Marie Jauffret-Roustide

Marie Jauffret-Roustide
French Institute of Health and Medical Research | Inserm · Centre d'etude des mouvements sociaux (CEMS) Paris

PhD in Sociology and Social Science - Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches
Research Fellow Inserm Paris Affiliate Scientist BCCSU Vancouver Fellow Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy Buffalo


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Marie Jauffret-Roustide is a Sociologist. She leads sociological and public health studies on drug use practices and social processes of at-risk practices among people who inject drugs and crack users. She is now the leader of an international comparative research on drug policies including the analysis of the biomedicalization process of addiction, the history of harm reduction and cannabis regulations, the stakes linked to peer education and community based approaches and the impact of repression on at-risk practices among drug users.
Additional affiliations
August 2020 - present
University of British Columbia
  • Researcher
January 2020 - May 2022
University at Buffalo, State University of New York
  • Senior Researcher
January 2019 - March 2020
Columbia University
  • Research Associate
  • I co-teached a course on a comparative history of harm reduction in the US and France: a comparative history


Publications (288)
Technical Report
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Cette synthèse présente les principaux résultats de la recherche « Crack en Île-de-France », fruit d’un partenariat entre l’OFDT et l’Inserm, dont l’objectif est de réaliser un état des lieux de la situation actuelle du crack en Île-de-France afin, notamment, d’améliorer la prise en charge des usagers et, plus globalement, la réponse des pouvoirs p...
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Background: Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) often provokes dramatic consequences in terms of increased morbi-mortality. Two medications have mainly been worldwide used for OUD (MOUD), buprenorphine and methadone. Recently, however, some reports have highlighted the use of Morphine Sulfate (MS) mainly obtained without a prescription but used as MOUD by o...
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Background With the advent of direct acting antivirals (DAAs) the World Health Organisation (WHO) adopted global strategy to eliminate hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection by 2030. In Europe, people who inject drugs (PWID) account for the majority of new cases, however testing and treatment remain suboptimal. The aim was to monitor progress in HCV pol...
Introduction The co‐use of stimulants and opioids, including opioid agonist treatment (OAT), is very prevalent worldwide. A large body of data exists on the association between stimulant use and its health complications, and on OAT effectiveness among people with opioid use disorder. However, few data exist on stimulant‐opioid co‐use among people r...
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Despite being among the most effective treatments for opioid use disorder, methadone is largely unavailable in the United States, due primarily to federal and other policies that limit its availability and regulate clinical decisions about doses, visit frequency, and drug testing. There is unprecedented momentum to change decades- old US methadone...
In July 2024 the long established and trusted European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) will cease to exist and will evolve to the new European Drugs Agency (EUDA). In response to the ever diversifying, innovative and complex drug phenomena, the EUDA will open with considerably more powers, new methodological tools, and a pro...
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Background People who inject drugs (PWID) experience many health problems which result in a heavy economic and public health burden. To tackle this issue, France opened two drug consumption rooms (DCRs) in Paris and Strasbourg in 2016. This study assessed their long-term health benefits, costs and cost-effectiveness. Methods We developed a model t...
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Purpose Injection drug use is strongly associated with stigmatization by loved ones, healthcare providers, and society in general. This stigmatization can have negative consequences on the health of people who inject drugs (PWID) and limit their access to care. Women who inject drugs face greater stigma than men because of gendered social norms and...
La question du crack est construite en France comme un problème public, décrit le plus souvent à partir d’un double cadrage présenté comme dichotomique, celui de la sécurité publique qui s’opposerait à celui de la santé publique. Dans cet article, nous nous proposons d’analyser combien ce cadrage est plus complexe que la simple distinction entre le...
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Les recherches participatives en santé sont en plein développement. Certaines thématiques rendent l’association de personnes ayant un savoir expérientiel à la recherche à la fois plus complexe et nécessaire. C’est le cas des personnes qui consomment des drogues, dont les savoirs sont invisibilisés en raison de l’illégalité de l’usage des drogues et...
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Les recherches participatives peuvent contribuer à améliorer les services dans le domaine des addictions. Toutefois, une implication superficielle des personnes détenant un savoir expérientiel comporte le risque de reproduire des situations d’iniquités sociales plutôt que de renforcer leur pouvoir d’agir. Cet article a pour objectif d’exposer un bi...
