Marina Ugarković

Marina Ugarković
Institute of Archaeology

Ph.D in Archaeology


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Publications (71)
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The Issa collection of the Archaeological Museum in Split holds a red-fi gure oinochoe decorated with a comic scene. This vessel came to light as a grave good of grave 168, discovered during the 1983 rescue exca- vation of the Hellenistic necropolis of Issa, located on Vlaška njiva in modern Vis. It can be added to the known body of the so-called p...
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Excavations of Hellenistic necropolises in ancient Issa located on the island of Vis in coastal Croatia revealed significant amounts of pottery, mostly tableware, dated from the second half of the 4th to the 1st c. BCE. Recovered pottery contained different stylistic forms thought to have been produced locally or imported. The goal of this study wa...
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This work presents a small group of ceramic oil-lamps in the depot of the Graeco-Hellenistic Collection of the Archaeological Museum in Split. This group consists of fourteen oil-lamps which are a part of the so-called old inventory, of which twelve originated on the island of Vis (no. 1, 3, 5-14), while two were found in Salona (no. 2 and 4). A ty...
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During research at the eastern necropolis in ancient Issa, an interesting - and in Croatia's territory, unique - ceramic object was found inside grave 66: a Red-figure fish plate. The author's intention is to provide a brief review of the application of this pottery form and the various workshops in which it was produced. Based on a detailed analys...
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U radu se donose rezultati prvih probnih arheoloških istraživanja na prostoru jugoistočnog predgrađa antičkog Fara, danas Stari Grad na otoku Hvaru, gdje su recentna iskopavanja u okviru HRZZ AdriaCos projekta (2021. godine) na svjetlo dana iznijela nove podatke o topografiji, stratigrafiji i pokretnim nalazima koji doprinose poznavanju organizacij...
The paper presents finds discovered in the the area of Goveja in the town of Vis on the island of the same name. The characteristics and the context of the finds suggest that they might have belonged to a Roman incineration grave. Prominent among the finds is a unique ceramic vessel, in the described context used as an urn. Its typical morphologica...
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U radu su predstavljena prva arheološka istraživanja na gradiniGračišće u centralnom dijelu otoka Hvara, koja su provedena usklopu uspostavnoga istraživačkog projekta Instituta za arheologiju,Transformiranje jadranskog kozmosa: otočnost, povezanosti glokalni identiteti predrimske Dalmacije (AdriaCos, HRZZUIP 2020-02-2419), a u suradnji s Muzejom St...
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U razdoblju od veljače 2022. godine do siječnja 2023. godine provodila se druga godina uspostavnog istraživačkog projekta Transformiranje jadranskog kozmosa: otočnost, povezanost i glokalni identiteti predrimske Dalmacije (AdriaCos) (HRZZ UIP-2020-02-2419). Ovaj petogodišnji projekt financiran je od strane Hrvatske zaklade za znanost a provodi se u...
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U sklopu projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost Transformiranje jadranskog kozmosa: otočnost, povezanost i glokalni identiteti predrimske Dalmacije (HRZZ, UIP-2020-02-2419, AdriaCos), usmjerenog na proučavanje višeslojnih kulturnih identiteta otoka Hvara kao i odnosa grčkih doseljenika i lokalnih zajednica u multikulturalnom ozračju povezanosti i isp...
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U radu se donosi objava nalaza grčkog utega koji je otkriven tijekom istraživanja u Starome Gradu na otoku Hvaru provedenih u 2021. godini. Radi se o diskoidnom utegu za tkalački stan koji sadrži dvije vrste oznaka: grčki grafit s prvim spomenom grčkog imena ΚΑΣΙ[…] u Dalmaciji i otisak eliptičnog oblika s neodredivim prikazom. Donosi se osvrt na t...
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U radu se donose novi podaci o lokalitetu Gradina (Vinogradišće) koji je smješten oko 1 km sjeverno od današnjeg grada Visa, kao prilog poznavanju arheološke karte otoka Visa. U središtu lokaliteta segment je monumentalne arhitekture građen od masivnih poluobrađenih kamenih blokova, očuvan do dva reda visine, koji dosad nije bio zabilježen. Rezulta...
The paper presents the results of the archaeological rescue excavations that were conducted by the archaeological company Kantharos in cooperation with the Institute of Archaeology in 2021 on Ivana Pavla II Street (the so-called Lupi plot) in Stari Grad on the island of Hvar. The excavations found an ancient building, with the remains of architectu...
Maritime connectivity, networking and mobility are the key features of island space and the backbone of the study of physical and social phenomena of island landscapes. With the arrival of Romans into the Illyrian-Hellenistic world of the central Adriatic, the networking and inter-dependence of the Adriatic and Mediterranean worldsintensified, condi...
Building upon recently published data on Pannonian slipped ware in Roman Dalmatia and the growing evidence of this and othercontinental wares in its coastal region, an overview of the current state of occurrences is provided. On these, though still scanty data, aninterpretation of the changes within the pottery market of late 1st - early 3rd c. Dal...
