Marijk van der WendeUtrecht University | UU · Faculty of Law, Economics, and Governance
Marijk van der Wende
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Marijk van der Wende currently works at the Faculty of Law, Economics, and Governance, Utrecht University. Marijk does research on the impact of globalization and internationalization on higher education.
Skills and Expertise
Publications (239)
Starting in the late 1990s, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of liberal arts and science colleges in the Netherlands. Primarily international and often residential colleges, they became the selective or honors branches of virtually all Dutch research universities. Why did they emerge then and there? How can this innovation be char...
During the past decades, the internationalization of higher education has been spurred by increasing openness. Countries opened their territorial and administrative borders, consequently, higher-education systems gradually opened up, allowing growing mobility of students, researchers, scientific knowledge, data, and funding, thus creating optimal c...
This chapter is forthcoming in: Marginson, S. Cantwell, B. Platonova, D & Smolentseva, A (eds). Assessing the Contributions of Higher Education: Knowledge for a disordered world. Edward Elgar Publishers.
An important condition for HE to contribute to the global common good is that the national system allows it to do so. Open systems al...
This working paper aims to describe a basic framework regarding the EU’s export control regulation, Regulation (EU) 2021/821, for research organisations. Dual-use export controls regulate the international transfer of items (including knowledge) which could serve both civilian and military purposes. Such regulation is applicable to the development...
This chapter presents the aims and ambitions of the book to cover a broad range of aspects in higher education research, relevant for a global readership and stimulating higher education research globally, to map out the potential directions of travel, being relevant but visionary, forward-looking and innovative. It considers the state of the art i...
This innovative Research Agenda critically reflects on the state of the art and offers inspiration for future higher education research across a variety of geographical, disciplinary and theoretical perspectives. It explores the impact of Covid-19, and the need to re-engage with the Global South and reconsider conventional paradigms and assumptions...
Er is flinke druk nodig Van der Wende erbazing alom toen de Franse president Emmanuel Macron in 2017 het European Universities Initiative aankondigde. Wat nu: oude wijn in nieuwe zakken? Niets geleerd van voorgaande pogingen? Argwaan ook: Frans centralisme, topdowninterventie van de Europese Commissie in een sector (onderwijs) waar ze niet over zel...
Nationalism has characterized some of Europe's
darkest periods in the twentieth century. But since the end of World
War II, European countries have (mostly) lived in peace and moved steadily toward cooperation and interconnectedness. Their shared economic and political interests converged in the European
Union, eventually as a joint response to gl...
This chapter examines higher education cooperation between the European Union (EU) and China in terms of its history, rationales, goals, mechanisms, instruments, and effects. It will first position the EU as a major policy actor in research and higher education and present a short history of its relations with China in these fields. It will sketch...
The COVID-19 recovery creates opportunities to align the European Union’s green, digital and knowledge agendas. In order for universities to become leaner, cleaner and better employers and for their staff to find a better work-life balance, we need to rethink mobility.
The global order, based on international governance and multilateral trade mechanisms in the aftermath of the Second World War, is changing rapidly and creating waves of uncertainty. This is especially true in higher education, a field increasingly built on international cooperation and the free movement of students, academics, knowledge, and ideas...
This chapter examines higher education cooperation between the European Union (EU) and China in terms of its history, rationales, goals, mechanisms, instruments, and effects. It will first position the EU as a major policy actor in research and higher education and present a short history of its relations with China in these fields. It will sketch...
The European Union is likely the most far-developed cross-border public space for higher education. The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the European Research Area (ERA) both span an even larger number of countries including associate and partner countries of the EU. Based on shared European values, such as academic freedom, cross-border c...
Recent geopolitical events, such as Brexit and the retreat from multilateral trade and cooperation by the USA, have created waves of uncertainty, not the least in the field of higher education, regarding international cooperation. Meanwhile, China is publicly seeking to take the lead in globalisation, developing its higher education and research sy...
How can WCU’s continue to contribute to the global common good, while support for open borders, multilateral trade and cooperation is being weakened, globalization is criticized, and nationalism is looming? (How) can they compensate for the inequalities resulting from globalization? The pressure on the sector is two-faceted: the push to compete at...
Internationalization in higher education depends on the extent to which the academic discipline or professional field is subject to globalization. STEM is a particular case, as its research is organised in a global science system and engineering is among the most globalized regulated professions. It strongly defines the standing of universities in...
This chapter discusses the recent and unanticipated changes in the global political context in which higher education operates in the early 21st century. In this light, prior scenarios for higher education and taken-for-granted expectations and assumptions regarding the impact of globalization are reviewed. Apparent and growing imbalances and inequ...
The meaning, reach, and impact of internationalization in higher education varies strongly between types of institutions, academic disciplines, and professional fields. This is dependent on the extent to which these are subject to - or key agents of - globalization. STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) is a particular case in point,...
Voor een Angelsaksisch georiënteerd land als Nederland zullen de gevolgen van het uittreden van het Verenigd Koninkrijk uit de Europese Unie aanzienlijk zijn. Dat is wel zeker, ook als het gaat om het hoger onderwijs en het wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Maar hoe het precies zal uitpakken en wat eraan te doen is – om ongewenste effecten zoveel mogelij...
