Mario Novelli

Mario Novelli
University of Sussex · Centre for International Education (CIE)

BA (Hons) ; MEd; PhD


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August 2006 - August 2010
University of Amsterdam
  • Hoofdocent
August 2004 - August 2006
University of Bristol
  • Postdoctoral Research


Publications (62)
This synthesis report brings together cross-case insights produced from four case studies of social movements in Colombia, Nepal, South Africa and Turkey. The research that was ably carried out by a committed group of researchers in collaboration with the movements themselves, their leaders and activists, in a dynamic process of research coproducti...
Technical Report
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This report is a narrative literature review on “The Political Economy of Education Systems in Conflict-Affected Contexts in a Changed World Order 2021” and is aimed at scholars, students, development practitioners, and Ministry of Education policy makers working in conflict-affected contexts. In 2014, Novelli et al. published a rigorous literature...
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Employing an ethnographic research design, this study examined the Maasai students’ experiences with and their perceptions of formal schooling processes in Monduli, Tanzania. The study drew on classroom observations, interviews with four (4) heads of schools, and focus groups with 31 teachers and 70 students. The results demonstrated the predominan...
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Project Flyer: The PEER Network
Technical Report
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Final Synthesis Report of the ESRC/DFID Poverty Alleviation Fund Research Project This publication is a part of the ‘Engaging teachers in peacebuilding in post-conflict contexts: Evaluating education interventions in Rwanda and South Africa’ research project. The work was funded by the ESRC/DFID Joint Fund for Poverty Alleviation and led by Yusuf S...
Technical Report
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This policy brief draws together the final synthesis findings from the ESRC-DFID Pathways to Poverty Alleviation Research Grant ‘The Role of Teachers in Peacebuilding and Social Cohesion in Rwanda and South Africa’ led by the University of Sussex in collaboration with the University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda and the Cape Peninsula University of Tec...
Peace education in conflict affected societies has achieved widespread popularity amongst international aid agencies seeking to find a place for education in supporting peacebuilding since the 1990s. However, its aims, content, and effectiveness have been critiqued particularly for its failures to address structural causes of grievances. This artic...
Technical Report
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This policy brief looks at the ways curriculum and textbooks have supported or hindered teachers as agents of social cohesion in Rwanda and South Africa. Both countries transitioned from conflict in 1994 and undertook curriculum and textbook reforms to strengthen social cohesion and social justice. As such, this comparative study offers useful poli...
This paper explores the way education and conflict have become entangled during the post-9/11 ‘war on terror’ response to ‘radical Islam’ at home and abroad. The paper charts the complex ways that education has been deployed to serve Western military and security objectives in multiple locations in the global south and how these strategies have now...
Technical Report
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School teachers play a central role in preparing the national and global citizens of tomorrow with the skills, knowledge and attitudes to contribute to peaceful democratic societies. Teachers promote social cohesion through engaging learners with an inclusive curriculum that addresses issues of social justice (See Policy Brief No. 3 (2017) Engaging...
Technical Report
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S u m m a r y R e p o r t The Research Consortium on Education and Peacebuilding Between July 2014 and December 2015 the Research Consortium on Education and Peacebuilding, a partnership between UNICEF and the University of Amsterdam, the University of Sussex, Ulster University and in-country partners, will address one of the UNICEF Peacebuilding,...
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This paper presents a ‘peace with social justice’ framework for analysing the role of teachers as agents of sustainable peace, social cohesion and development and applies this to research evidence from Pakistan, Uganda, Myanmar and South Africa. The paper draws on evidence from a recently completed UNICEF and ESRC funded project on education and pe...
Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-first Century has brought the issue of inequality to the centre of political debate. This article explores contemporary research on the relationship between education and inequality in conflict-affected contexts with a view to seeing how Piketty’s work speaks to these issues as a field of research and practice. The a...
Research on peacebuilding has mushroomed over the last decade and there is a growing interest in the role of education in supporting peacebuilding processes. This paper engages with these debates, UN peacebuilding activities and the location of education initiatives therein, through a case study of Sierra Leone. In the first part, we explore the co...
Technical Report
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This review specifically aims to explore their role in promoting peace, reconciliation, social cohesion and violence mitigation recognising that literature specifically relating to teachers and peacebuilding was limited
Technical Report
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While there is a growing body of work investigating the scale, nature and impact of attacks on children and schools, far less attention has been placed on attacks on higher education, and still less on the protection and prevention measures that are being or could be taken. The lack of research and the limited attention given to developing and impl...
