Marika FalconeUniversity of Naples Federico II | UNINA · Department of Architecture
Marika Falcone
Architect and PhD
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Marika Falcone, 30 year old, is an architect, Ph.D and fellow research at the Department of Architecture of the University of Naples Federico II for the SSD ICAR/17. She carries out her research activity about architectural, urban and archaeological surveying and her studies focus on innovative techniques for survey and digital representation.
Skills and Expertise
Publications (16)
Three-dimensional acquisition systems for architecture have significantly evolved over just a few decades, with them allowing point clouds to be generated through active and passive optical sensor equipment.Accuracy levels vary considerably in relation to both the equipment and techniques used, with the data obtained acting as a scaffolding for the...
This contribution shows the first results of a research in fieri, which aims to introduce low-cost instruments for the continuous monitoring of architectures. The use of these devices in the architectural field is of great interest to the scientific community and therefore, with the aim of researching rapid mapping methodologies, the integrated cam...
In recent decades, the significant advances in digital technologies applied to cultural heritage have led to profound transformations in the activities of protection, conservation and enhancement. A current field of experimentation concerns 'rapid mapping' survey techniques with mobile mapping system (MMS). The use of these methodologies is increas...
Continuous monitoring procedures are becoming even more crucial for assessing the potential deterioration of architectural structures, due to the many inducted advantages. A cultural heritage site, in fact, is constantly subject to degradation, due in particular to atmospheric agents. Preserving it with preventive analyses is an important goal for...
In the field of cultural heritage and architectural heritage, Digital Decision Systems (DDS) or decision informatics systems are increasingly becoming an effective tool for the management, protection, and conservation of cultural heritage. This field of study integrates computer techniques with the disciplines of drawing and representation to make...
The decision-making process based on the interrogation and prediction of Big Data is a research topic that has animated the interest of many fields of investigation in recent decades. Among these, the architectural field has also participated in this widespread interest involving, in particular, the disciplines of Drawing and Representation. In thi...
This research focuses on studying low-cost techniques for rapid mapping, utilizing sensors equipped on smartphones. These devices were installed on a radio-controlled vehicle to conduct an experimental campaign aimed at evaluating the performance of LiDAR sensor. By collecting data, machine learning algorithms were employed for the detection of arc...
IIl contributo illustra i primi esiti della ricerca condotta da studiosi del disciplinare del Rilievo e della Rappresentazione nell'ambito del progetto dipartimentale EcoRegen. Economie Circolari e rigenerazione dei territori periurbani. Lo studio, a carattere interdisciplinare, mira alla trasformazione del territorio peri-urbano dell'area vesuvian...
Ogni operazione di rilievo è l'esito di un dialogo che viene ad instaurarsi con il reale e che trova nella rappresentazione il suo più alto e significativo momento di sintesi, quale esito di un'operazione di interpretazione e di lettura critica volta a cogliere i significati di un luogo, di una architettura, di un ar-tefatto. Il contributo document...
The drawing of architecture is the discipline that better than others offers the useful tools for the study of places, historical artefacts and architectural elements that characterize those spaces; the survey, in its broadest sense of knowledge, offers the basis for a systematic documentation, cataloguing and consequent classification of the real....
Durante il secondo conflitto mondiale, la Certosa di San Lorenzo a Padula fu trasformata in un campo di concentramento. La traccia dei prigionieri, ''ospiti'' del campo, è custodita dai disegni, anche se oggi completamente abbandonati, che i detenuti fecero per lasciare memoria del proprio passaggio sulle pareti degli ambienti sottostanti lo scalon...
Negli ultimi decenni lo spazio urbano è caratterizzato dalla proliferazione e dalla moltiplicazione di forme di creatività che interpretano la superficie degli involucri architettonici con figure, firme e nuove vedute. Se nel passato questa forma di arte si sviluppava nell’illegalità, oggi viene considerata come strumento di rappresentazione per ri...
The essay presents a study on Casa Piscitelli, a residential bourgeois building built in Naples in the Chiaia district, in the middle of the last century. For its design several architects were involved among the most illustrious protagonists of the Neapolitan panorama. Three projects that describe the taste, the experimentation and the composition...