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  • Mariano Martín Zamorano
Mariano Martín Zamorano

Mariano Martín Zamorano
University of Barcelona | UB · Department of Sociological Theory, Philosophy of Law and Methodology of the Social Sciences

PhD in cultural policy
Associate Lecturer, Open University of Catalonia. Postdoctoral fellow, University of Barcelona. mzamorano0@uoc.edu


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Mariano Martín Zamorano currently works at the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). Mariano is a member of CECUPS (UB) and does research in cultural policy and cultural diplomacy. One of his most recent publications is "Cultural policies in illiberal democracies: a conceptual framework based on the Polish and Hungarian governing experiences". Email: marianozamorano@ub.edu Postdoc researcher at https://uncharted-culture.eu/partners/university-of-barcelona-es/


Publications (53)
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Trust in science post-Covid appears to be a complex matter. On the one hand, the COVID-19 pandemic added value to the epistemic trustworthiness of scientific opinion and its potential to drive evidence-based policies, while it also spurred scientific distrust and societal polarization (e.g., vaccines), especially on social media. In this work we so...
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The EU-South Korea cultural relations have intensified in the past few decades. Since the signing of free trade deal between two parties in 2010, the Korean public perception of the EU has positively evolved. Both parties initiated a protocol on cultural cooperation under the EU-RoK free trade agreement where particular emphasis was placed on the c...
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Tramas de la política cultural en Argentina reúne a toda una nueva generación de personas dedicadas a la investigación de las políticas culturales desde diversas perspectivas. La publicación, editada por el investigador Mariano Martín Zamorano, propone un mapa muy actualizado de los estudios e investigaciones del campo en el país.
Technical Report
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EU Member States lack an approach to enhance societal preparedness and response policies to CBRNe (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and explosive) events that take into account the management needs of First Responders (FR). Based on preliminary results from the EU H2020 funded PROACTIVE project (Preparedness against CBRNe threats throug...
This paper provides the results of the privacy impact assessment conducted for the PROACTIVE solutions and its subsequent privacy by design integration process. PROACTIVE is a solution for fostering coordination and communication between stakeholders before and during CBRNe events focusing on providing guidance to vulnerable populations. Based on e...
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Este artigo centra-se nos principais contributos do projeto europeu Uncharted sobre os valores emergentes na administração cultural europeia, apoiando-se numa vasta análise documental, em grupos focais e entrevistas a uma plêiade de atores. Analisando quatro estudos de caso ibéricos, procura-se identificar a diversidade de valores que moldam as dec...
Technical Report
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EU Member States lack an approach to enhance societal preparedness and response policies to CBRNe (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and explosive) events that integrate the needs of children. Based on preliminary results from the EU H2020 funded PROACTIVE project (Preparedness against CBRNe threats through cOmmon Approaches between secu...
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The so-called "governments of change" of Ahora Madrid and Barcelona en Comú have recently reframed cultural policies. Both coalitions were led by Podemos, a left-wing party born in 2014 and initially linked to the "indignados" movement. In this spirit, these administrations boosted a cultural program explicitly aimed at overcoming what was framed a...
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Preparedness against and response to Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and explosive (CBRNe) incidents require a robust harmonization of procedures between various categories of practitioners and a better articulation with the needs of vulnerable citizen groups. Moreover, increasing practitioners' and first responders' effectiveness in ma...
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EU Member States lack a clear and coordinated approach to enhance societal preparedness and response to CBRNe (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and explosive) events that integrate the needs of vulnerable individuals. Based on preliminary results from the EU H2020 funded PROACTIVE project (Preparedness against CBRNe threats through commo...
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This article examines legitimacy and legitimation processes in cultural policies after the 2008 crisis. This is done by studying the relationships between the main institutional and economic reforms carried out by France, the UK, Spain and Greece cultural policies between 2008 and 2012 and legitimation narratives used to frame them. Based on litera...
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Spanish cultural diplomacy has evolved from a system revolving around the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Culture to an institutional structure where local governments and Autonomous Regions are highly relevant. This policy has led to forming different sector-based and public-private governance frameworks, that pursue specific identity, social de...
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La diplomacia cultural española ha evolucionado desde un sistema articulado en torno a los Ministerios de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cultura, a una estructura institucional donde gobiernos locales y Comunidades Autónomas poseen una gran relevancia. Esta política ha dado lugar a la conformación de distintos esquemas de gobernanza sectorial y público-pr...
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Different governments in Europe are advancing corporatist mechanisms to foster a homogenizing and conservative understanding of culture. Illiberal practices framed within these policies include a delegated censorship and several measures based on xenophobic claims. Despite the importance of this phenomenon, the available literature on cultural poli...
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Félix Dupin-Meynard, Emmanuel Négrier (Eds.). Sample available at: https://rb.gy/a77uxg
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The literature on the governance of cultural policy in Barcelona has revealed different political and social tensions arising from the use of local culture for the purpose of creating a city brand. However, these studies have not focused on the rationales behind this process nor on its implications for the models of local cultural policy in the cin...
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Las políticas culturales locales han asumido una creciente importancia en el mundo actual debido a su rol en la proyección internacional de las marcas-ciudad y en los proyectos de regeneración urbanos. Pero este proceso ha venido frecuentemente acompañado de un distanciamiento entre las lógicas y mecanismos de la llamada ciudad creativa y los de la...
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La diplomacia cultural vive un momento de transformación a escala nacional, regional y global. Por una parte, los sistemas de gobernanza supranacional ejercen una creciente influencia en la agenda, objetivos e instrumentos de la política cultural exterior de los estados. Por otro lado, diversos actores subestatales, como los gobiernos locales y reg...
