Mariano HigesIRIAF-CIAPA, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Mariano Higes
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August 1992 - January 2017
CIAPA-IRIAF, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
- Senior Researcher
Publications (398)
Bees are important pollinators in both natural areas and human-cultivated food systems. However, they are increasingly threatened by trypanosomatid parasites like Lotmaria passim. L. passim commonly infects honeybees but has a poorly understood lifecycle. But in a recent study, researchers discovered a new type of trypanosome survival strategy, one...
Continuous exposure of honey bee colonies to acaricides can affect Varroa destructor populations and their susceptibility to veterinary treatments. In this study, two groups of colonies were established using decontaminated wax or commercial wax (containing more pesticide residues). Both groups received two amitraz treatments and Varroa levels were...
The gut microbiota of honey bees has received increasing interest in the past decades due to its crucial role in their health, and can be disrupted by pathogen infection. Nosema ceranae is an intracellular parasite that affects the epithelial cells of the midgut, altering gut homeostasis and representing a major threat to honey bees. Previous studi...
Bees are major pollinators involved in the maintenance of all terrestrial ecosystems. Biotic and abiotic factors placing these insects at risk is a research priority for ecological and agricultural sustainability. Parasites are one of the key players of this global decline and the study of their mechanisms of action is essential to control honeybee...
Trypanosomatids form a group of high prevalence protozoa that parasitise honey bees, with Lotmaria passim as the predominant species worldwide. However, the knowledge about the ecology of trypanosomatids in isolated areas is limited. The Portuguese archipelagos of Madeira and Azores provide an interesting setting to investigate these parasites beca...
The Microsporidia Nosema ceranae is an invasive pathogen affecting honey bee health, particularly in warm climates. In this study, N. ceranae was detected for the first time in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) of the Madeira archipelago, indicating that this pathogen is now spreading across the entire Macaronesia. Nosema apis was not detected, and th...
Pollination services to increase crop production are becoming more and more important, as we are facing both climate change and a growing world population. Both are predicted to impact food security worldwide. High-density, commercial beekeeping has become a key link in the food supply chain, and diseases have become a central issue in hive losses...
Bee pollen is currently one of the most widely consumed dietary supplements due to its high nutritional value
and its potentially beneficial effects on health. Unfortunately, in recent years an increase in the fraudulent
marketing of this product has been detected, mainly in terms of adulteration with pollen from other sources. This
has made it nec...
Nosema ceranae is a highly prevalent intracellular parasite of honey bees’ midgut worldwide. This Microsporidium was monitored during a long-term study to evaluate the infection at apiary and intra-colony levels in six apiaries in four Mediterranean countries (France, Israel, Portugal, and Spain). Parameters on colony strength, honey production, be...
In the last years, an increase has been observed in the adulteration of bee pollen. Consequently, different tools are required to authenticate the origin of this product, such as a study of the profile and composition of a specific family of compounds. The present study investigates the potential of betaines and related compounds as markers of the...
The Varroa destructor mite is a serious worldwide pest of honeybees that is usually controlled with pyrethroid-based acaricides. However, the intensive use of these substances over the past decades has led to the development of resistance in these mites. Here, Varroa samples collected between 2006 and 2021 from apiaries across Spain were studied to...
There is mounting evidence that acaricides are among the most prevalent medicinal compounds in honey bee hive matrices worldwide. According to OCDE guideline No. 245 chronic lethal concentration of tau-fluvalinate (at concentrations ranging from 77.5 to 523.18 ppm), coumaphos (59.8 ppm) and dimethoate (0.7 ppm) were determined. The activity of the...
Nosema ceranae is a highly prevalent pathogen of Apis mellifera, which is distributed worldwide. However, there may still exist isolated areas that remain free of N. ceranae. Herein, we used molecular tools to survey the Azores to detect N. ceranae and unravel its colonisation patterns. To that end, we sampled 474 colonies from eight islands in 201...