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The article explores the merging of security and development policies by western development agencies operating in conflict affected states, and its broad effects on the education sector. The article explores the way education has become increasingly intertwined with post 9/11 security discourses and traces the history, rationales and outcomes of t...
Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s development aid to education in low-income countries was often provided on condition that recipient governments implemented a string of neo-liberal education reforms linked to structural adjustment policies and fiscal austerity.
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Civil society organizations have risen up the global education agenda since the international community adhered to the Education For All Action Framework in the World Education Forum that was held in Dakar in 2000. With the foundation of the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) civil society advocacy has sought to ensure that national governments, d...
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In the book Poverty and Famines, Amartya Sen presents the main findings of the outstanding research he did on the causes and effects of world famines. One of the starting points of his research was observing that similar types of food crisis (in similar climate conditions, with similar bad crops) that happened in India and China in the fifties had...
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In this chapter, we use comparative analysis lenses to better understand the nature of civil society coalitions and their impact in the educational field. The arguments provide a synthesis of core issues that have emerged from the case studies presented in earlier chapters. In particular, this chapter looks at different aspects of education advocac...
The paper explores shifts in the nature, volume, trajectory and content of aid to education in the wake of post-9/11 Western preoccupations with the rise of Islamic radicalism. The paper develops a framework for understanding the dynamics of how educational aid appears to be becoming increasingly politicized in strategic conflict and post-conflict...
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This paper explores the dynamics of repression and resistance within the Colombian education system through exploring human rights violations against educators. Drawing on the findings of several fieldwork visits carried out since 2005 across Colombia, the paper focuses on the darker side of the education/conflict relationship, demonstrating throug...
On Christmas Day 2001, several hundred workers began an occupation of the headquarters of EMCALI, the public service provider of water, electricity, and telecommunications in Cali, Colombia’s second largest city. The occupation was a response to a government announcement to privatize the company. Thirty-six days later, the workers emerged victoriou...
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his article shows the research results about the political violence against teachers, not only does it introduce figures but also it goes into detail about the nature and the dynamics of the manner how teachers are affected by the political violence in Colombia. As well, it presents the different strategies of resistance that trade unionists in the...
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This paper seeks to provide a starting point for a broader discussion on the development of a critical research agenda in the field of ‘Education and Conflict Studies’. We begin the paper with a brief overview of the field of Education and Conflict drawing on a series of recent ‘overviews’ of the field and locate this within the context of the chan...
In this paper we investigate the process of carrying out ethnographic studies of organized resistance to neoliberal globalization. We do so by drawing upon the critical and public social science of Bourdieu and Santos, two highly influential opponents of neoliberalism, and by utilizing Burawoy's 'extended case method' for the investigation of two i...
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Initiatives to improve the quality of teaching and learning A review of recent literature Angeline Barrett et al. 2007 This paper was commissioned by the Education for All Global Monitoring Report as background information to assist in drafting the 2008 report. It has not been edited by the team. The views and opinions expressed in this paper are t...
In response to Appadurai's ‘Grassroots globalization and the research imagination’, this paper explores some of the theoretical, ethical, methodological and practical issues of developing a ‘strong internationalisation’ of research with and amongst grassroots globalisation movements. Drawing on five years of solidarity and research experience betwe...
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The paper explores processes of social movement learning within SINTRAEMCALI, a public service trade union in the South West of Colombia, which has successfully prevented a series of attempts by the national government to privatise public utilities. The paper develops the concept of ‘strategic learning’ and applies it to an exploration of the trans...
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The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), which pushes for a progressive liberalization of education all over the world, is being widely contested. Teachers unions and other education stakeholders have opposed and campaigned against the GATS in different countries and at a range of geographical scales...
Using examples from USAID’s involvement in Muslim majority countries, this piece looks at that the relationship between education aid and the new geopolitics of the war on terror.
This article raises some critical questions regarding the current global compact on education for development, represented by Education for All (EFA), and analyzes how its form and content are embedded in a neoliberal model of economic development. It also argues that this neoliberal embedding represents an obstacle for the achievement of the EFA g...


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