Marie-Eve ClémentUniversité du Québec en Outaouais · Département de psychoéducation et de psychologie
Marie-Eve Clément
Ph.D. Psychology
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June 2004 - present
Universite du Quebec en Outaouais
- Professor (Full)
June 1997 - June 2003
June 1994 - June 1997
Publications (142)
Over 10 years ago, Quebec's statistical institute, the institut de la statistique du Québec, conducted its first population survey on family violence in the lives of children. Taken again 5 years later (2004), the survey showed a decrease in the use of corporal punishment of children. This paper presents the results of the third survey, which was c...
Child neglect is a major public health problem. It is the most frequently reported and substantiated form of maltreatment in youth protective services, and its effects are the most harmful to children. Yet, very few studies have documented its extent and risk factors in the general population. This study aims at documenting the annual...
Peu d'études ont porté sur la recherche de soutien professionnel de la part de parents, ou sur les facteurs liés à la consultation par secteurs d'intervention (santé, santé mentale, éducation). En réponse à ces lacunes, cette étude vise à documenter qui sont les professionnels consultés au cours d'une année en lien avec l'éducation ou les comportem...
This study was conducted to address some of the gaps in the current literature by identifying, in a more comprehensive manner, family profiles and service referrals in cases of child neglect investigated and substantiated by Child Protection Services (CPS). Using a sample of 1 123 children whose case has been substantiated by CPS for child neglect...
To date, there have been few studies pertaining to the knowledge and attitudes regarding the use of corporal punishment (CP) among professionals working with parents and children. Yet, many parents turn to these professionals for advice on child discipline.
This study aimed to describe professionals’ legal knowledge about pare...
Using a nationally representative sample of 1,264 biological mothers of children aged between 6 months and 5 years, this study identified the prevalence estimates of intimate partner violence occurring in the perinatal period (IPV-PP) and examined the associations between IPV-PP and various characteristics. Findings show that 10.9% of mothers repor...
Engaging family members in the ongoing care of individuals with mental illness is a practice known to bolster the client’s recovery journey and enhance the overall wellbeing of both children and families involved. Despite its potential benefits, there remains a dearth of understanding surrounding the implementation of family-focused practic...
Background. Children living with a mentally ill parent are a vulnerable group in the population, at higher risk of various psychosocial and mental health problems. They are also over-represented in youth mental health and child protective services. Adult mental health services that treat parents have an opportunity to identify and support children...
Context Children living with a mentally ill parent are a vulnerable population, at higher risk of various psychosocial and mental health problems. They are overrepresented in youth mental health and child protection services. Adult mental health services that treat parents have the opportunity to identify and support children in these families. How...
Context Children living with a mentally ill parent are a vulnerable population, at higher risk of various psychosocial and mental health problems. They are overrepresented in youth mental health and child protection services. Adult mental health services that treat parents have the opportunity to identify and support children in these families. How...
Violence against children and adolescents is a widespread problem. However, most studies conducted in this field has been carried out in Western countries and studies are needed in non-Western countries, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, where rates of child physical violence are high. The present study aimed firstly to document the different forms...
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a worldwide increase in the incidence of child abuse. Studies show that the pandemic context contributes to exacerbate several risk factors usually associated with the use of violent disciplinary practices.
This study aims to better understand the role of parenta...
The Triple P - Positive Parenting Program was rolled-out in two communities in Quebec, Canada, in order to prevent child maltreatment.
(1) Evaluate the effects of Triple P versus care as usual on positive parenting practices, dysfunctional disciplinary practices, and family violence towards the child; (2) verify whether t...
This study evaluates the impact of the Triple P parenting support program (Primary Care and Group) on 0 to 12 year-old Quebec children's behavior. A quasi-experimental pretest – post-test design with an active care-as-usual comparison group was used examine program effects. A sample of 384 parents divided into two groups (n Triple P = 291; n compar...
Les psychoéducateurs québécois sont appelés à exercer un rôle de soutien auprès de familles vulnérables, dont celles relevant de la diversité culturelle. Or des divergences de valeurs, de normes et de représentations peuvent survenir lors de l'intervention, et plus particulièrement dans les situations qui concernent le recours aux pratiques parenta...
All children need sensitive adults who can respond to their needs and love them enough to develop their capacity to love in return. Yet, due to their past experiences of trauma and their insecure attachment representations, it may be more difficult for them to benefit from a restorative experience with adults.
This study aimed...