Crithidia acanthocephali is a trypanosomatid species that was initially described in the digestive tract of Hemiptera. However, this parasite was recently detected in honey bee colonies in Spain, raising the question as to whether bees can act as true hosts for this species. To address this issue, worker bees were experimentally infected with choan...
Nosema ceranae is an intracellular parasite that infects honeybees’ gut altering the digestive functions; therefore, it has the potential of affecting the composition of the gut microbiome. In this work, individual bees of known age were sampled both in spring and autumn, and their digestive tracts were assessed for N. ceranae infection. Intestinal...
Bee pollen is currently one of the most commonly consumed food supplements, as it is considered to be a good source of bioactive substances and energy. It contains various health-promoting compounds, such as proteins, amino acids, lipids, as well as glucosinolates. In the present study, the glucosinolate content was determined, by means of ultra-pe...
To study the influence of thiamethoxam exposure on colony strength and pathogen prevalence, an apiary (5 colonies) was placed in front of a plot sown with winter oilseed rape (wOSR), just before the flowering phase. Before sowing, the seeds were treated with an equivalent application of 18 g thiamethoxam/ha. For comparison, a second apiary (5 colon...
The microsporidia Nosema ceranae is an intracellular parasite of honeybees’ midgut, highly prevalent in Apis mellifera colonies for which important epidemiological information is still unknown. Our research aimed at understanding how age and season influence the onset of infection in honeybees and its development in the colony environment. Adult wo...
Nosemosis is a serious microsporidian disease of adult European honey bees caused by the spore-forming unicellular fungi Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae. In this paper we describe the currently known techniques for nosemosis prevention and control including Good Beekeeping Practices (GBPs) and biosecurity measures (BMBs). Topics such as queen renewa...
Trypanosomatids are among the most prevalent parasites in bees but, despite the fact that their impact on the colonies can be quite important and that their infectivity may potentially depend on their genotypes, little is known about the population diversity of these pathogens. Here we cloned and sequenced three non-repetitive single copy loci (DNA...
Insect pollination is crucial for the maintenance of natural and managed ecosystems but the functioning of this ecosystem service is threatened by a worldwide decline of pollinators. Key factors in this situation include the spread and interspecific transmission of pathogens worldwide through the movement of managed pollinators. Research on this fi...
Varroa destructor is considered one of the most devastating parasites of the honey bee, Apis mellifera, and a major problem for the beekeeping industry. Currently, the main method to control Varroa mites is the application of drugs that contain different acaricides as active ingredients. The pyrethroid tau-fluvalinate is one of the acaricides most...
The remodelling of flagella into attachment structures is a common and important event in the trypanosomatid life cycle. Lotmaria passim and Crithidia mellificae can parasitize Apis mellifera, and as a result they might have a significant impact on honeybee health. However, there are details of their life cycle and the mechanisms underlying their p...
In this case report, we analyze the possible causes of the poor health status of a professional Apis mellifera iberiensis apiary located in Gajanejos (Guadalajara, Spain). Several factors that potentially favor colony collapse were identified, including Nosema ceranae infection, alone or in combination with other factors (e.g., BQCV and DWV infecti...
With a growing number of parasites and pathogens experiencing large-scale range expansions, monitoring diversity in immune genes of host populations has never been so important because it can inform on the adaptive potential to resist the invaders. Population surveys of immune genes are becoming common in many organisms, yet they are missing in the...
Nosema ceranae is the microsporidium causing a disease highly prevalent in honey bees. Since few treatments are available to control this disease, cleaning and disinfection of beekeeping equipment could be a useful tool for decreasing the number of viable spores and therefore the risk of infection. Up to date, the information about the efficacy of...
In this Case Report we analyze the possible causes of the poor health status of a professional Apis mellifera iberiensis apiary located in Gajanejos (Guadalajara, Spain). Several factors that potentially favor colony collapse were identified, including Nosema ceranae infection, alone or in combination with other factors (eg, BQCV and DWV infection)...
Emerging pathogens of honey bees represent an important threat to the development of the beekeeping sector. The implementation of biosecurity measures in beekeeping (BMBs) plays an essential role in supporting honey bee health within the beekeeping sector. A group of experts, in collaboration with the BPRACTICES (Grant Agreement No. 696231, Europea...
