Marina Dimitrova StefanovaSofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" · Department of Business Administration
Marina Dimitrova Stefanova
PhD in Social governance
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June 2016 - June 2016
January 2013 - June 2016
Publications (18)
По подобие на финансовото счетоводство, данните за устойчивостта се превръщат в незаменим източник на информация за ефективното корпоративно управление на рисковете и възможностите пред развитието и успеха в бизнеса.
Потребителите, инвеститорите и банките също започват да търсят такива данни, за да оценят стратегията и дългосрочната жизнеспособнос...
The paper aims to create a clearer understanding of the nature of sustainability and meta-leadership and how they can contribute to the transformation of a company in times of emergency and force majeure. It does this by examining sustainability within the leadership literature, speeding up the transformational change of business during times of cr...
This is a pilot study on the state of non-financial reporting of Bulgarian companies in compliance with European Directive 2014/95/EU on the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by some large enterprises and groups.
В отговор на различни социални, екологични и икономически предизвикателства, все поголям брой български компании започват да подкрепят стратегии, свързани с корпоративната социална отговорност. По този начин те изпращат сигнал до всички заинтересовани страни, с които си взаимодействат служители, акционери, инвеститори, клиенти, обществени институци...
Today change is taking place much faster than it did in the 1980s and 1990s. A company that does not keep up will be left behind and loses its competitive advantage in the business world, while those who do
embrace change will constantly benefit from responding to the socioeconomic context and the societal expectations of stakeholders.
Innovation a...
В страните от Централна и Източна Европа КСО намира определение и
фокусира научното внимание за първи път в края на 90-те години на XX-ти век.
Този период се свързва с прехода към пазарно стопанство и поставя началото на
значими структурни промени в стопанската дейност. КСО в България се форми-
ра от мултинационалните компании и международните орга...
There were 10 years since a survey of such type was produced in Bulgaria. Over these years, we have witnessed significant economic, social, political and technological changes.
The study is held among TOP 300 employers in Bulgaria, arranged regarding number of insured individuals as of December 31st, 2017. It covers the following topics:
1/ Exter...
In Bulgaria, the role of business in society has dramatically changed over the last two decades. Whereas the initial impetus for CSR came from abroad, in recent years, domestic actors have been pushing and setting the CSR agenda. Although Bulgaria’s government has launched a National Strategy for CSR, it is following rather than leading the CSR age...
In Bulgaria, the role of business in society has dramatically changed over the last two decades. Whereas the initial impetus for CSR came from abroad, in recent years, domestic actors have been pushing and setting the CSR agenda. Although Bulgaria’s government has launched a National Strategy for CSR, it is following rather than leading the CSR age...
www.marinastefanova.info Резюме: The social entrepreneurship is known as a contemporary example of a business with social and ecological footprint, another expression of the contemporary multidisciplinary economic theory. Its definitions have various scope and content. The present work aims at following part of the arguments in the social entrepren...
The problems with the work-life balance touch two of the basic pillars of human life – family and professional realization. The issue of family and employment dates from the beginning of the industrial era. It was followed by massive entering of the women in the labour market. Since then these problems are treated as a public responsibility. It is...
The paper examines the role of the business / non-business partnerships in drawing the boundaries of companies' responsibility. It explores the theoretical framework of the stakeholder theory and strategic CSR activities in order to outline need for sustainable and continuous interaction among the stakeholders. Further, it presents the results of a...
The paper examines the role of ISO 26 000 Guidance for social responsibility as a tool for advancing the process approach in developing, implementing and improving the organizational performance. It explores the theoretical framework of the process management in the light of stakeholder theory and strategic CSR activities in order to outline the ne...
In recent years, concerns about sustainability and social responsibility of companies have become increasingly important issue in many countries and industries, including the mining industry. The efforts of the companies to improve their environmental and social performance and recognize their role as a good corporate citizen have brought them to t...
The paper examines the role of the educational system in providing moral values to the students in management faculties. It explores the possible correlations between the business ethic of the managers and the world financial crisis. In this article the author analyse the principles of responsible management education to illustrate the possible fie...