Marinela Rusu

Marinela Rusu
Romanian Academy · Economic and Social Research Institute "Gheorghe Zane" - Iasi

psychology researcher, PhD and visual artist


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INVITAȚIE Academia Română, Filiala Iași - Institutul de Cercetări Economice și Sociale, ”Gh. Zane”, Secția Psihologie-Pedagogie, vă invită să participați la Conferinţa Știinţifică Internaţională, ediţia a-X-a, intitulată: Conferința va avea loc pe data de 31 mai, 2019, ora 9.00, în Aula Magna, sala de conferințe a Academiei Române, Filiala Iași, bdul. Carol I, nr. 8. Evenimentul, este la a-X-a ediție și abordează procesul complex al actualizării de sine și al creativității, analizate din perspective multidisciplinare. OBIECTIVELE MANIFESTĂRII: 1. Evenimentul abordează procesul complex al realizării de sine din perspectiva psihologică, educativă cât și din perspectiva creativității. Idealul de viață este integrat în analiza acestui proces, ca fiind un element esențial, definitoriu al
Additional affiliations
January 1995 - January 2008
University of Fine Arts ”G. Enescu”, Iasi
  • Lecturer
  • Psychology of art, soocio-psychology of art, pedagogy.
January 1999 - January 2015
Romanian Academy
  • psychology researcher, artist
  • psychology research - personality, man-woman psychology, PSY psychology, art psychology, creativity.
January 2013 - January 2015
University of Fine Arts ”G. Enescu”, Iași, Romania
Field of study
  • Painting art