Pesticides can be found in beehives for several reasons, including contamination from surrounding cultivars; yet one of the most pertinent is related to the fact that beekeepers employ acaricides to control various types of mites, which may accumulate in beeswax due to their lipophilic nature. In the present study, foundation sheets of different or...
Varroa destructor is considered one of the most devastating parasites of the honey bee, Apis mellifera, and a major problem for the beekeeping industry. Currently, the main method to control Varroa mites is the application of drugs that contain different acaricides as active ingredients. The pyrethroid tau-fluvalinate is one of the acaricides most...
The remodelling of flagella into attachment structures is a common and important event in the insect stages of the trypanosomatid life cycle. Among their hymenopteran hosts, Lotmaria passim and Crithidia mellificae can parasitize Apis mellifera , and as a result they might have a significant impact on honeybee health. However, there are details of...
Forager Apis melliefera honeybees were collected from four localities located in Europe, i.e.: London, UK; Athens, Greece; Marchamalo, Spain and Lublin, Poland. Furthermore, from Asia we have collected A. mellifera as well as A. cerana foragers form Chiang Mai in Thailand
We used next generation sequencing (NGS) to analyse the 16S rRNA bacterial ge...
European Apis mellifera and Asian Apis cerana honeybees are essential crop pollinators. Microbiome studies can provide complex information on health and fitness of these insects in relation to environmental changes, and plant availability. Amplicon sequencing of variable regions of the 16S rRNA from bacteria and the internally transcribed spacer (I...
European Apis mellifera and Asian Apis cerana honeybees, are essential crop pollinators. Microbiome studies can provide complex information on health and fitness of these insects in relation to environmental changes, and plant availability. Amplicon sequencing of variable regions of 16S rRNA and internally transcribed spacers (ITSs) allow identific...
Migratory beekeeping is a widely extended practice aimed at increasing the yield of products and pollination services of honey bee colonies. However, it represents a stress factor, as it facilitates the dissemination of diseases and may compromise the genetic identity of the colonies involved. To analyze the extent of these effects, pathogens infes...
The impact of trypanosomatid parasites on honeybee health may represent a major threat to bee colonies worldwide. However, few axenic isolates have been generated to date and with no details on cell culture passages, a parameter that could influence parasite virulence. To address this question, a trypanosomatid isolation protocol was developed and...
Emerging pathogens of honey bees represent an important threat to the development of the beekeeping sector. The implementation of biosecurity measures in beekeeping (BMBs) plays an essential role in supporting honey bee health within the beekeeping sector. A group of experts, in collaboration with the BPRACTICES (Grant Agreement No. 696231, Europea...
Assessing the extent of parasite diversity requires the application of appropriate molecular tools, especially given the growing evidence of multiple parasite co-occurrence. Here we compared the performance of a next-generation sequencing technology (Ion PGM ™ System) in twelve Bombus terrestris specimens that were PCR-identified as positive for tr...
Varroosis is the disease caused by the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor, one of the most destructive diseases of honeybees. In Spain, there is great concern because there are many therapeutic failures after acaricide treatments intended to control varroosis outbreaks. In some of these cases it is not clear whether such failures are due to the e...
The trypanosomatids Crithidia mellificae and Lotmaria passim are very prevalent in honey bee colonies and potentially contribute to colony losses that currently represent a serious threat to honey bees. However, potential pathogenicity of these trypanosomatids remains unclear and since studies of infection are scarce, there is little information ab...
To evaluate the influence that parasites have on the losses of Apis mellifera it is essential to monitor their presence in the colonies over time. Here we analysed the occurrence of nosematids, trypanosomatids and neogregarines in five homogeneous colonies for up to 21 months until they collapsed. The study, which combined the use of several molecu...
A study is presented of the real possibilities of glucosinolate content and chemometrics (canonical discriminant analysis) to differentiate bee pollen samples from four different apiaries (Fuentelahiguera, Monte, Pistacho, Tío Natalio) located in the same geographical area. Fifteen intact-glucosinolates were quantified by means of ultra-performance...