For the past ten years, the involvement of family members in the usual follow-up and
care of a parent with a mental illness has been recommended to promote the recovery of
patients as well as the well-being of children and families. Yet, although this approach is
scientifically supported, we still have little knowledge on the u...
Objectifs: Plusieurs facteurs de risque sont associés à des conduites à caractère négligent. Leur effet cumulatif, soit l’accumulation du risque indépendamment de la présence ou de l’absence de facteurs spécifiques, est toutefois méconnu. La présente étude a pour objectif de déterminer si le cumul prédit la réponse aux besoins affectifs et cognitif...
This study examines the evolution of collaboration between various organizations involved in the joint implementation of an evidence-based program to support parenting: the Triple P - Positive Parenting Practices - Programme. This evolution is studied over a period of two years in two Quebec health catchment areas. The sample is made up of managers...
Depressive symptoms experienced by parents during the perinatal period can have serious consequences on the development of their children. Although this issue is of concern, the studies conducted to date have certain limitations, including the fact that they rarely consider the temporal scope of depressive symptoms beyond the perinatal period and d...
The appearance of COVID-19 and consequent containment measures, including the closure of schools and daycare services (decreed on March 13, 2020, in Quebec, Canada), has hit families hard. Overnight, parents had to reconcile their professional activities, including teleworking, with the need to keep or even educate their children at home. Others fo...
Because of their frequent and regular contact with families, early childhood educators (ECEs) have the opportunity to get to know parents and forge bonds with them. They may also witness parental violence and be asked to provide support as parent ask for advice. In the context of parental violence, ECEs support can be directed toward the parents (e...
L'Entente multisectorielle (EM) relative aux enfants victimes d'abus sexuels, d'abus physiques ou d'une absence de soins menaçant leur santé physique vise à assurer une réponse adéquate, continue et coordonnée aux enfants signalés à la protection de la jeunesse en simplifiant les procédures d'intervention et en évitant la multiplication des protoco...
Les enfants ne sont pas tous à l’abri de la violence dans leur famille. Ils peuvent y subir des actes de violence physique ou verbale, de négligence en ce qui concerne leurs besoins, ou encore être exposés à la violence conjugale. Si leur développement affectif, comportemental et social en est affecté, les conséquences sont encore plus importantes...
The ecosystemic approach to children’s needs demands a cohesive response from societies, communities, and families. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the choices societies made to protect their community members from the virus could have created contexts of child neglect. With the closure of services and institutions, societies were no longe...
Youth psychosocial and school adjustment results from complex developmental transactions between their individual characteristics and diverse environmental influences, which appear as risk or protective factors throughout one’s development.Objective
From an ecosystemic and developmental perspective, this study aims to: (1) identify risk...
In this paper, we address the assessment of community readiness (CR) for the prevention of child maltreatment in the context of a community survey. A mail survey was administered to 222 service providers and 54 supervisors and managers from 35 different organizations serving children and their families in four Canadian communities. Eleven items fro...
Les recherches sur la violence conjugale ont longtemps ignoré les enfants et les adolescents exposés à ce problème. Ce n’est qu’à partir des années 1980 que les études ont démontré l’étendue des conséquences néfastes de l’exposition juvénile à la violence conjugale. Les études réalisées auprès des adolescents se sont majoritairement intéressées à l...
This technical report presents the latest result from the Quebec populational survey of family violence toward children conducted by the Quebec Statistic Institute in 2018. Results indicates that parents are less and less in favour of corporal punishment as a means of educating children. Violent parenting behaviours against children are declining i...
Rapport de recherche présenté au FRQSC-MSSS
Le recrutement des parents dans les programmes d’éducation parentale (PEP) peut représenter un défi important pour les intervenants et les organisations qui offrent des services de soutien à la parentalité. Cet article recense les stratégies et les facteurs qui sont susceptibles de nuire au recrutement des parents dans des PEP ou de le favoriser à...
Qu'elle se manifeste sous forme d'actes de nature physique (abus physique) ou psychologique (maltraitance psychologique, exposition à la violence conjugale) ou d'omission de réponse aux besoins des enfants (négligence), la maltraitance touche de nombreux enfants chaque année. La communauté scientifique, de même que l'Organisation mondiale de la san...
Cette publication présente les résultats d’une enquête menée en 2018 à l’échelle du Québec portant sur les attitudes parentales et les pratiques familiales relatives à la discipline des enfants. Il s’agit de la quatrième édition de cette enquête. Le rapport décrit l’état de la situation et son évolution entre les quatre éditions : 1999, 2004, 2012...