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In this pilot study, Late Hellenistic mold-made lamps from Ephesos are investigated by combining chrono-morphological and stylistic features with thin-section petrography and neutron activation analysis. Coeval wares of Ephesian production and clay samples collected around the site as well as published data from the Bonn database are considered loc...
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The paper presents a random find from “Hellenistic grave/s” on the island of Čiovo near Trogir, as a rare document of the funeral practices of Tragurians, and Čiovo land use in 2nd/1st century BC.
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The hill-fort on the Sutilija hill, towering over Trogir’s Malo polje from the north-west, is one of the most important sites for understanding the prehistory and protohistory of the Trogir-Kaštela area. This is best reflected in the huge volumes of collapsed ramparts, the complexity of visible structures and the high concentration of surface finds...
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Three red-figure lekythoi discovered in Issa and Pharos, Late Classical and Hellenistic Greek settlements established in the eastern Adriatic islands of central Dalmatia, can be attributed to the Agrinion group. Although all were conceivably associated with a funeral context, only the two from Issa were actually found as grave depositions on Martvi...
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Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of IARPotHP Kaštela, June 2017, 1st – 4th
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“Trogir Through Time”, an international scientific research project of the Trogir Town Museum, the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb, and the Austrian Archaeological Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, included a field survey and the photogrammetric and topographic documentation of nine prehistoric sites in the greater Trogir...
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The article presents ceramic lamps discovered during the 2007 rescue excavation conducted in Burial House 1/2007 of the Roman and late antique Harbour necropolis of Ephesus, located north of the harbour channel. Special attention is placed on one of the grave goods discovered in Grave 3, an imported Roman lamp of probable Cypriot origin, with the f...
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The paper presents an overview of pottery and ceramic finds recovered during excavations aimed at documenting the current state of preservation of the Hellenistic rampart on the northern side of Epetion, modern-day Stobreč. Morpho-stylistic and typo-functional analyses of documented sherds were carried out, allowing us to present the finds on the b...
Conference Paper
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The small eastern Adriatic town of Trogir (ancient Tragurion), today a UNESCO-protected site, is situated on an islet between the central Dalmatian mainland and the island of Čiovo, at the western end of the fertile plain around the Kaštela Bay. Following the dynamic regional multi-cultural interactions during the last few centuries BCE, Trogir und...
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In 2017, the Austrian Archaeological Institute at the Austrian Academy of Sciences signed cooperation contracts with the Trogir Town Museum and the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb in order to study ancient Tragurion/Tragurium and its hinterland in a diachronic and interdisciplinary manner (project »Trogir Through Time«). Trogir, located in centr...
Conference Paper
Recent investigations have identified the presence of Phoenician amphoriskoi in several sites located along the eastern Adriatic coast. These are the first known evidence of such vessels in the region, and are important testimony of the upsurge in mobility of goods and people in the Mediterranean during the 2nd and 1st centuries BCE. More details on...
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Grad Hvar, Hrvatsko arheološko društvo i Institut za arheologiju pozivaju Vas na Znanstveni skup ''Hvarski arhipelag i arheologija dalmatinskih otoka: od dinamične prošlosti do kulturnog turizma'' koji će se održati 08. do 11. listopada u galeriji Arsenal u gradu Hvaru.
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The article analyzes the coins found during archaeological excavations at a Roman villa in Soline Cove on the island of Sv. Klement in the Pakleni Archipelago off the Central Dalmatian island of Hvar. The earliest among the 32 coins found there are the coins of Illyrian King Ballaios and Roman Republican coins. Then follow Roman Imperial coins (wit...
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In February 2018 the Austrian Archaeological Institute/Austrian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Trogir Town Museum and the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb commenced excavations in the basement of a historic residential building in the city centre of Trogir located on the central coast of Dalmatia. Probably dating to the 12th century,...
Conference Paper
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The International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period (IARPotHP) announces its 4th CONFERENCE, MANUFACTURERS AND MARKETS: THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF HELLENISTIC POTTERY TO ECONOMIES LARGE AND SMALL November 2019, 11th – 14th Athens, Greece.
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The paper presents the ceramic fine ware finds from the excavations at the site St. Klement-Soline on Pakleni otoci in central Dalmatia. The material is introduced chronologically and morphologically, taking into consideration wares and typology. The finds span from the Hellenistic/Roman Republican period to Late Antiquity, presenting a cross-secti...
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In the advanced 2nd c. BCE Issean potters began to produce grey ware following global trends that appeared in manufacturing of different clay ware during the Hellenistic era. Several shapes of this type of pottery quickly emerged in funeral assemblages, which is documented in material remains of the later 2nd and 1st c. BCE tombs discovered from th...
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During excavations at the ancient necropolis which proceeded at the Vlaška njiva site in the town of Vis in 1983, an iron pilum (javelin), a throwing weapon used by infantry soldiers, was found in one of the graves. This is currently a unique weapon find which is associated with the physical remains of Hellenistic funerary rituals practiced in Issa...
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poster presented at the 3rd IARPotHP conference
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Program and Abstract book of an international workshop held at Institute of Classicial Archaeology, Vienna, 10th March 2017
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This lecture infers on the results of a recent study conducted on Hellenistic mortuary material evidence from the necropoleis of Issa, one of the latest Greek settlements in the West. Issa was established on the island of Vis in central Dalmatia (modern Croatia) during the Late Classical period, and had its heyday in the Hellenistic era. So far, it...
Conference Paper
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During the Hellenistic period various local and imported ceramic objects were in motion throughout Dalmatia. Among these, a small but culturally and artistically interesting group are Hellenistic oil-lamps decorated with figural, floral and geometric motifs in relief, presumably manufactured in different eastern Mediterranean workshops. For some ex...
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One key feature of the Hellenistic world is its cosmopolitan nature that was created by decades of interaction between peoples from different regions with distinctive cultural backgrounds. In this era of ever-increasing connectivity, at both regional and interregional levels, material culture can reflect the movement of people who took with them th...
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Program and abstracts of the round table held on 2nd of February, 2015, at the Institute of archaeology in Zagreb.
Conference Paper
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As yet, little is known about the goods provenancing from the Eastern Mediterranean recovered within the Hellenistic material culture of the central Eastern Adriatic that could possibly witness on the connectivity between the two areas. This is contrary to the Western Adriatic, where such evidence is particularly attested in the period of advanced...
Conference Paper
Automated mineralogy solutions, such as QEMSCAN®, provide quantitative mineralogical data placed in the textural context of the material analysed. In other words, such material is examined through mineralogical micro-scale mapping, depicting distribution patterns of individual phases along with related textural features. The past few years saw a di...
Isa (Issa) je jedini grčki grad na središnjem dijelu istočnog Jadrana s otkrivenim i djelomično istraženim nekropolama. Ovaj je rad nastao kao rezultat proučavanja pogrebnih obreda i običaja Ise, koji se ogledaju u ostacima materijalne kulture otkrivenim na nekropolama grada. Riječ je o lokalitetima Martvilo i Vlaška njiva, koji su smješteni s jugo...
Conference Paper
During the 2007-2010 archaeological investigations in the area of Ephesus harbour necropolis, conducted by the Austrian archaeological Institute, a considerable amount of ceramic artefacts, including the lamps, were recovered. In the funeral contexts of the 3rd and 4th c. lamps were included in grave assemblages. On the contrary to this custom, in...
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Vorgestellt werden die ersten Ergebnisse der interdisziplinären Untersuchungen des Kroatischen Archäologischen Instituts (Zagreb), des Kunsthistorischen Museums in Hvar (Hvar), der St. Thomas University (Minnesota) und der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission (Frankfurt a.M.) des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts auf der mitteldalmatischen Adriainsel...
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In the Soline cove on the island of St. Clement near Hvar, archaeological excavations were conducted from August 2007 to July 2012. The object of the investigation were the remains of a Roman villa located next to a fertile plain and close to the sea and its position and function in the landscape and the maritime zone indicate that it may have been...


Question (1)
I am interested in publications of 4th-3rd c. BCE tombs from south Italy and Sicilly, with weapons, especially with javelins or early pilum.


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