Marika KapanadzeIlia State University | ISU · Faculty of Business Technology and Education
Marika Kapanadze
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Publications (44)
The Technological, Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) model serves as a comprehensive conceptual framework that delineates the essential knowledge domains teachers must possess to effectively integrate technology within educational settings. By synthesizing technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and content knowledge, TPACK empowers edu...
Action research (AR) has long been promoted as a way teachers can improve their practice and increase their understanding of their educational situations. In this article we examine the impact of AR on science teacher education through a critical review of the literature. We sought to identify the goals and purposes of the AR, its mode, and the rol...
The relevance of science education and its individual, societal, and vocational dimensions is important issues for the modern learning and teaching process in many countries. These dimensions are considered based on the data obtained from 1541 Georgian students. The study was conducted within the frames of the international ROSES project. The struc...
ARTiST (Action Research to innovate Science Teaching) was a project co-funded by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union. Ten partners from seven countries worked together and implemented action research into their science teacher education programs. The main philosophy of the project was to innovate science education through classroom-based and...
Übereinstimmend wird Physikbüchern generell eine große Bedeutung für das Lehren und Lernen von Physik zugesprochen. Doch was ist bekannt über die Evaluation von Physiklehrbüchern und welche Schlussfolgerungen lassen sich daraus ziehen? Es wurden 126 internationale, englischsprachige Publikationen aus der physikdidaktischen Forschung analysiert. Die...
This paper presents some aspects of the relevance of physics education from a Georgian perspective. Students' interest in physics is currently an important issue for effective learning and teaching in many countries. We report about the results of an extensive physics students' survey at the end of compulsory education and the beginning of upper se...
Physics textbooks are generally viewed as important tools that provide well-presented and reliable information that supports and enhances students' understanding of critical concepts. The main goal of this chapter is to find out what attention has been given to textbook evaluation in physics education research literature. Studies about...
Textbooks are the main, and often the only, source of information used by students and teachers during learning and teaching physics in schools and universities. As a consequence, the quality of the textbook plays an important role in the classroom. This study presents selected results of a global literature review study about physics textbooks eva...
The monograph presents a doctoral thesis based on the studies carried out as part of the "Chain Reaction” project of the 7th EU Framework Program (http://chainreaction.iliauni.edu.ge/). The study aims to research the attitudes and approaches of science teachers in the process of implementating inquiry-based learning.
Project Chain Reaction is a three-year (2013-2016) project funded by the FP7 program of European Commission. Chain Reaction aims to develop Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) across twelve partner countries. The project provides interactive and engaging IBSE professional development to teacher education professionals from each participating cou...
Physics textbooks are traditionally viewed as primary resources for the implementation of physics curricula throughout the world. While print-based physics textbooks evolved slowly over the centuries, the advent of new inquiry-based approaches (based on physics education research), and the development and use of online resources, have led to a subs...
The Relevance of Science Education is one of the important issues studied during the last decades by the researchers from many countries. There are many attempts to change the philosophy of learning and implement new approaches at schools. Education researchers have been actively discussing and studying what pedagogical methods work more effectivel...
დაწყებითი სკოლის პედაგოგებს უამრავი შესაძლებლობა გაქვთ, შემოქმედებითი ხერხების გამოყენებით ბავშვებში ცნობისმოყვარეობა გაზარდოთ და მათ სწავლისადმი მოტივაცია აუმაღლოთ.
წარმოდგენილი მასალის დახმარებით იოლად შეძლებთ მოსწავლეების საბუნებისმეტყველო საგნებით დაინტერესებასა და აღფრთოვანებას,
განსაკუთრებით ადრეულ ასაკში.
წინამდებარე მასალა „ლილუს სახლი“...
The focus of this chapter is on inquiry done by science teachers on their own practice to improve it, to improve their educational situations, to gain a better understanding of their practice and situations, and to share with others through presentations or publications. As such, action research (AR) is fundamentally a form of teacher education. Th...
This paper reports about the effect of an innovative, context-based science teaching and learning program on student intrinsic motivation. The intervention aimed at promoting Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) in close collaboration with teachers throughout the academic year by developing and implementing socio-scientific, context-based, innova...
Georgia is still struggling to overcome the purely academic, subject matter structured, and teacher-centered paradigm in science education that is rooted in the Soviet time, as it is the case also in other post-Soviet countries (Kapanadze & Eilks, 2014). Instead of focusing on process-oriented skills and capabilities that promote successful, respon...
Standards documents envision that students in grades K-6 engage in developmentally appropriate yet substantive learning in physics and physical science. Students are expected to engage in the practices of the discipline, trying to develop – and experimentally defend – their own explanations of rich everyday phenomena. Teachers need special preparat...
Mönch, C., Markic, S., Martin, C., Kapanadze, M., Modebaze, N., Nuic, I., Pilic, Z., Roleda, L., & Paz Morales, M. (2021). ESTA – Educating Science Teachers for All. In S. Habig (Ed.), Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht und Lehrerbildung im Umbruch? Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik. Online Jahrestagung 2020 (pp. 473-476.). Universitä...
It is well known that currently, interest to the natural sciences is quite low all over the world. And physics is regarded as especially unpopular subject. In this respect, Georgia is not exclusion. Hence, popularization of physics among the school students, enhancing of their motivation in relation to this subject is of particular significance. Re...