Modern European beekeeping is facing numerous challenges due to a variety of factors, mainly related to globalisation, agrochemical pollution and environmental changes. In addition to this, new pathogens threaten the health of European honey bees. In that context, correct colony management should encompass a wider vision, where productivity aspects...
The microsporidia Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae are major honey bee pathogens that possess different characteristics in terms of the signs they produce, as well as disease development and transmission. Although the ventricular epithelium is generally considered the target tissue, indirect observations led to speculation that N. ceranae may also ta...
The microsporidian parasite Nosema ceranae is a highly prevalent, global honey bee pathogen. Apis mellifera is considered to be a relatively recent host for this microsporidia, which raises questions as to how it affects its host’s physiology, behavior and longevity, both at the individual and colony level. As such, honey bees were inoculated with...
The influence of genetic diversity and exposure to xenobiotics on the prevalence of pathogens was studied within the context of a voluntary epidemiological study in Spanish apiaries of Apis mellifera iberiensis, carried out during the spring season of years 2014 and 2015. As such, the evolutionary lineages of the honey bee colonies were identified,...
Nosema ceranae is the most prevalent endoparasite of Apis mellifera iberiensis and it is a major health problem for bees worldwide. The infective capacity of N. ceranae has been demonstrated experimentally in honey bee brood, however no data are available about its prevalence in brood under natural conditions. Thus, brood combs from 10 different hi...
RNA interference (RNAi) is a post-transcriptional gene silencing mechanism triggered by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) that is homologous in sequence to the silenced gene and is conserved in a wide range of eukaryotic organisms. The RNAi mechanism has provided unique opportunities in combating honey bee diseases caused by various parasites and pathoge...
As a part of a Pilot Monitoring Program of honey bee health coordinated by the EURL (European Union Reference Laboratory) and according to the criteria established for Spain, 14 apiaries in Castilla-La Mancha were selected at random and sampled during the autumns of 2012-2014 to identify the most prevalent nosogenic agents, potentially those relate...
Nosema ceranae is a hot topic in honey bee health as reflected by numerous papers published every year. This review presents an update of the knowledge generated in the last 12 years in the field of N. ceranae research, addressing the routes of transmission, population structure and genetic diversity. This includes description of how the infection...
Trypanosomatids are highly prevalent pathogens of Hymenoptera; however, most molecular methods used to detect them in Apis and Bombus spp. do not allow the identification of the infecting species, which then becomes expensive and time consuming. To overcome this drawback, we developed a multiplex PCR protocol to readily identify in a single reactio...
em>Nosema ceranae is a hot topic in honey bee health as reflected by numerous papers published every year. This review presents an update of the knowledge generated in the last 12 years in the field of N. ceranae research, addressing the routes of transmission, population structure and genetic diversity. This includes description of how the infecti...
The honeybee disease nosemosis type C is a serious problem since its causative agent, microsporidium Nosema ceranae, is widespread among adult honey bees. Some of the feasible alternative treatments that are used to control this disease are plant extracts. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the effects of essential oils of Chilean plant sp...
A nationwide survey was performed to study the distribution of parasites, pathogens and pesticides in managed honey bee populations in Ghana. When 45 colonies were sampled and inspected for signs of disease, Varroa destructor was the most prevalent parasite (89%; n = 40), all mites corresponding to the Korean haplotype of this pathogen. Aethina tum...
In recent years, large-scale colony losses of honey bees (Apis mellifera) have been reported and the infection with the microsporidia Nosema ceranae has been involved. However, the effect of N. ceranae at the colony level and its role in colony losses vary in different geographic areas. This difference may be related to the presence of multiple N....
A cross-sectional study was carried out in Galicia, NW Spain, in order to estimate the magnitude of honey bee colony losses and to identify potential risk factors involved. A total of 99 samples from 99 apiaries were collected in spring using simple random sampling. According to international guidelines, the apiaries were classified as affected by...