Marie-Christine Saint-Jacques

Marie-Christine Saint-Jacques
Université Laval | ULAVAL · School of Social Work and Criminology



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Publications (110)
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The aim of this study was to describe how fathers are involved as parents after parental separation. Most research on post-separation father involvement has focused on “nonresident” fathers, who have little to no child-custody time. However, fathers with shared and primary custody must also be considered to provide a more complete portrait of post-...
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Following parental separation, fathers’ greater or lesser parental involvement relative to the other parent may be differently accounted for by father, child, and coparental factors. A representative sample of 671 separated fathers completed questionnaires two and four years after separation. For fathers less involved than the other parent, a bette...
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Dans les cinquante dernières années, plus d’un million de jeunes ont migré vers un nouveau pays pour y être adoptés. L’émergence de l’adoption internationale a amené de à étudier ce phénomène. L’attachement des jeunes adoptés envers leurs nouveaux parents, la santé mentale des jeunes et de leurs parents adoptifs ainsi que...
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Background The development and diversification of information and communication technology (ICT) are changing the way family members communicate with each other, creating new opportunities for interaction. When children and parents do not live together on a day‐to‐day basis, these technologies may represent privileged means to keep in touch and mai...
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Many researchers study international adoption. However, to date, no systematic analysis has been conducted to characterize this field in the social sciences, in terms of disciplinary origins, methodological approaches and theories used. Therefore, it is difficult to obtain an overall picture of basic trends and of marginal or even incomplete ones....
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Objective The aim of this study is to partially validate the Father's Relative Involvement Postseparation scale (FRIPS). Background Separated fathers have time and accessibility constraints to their children. To date, models and measures used to study separated fathers' parental involvement have often focused on the amount of time they spend with...
Il est plus fréquent que les pères séparés aient la garde partagée ou principale de leur enfant qu’auparavant (Biland & Schutz, 2013). Jusqu’à présent, l’intérêt a été de comprendre ce qui explique l’engagement parental des pères dont l’ex-partenaire a la garde principale de l’enfant, et ce, généralement sous l’angle du temps que le père passe avec...
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Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictive measures have caused important disruptions in economies and labour markets, changed the way we work and socialise, forced schools to close and healthcare and social services to reorganise. This unprecedented crisis forces individuals to make considerable efforts to adapt and will have...
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La réunification familiale, ou retour en milieu familial, occupe une place importante dans les systèmes de protection de l’enfance. Elle constitue le projet de permanence privilégié pour un nombre important d’enfants placés en milieu substitut, mais pose tout de même des défis notables aux intervenants et parents appelés à travailler conjointement...
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Avant-Propos Il y a peu, on célébrait les 30 ans de la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant et, au Québec, les 40 ans de l’entrée en vigueur de la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse. À des échelles différentes, ces deux textes furent applaudis pour leur vision novatrice des droits de l’enfant. Le recul dont nous disposons à présent nous per...
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Background The COVID-19 pandemic and the isolation measures taken to control it has caused important disruptions in economies and labour markets, changed the way we work and socialize, forced schools to close and healthcare and social services to reorganize in order to redirect resources on the pandemic response. This unprecedented crisis forces in...
This article presents results of a qualitative study of blended lesbian‐headed families with children from previous same‐sex relationships. Conducted in partnership with the LGBT Family Coalition, this study adopts an ecosystemic approach to document the experiences of parental separation and family blending of 17 (n = 17) lesbian mothers and stepm...
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Supervised access services (SAS) allow parents who represent a risk for their children or for the other parent to maintain contact with or exchange custody of their children in the presence of a third person. Even though these services have been designed in the children's best interest, few studies have, until now, documented the evolution in the p...
The stepfamily represents an increasingly common form of the family structure. Numerous studies have nonetheless shown that people living in stepfamilies are often stigmatized. The present study focused on public opinion based on a representative sample ( N = 1,202) regarding: (a) stepfamilies as a unit; (b) the current situation and future of chil...