Dieses Kapitel beschreibt das ARTIST-Projekt. ARTIST steht für Action Research to Innovate Science Teaching und zielt auf den Ausbau von Kapa-zitäten in der Hochschulbildung (Capacity Building in Higher Education) im Rahmen des ERASMUS+-Programms der Europäischen Union ab. Lehrerbildnerinnen und Lehrerbildnern sowie Lehrkräften in den Natur-wissens...
Action Research is an intense strategy of connecting practice and research. New teaching approaches and materials in Physics were developed during a master course at Ilia State University in Georgia. Pre-service teachers conducted Action Research using observations, interviews, and questionnaires to test and evaluate these innovative approaches in...
Ilia State University (ISU) is one of Georgia's leading universities in teacher education and has taken part in a number of EU funded projects aimed at implementing new approaches to science teaching in Georgia, including those with an inquiry-based science education (IBSE) focus. This chapter gives an overview of the Chain Reaction project in Geor...
The focus of the Action Research to Innovate Science Teaching (ARTIST) project is to innovate science education through classroom-based and teacher-driven action research. Action research aims at the cyclical transformation of authentic practices through the action research cycle of innovation, research, reflection, and further improvement of the i...
This study explores high school science teachers’ perceptions and current practices of inquiry-based science curriculum and the challenges facing teachers in implementing such a curriculum in three different countries—the Georgia, Israel, and the United States—as a means of identifying instructional barriers to implementation that may be hampering...
The project Chain Reaction is a three-year (2013-2016) project funded by the FP7 program of European Commission. Chain Reaction aims to develop Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) across twelve partner countries. It provides interactive and engaging IBSE professional development to teacher education professionals from each of the participating c...
To compare the different stakeholders’ views about science education and contribute to bridge the gap between science communities in Georgia, a Curricular Delphi study was conducted as part of the International PROFILES Curricular Delphi Study on Science Education in the context of the PROFILES project, funded from the European Community’s Seventh...
Decreasing motivation in science classes is often reported in many countries. Georgia, one of the post Soviet countries, has overcome the highly centrilised educational system and nowadays implements a new national educational reform. National reforms demand more student-active and inquiry-based learning. Many Georgian teachers aren’t ready for the...
I lia State University became a project consortium member in January 2013. All activities due to project proposal have been planned and implemented in Georgia during 2013–2014. Continuous Professional Development for the teachers, Delphi Study, Students Gains, Teachers attitudes about the implementation of IBSE – all these activities and studies ha...
P ROFILES aims at developing teacher professionalism, enhancing teacher self–efficacy and promoting teacher evidence-based ownership of PROFILES ideas and innovative practices. Two rounds of PROFILES continuous professional development were conducted in Georgia during 2013–2014. Six new and four adapted modules were implemented in Georgian Schools....
Ilia State University became a project consortium member in January 2013. All activities due to project proposal have been planned and implemented in Georgia during 2013–2014. Continuous Professional Development for the teachers, Delphi Study, Students Gains, Teachers attitudes about the implementation of IBSE – all these activities and studies hav...
After the collapse of the former Soviet Union, many middle and Eastern European countries underwent significant change in their political and educational systems, among them Georgia and Moldova. Reforms in education sought to overcome the highly centralized educational system of the former Soviet Union as well as to conquer the teacher-centred para...
After the collapse of the former Soviet Union, many Central and Eastern European countries underwent significant change in their political and educational systems, among them Georgia and Moldova. Reforms in education sought to overcome the highly centralized educational system of the former Soviet Union as well as to conquer the teacher-centred par...
This article indicates the views of stakeholders in science education in Georgia through a three round Delphi study. Outcomes from the study were used to guide the direction of a continuous professional development (CPD) programme under PROFILES promoting motivational inquiry-based science education. Details of the way the Delphi study outcomes imp...
There are changes in the education system in Georgia. The National Educational Reform has started several years ago. The present study evaluates Georgian science teachers` and science student teachers` beliefs about teaching and learning. To draw a broad view about their beliefs, qualitative and quantitative instruments have been used. Generally, t...
Educational theory suggests that learning science follows the theory of social constructivism. This theory
asks for organizing the teaching-learning-process in a student-active mode to be characterized by high
individual as well as collaborative and cooperative student activity. This paper sums up essential tenets
from this theoretical justificatio...
In 2009, a cooperation of the Ilia State University in Tbilisi, Georgia, and the University of Bremen, Germany, was launched to start the project initiative SALiS. SALiS stands for ‘Student Active Learning in Science’ and aims at innovations in science education via reforms in science teacher training.
Das Poster gibt einen Überblick über das Projekt “SALiS – Student Active Learning in Science”. Gemeinsam geleitet von der Ilia State Universität Tiflis und der Universität Bremen entwickeln und implementieren zehn Partner aus sechs Ländern im Rahmen von SALiS Trainingsmodule für Lehrkräfte zur Innovation des naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts. Neb...
The region of cDNA encoding human pancreatic polypeptide (hPP) was obtained by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and subcloned into an expression vector. The pancreatic polypeptide gene was expressed in Escherichia coli in two versions: as a cleavable fusion protein with IgG-binding synthetic ZZ domains of protein A from Staphylococcus aureus or with...