Contexte de l’étude
Les médecins sont parmi les professionnels les plus sollicités par les parents pour obtenir des conseils sur l’exercice du rôle parental. Pourtant, ils sont rarement formés pour informer les parents, et particulièrement en ce qui concerne la légitimité des pratiques disciplinaires comme la punition corporelle (PC).
Un ouvrage où les étudiants et chercheurs de différents domaines, tels que la psychologie, la psychoéducation, le travail social, la criminologie, la santé publique et les sciences infirmières, trouveront un éventail complet et accessible d’analyses et des pistes de solution sur les situations de violence faites aux enfants en milieu familial.
Ten years ago, the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux [Ministry of Health and Social Services] specified, in its orientations, that each region of Québec should be covered by an intervention program targeting parents who are neglectful or at-risk of being neglectful, as well as their children, through collaborations between partners from...
Il y a dix ans, le ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux précisait dans ses orientations que chaque région du Québec devait être couverte par un programme d'intervention destiné aux parents négligents, ou à risque de l'être, et de leurs enfants, par le biais de collaborations entre partenaires des réseaux formels (CSSS et centres jeunesse)...
Rapport de recherche. Programme Actions concertées, FRSC.
Objectives: In fathers, depression symptoms experienced during pregnancy and after childbirth represent a depression risk
factor during the child first months. Since depression can have a huge impact on their subsequent involvement with the child,
this issue is worrisome and requires consideration. Until now, however, few studies have dealt with pa...
La parentalité est habituellement une expérience perçue de façon positive. Celle-ci peut cependant représenter une source de stress, particulièrement dans le cas des parents aux prises avec un problème de santé mentale, dont les manifestations risquent de menacer à la fois le bien-être de ces parents, mais également, de fragiliser l’équilibre et l’...
Based on a populational survey conducted among 1400 adolescents aged between 12 and 17 years old, the aim of this study is to assess the relationships between their community violence experiences and their psychological health (anger, depressive symptoms, and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms). One MANOVA confirms that both boys and girls who...
Au même titre que les enfants ne se développent pas en vase clos, il en va de même des familles qui évoluent dans des environnements élargis dont les caractéristiques influencent inévitablement leur richesse et leur dynamique. Les approches systémique et écosystémique de la famille incitent à l’adoption de cet angle d’analyse qui va au-delà de l’in...
Evidence-based parenting support programs are among effective strategies for preventing child maltreatment. The launch of mass media campaigns accompanying the implementation of such programs has been recommended to optimize reach and parent enrollment. This paper focuses on a communication campaign developed to support the implementation of the Tr...
While more and more countries are banning corporal punishment (CP) of children, it is still legally allowed in Québec (Canada) under certain conditions. Yet, the notion of reasonable force to correct a child, at the heart of section 43 of the Criminal Code of Canada, may be subject to interpretation. The presentation pertains to the knowledge and a...
Differential individual and family needs are explored in a sample of children (n = 1455) whose case has been substantiated by Child Protection Services. Using data from Quebec's 2014 cycle of Incidence Study, latent class analyses led to the identification of 5 profiles, each displaying a specific range of individual and family needs. Profile chara...
Introduction. – The Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale (Straus et al., 1998) is the most commonly used instrumentto document violence against children in the general population. It was translated into French and adapted to be used in several population-based surveys over the past 15 years.
Objective – This study aims at verifying the internal cons...
Malgré l’efficacité reconnue de certains programmes de soutien à la parentalité, la participation des parents est souvent faible et variable d’un programme à l’autre. Dans ce contexte, cette étude vise à explorer les facteurs qui sont liés à l’intention des mères à participer à un programme de soutien à la parentalité. Des analyses secondaires des...
Although it is well established that victimization and delinquency are related, it is not clear how this relationship works, and victims and offenders are still often studied and treated as two distinct groups. General strain theory views victimization as a form of injustice, which can give rise to anger and eventually lead to delinquency. The auth...
Objectives: This study examines, from the caseworkers' point of view, which needs of children are the most difficult for parents in neglectful contexts to respond to and which risk factors make this response more difficult. Method: A sample of 55 parents being followed by child protection services for neglect or high risk of neglect accepted to par...
En France, la précarité atteint un nombre croissant de familles. Ainsi, l’INSEE recense en 2013 près de 8,7 millions d’individus vivant en dessous du seuil de pauvreté, dont près de 2,5 millions d’enfants de moins de 18 ans. Si de plus en plus de chercheurs s’interrogent sur le « devenir des enfants de familles défavorisées » (CERC, 2004), ce sujet...