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This book provides a broad overview of the development of Ibero-American cultural policy in an important and innovative way. This volume brings together specialists in the field, from different nations and disciplines, and provides the keys to understanding the different trajectories and experiences of some significant countries in the area on both...
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Las políticas culturales locales han asumido una creciente importancia en el mundo actual debido a su rol en la proyección internacional de las marcas-ciudad y en los proyectos de regeneración urbanos. Pero este proceso ha venido frecuentemente acompañado de un distanciamiento entre las lógicas y mecanismos de la llamada ciudad creativa y los de la...
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Cultural diplomacy is experiencing transformation on a national, regional and global scale. On the one hand, the supranational governance systems are exerting growing influence on the agenda, objectives and tools of the foreign cultural policy of the States. On the other hand, a number of sub-state players, such as local and regional governments, a...
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This editorial introduction presents the aims and contents of a special issue devoted to cultural policies in Ibero-America. The issue provides a wide-ranging overview about the subject. In addition to papers focused on the development of cultural policy in specific countries, it also includes articles analyzing particular cultural policies in a tr...
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Francoist cultural policy in Latin America – itself based on Hispanist philosophy – and the Spanish activity in the Organization of Ibero- American States (1949) promoted the emergence of Ibero-American cultural diplomacy. The return of democracy to Spain in 1978 turnedthese projects into more horizontal instruments of cultural cooperation. After a...
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Since the eighties several researches have advanced into the comparison between national models of cultural policy. Moreover, interest in cultural decentralization and the recognition of cultural and national plurality has grown parallel to the importance of regional and local public cultural action. However, not enough studies have been carried on...
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Innovation in the field of Community Policing (CP) may improve the performance of the interventions, crime prevention plans, the effectiveness of communication, the social engagement or even the public image of police forces, among many other aspects. Nevertheless, it may also bring undesired and/or unexpected consequences and risks in the context...
Populism is at present a contested and extended concept. Different approaches -- concerning how constructing hegemony through a discourse that opposes elites to the people -- are handled by left and right-wing politicians and discussed by citizens on a daily basis. In a globalized world, where communication technologies greater define political str...
Presentació del monogràfic. Introducció: Postpolítica i vigència del nacionalisme a l’Estat espanyol
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Benedict Anderson (1993) defined nation as “an imagined political community — and imagined as both inherently limited and sovereign”, and stressed the importance of cultural roots for the establishment of this national consciousness. Cultural diplomacy, organized by nationstates since the early 20th century and politically structured on the basis o...
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Des dels anys noranta, la governança subestatal ha adquirit una importància creixent en les polítiques culturals del món desenvolupat. No obstant això, els factors determinants dels desiguals models de governança de la cultura desenvolupats en un mateix estat i la importància diferencial del nacionalisme subestatal en la seva orientació no han esta...
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Although cultural diplomacy has grown in importance in recent years, there is no consensus on its definition. Cultural diplomacy is commonly framed in terms of soft power: the capacity of persuasion and attraction that allows the state to construct hegemony without using coercive methods. In this article, I offer a critical analysis of this theory'...
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Benedict Anderson (1993) va definir nació com “una comunitat política imaginada, que s’imagina alhora com a inherentment limitada i com a sobirana” i va incidir en la importància de les arrels culturals per a la constitució d'aquesta consciència nacional. Les diplomàcies culturals, organitzades pels Estats-nació des d’inicis del segle XX i estructu...
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Resumen Desde 2003, igualmente que en muchos países latinoamericanos que participaron del llamado "giro a la izquierda", las políticas culturales argentinas se profundizaron y diversificaron. Esta nueva política cultural ha sido caracterizada como un instrumento de construcción de hegemonía en un sentido gramsciano, pero dicha afirmación no ha sido...
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Cultural diplomacy is being increasingly considered the medium in which nation states can instrumentalize their cultural production and accomplish soft power goals. Analysts have repeatedly underlined the importance of culture in place branding in globalized economies, where culture can singularize products and assign them greater value. Both forei...
This article seeks to explain the conditions for the emergence and institutionalization of the cultural paradiplomacy of the city of Barcelona and its local effects. The recognition of the city as an active participant on the international stage is based on its evolution from an industrial to a service economy. Against this backdrop, Barcelona’s ci...
Since the beginnings of research in the field of cultural policy during the eighties, the comparative international dimension has been one of its lines of analysis. This has revealed the diversity of approaches and the existence of national and regional models, differences that have been explained by historical and political restraints. Likewise a...
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The division of cultural policy between different levels of administration and the coordination between them in federal countries is a relatively neglected area of research, even though the cultural sphere always requires a balanced combination of autonomy and governance. A particularly interesting case of this equilibrium arises in Spain; often de...
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Toward a South American Model of Cultural Policy? Singularities and Convergences in Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile in the Twenty-First CenturySince the beginnings of research in the field of cultural policy during the eighties, the comparative international dimension has been one of its lines of analysis. This has revealed the diversity of approaches...
Conference Paper
Marco analítico sociológico de las organizaciones transnacionales en la diplomacia cultural pública. El caso de las redes culturales de la diáspora: Este trabajo desarrolla un modelo de análisis sociológico de las organizaciones transnacionales, particularmente adaptado al estudio de aquellas redes que se enmarcan en la diplomacia cultural públic...


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