Cet article 1 présente l’ensemble de la démarche qui a donné lieu à la mise en ligne d’un programme éducatif visant l’enrichissement des relations conjugales et familiales des adultes qui vivent une recomposition familiale. Des recensions des écrits portant à la fois sur les défis vécus par les couples-parents de familles recomposées et les program...
Cadre de la recherche : Depuis quelques années, le terme high conflict est utilisé pour désigner les familles où les parents séparés demeurent en conflit élevé malgré le passage du temps. Le conflit sévère de séparation est un concept qui a récemment beaucoup progressé puisque l’on observe une augmentation importante du nombre de publications sur l...
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The probability that children whose parents have separated will become members of a stepfamily has increased considerably in the last decades. This situation has encouraged researchers to document the impact of this family transition on children’s adjustment. The present article examines empirical publications on this subject between 2000 and 2015....
Shared custody is seen as an ideal of equal coparenting without being chosen by most of separated parents. This paper addresses this apparent paradox by examining public opinion on children's custody. A survey was conducted on a sample of 1,202 French and English-speaking Quebec residents aged 18 years and over. Data show that shared custody is gen...
Les services de supervision des droits d’accès (SDA) permettent de maintenir le lien parent-enfant dans un contexte neutre et sécuritaire. Les familles qui se retrouvent dans ces services ont généralement un point en commun : elles ont besoin d’être épaulées, écoutées et protégées, notamment par des intervenants formés qui assurent le bon dérouleme...
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Research has shown that family involvement in problem gambling (PG) treatment is important because families are significantly impacted and their involvement can improve treatment outcomes for the family and PG individual. The adverse effects of PG are a family matter, but services continue to have an individual focus. This qualitative study examine...
The probability that children whose parents have separated will become members of a stepfamily has increased considerably in the last decades. This situation has encouraged researchers to document the impact of this family transition on children’s adjustment. The present article examines empirical publications on this subject between 2000 and 2015....
The goal of the present study was to shed light on the relation between postseparation custody arrangements and family contexts in which school-age children (8–12 years old) live so as to better understand the processes underlying their adjustment. The sample was composed of 112 dyads (parents and children) from families in joint custody (n = 37) o...
Stepfamilies are considered to be less stable than first unions. There has been little research conducted that explains why stepfamilies break up or what the viewpoint of the parents and stepparents is. This qualitative study, which was based on life course theory, analyzed the statements made during an interview of 26 parents and stepparents who s...
L’etude documente le reseau familial de 12 jeunes adultes qui, au cours de leur enfance, ont fait l’objet d’une mesure de placement en famille d’accueil jusqu’a leur majorite. L’objectif est de decrire la composition de leur reseau familial, de cerner l’importance des liens familiaux d’origine et d’accueil ainsi que d’identifier ce qui a pu facilit...
Face aux profonds changements sociodémographiques qu’a connus la famille, comment les Québécoises et les Québécois perçoivent-ils la séparation des parents et ses conséquences sur l’adaptation des enfants ? Afin de répondre à ces questions, un sondage a été réalisé auprès d’un échantillon représentatif de la population québécoise ( n = 1 202). Les...
Près de deux familles sur cinq sont aujourd’hui monoparentales ou recomposées. En effet, les profonds changements de valeurs vécus au cours des cinquante dernières années ont donné lieu à une diversité structurelle et à une complexité relationnelle grandissante chez les couples et les familles contemporaines. Dans certains cas, la séparation parent...
Certain issues surrounding the custody of children whose parents have separated (such as the question of shared custody when parents are in conflict and/or when children are infants or toddlers, the importance of the primary caregiver versus the child maintaining a connection with both parents and the relevance of inter-parent domestic violence and...