Cet article vise à retracer la manière dont le crack a été construit comme un « problème public » en France, et ce plus particulièrement dans les quartiers populaires du nord-est de Paris, en nous inscrivant dans une perspective socio-historique, de 1986 à 2023. Cet article s’appuie principalement sur une analyse de la presse écrite afin d’étudier...
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L’Europe se caractérise par un long passé de flux migratoires. Ainsi, après la chute du bloc soviétique (1989-1991), nombreux sont les Européens de l’Est à avoir migré vers l’Ouest (dont la France) afin, pour certains d’entre eux, d’échapper à des politiques très répressives de lutte contre les drogues. Cet article, qui s’appuie sur un corpus de vi...
Aims Illegal drug markets are often assumed to be violent and predatory due to the absence of third-party enforcement. While cannabis markets are generally considered to be relatively more peaceful, there has been little investigation of the levels of conflict and victimization among small-scale cannabis growers, particularly under different cannab...
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Background Drug consumption rooms (DCRs) have been developed in cities with open drug scenes, with the aim to reduce drug-related harm. In Lyon, France's second-largest city, there is no distinct drug use area, which raised doubts regarding the need for a DCR. Methods We conducted a face-to-face survey of 264 people who use drugs (PWUDs), recruite...
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Aims The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of drug consumption rooms (DCRs) in France on injection equipment‐sharing, while the secondary aims focused upon their impact on access to hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing and opioid agonist treatment (OAT). Design The COhort to identify Structural and INdividual factors associated with...
The fight against the health and social burden requires a global action plan in which research must play an important role. An inventory of alcohol research in France was conducted based on a bibliometric study of publications identified on the Web of Science over the period 2015-2020. France co-authored ≈4% of the corpus of global article producti...
Background: the concept of recovery capital refers to the sum of resources that a person has available to initiate and continue a recovery process. this concept has not been greatly explored with people with persistent substance use disorder (sUD), whose recovery is often quite long. Method: We conducted 19 qualitative interviews with 19 people (...
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Background While compliance with preventive measures remains central to limit the spread of COVID-19, these measures critically affected mental health of young adults. We therefore investigated the association between the level of compliance with COVID-19 preventive measures and depressive symptoms among young adults in Canada and France. Methods...
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Drawing on ethnographies of a public health programme called ‘safer injection education’ (where people inject drugs under the supervision of harm reduction providers), this article explores how the materialities of drug use (such as paraphernalia and space) intersect with habitual behaviours and expectations. The article compares the diverse accoun...
Repeated exposure to substances of abuse results in an increase in some behavioral responses. This phenomenon, called behavioral sensitization (BS), is well described in preclinical models However, its existence in humans is still a matter of debate. After a review of preclinical evidence of BS and its mechanisms in animal models, we reviewed the e...
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Rurality has served as a key concept in popular and scientific understandings of the US overdose crisis, with White, rural, and low-income areas thought to be most heavily affected. However, we observe that overdose trends have risen nearly uniformly across the urban-rural designations employed in most research, implying that their importance has l...
Purpose The COVID-19 pandemic likely impacted cannabis distribution, access and usage worldwide. This study aims to describe self-reported changes in cannabis use and related outcomes following COVID-19-related restrictions among an international sample of people who use drugs. Design/methodology/approach Using data from the Global Drug Survey COV...
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Points Forts: » Les études disponibles montrent que les adolescents français se situent à la 2e place en Europe pour ce qui concerne leur consommation de cannabis, malgré une législation parmi les plus répressives d’Europe. » Les niveaux de consommation de cannabis ont tendance à baisser chez les jeunes depuis quelques années, tout comme ceux du...
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Points forts » D’après les premiers constats épidémiologiques, dans les pays ou États où elle est effective, la légalisation du cannabis récréatif semble associée à une augmentation légère, mais relativement ubiquitaire, de la consommation de cannabis ainsi que de la prévalence de l’addiction au cannabis. » Les taux d’usage de l’alcool et du tabac...
Cet article présente les principaux résultats d’une enquête réalisée par l’Observatoire français des drogues et des tendances addictives (OFDT) en partenariat avec le CERMES 3 et le CEMS 2 sur les échanges de drogues en prison. Après avoir décrit les différentes modalités d’échanges de substances et démontré l’existence de réseaux de trafics organi...
This study aimed to describe and understand the links between musical activities (i.e. listening, playing, attending festive events, belonging to music-based communities) and the addictive trajectory of homeless young adults who experience problematic psychoactive substance (PS) use. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with 15 hom...
