Mario Valdivia Manchego

Mario Valdivia Manchego
University of Bonn | Uni Bonn · Institut für Geowissenschaften



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Publications (16)
The Lower Rhine Embayment and adjacent areas are characterised by neotectonic deformation resulting in differential crustal movement. Slip rates along the fault systems are very low (< 0.1 mm/a). Significant earthquakes are known to have occurred in the past but the faulting behaviour is not adequately known which hampers the risks assessment. We a...
Gebiete geologischer Geländearbeiten liegen häufig fernab von jeder Hauptstraße und sind nur zu Fuß über Wege oder Pfade erreichbar. Meist durchstreift man das Gelände querfeldein. Die Orientierung und Positionsbestimmung ist daher gerade in unübersichtlichem Gelände sehr wichtig und erfolgt immer mithilfe einer topographischen Kartengrundlage. Pos...
Die heutige Landschaft und ihre Veränderung in historischen Zeiträumen helfen uns, die jungen bis rezenten Krustenprozesse zu verstehen. Der Schlüssel, um auch die Krustenentwicklung in geologischen Zeiträumen zu verstehen, ist die raumbezogene Untersuchung sedimentärer, magmatischer und metamorpher Gesteinsabfolgen und deren Lagerungsverhältnisse....
Bei einer geologischen Kartierung werden die Gesteinsvorkommen lithologisch beschrieben, stratigraphisch sowie genetisch interpretiert und die Beobachtungen im Detail auf der Kartengrundlage eingetragen. Der Kartierende möchte mithilfe der an der Oberfläche angeschnittenen Strukturen die im Untergrund verborgenen Gesteinskörper – deren Grenzen und...
Geologische Karten sind meist dekorativ. Von Weitem sind bunte Flächen zu sehen, aus der Nähe erkennen wir, dass diesen topographische Karteninformationen hinterlegt sind. Jedes Farbfeld stellt eine geologische Einheit dar und wird von anderen Farbfeldern durch geologische Grenzen mit dünnen schwarzen Linien getrennt. Farbübergänge ohne eindeutige...
Dieses Buch lädt Sie ein, draußen im Gelände die Geologie hinter Landschaften und Gesteinen aufzuspüren – ein idealer Zugang, um die vielseitigen und komplexen geologischen Prozesse zu verstehen, die im Wechselspiel von Magmatismus, Tektonik, Metamorphose, Klima und Sedimentation die heutige Erdoberfläche geformt haben. Gesteine und geologische Str...
The Nuratau Fault Zone in eastern Uzbekistan forms part of the western prolongation of the Tien Shan, an extensive orogenic zone located along the margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The Nuratau region is geologically complex, forming part of the suture zone between the Kazakh-Kyrgyz continent and the Alai microcontinent. A model is proposed...
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Mapped geological units can be regarded as proxies standing for a complex series of subsoil geochemical and physical properties including the assigned radon activity concentration in soil gas, which is taken as best estimator of the regional geogenic radon potential. Areal distribution of measuring sites for soil gas in Germany is adapted to spatia...
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The efficiency of a geology-based indoor radon prediction is well recorded for the major part of the area of the Federal Republic of Germany (KEMSKI et al. 2005). Mapped geological units can be regarded as proxies standing for a complex series of subsoil geochemical and physical properties including the assigned radon activity concentration in soil...
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In the Cenozoic, the Lower Rhine Basin formed as a rift at the southeastern terminus of the Dutch German Central Graben, while the Rhenish Massif was uplifted. The study focusses on the marginal marine and fluvial fill of the Lower Rhine Basin. A basin model is developed. Support for this study was given by extensive industry outcrop and well data,...
Abstract: In the Cenozoic, the Lower Rhine Basin formed as a rift at the southeastern terminus of the Dutch German Central Graben, while the Rhenish Massif was uplifted. The study focusses on the marginal marine and fluvial fill of the Lower Rhine Basin. A basin model is developed. Support for this study was given by extensive industry outcrop and...
According to the recommendations of the ICRP and the German Commission on Radiological Protection, areas should be identified where increased radon concentrations in buildings occur more frequently than on the countrywide average.Based on investigations of radon concentration in soil air, the areas of Germany have been classified. Comparing the soi...
Mapping the geogenic radon potential in Germany is a research project initiated by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Conservation and Reactor Safety. The project was aimed to develop a standard methodology for the estimation of a geogenic radon potential and to apply this method to map the region of Germany as an overview for plannin...
Mapping and prediction of geogenic radon potential in Germany is based on the results of standardized field measurements, taking into account gas radon activity concentration, gas permeability and the geological situation as the major parameters for its classification and regionalisation. In a first approach, areas with metamorphic and silica-l ich...


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