30 jaar stimuleringsbeleid van internationalisering begint
de laatste jaren vruchten af te werpen. Maar met dit succes komen nu ook
de grenzen van de groei in beeld. Dat levert het dilemma: hoe de instroom
van internationalisering te beheersen zonder het kind met het badwater
weg te gooien? Anton van den Hoeven en Marijk van der Wende geven een
ScienceGuide, 19 April 2018.
Marijk van der Wende (Utrecht University) Jurgen Rienks (VSNU) 1. Overview of research conducted Consequent to the result of the 2016 Brexit referendum, the Centre for Global Higher Education, Institute of Education, University College London, launched early 2017 a project entitled "Brexit and higher education in the UK and Europe: Towards a crossc...
How can WCU’s continue to contribute to the global common good, while support for open borders, multilateral trade and cooperation is being weakened, globalization is criticized, and nationalism is looming? (How) can they compensate for the inequalities resulting from globalization? The pressure on the sector is two-faceted: the push to compete at...
University World News, Issue No:465.
De ontwikkeling van China als wereldmacht is een van de belangrijkste geopolitieke trends van de 21ste eeuw. De zogeheten Nieuwe Zijderoute zal meer dan alleen consumptiegoederen vervoeren. Net als over de Oude Zijderoute zullen
zich ook nu weer mensen, ideeën en kennis gaan bewegen en elkaar wederzijds beïnvloeden.
Globalization has strongly influenced higher education during the last decades. As in many other sectors, this has generated contradictory outcomes. Higher education has opened up to the world and become more engaged at the global level. But how will this process continue with the current backlash against globalization in Europe and the United Stat...
Globalization has strongly influenced higher education during the last decades. As in many other sectors, this has generated contradictory outcomes. Higher education has opened up to the world and become more engaged at the global level. But how will this process continue with the current backlash against globalization in Europe and the United Stat...
In times that walls are being pulled up and borders are being closed down, higher education systems should be considered as open systems. Geopolitical events intensify populist tendencies promoting a turn away from internationalism and an open society. Support for open borders, multilateral trade and cooperation is being weakened, globalization is...
This chapter describes how Amsterdam University College (AUC), a liberal arts and science honours college in The Netherlands, promotes internationalization and adopts a global approach in its curriculum and academic community. It shows how global learning outcomes and 21st century skills can be fostered to contribute to the international competiven...
This paper focuses on China both as an object and a subject in the globalization of higher education and the sometimes paradoxical nature of the country’s policies in this respect. How is the Chinese perspective on globalization shaping its agenda for higher education, the development of world-class universities, and cooperation with Europe and the...
This chapter provides both an introduction and overview of the book. It discusses the background and history and conceptual arguments for liberal arts and sciences education for the global twenty-first century, as well the various trends of re-engagement with the liberal arts model in the USA (notably Harvard University) at the start of the century...
A rapidly growing body of scholarly literature has evolved to describe the impressive scale and pace at which the Chinese higher education has developed over recent decades. This is often being analysed as a response to globalization.
The early origins of higher education in both Eastern and Western cultures
included traditions of broad and general education, education of the whole
person, known as liberal arts and sciences education, in contrast to more
specialized practical or professional training. In response to the 21st century
requirements for excellence and relevance in u...
This book highlights the experiences of international leaders in liberal arts and science education from around the world as they discuss regional trends and models, with a specific focus on developments in and cooperation with China. Focusing on why this model responds to the twenty-first century requirements for excellence and relevance in underg...
In the age of globalization, Chinese higher education encounters with both opportunities and challenges. This study starts out to examine the major challenges and possible strategies for Chinese higher education system in the globalization process by extensive desk research and through a series of thirty interviews with higher education stakeholder...
International mobility of academics has risen over the last few decades, especially among PhD students and post-docs. This may be the result of deliberate policies to stimulate such mobility on the one hand and of growing imbalances in academic career opportunities on the other. The general belief that attracting international talents helps to ensu...
The global competition and related international academic mobility in science and research is rising. Within this context, Europe faces quantitative skills shortages, including an estimate of between 800,000 and one million researchers. Within Europe skills imbalances and mismatches increase, with a growing divergence between countries and regions,...
Dissatisfaction over undergraduate education seems to be persistent and has been jeopardized by the boost in research performance as fuelled by global rankings. Yet it will continue to be the cornerstone and a key mission of higher education. Hence the tide is shifting and the global debate on “the world-class university” is increasingly inclusive...
Universities will make strategic choices with respect to these two major dimensions, by taking into account the strength and sustainability of their resource base at local, regional or national levels. Global outreach will be particularly important for established and up-and-coming world-class universities.
Amsterdam University College (AUC) was established in 2009 as an excellence initiative jointly undertaken by the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and VU University Amsterdam (VU). AUC is a selective and residential honours college that offers an international liberal arts and sciences bachelor programme, leading to a joint degree from the two founding...
Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.18.12 University of California Berkeley: Centre for Studies in Higher Education.