La préservation des liens entre l’enfant et les personnes qui lui sont significatives, la stabilité de l’environnement, la continuité du projet de vie de l’enfant sont au cœur des nouvelles dispositions de la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse (LPJ) du Québec. Ces modifications ont eu pour conséquence de transformer certaines dimensions de la pra...
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This summary of theoretical, scientific, and professional writings is focused on three questions related to determining the best interests of the child whose custody is disputed following a separation: (1) What are the stakes when it comes down to the best interests of the child? (2) What are the characteristics of the situations that end up being...
Problem gambling is an important public health issue affecting many spheres of the gambling individual’s life, including mental health, finances, and family. The family is a topic that has been given little attention in problem gambling research. After a comprehensive search of the literature, this review identified and analyzed 30 empirical studie...
Post-separation coparenting trajectories : a qualitative exploratory study The objective of this qualitative study is to better understand how parents describe their coparenting and its evolution through two family transitions : separation and remarriage. Participants (n = 25) are parents (23 mothers and 2 fathers) who have been separated for an av...
Cet outil pratique et pédagogique s’adresse aux étudiants des 2e et 3e cycles qui souhaitent se familiariser avec le cadre de référence des représentations sociales, soit pour faciliter leur compréhension de cette posture théorique, soit pour réaliser un mémoire de maîtrise ou une thèse de doctorat à partir de ce cadre. Cet outil est complémentaire...
Individuals confront challenges and issues relating to the economic, relational, personal and cultural contexts of vulnerability in which they live out their lives. The present qualitative study examines the nature of the contexts of vulnerability specific to fathers and step-fathers living in blended families and fathers whose ex-partner has recon...
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Several studies have shown a link between internalizing and externalizing behaviours in youth and psychological violence in their family. However, the nature of this link has not been extensively addressed in the literature. The objective of this study was to verify the strength and direction of the links between the manifestations of young people’...
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This article is intended to introduce the present special edition dealing with family education, a form of intervention motivated by the principle that in order to ensure children's welfare, one needs to assist parents in developing their own skills, or in other words to provide them with active societal supporters. After a brief reminder of the or...
In this chapter, the authors examine whether immigration represents a turning point in the life of single mother families who experience a conjugal separation after settling in the destination society of Canada. Using a life course approach, they focus on the period of single-parenthood after the separation as a part of the familial trajectory. The...
Single parenthood over the past few decades has been a focus of family scholar research that has shown its characteristics as a family form, its risks and opportunities, as well as its coping mechanisms. Within this body of research, the situation of immigrant single parents is less documented, although specific conditions particularise this experi...
This sociological collection advances the argument that the concepts of “biography” and "turning point" expand our understanding of life experiences from a descriptive to a deeper, more abstract level of analysis. Theoretically, the collection addresses the manifold ways that we might refine the concept of “turning point” since Anselm Strauss intro...
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This study looks at the short-term impact that the media coverage of children in need of protection had on the number of cases reported to child protection agencies. The number of reports (N = 11,646) made to these agencies in Canada was tallied each week during a 24-month period. During the same period, a content analysis of print media was conduc...
Cet article présente une synthèse des connaissances produites depuis l’an 2000 sur la thématique des impacts de la recomposition familiale sur l’exercice de la parentalité. Il fait ressortir que ces familles ont à relever des défis qui s’apparentent souvent à ceux des familles biparentales intactes. Toutefois, leurs caractéristiques structurelles e...
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Le présent article constitue un premier regard sur l’introduction de durées maximales d’hébergement dans la législation québécoise visant à protéger les enfants. Les résultats présentés sont, à quelques exceptions près, basés sur le point de vue des professionnels des centres jeunesse. Cent cinquante neuf personnes, provenant de trois centres jeune...
Second marriages are known to be more fragile than first marriages. To better understand the factors that contribute to this fragility, this qualitative study compared stepfamilies that stayed together with those that separated by collecting interview data from one adult in each of the former (n = 31) and latter (n = 26) stepfamilies. Data were ana...
