Mariana GolumbeanuInstitutul Naţional de Cercetare Dezvoltare Marină Grigore Antipa · Department of Innovation Technological Transfer and Dissemination
Mariana Golumbeanu
Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)
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Head of Innovation, Technological Transfer and Dissemination Department of NIMRD, senior researcher, holding a PhD in Geography and Environmental Protection, University of Bucharest. Member of NIMRD’s Steering Committee, Editor in Chief of the “Cercetari Marine-Recherches Marines” journal. Coordinates PTS of the National Committee of Coastal Zone activities, representative of the Advisory Group on the Development of Common Methodologies for ICZM Black Sea Commission
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March 2013 - present

- Head of Department
- Expert ICZM/integrated management of the coastal zone, elaboration of methodologies and indicators specific to the coastal zone, spatial analysis of the coastal zone, assessment of anthropogenic pressures on the marine and coastal environment, dissemination activities/visibility activities specific to projects, information and public awareness, organization of stakeholder meetings, summer schools, national and international symposia/workshops, organization of training courses
Publications (72)
The Black Sea and its coastal lakes are well-known from ancient times as “unicum hidrobiologicum” due to its specific features having impact on coastal area. Romanian coast is different than other areas because of being
under the Danube freshwater and load influence. A variety of valuable natural resources are concentrated along the Romanian
The Black Sea region is experiencing increasing pressures mainly due to population
increase, urbanization and growth in agriculture, fisheries, and industry. As it is essential for the
national economy, competition for its resources is growing, threatening to destruct the functional
integrity of the coastal resource system. The coast is already sub...
In this paper, satellite products developed during the Earth Observation for Science and Innovation in the Black Sea (EO4SIBS) ESA project are presented. Ocean colour, sea level anomaly and sea surface salinity datasets are produced for the last decade and validated with regional in-situ observations. New data processing is tested to appropriately...
"The study is focused on the exploitation and dissemination activities for the sustainability of the MSc program on Smart Maritime & Surveying Systems within the Surveying & MARiTime internet of thingS EducAtion (SMARTSEA) project. A key factor for success is to ensure that the results and achievements of the project are made widely available to it...
Our study consists of a marketing research, using an evaluation questionnaire to determine the level of performance of medical services that benefit the patients of the Balneal and Rehabilitation Sanatorium Techirghiol, and the inefficiency of institutional management activity in order to meet the needs of the beneficiaries at the highest quality s...
To reach the global aspiration of 17 ambitious SDGs, local realities must be integrated. Often, models are developed based on quantitative statistical data sources from databases on environmental indicators or economics to assess how a given SDG can be achieved. This process however removes the local realities from the equation. How can you best in...
The Techirghiol Lake, located on the Roma-nian coast of the Black Sea, is a hypersaline lake. In this environment, a unique ecosystem in Europe has developed with the specific capacity of producing mud by the decomposition of flora and fauna under the microbial activity (saprogenic sludge), which is used for therapeutic purposes. In this study, hyd...
Marine litter was acknowledged as one of the most serious threats to marine ecosystems, including living marine organisms and their habitats. Numerous studies are investigating the overall impact of marine litter to sea life and indirect to humans and the outcome shows that the problem is very complex. It has short term and long term negative effec...
Sprat (Sprattus sprattus L.) is a keynote species in the Black Sea, and stock dynamics is highly affected by the fisheries and environmental conditions. Another important feature of the species is cyclic nature of its spawning stock biomass and recruitment. Thus, seasonal fishery independent surveys are crucial for stock condition evaluation and ma...
Una dintre obligaţiile României, ca stat membru, este implementarea Directivei Cadru Strategia pentru Mediul Marin (2008/56/CE) (DCSMM), al cărei scop este obţinerea stării bune a mediului marin până în 2020. Directiva Cadru Strategia pentru Mediul Marin (2008/56/CE) (DCSMM) a fost transpusă în legislaţia naţională prin Ordonanţa de Urgenţă a Guver...
Microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, archaea and cyanobacteria, are capable of colonizing on surfaces of a wide range of materials and could cause the biodeterioration of these, particularly the walls of historical buildings exposed to changing environmental conditions, such as temperature, relative humidity, pH and sunlight. The deterioration...
The tourism destination management of the Techirghiol area involves many processes regarding the usage of natural resources from the lake Techirghiol for therapeutic purposes and should be a major concern of the local and central public administration, upon the long-term management of the Romanian natural heritage. With one of the richest and oldes...
The diversity of the Romanian Black fish fauna has undergone permanent changes, both qualitatively and quantitatively. These changes have occurred as a result of the deterioration of environmental conditions, but also due to inappropriate fisheries management. Some of these changes have had a major impact on both pelagic and benthic fish population...
The Black Sea covers an area of 466,200 km², while the its catchment basin’s area is of 1,874,904 km², of which 0.817 million km² belong to Danube River, representing 43.57% of the total. The total length of Black Sea catchment area’s watersheds is of 11,200 km, of which 8650 km on Europe territory. The Black Sea basin length between Burgas and Pot...
The Black Sea name (Black Sea, Mer Noire, Mare Nero, Schwarze Mer, Cernoe More, Kara Deniz) is given recently, dating since the 14th century and has no connection with the Ancient names. In the early Greek antiquity, the Black Sea was called Pontus Axeinus (“inhospitable sea”) and later was called Pontus Euxinos (“hospitable sea”). The first accura...
The states bordering the Black Sea are Romania, