Mario Andrés González ChávezMédica Sur Clinic Foundation · Department of Surgery
Mario Andrés González Chávez
General Surgeon
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March 2012 - July 2015
Publications (44)
Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) initially occurred between the tropics and overlapped in communities in which social drivers play a significant role. However, climate change has spread them away from the tropics and unrestricted human development has immersed them into unprecedented places. NTDs can be found almost anywhere, and health professio...
Purpose of review: Chagas disease (CD) is recognized as a neglected tropical disease. It is endemic of Latin America, but globalization has led to its spread worldwide. Even though its presence has been tracked at least 9000 years ago, treatment options remain scarce. The purpose of this review is to analyze the evidence for current and future opti...
improvements in surgical outcomes quickly led to the rapid adoption of these lists worldwide.
Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed in which operative mortality, surgical
complications rate, duration of hospital stay and readmission to hospital or emergency department
within 30 days after discharge were compared among patients undergoing...
Renal cell carcinoma represents the 16th cause of death by cancer. It is one of the most frequent kidney tumors. This tumor could behave as a good mimicker, and is frequently associated with paraneoplastic syndromes. Metastases to peritoneum, mesentery or omentum are very rare. Sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma is a high-grade undifferentiated compo...
Teratomas are germ cell tumors commonly composed of multiple cell types derived from one or more of the three embrionary layers. They are the most common germ cell ovarian tumors and also the most common ovarian neoplasm in women younger than 20 years. Complications of ovarian teratomas include torsion, rupture, infection, hemolytic anemia and mali...
Histamine intoxication or scombroid poisoning is an alergy-like intoxication caused by deep-water fish of the Scombridae family (tuna, mackerel, bonito, etc.) in poor preservation conditions. Worldwide it is the most common cause of fish poisoning since this species is consumed in large quantities all over the world. We report two cases where both...
Transverse colon diverticulitis is a rare entity, described for the first time in 1944 by Thompson and Fox. Even more uncommon if presented with diverticular perforation of the colon. When ranking diverticula distribution by their anatomical location site, it has been set up that transverse colon is involved in an average of 10% of the cases, but d...
El síndrome de pulmón evanescente también llamado enfisema bulloso gigante idiopático es una enfermedad progresiva caracterizada por grandes bullas que involucran al menos 1/3 de uno o ambos hemitórax. La causa principal de la formación de bullas gigantes es el tabaquismo, pero también se ha asociado a otros factores desencadenantes. Las bullas gig...
Gallbladder cancer ranks fifth among oncological diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract; nevertheless, it is the world's most common malignant tumour of the bile ducts. It is usually diagnosed after cholecystectomy and tends to have bad prognosis. Adenocarcinoma is the main histological finding, although other rare histologic types have been...
We present the case of a 56-yr-old woman with vague abdominal pain of approximately 5 months duration. An ultrasound study showed moderate dilation of the common bile duct. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography confirmed a cystic dilatation of the right hepatic duct with intra and extra hepatic component. The patient underwent right hepatecto...
A 45-years-old man, without relevant history that comes after a car accident with left chest and lumbar pain with hematuria. At 8th post-surgical day presented abundant macroscopic hematuria so uroto-mography was performed, it showed a probable renal arteriove-nous fistula (AVF). Renal arteriography was performed and treated with 2 articulated coil...
Gallbladder cancer ranks fifth among oncological diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract; nevertheless, it is the world's most common malignant tumor of the bile ducts. It is usually diagnosed after cholecystectomy and tends to have bad prognosis. Adenocarcinoma is the main histological finding, although other rare histologic typ...
The chylous ascites is an extremely rare complication of the laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure (LRYGB). True chylous ascites is defined as the presence of ascitic fluid with high fat (triglycerides) content, usually above 110 mg/dL. We report the case of a 36-year-old patient with a LRYGB history, performed a year before. This time, s...
A los médicos internos de pregrado con el deseo de que este Manual MIP ® los acompañe y oriente en uno de los años más memorables de la vida del médico.
Los editores
Introduction. Obesity is known to increase morbidity and mortality in the general population and therefore is perceived as a risk factor for adverse post-surgical results. There are few studies comparing postoperative morbidity and mortality in obese and non-obese patients. Objective. Characterize the incidence, clinical profile,
post-operative com...
Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia (TDH) is rare and presents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge.
The incidence varies from 0.8 to 8% and the mortality rate ranges between 16.6 and 33.3%. The difficulty in diagnosing TDH is the most important cause of morbidity and mortality. Traumatic injuries of the diaphragm may remain undetected or clinically s...
La ingesta accidental de cuerpos extraños es un problema común en la población, la mayoría de los objetos pasan a través del tracto gastrointestinal de forma desapercibida, y tan sólo en 1% de los casos pueden causar complicaciones como abdomen agudo por una perforación intestinal. Estas perforaciones ocurren con mayor frecuencia en los ángulos y e...
Introducción: La apendicetomía sigue siendo una de las cirugías más frecuentemente realizadas por el Cirujano General. Una de las complicaciones a largo plazo de este procedimiento es la apendicitis del muñón, siendo esta una condición caracterizada por la inflamación del remanente apendicular tras una apendicetomía. Objetivo: El objetivo del prese...
Appendectomy is one of the most frequently performed operations by general surgeon. One of the long-term complications of this procedure is the appendicitis of the stump. The objective of this article is to describe a rare form of appendicitis. We present the case of a 24-year-old patient who have been surgically intervened for acute appendicitis a...
Introduction. Laparoscopic surgery through single incision (LSSI) is a surgical technique that seeks to make intra-abdominal surgery through a single input port, allowing a reduction in the number and size of incisions, getting better cosmetic results with at least the same functional results than conventional multiport laparoscopic surgery.
Introduction. The most common pathology of the appendix isacute inflammation. Appendicular tumors have an incidence 0.4%of all tumors of the digestive tract, and they represent a small groupwithin the pathology of organ and its importance lies in that they areexceptionally diagnosed before or during surgery, and in cases whereit is suspected the in...
The accidental ingestion of foreign bodies is a common problem. The majority of the ingested objects pass through the gastrointestinal tract unnoticed and only 1% of the cases might cause complications such as acute abdomen secondary to an intestinal perforation. This type of complication commonly occurs in anatomic structures such as the pylorus,...
El quiloperitoneo (o ascitis quilosa) es una complicación extremadamente rara del Bypass Gástrico en Y de Roux Laparoscópico (BGYRL). Solamente existe reporte de 2 casos en la literatura mundial. La verdadera ascitis quilosa se define como la presencia de líquido ascítico con alto contenido de grasa (triglicéridos), usualmente por encima de los 110...
El cáncer de vía biliar incluye al colangiocarcinoma, al cáncer del Ámpula de Vater y al cáncer de la vesícula biliar. El cáncer de vesícula ocupa el quinto lugar entre los padecimientos oncológicos que afectan al tracto gastrointestinal, pero mundialmente es el tumor maligno más frecuente de las vías biliares. Generalmente suele diagnosticarse tra...
La hernia es uno de los padecimientos quirúrgicos más comunes. Ocasionalmente, el Cirujano, se enfrenta a las llamadas hernias raras. Las hernias raras de pared abdominal se denominan así por lo infrecuente de su presentación y por el contenido inusual de su saco. El Cirujano General debe saber cómo proceder al enfrentarse a hernias de este tipo. D...
En Abril del 2007 la Asamblea Legislativa del Distrito Federal aprobó la despenalización del aborto inducido bajo cualquier condición hasta las 12 semanas de gestación. En el resto del país, el aborto es legal sólo en ciertas condiciones (Tabla 1). Para el 2009, 55% del total de los embarazos en México fueron no planeados, se estima que la mitad de...
La hernia es uno de los padecimientos quirúrgicos más comunes. Ocasionalmente, el Cirujano, se enfrenta a las llamadas hernias raras. Las hernias raras de pared abdominal se denominan así por lo infrecuente de su presentación y por el contenido inusual de su saco. El Cirujano General debe saber cómo proceder al enfrentarse a hernias de este tipo. P...
RESUMEN La cirugía plástica, estética y reconstructiva, y la cirugía de trasplantes son dos especialidades relativamente nuevas. Sus elementos constitutivos fueron añadiéndose progresivamente desde las épocas que precedieron a Cristo, pero el nacimiento de ambas ramas de la cirugía como especialidades se produjo hasta hace poco tiempo. Ambas han co...
The Tlalpan Team is the first transplant team in the world to have a Twitter account exclusively to further public education on transplants, post their activities, and recruit transplant candidates. We believe that having young people as followers is a great advantage because they are the ones who will improve the culture of donation in a developin...
José Manuel Correa Rovelo
El médico debe tener la habilidad de decir los antecedentes, conocer el presente y
visualizar el futuro; debe meditar estas cosas, y tener dos objetivos especiales en
consideración con respecto de la enfermedad. Textualmente, hacer el bien o no
lastimar. En lo que respecta a las enfermedades, hacer un hábito e...
Case report of a digital reconstruction with a non-crioperserved, non-vascularized osteo-tendinous allograft in a patient who did not receive immunosuppressive therapy.
Few reports about body contouring surgery after massive weight loss (MWL) have been produced in the developing countries. As Mexico is considered a developing country, we performed a retrospective analysis of medical records of patients who underwent this type of surgery to evaluate their demographic characteristics as well as their outcomes and co...
El Subcomité de Trasplante de Tejidos Compuestos del Instituto
Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán
se formó en 2005. Su objetivo es evaluar los factores médicos,
quirúrgicos, sociales, legales y éticos, que influyen para la realización
del alotrasplante de extremidad superior, de acuerdo
a los criterios señalados por «The Inte...
Este artículo puede ser consultado en versión completa en http://www.medigraphic.com/cirugiaplastica RESUMEN El Subcomité de Trasplante de Tejidos Compuestos del Institu-to Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán se formó en 2005. Su objetivo es evaluar los factores médicos, quirúrgicos, sociales, legales y éticos, que influyen pa...