A Survey of the Practices of Family and Community Services Agencies in Quebec Child-training requires a combining various resources and competences. The challenges sometimes exceed what parents can provide. In this case they can call upon two types of resources : public institutions funded by the State or community-based non-governmental organizati...
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Résumé Cet article porte sur la place qu’occupent la maltraitance et les situations impliquant les services de la protection de la jeunesse dans la presse écrite au Québec. Deux questions sont examinées : Quelle est l’ampleur de la couverture journalistique de la protection de la jeunesse? Comment la problématique de la maltraitance et les services...
During the last few years in both Canada and France, there has been a noted increase in the number of incidents of victimized children reported to the authorities. This paper examines the hypothesis Stating that stories on abused children published by the media have made the public more aware of cases of victimization, and also the need to report t...
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This article try to explain the diversity of the experiences of the reconstituted families and the courses that lead to the reconstruction, based on a theoretical and practical approach. First, the bibliography review illustrates the diversity of rebuilt families structures in therms of the exercise of their differents roles, the running of the fam...
There is a growing trend in social work practice to use a strengths perspective with families in difficulty. Beginning with a description of the characteristics of the strengths-based approach, this article then moves on to examine the interventions of practitioners working in Youth Centers (YCs) and in Centres Local de Services Communautaires (Loc...
Although previous studies have shown that parental separation and parental conflict contribute independently to the adaptation difficulties of young people, there is, as of yet, no precise portrait of how post-separation conflicts evolve. Indeed, some fundamental questions remain unanswered: (1) Do parents who experience few conflicts during their...
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This article presents the results of a qualitative study examining how social stigmatization made the lives of young people in gay and lesbian stepfamilies more complex. The study focused primarily on the young people's viewpoint, which has until now rarely been taken into consideration in studies of gay and lesbian families. Eleven semi-structured...
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Several studies have shown the importance of the stepfather-stepchild relationship in the successful adaptation of young people to stepfamilies. Indeed, when there is a good affective relationship between a stepfather and stepchild, there is a lower risk of stepchild having problems. Though it is known that the quality of this relationship has an i...
During the last few years in both Canada and France, there has been a noted increasein the number of incidents of victimized children reported to the authorities. This paperexamines the hypothesis stating that stories on abused children published by the mediahave made the public more aware of cases of victimization, and also the need to reportthem...
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Life-trajectories diversity in the implementation of stepfamilies. A Quebec outlook. The article outlines the results of a qualitative study using the life-cycle theory with the intention of indicating the diversity of trajectories in the formation of stepfamilies Three criteria were applied to develop a classification of trajectories of the indivi...
This article try to explain the diversity of the experiences of the reconstituted families and the courses that lead to the reconstruction, based on a theoretical and practical approach. First, the bibliography review illustrates the diversity of rebuilt families structures in therms of the exercise of their differents roles, the running of the fam...
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Résumé Cet article présente les résultats d’une étude portant sur les représentations sociales de l’engagement parental du beau-père (parent autre que le père biologique ou adoptif des enfants de sa conjointe) chez différents membres de familles recomposées : huit mères, douze beaux-pères et neuf pères. L’étude vise à comprendre comment les adultes...
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Malgré un intérêt croissant pour le concept de force dans la recherche et l’intervention auprès des familles en difficulté, certains problèmes persistent dans les définitions et les instruments élaborés à ce jour afin d’en permettre l’évolution. Dans le but de clarifier le concept de force et d’en raffiner la mesure, le présent article permet d’ide...
This article presents the results of an evaluation of a preventive intervention program for preschool children with behavioural problems in childcare. The data were collected from caregivers (N = 41) and parents (N = 40). The results show that most of the children's problems decreased after the intervention, and that this decrease was maintained in...
In a sample of 143 parent-child dyads from two-parent and separated families, this investigation documented the links between parental psychological violence and separation or divorce, severity of parental conflict, triangulation of the child in this conflict, and polarized parent-child alliances. The unique and combined contributions of all these...
The objective of this qualitative research is to better understand the processes that contribute to resilience among adolescents in foster care. Twelve boys and girls (X=15.9 years), identified as resilient, participated in this study. The mean duration of the teenagers' placement is 7.3 years. The results point to three types of turning points: ac...
Despite efforts made by management and caseworkers to promote active parental participation in the protective context, fathers or other male figures are often brushed aside from intervention. This paper presents the results of qualitative research on methods used by youth protection caseworkers (n = 22) working with stepfather families. The main ob...
This study focuses on the impacts of serial transitions on externalized and internalized behavior disorders, anxiety, and depression among children in child protection services. The research was carried out with a sample of 741 children. The findings demonstrate that the number of times a family is blended is a stronger predictive factor for childr...
Modern view of child protection services implies that to help young people, simply intervening on their behalf is not sufficient. It suggests that involving parents in the assistance process is essential in order to ensure that they are most likely to play their role as parents to their children in the fullest possible way. Although several article...
Résumé Depuis quelques années, les auteurs de plusieurs disciplines affirment que l’engagement paternel doit être facilité par l’accès à des services sociaux adaptés aux besoins des pères. Bien que le rôle du père soit de plus en plus démystifié, les chercheurs et les cliniciens sont toutefois loin d'être tous convaincus de l'utilité de sa présence...
Les problèmes de comportement chez les enfants doivent faire l’objet d’une attention particulière en raison des difficultés d’adaptation qui guettent ces derniers à moyen et à long termes. La présence de ces problèmes en bas âge laisse présager d’éventuelles difficultés d’adaptation telles que l’abandon scolaire, la toxicomanie, le rejet de la part...
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L’objectif general de cette recherche qualitative est de mettre en lumiere les facteurs de protection, mais aussi les facteurs de vulnerabilite, presents chez des adolescents heberges en milieu substitut, consideres comme etant resilients. Douze jeunes (six garcons et six filles) âges de 14 a 17 ans et places pour des problemes de comportement ont...
Les études examinant les conséquences de la recomposition familiale sur l’adaptation des jeunes révèlent qu’une majorité d’entre eux vont bien. Les recherches visent maintenant à mieux comprendre les facteurs qui permettent de distinguer le sous-groupe de jeunes qui vivent plus de difficultés d’adaptation. Cet article présente des résultats extrait...
This paper discusses a period in the life of a stepfamily that has not been widely studied until now: the period immediately preceding and immediately following the move towards a blended family. This period is studied from the viewpoint of adolescents living through it. Here, the blending of a family is examined as a family transition; its "parano...
Cet article porte sur un moment de la vie d'une famille recomposee qui a ete peu etudie jusqu'a maintenant, soit celui qui precede tout juste la recomposition familiale et celui qui la suit. Ce moment est etudie a partir du point de vue des adolescents et des adolescentes qui vivent cette situation. La recomposition familiale est examinee ici en ta...
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This study seeks to validate the Questionnaire for Couples in Stepfamiles (QCS). This questionnaire was created to assess individual perception of the nature and intensity of difficulties experienced by couples in stepfamilies. One hundred and thirty-two women and 106 men in stepfamilies completed both the QCS and the Marital Adjustment Test (MAT)...
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Résumé RÉSUMÉ Quand les parents refont leur vie. Regards adolescents sur la famille recomposée Les familles recomposées, encore méconnues il y a quinze ans. sont élevées en Amérique du Nord et dans bien des pays européens au statut de « nouveau modèle familial ». Mais ces familles nous intriguent, et plusieurs chercheurs ont démontré l'existence d'...
"Université Laval. Faculté des sciences sociales".--P. [4] de la couv. Thèse (Ph. D.)--Université Laval, 1998. Comprend des réf. bibliogr.: p. [327]-345.


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