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À partir de l’enquête quantitative ANRS-Coquelicot-Prisons, cet article interroge les représentations des prisonniers sur la mise en place de kits d’injection et l’accessibilité des préservatifs en prison. Les kits d’injection ne sont pas disponibles dans les prisons en France et leur mise en place cristallise les débats. Quant aux préservatifs, le...
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Background To mitigate the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on financial resources, governments and family/friends mobilized financial support interventions (e.g., emergency aid funds) and assistance. However, little is known about how financial assistance alleviated mental health problems. This study aimed to investigate the moderating eff...
Background: In France, people who inject drugs (PWID) are still one of the most at risk population for contracting hepatitis C virus (HCV). Drug consumption rooms (DCR) have shown their effectiveness on HCV risk behaviors abroad and in France, where they have been recently evaluated with the COSINUS study. In France, two DCRs opened in 2016, one i...
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This study explores the impact of the pandemic on mental health and the strategies put in place to overcome these challenges, from the perspective of young adults who experience social precarity and PS use in Montreal. This collaborative study used a descriptive qualitative design. Ten semi-directed interviews were conducted with young adults aged...
L’usage de drogues est habituellement envisagé sous l’angle d’un double cadrage juridique et biomédical, produisant des classifications des usagers de drogues autour des figures de délinquant et de malade. La politique de réduction des risques a fait évoluer les représentations et la place des usagers dans les politiques qui leur sont destinées en...
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While the COVID-19 pandemic impacted young adults’ alcohol use patterns, little is known about how changes in alcohol use may differ across different settings. Our objective was to identify and compare factors associated with changes in alcohol use among young adults in Canada and France during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. We conducted...
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Background To mitigate the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on financial resources, governments provided financial support (e.g., emergency aid funds) as well as family via personal assistance. This study aims to assess the moderating effect of financial support from the government or from family on the association between income loss and d...
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Background To encourage Covid-19 vaccination, France introduced during the Summer 2021 a ‘Sanitary Pass’, which morphed into a ‘Vaccine Pass’ in early 2022. While the sanitary pass led to an increase in Covid-19 vaccination rates, spatial heterogeneities in vaccination rates remained. To identify potential determinants of these heterogeneities and...
How do we question injection practices ? Methodological feedback from the field. This article takes a reflective look at the collection and production of quantitative data from so-called “hidden” and hard-to-reach populations concerning intravenous drug use. It is based on observations of 152 questionnaires administered during the multidisciplinary...
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While young adults experienced mental health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, little is known about how their mental health needs were subsequently met through access to mental health services (MHS). From October to December 2020, we conducted an online survey of young adults (18-29 years) living in Canada and France to investigate factors...
Background The effectiveness of drug consumption rooms (DCRs) for people who inject drugs (PWID) has been demonstrated for HIV and hepatitis C virus risk practices, and access to care for substance use disorders. However, data on other health-related complications are scarce. Using data from the French COSINUS cohort, we investigated the impact of...
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Drug consumption rooms (DCRs) have the potential to have a positive impact on the opioid overdose crisis. DCRs could also potentially change the political environment for public health because they can affect the distribution of responsibility for harm reduction between the individual and society by collectivizing responsibility for harm reduction...
Objectives. To determine how harm reduction should be applied in low-resource countries such as Vietnam by exploring the perspectives of people who use drugs (PWUD), health care professionals, and policymakers regarding methadone treatment and harm reduction strategies. Methods. We conducted 2 qualitative studies in Vietnam between 2016 and 2021....
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Drug consumption rooms (DCRs) have the potential to have a positive impact on the opioid overdose crisis. DCRs could also potentially change the political environment for public health because they can affect the distribution of responsibility for harm reduction between the individual and society by collectivizing responsibility for harm reduction...
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Background High rates of COVID-19 vaccination uptake are required to attain community immunity. This study aims to identify factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine uncertainty and refusal among young adults, an underexplored population with regards to vaccine intention generally, in two high-income settings: Canada and France. Methods A cross-sec...
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Background Perception of treatment need (PTN), a component of clinical insight, is associated to negative addiction treatment outcomes when low. Our hypothesis was that lower PTN was associated with less craving when reported retrospectively, the most common measure of craving in clinical settings. Objective To explore the association between PTN...
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Context To encourage Covid-19 vaccination, France introduced during the Summer 2021 a “Sanitary Pass,” which morphed into a “Vaccine Passe” in early 2022. While the Sanity Pass led to an increase in Covid-19 vaccination rates, spatial heterogeneities in vaccination rates remained. To identify potential determinants of these heterogeneities and eval...
