...
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic that spread globally in 2020, higher education courses were subsequently offered in fully remote, online formats. A plethora of primary studies began investigating a range of topics exploring teaching and learning in higher education, particularly during the initial semester. In order to provide an overview and initial...
In the spring term 2020, students faced a sudden change from on-campus learning to online learning with synchronous and asynchronous online courses. To study successfully, students not only needed to be prepared in terms of digital readiness, they also faced challenges that pertained to the self-regulated management of external resources. In the cu...
The current study investigated how ready higher education students were for emergency remote teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic and how this influenced their socio-emotional perceptions. Results of N = 1,826 higher education students indicate that they seem to be ready for digital learning. A k-means cluster analysis revealed two groups of stude...
The Spring term 2020 saw a global switch to emergency remote teaching in higher education due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Alongside asynchronous online learning activities, students were called to participate in synchronous videoconferencing sessions, substituting the traditional on-campus face-to-face courses. Given the preponderance of students to...
pandemic. In an empirical study, we focus on female top performing students in STEM and the humanities. Of particular interest was whether the measures associated with the pandemic constitute a risk-factor for a re-traditionalization of gender roles. Before lectures or courses began, students at a full-scale university were invited to participate i...
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and within a very short period of time, teaching in the 2020 summer term changed from predominantly on-site to online instruction. Students suddenly faced having to adapt their learning process to new demands for which they may have had both insufficient digital skills and a lack of learning resources. Such a situation...
The COVID-19 pandemic had a strong impact on higher education in 2020. Worldwide, universities developed and implemented online courses for distance learning within a relatively short amount of time. The current study investigated how ready students were for this exceptional situation and how their readiness for digital learning influenced their so...
Across the globe, 2020 terms began under conditions incited by the corona pandemic. Within a relatively short amount of time, universities started to develop and implement online courses for distance learning. These changes in learning and teaching may well have been a challenge for students.The current study is about an online survey at a German f...
Extensive research has been conducted to understand how accurately students monitor their studying and performance via metacognitive judgments. Moreover, the bases of students’ metacognitive judgments are of interest. While previous results are quite consistent regarding the importance of performance for the accuracy of metacognitive judgments, res...
Zum Verständnis komplexer Lerninhalte in hochschulischen Lernsituationen können kognitive Lernstrategien, d. h. Organisations‑, Elaborations- und Wiederholungsstrategien, beitragen. Diese erwiesen sich in früheren Studien als förderlich für Leistungen. Zur Aufklärung des zeitpunktspezifischen Einsatzes von kognitiven Lernstrategien im Verlauf eines...
General Audience Summary
When learners study new material, it is essential that they continuously reflect on their understanding in order to adjust their learning strategies where necessary. Metacognitive judgments are indicators for monitoring. Previous research showed that students differ in the accuracy of their judgments depending on performanc...
The current field study investigated the weekly use of a reflective electronic (e-)portfolio by 1469 higher education students throughout a term and its effect on exam performance. Students’ use of the e-portfolio elements as well as their self-reported use of several learning strategies were documented during a 9-week period. Regression analyses s...
Die vorliegende Studie ging der Frage nach, ob die Validität eines sprachlich vorgegebenen Wissenstests für Grundschülerinnen und Grundschüler durch bestimmte Administrationsbedingungen gesteigert werden kann. In der Studie bearbeiteten 319 Drittklässlerinnen und Drittklässler im Klassenkontext einen inhaltlichen Test zum metakognitiven Wissen über...
Implicit theories can influence learning behavior, the approaches individuals take to learning and performance situations, and the learning goals individuals set, as well as, indirectly, their accomplishments, intelligence, and creativity. For this cross-cultural study, Kenyan and German students were asked to draw a creative person and rate it on...
The awareness of one’s own performance (metacognitive judgments) is important for the successful regulation of learning activities in higher education. According to studies about self-regulated learning, achievement and metacognition are related to each other, but metacognitive judgments usually are not completely precise in relation to achievement...
Declarative metacognition, that is, explicit knowledge about memory, comprehension, and learning processes, has been found within many studies to be related to memory development and strategy use (Schneider, 2015). Given its importance in the educational context, the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) aims at assessing metacognitive knowledge...
Two studies were conducted to further examine the unskilled-and-unaware effect and to test whether low-performing students are indeed unaware of their (expected) lower metacognitive monitoring abilities. Postdicted judgments of performance and second-order judgments (SOJs) were solicited to test students' metacognitive awareness. Given that global...
Kompetenztests werden in Large-Scale-Assessments ab dem Schulalter in der Regel in Gruppensettings schriftlich vorgegeben und von den Teilnehmenden in ihrem eigenen Tempo in einer festgelegten Gesamtzeit bearbeitet. Dadurch sind die Testergebnisse potenziell durch die Lesekompetenz der untersuchten Personen beeinflusst. Für Schülerinnen und Schüler...
The assessment of competencies in large-scale studies is usually conducted in group settings where school students have to complete the written test booklets by themselves and in a given time. Students’ results hence might be influenced by their individual reading competence. Since students with special educational needs in learning often lack suff...
We report results of two studies on metacognitive accuracy with undergraduate education students. Participating students were asked to judge their personal performance in a multiple-choice exam as well as to state their confidence in their performance judgement (second-order judgement [SOJ]). In each study, we compared four conditions that differed...
In dieser Videostudie wurden Schüleräußerungen beim kooperativen Concept Mapping hinsichtlich ihres Einflusses auf individuelle und gemeinschaftliche Lernergebnisse untersucht. Insgesamt 49 Schülerinnen und Schüler der 8. Jahrgangsstufe erarbeiteten in Lerngruppen von drei bis vier Schülerinnen und Schülern Inhalte aus dem Themenbereich Blutgefäße...
This study investigated whether and, if so, how metacognitive knowledge can be assessed validly in students with special educational needs in a large-scale assessment like the German National Educational Panel Study. In total, 804 sixth-grade students including both, regular school students attending the lowest track of secondary education (Hauptsc...
Across several countries, science is often regarded as unpopular and a male-dominated domain. Furthermore, the number of students who are interested in science education or intend to work in the field of science is relatively low. This might be due to expectations adolescents hold towards science and successful scientists. The current cross-nationa...
The reported study investigated students’ perceptions of their high-performing classmates in terms of intelligence, social skills, and conscientiousness in different school subjects. The school subjects for study were examined with regard to cognitive, physical, and gender-specific issues. The results show that high academic achievements in particu...
Educational processes in modern information societies require personal initiative – not only in institutional contexts but also in out-of-school and working environments. Besides cognitive competencies (e.g., reading or mathematical literacy), a person’s ability to regulate his/her own learning processes is therefore of particular
importance for su...
This chapter outlines the use and the measurement of motivational concepts and personality aspects in the German National Educational Panel Study. The selection of concepts combines elements that the prevalent motivation and personality theories have in common, thereby promoting research from different theoretical perspectives. The constructs measu...