In: Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsrecht en Onderwijsbeleid. Jaargang 2012-2013, No 2, pp. 99-108.
Ce chapitre analyse trois exemples particulièrement intéressants pour réfléchir à l’avenir de la mondialisation dans l’enseignement supérieur. Il étudie tout d’abord le potentiel des initiatives politiques européennes, puis porte un regard critique sur les classements internationaux des établissements d’enseignement supérieur et la mobilité transfr...
Les auteurs de ce chapitre proposent tout d’abord un cadre conceptuel détaillé permettant de mieux comprendre les interactions entre enseignement supérieur et mondialisation. Ils passent ensuite en revue différentes approches stratégiques reliées mises en oeuvre à l’échelle des systèmes et des établissements d’enseignement supérieur. Ce tour d’hori...
This article explores the question of why liberal arts and sciences education has been (re-)emerging in Europe over roughly the last two decades. A period, which is also characterized by the Bologna Process, that is the introduction of distinct undergraduate — graduate degree cycles, and the explicit framing of higher education policies within the...
Recently the European Commission launched a project to develop a multidimensional university ranking. More precisely, the project concerns a feasibility study on the design and testing of a new multi–dimensional global university ranking. This paper will inquire the background of this decision and the particular approach chosen. It will also explor...
New Horizons for the International University, DAAD, Bonn
In: Thema, 5, 2011, pp. 48-51
The internationalization of higher education has expanded over the last decades. Numbers of students, teaching staff, and researchers that cross borders are increasing and institutional activities and strategies for internationalization have become more elaborate. Their aims and rationales include networking for mutual understanding and intercultur...
This chapter discusses three examples that are particularly relevant for reflecting on the future of globalisation in higher education. It first examines the future potential of the policy developments within Europe, after which it takes a critical look on global institutional rankings and cross-border faculty mobility worldwide.
This chapter provides a conceptual framework for understanding the dynamics between higher education and globalisation. It then reviews a range of related strategic elements relevant to both countries and higher education institutions. Against this background, the chapter reflects the relative global positions of different higher education systems,...
The growing global competition in which knowledge is a prime factor for economic growth is increasingly shaping policies and setting the agenda for the future of European higher education. With its aim to become the world’s leading knowledge economy, the European Union is concerned about its performance in the knowledge sector, in particular in t...
This chapter will review the dilemmas, promises and impact of university rankings and their relation to systems for the classification
of different types of higher education institutions. It will be argued that rankings only make sense within defined groups
of comparable institutions, in other words that classification is a prerequisite for sensibl...
In: Amsterdam University College. Impressions of the Grand Opening.
Between 1998 and 2004, the higher education systems of Germany, France and the Netherlands underwent major changes. The changes were framed in the context of the Bologna process, and linked to the reform of degree structure towards a system of undergraduate and graduate cycles. This article investigates how a key feature of these systems was affect...
As the number of students has grown, the number of higher education institutions, and the diversity of their mission has grown
too. It has become difficult to consider them as a homogeneous group. Prioritization of activities and choice of mission have
become a central concern. At the same time, globalization leads to increasing competitive pressur...
Including abstract, tabl., bibl. This paper looks at the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) as an important part of the international trade law system and explores if and how it affects the steering capacity of a nation state regarding higher education. It offers a new conceptual framework to look on the impact of GATS on higher educatio...
Integrating e‐Learning in their educational delivery and support processes is one way of strategy formation higher education institutions can deploy to respond to their changing environment. In this article, the focus of such a strategy formation is on three strategic choices: traditional, face‐to‐face, campus‐based education (back‐to‐basics), flex...
In: International Higher Education, 2007, No. 49, Pp. 11-13.
Global university rankings have cemented the notion of a world university market arranged in a single "league table" for comparative purposes and have given a powerful impetus to intranational and international competitive pressures in the sector. Both the research rankings by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the composite rankings by the Times Hi...
This article explores the possible development of internationalization of higher education in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, analyzing how the main driving forces may influence the internationalization process, globalization and the changing role of nation-states, regional and international bodies, and mult...
As a response to processes of globalisation and regional integration, internationalisation activities in universities have changed. Flows have become more massive, the range of activities has broadened, and internationalisation has shifted from a marginal activity to a central institutional issue with strategic importance. These shifts can also be...
Economic and cultural globalisation has ushered in a new era in higher education. Higher education was always more internationally open than most sectors because of its immersion in knowledge, which never showed much respect for juridical boundaries. In global knowledge economies, higher education institutions are more important than ever as medium...
Is de wereld werkelijk plat of nadert het tijdperk van globalisering zijn einde? Het proces van globalisering heeft veel invloed op de internationalisering van het hoger onderwijs, maar is moeilijk voorspelbaar. Toch is het nationale niveau als speelveld voor hoger onderwijs voorgoed verlaten.
Thema Vol 14, 2007. no 1. pp. 11-17.
Thema Vol 14, 2007. no 1. pp. 11-17.
Neso e-Newsletter on International Markets for Higher Education.
Proceedings. Nuffic Jaarcongres Internationalisering. 2006