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Background People who inject drugs (PWID) are frequently incarcerated, which is associated with multiple negative health outcomes. Aim We aimed to estimate the associations between a history of incarceration and prevalence of HIV and HCV infection among PWID in Europe. Methods Aggregate data from PWID recruited in drug services (excluding prison...
Social work in prisons is linked to specific tasks regarding the care for the people who are incarcerated. A multi-country qualitative study was set up to explore drug users’ and professionals’ perceptions of continuity of care in prison and beyond. It has been pointed out that continuity of care is associated with different barriers, especially re...
Social work in prisons is linked to specific tasks regarding the care for the people who are incarcerated. A multi-country qualitative study was set up to explore drug users' and professionals' perceptions of continuity of care in prison and beyond. It has been pointed out that continuity of care is associated with different barriers, especially re...
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The media have become objects of study and tools increasingly used by the humanities and social sciences. The discourses conveyed by the latter participate in shaping social representations, spatial representations and geographical imaginaries. This article has a double ambition: on the one hand, to present a tool and a method of analysis of the pr...
Purpose In November 2019, an open drug scene, commonly called “Colline du crack” and located in Paris was forcibly closed after 10 years of existence. This paper aims to understand how that space has evolved over the years to become a major hub for drug use. Design/methodology/approach The authors used a qualitative approach that included intervie...
Objective There exists no national French study on suicide attempts among people who use drugs (PWUD). Our objectives are to analyze lifetime suicide attempts in that population and to compare associated risks based on gender. Method The ANRS-Coquelicot study (2011–2013) conducted 1718 interviews with people over 18 who have injected or snorted a...
Cet article s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une recherche collective sur les malentendus liés à la mise en place d’outils de réduction des risques infectieux en prison. À partir d’une présentation du programme PRI2DE et des différentes étapes de l’enquête ethnographique menée au sein de la maison d’arrêt des Baumettes à Marseille, il examine la place acc...
The forgotten of the pandemic Young adults are paying the heaviest price for the pandemic, in terms of social and economic consequences. This situation affects their mental health and their difficulties in accessing the services they need. Thus, the pandemic reveals social inequalities and weakens the already most vulnerable groups.
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Background Prisoners report much higher prevalence rates of drug use and more harmful consumption patterns than the general population. People who use drugs have above-average experiences with the criminal justice system in general, and the prison system and subsequent release situations in particular. Release from prison is associated with increas...
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Background People who inject drugs are subjected to great stigmatization in many parts of the world. How they deal with stigma is closely linked to how stigma means to them. Understanding the strategies individuals employ to cope with these negative attitudes and what resources they mobilize in this process gives useful insights for clinical work a...
Consumption of Alcohol and Other Psychoactive Drugs during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Global Drug Survey: A French Perspective The Global Drug Survey is an online survey that aimed to explore the experience of people who use drugs in general population. This survey is conducted annually between November and December. This special Covid-19 compone...
Aim To examine differences in the psychometric characteristics of diagnostic criteria for Substance Use Disorders (SUD) between substance users in harm reduction settings (HR) and substance users seeking treatment (Tx). Methods Differential Item and Test Functioning (DIF & DTF) analysis were performed to examine differences in the difficulty of en...
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Background People who inject drugs (PWID) account for the majority of new cases of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in Europe; however, HCV testing, and treatment for PWID remain suboptimal. With the advent of direct acting antivirals (DAAs) the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted a strategy to eliminate HCV as public health threat by 2030. To...
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Background HIV, HBV and HCV infections continue to represent major health concerns, especially among key at-risk populations such as men who have sex with men (MSM), people who inject drugs (PWIDs), transgender women (TGW) and sex workers (SW). The objective of the ANRS-CUBE study was to evaluate the acceptability of a healthcare, community-based s...
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La pandémie du SARS-CoV-2 a plongé la France dans 8 semaines de confinement généralisé. Cette situation a et aura un impact sur la santé psychologique de la population générale. Le but de cet article est d’étudier l’impact au-delà des aspects psychopathologiques, sur l’équilibre global du fonctionnement des individus. Durant le confinement, nous av...
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Background People who inject drugs (PWID) account for the majority of new cases of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in Europe, however HCV testing and treatment for PWID remain suboptimal. With the advent of direct acting antivirals (DAAs) the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted a strategy to eliminate HCV as public health threat by 2030. To a...