L’épidémiologie de la santé mentale des enfants et des adolescents est une discipline relativement récente et souvent méconnue, notamment au Québec. Certains travaux ont cependant permis d’estimer la prévalence des troubles mentaux les plus fréquents chez les jeunes, tels que les troubles anxieux et dépressifs, ainsi que les caractéristiques indivi...
Rapport produit pour l'Observatoire des Tout-Petits.
La mesure de la négligence parentale pose de nombreux défis et il existe encore peu d’outil capable de la documenter auprès des parents. L’étude vise à documenter les propriétés psychométriques de la traduction française de la version brève de l’Échelle multidimensionnelle des conduites de négligence parentale dans la population générale....
Although the scope of violence against children has been well documented, the reality of this phenomenon remains to beexamined. Using data collected during a population-based survey on the polyvictimization of children between 2 and 11 years old, this study explores the profiles of 972 children who are victims of many forms of violence (in family,...
This study documents lifetime experiences of victimizations, polyvictimization, and trauma symptoms among 1,400 adolescents from the province of Québec. The vast majority (81%) of adolescents were victimized during their lifetime, with most victims (82%) being the target of more than one form of victimization. Polyvictimization accounted for most v...
Research Framework: In a previous article (Kettani and Zaouche-Gaudron, 2012a), we detailed internalized problems as evaluated by fathers are more significant for young children living in precarious situations than for young children in better-off families. Objectives: The objective here is to examine the role of paternal experience in an explanati...
Le modèle de la pédiatrie sociale en communauté et ses retombées sur le bien-être des familles : une étude pilote Au Québec, les Centres de pédiatrie sociale en communauté (CPSC) offrent aux enfants et à leurs familles en situation de grande vulnérabilité psychosociale une approche d'intervention de proximité alliant des services médicaux, psychoso...
This study examined whether parental corporal punishment (CP) was associated with children's externalizing and prosocial behaviors 2 years later. The potential moderating effects of child temperament, maternal depression, and parenting skills were explored. Also, exploratory analyses of these associations were conducted according to the children's...
Corporal punishment has long been valued as a disciplinary strategy. However, it is now legally prohibited in many countries, because of its potentially negative impacts (Durrant & Ensom, 2012). Yet, even though its use has declined over the last 15 years (Clément & Chamberland, 2014), each year in the United States, more than half of parents have...
Malgré l’efficacité reconnue de certains programmes de soutien à la parentalité, la participation des parents est souvent faible et variable d’un programme à l’autre. Dans ce contexte, cette étude vise à explorer les facteurs qui sont liés à l’intention des mères à participer à un programme de soutien à la parentalité. Des analyses secondaires des...
This study documents lifetime experiences of victimizations, polyvictimization, and trauma symptoms among 1,400 adolescents from the province of Québec. The vast majority (81%) of adolescents were victimized during their lifetime, with most victims (82%) being the target of more than one form of victimization. Polyvictimization accounted for most v...
In Quebec, three population-based surveys have documented the prevalence of psychological aggression, and minor and severe physical violence toward children. This paper aims to present 1) the results of the 2012 survey with regard to the frequency and annual prevalence of violence, and 2) the trends in all three forms of violence betwe...
Over the past twenty years, numerous community social pediatrics centres (CSPCs) have been established in Quebec. Because the needs of the children followed are so complex, collaboration with organizations in social services and public and community health networks is paramount. The purpose of this study is to document CSPCs’level of i...
L’approche Looking After Children a été développée en Angleterre au début des années 1990 dans le but d’améliorer la qualité et l’efficacité des soins offerts aux enfants confiés à des familles d’accueil ou à des ressources résidentielles. Elle repose sur un cadre conceptuel du développement et du bien-être de l’enfant (Framework for the Assessment...
OBJECTIVES: Over the past twenty years, numerous community social pediatrics centres (CSPCs) have been established in Quebec. Because the needs of the children followed are so complex, collaboration with organizations in social services and public and community health networks is paramount. The purpose of this study is to document CSPCs' level of i...
This study aims to identify the risk and protective factors most associated with cognitive/language and socio-emotional development of vulnerable children receiving preventive or protective services. 185 children at Time 1 and 161 children at Time 2 (post-test) were recruited from child preventive and child protective services. Child functioning, f...
Social marketing (SM) is an important strategy for use in universal prevention efforts. SM has been shown to be effective in reducing the impact of a number of public health problems, including smoking and the consumption of sugary foods, thereby contributing to the prevention of disease. The present article provides an overview of this approach fo...