Mariano Gomez Aranda

Mariano Gomez Aranda
Spanish National Research Council | CSIC · Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo


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Publications (19)
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In his commentary on Qohelet, Abraham Ibn Ezra utilizes the theories of Ptolemaic astronomy and astrology, the ideas of earlier Neoplatonic philosophers, and the rules of the Hebrew grammarians of his time to explain the book in general and certain verses in particular. Through these concepts, Ibn Ezra tries to justify Qohelet's thesis that it is u...
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Benito Arias Montano (1527-1598) was one of the most important Spanish humanists of the Renaissance. His most significant undertaking was the edition of the Biblia Polyglotta Regia, published in Antwerp in 1569-1573. In his preface to this edition, Arias Montano defended the need to know biblical Hebrew for the correct interpretation of Scripture....
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In his commentary on Ecclesiastes, written in Arabic and accompanied by an Arabic translation of the biblical text, Ibn Ghayyat uses linguistics, grammar, philosophy, science, and other subjects to make his own interpretations. A similar approach is found in Ibn Ezra's commentary on this book. In this paper, I will analyze how Ibn Ezra's commentary...
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Some of Abraham ibn Ezra’s philosophical ideas exposed in his biblical commentaries are the same as those of Aristotle. The purpose of this article is to analyse some of the Aristotelian ideas appearing in Abraham ibn Ezra’s biblical commentaries and explain how he adapts the Aristotelian concepts to the explanation of the specific biblical verses....
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This article is a comprehensive, and comparative analysis of the most relevant medieval Jewish exegetes who wrote commentaries on or explanations of Psalm 2: Saadiah Gaon, Yefet ben Eli, Salmon ben Yeruham, Rashi, Josef Bechor Shor, Abraham ibn Ezra, David Kimhi, Jacob ben Reuben, Menahem ha-Meiri, and Isaiah of Thrani. Comparison will show the dif...
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La figura del ciervo en la cultura judía medieval tiene sus orígenes en los textos bíblicos, a partir de los cuales los exegetas medievales desarrollaron varias imágenes de este animal haciendo uso de otras tradiciones. En la poesía judía, las metáforas sobre el ciervo que aparecen en los libros de Proverbios y Cantar de los Cantares, fueron utiliz...
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The article analyzes how the most important medieval Jewish exegetes interpreted the book of Qohelet. It is focused on some of the most controversial ideas of the text, namely, the meaning of pleasures of life and the kind of wisdom praised in the book. The question of authorship, although not controversial, is also analyzed. The interpretations of...
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Until the ninth century, most of Jewish literature was still very much in continuity with Rabbinic Judaism as it had developed in late Antiquity. At the end of the ninth century or the beginnings of the tenth century, in the arid and torrid lands of the Islamic East, Karaism emerged as a rival to the Rabbinic establishment. The Karaites were the fi...
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The Jews of Spain in the Middle Ages played an important role in the transmission of Graeco-Arabic learning by translating, or participating in translations, of scientific texts. They also composed original works on mathematics, astronomy, astrology and medicine in which they adapted the theories of the ancients for their own time. Science was used...
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Abraham ibn Ezra's commentary on the book of Job is clearly influenced by that of Saadia Gaon. In his explanations, Ibn Ezra always quotes Saadia Gaon's interpretations in order to reject them. However, some of the opinions attributed to "other commentators" by Ibn Ezra are found in Saadia Gaon's work. Some of Ibn Ezra's own explanations are simila...
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Este documento recoge los conocimientos científicos de los judíos de Sefarad, nombre con el que se designaba a la Península Ibérica en la Edad Media. Estos científicos sefardíes estaban preocupados por integrar la ciencia heredada de la Antigüedad a su propio sistema de pensamiento. Se centra en las figuras de los astrónomos y astrólogos Abraham Ib...
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This article is an analysis of Abraham Ibn Ezra's philosophical theories in his commentary on Job and how he uses them to interpret some biblical verses and to give a rational justification of the main question of this biblical book, namely, the sufferings of the rigtheous. In this article, I analyze how Ibn Ezra uses philosophical theories of his...
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Abraham Ibn Ezra considers the study of the Hebrew grammar to be the most important tool for establishing the literal meaning of a word or a Biblical verse. We find his grammatical theories not only in his grammatical works, but in his Biblical commentaries as well. In his Commentary on Qohelet, Ibn Ezra makes numerous grammatical remarks dealing w...


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