Publications (44)
Conference Paper
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CALL FOR PAPERS Authors are required to address the conference topics only. The papers must not have been previously published. DEADLINES April 12, 2015 – for sending title and abstract in English (up to 250 words and 3 keywords): April 19, 2015-acceptance of papers. April 25, 2015 – for sending full papers (8 to 10 pages, font Times New Roman-12,...
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The conference will take place on Friday, 20 may, 9 a.m., 2022, online. The event, at the XIII-th edition, addresses the current and complex problem of the creativity process, analyzed from interdisciplinary perspectives. OBJECTIVES 1. Definition of the concept of "creativity" interpreted at different levels of manifestation: social, educational,...
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The conference will take place on Friday, 14 may, 9 a.m., 2021, AULA MAGNA – Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, Avenue Carol I, no. 8. The event, at the XII-th edition, addresses the current and complex problem of the communication process, analyzed from multidisciplinary perspectives. OBJECTIVES: 1. The event addresses the complex process of interper...
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Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch - Institute of Economic and Social Research, "Gh. Zane", Department of Psychology and Education Sciences invites you to attend the International Scientific Conference: The conference will take place on Friday, 22 may, 9 a.m., 2019, AULA MAGNA – Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, Avenue Carol I, no. 8. The event, at the XI...
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The concept of communication is a notorious one but at the same time, difficult to define precisely. However, many researchers recognize a number of attributes as easy to define and interpret. In this paper we will carry out a detailed analysis of each of these components of the basic model of communication (Hargie, O., Dickson, D. 2004, Dickson, 2...
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Creativity is one of the specific human traits. The development of personality is most often realized in close correlation with the creative dynamics of each one. The paper proposed by us brings into discussion the most important factors that contribute to the development of creativity. What makes us more creative, what are the conditions that unle...
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INVITAȚIE Academia Română, Filiala Iași - Institutul de Cercetări Economice și Sociale, ”Gh. Zane”, Secția Psihologie-Pedagogie, vă invită să participați la Conferinţa Știinţifică Internaţională, ediţia a-X-a, intitulată: Conferința va avea loc pe data de 31 mai, 2019, ora 9.00, în Aula Magna, sala de conferințe a Academiei Române, Filiala Iași,...
This paper addresses, both theoretically and experimentally, the complex problem of teenagers with physical motor deficiency (FMD) . We present first the etiology and define the specialty terms regarding physical, motor impairment. In order to outline the psychological profile of teenagers from the perspective of personality development, a methodol...
Conference Paper
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Creativity is a complex process that invites to action, both the conscious and the unconscious mind. The work proposed by us puts into question a new aspect of the process of creativity: finding and solving problems, inserting the cognitive and ideational elements into the artistic creative process. Artistic personality represents a complex interac...
Conference Paper
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INVITATION Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch - Institute of Economic and Social Research, "Gh. Zane", Department of Psychology and Pedagogy invites you to attend the International Scientific Conference: The conference will take place on Friday, 25 may, 9 a.m., 2018, AULA MAGNA – Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, Avenue Carol I, no. 8. The event, at the...
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Adolescents with disabilities often face not only the psychophysiological consequences of the presence of physical deficiency but also problems with integration into the school group or in society, in general. The present paper summarizes the conclusions of some researches from abroad as well as the author’s regarding the integration of young peopl...
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Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
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1. The conference theme reflects a global social need: diversity in the current era, represents a fundamental aspect of all societies and aims, also the differences between people as individuals, and those of various groups. The existence of multiple identities, values, traditions, customs and different ways of relating between individuals or group...
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Art is one of the finest means of shaping the personality, of access to aesthetic and moral values of society. The paper presents some of the elements of communication through art, in the double sense of this process, from the artwork (creator) to the viewer, but also from the viewer to the work of art and creator. The key-element of this dual proc...
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Aesthetic education forms and develops a mental quality of the individual, namely, general receptivity to the world and life. It can be said, however, that aesthetic education includes a multiplicity of meanings, formative and educative in relation to personality. All this has a profound echo in the whole personality, whether at the emotional or be...
Conference Paper
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The event, at the seventh edition, addresses the complex process of creativity and its role in development of personality and also addresses the specifics of the social and educational creativity.
Conference Paper
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OBJECTIVES: 1. Definition of the concept of "creativity" interpreted at different levels of manifestation: social, educational, individual. Theoretical delineation of the differences between creativity, innovation, invention and discovery. 2. Description of the stages of the complex process of creativity (insight, germination, elaboration and valo...
Conference Paper
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Cuprins Argument (p. 7) Constantin Cucoș, Arta educației – realitate, deziderat, metaforă? (p. 8) Carmen Mihaela Crețu, Evoluția cercetării științifice în domeniul creativității (p. 15) Maria Urmă, Creier şi creativitate (p. 25) Bogdan Constantin Neculau, Potenţialul creativ-posibile modalităţi de stimulare (p. 36) Dumitru Stan, Contexte sociocultu...
Conference Paper
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Artistic personality was interpreted in various ways through the ages. The power of creativity, individual perseverance and imaginative force made the artist a special person, different from most people, being equipped with unique, unrepeatable skills. This paper presents some of the most important approaches to the personality of the creator, from...
Conference Paper
Conference Paper
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Ioana Olaru și Marinela Rusu, Principiile morale și expresia lor în artă-contraste și controverse, p.17. Gabriel Ciobanu și Cristian Ungureanu, Condiția artei moderne-între adevăr și deturnare, p.32. Irina Apostul, Temele fenomenului artistic pop art şi stilurile lui în artele vizuale, p. 42. Eugenia Zaițev, Rolul operei de artă în conștientizarea...
Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
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The session will take place on May 15, 2015, 10:00 a.m., in the conference hall of the Institute "Gh Zane", Iasi , str. Codrescu, no. 2. The event, at the sixth edition, addresses the specific report of ethics and aesthetics and its role in educating and shaping the human personality. OBJECTIVES:  Defining clearer (from different perspectives: phi...
Conference Paper
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Deadlines goes to the end of the april month. We wait for your registration.
Conference Paper
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Volumele Conferintei vor fi publicate la editura acreditată CNCSIS, " ARS LONGA " Colecția Academica Iași Volumele Conferinței vor fi promovate și vor apărea pe Internet pe site-uri de specialitate din țară și din străinătate. ART AND PERSONALITY-the role of artistic creation on the development of human consciousness
Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
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The role of art in personality shaping and in educational process.
Conference Paper
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Viața afectivă a individului reprezintă un element important, nu doar al personalității în sine, dar și al conviețuirii cu ceilalți indivizi ce alcătuiesc societatea. Deși au fost uneori mai puțin apreciate, în comparație cu logica și judecata, emoțiile par să-și recapete locul meritat în interpretarea psihologică. În volumul de față, mai mulți au...


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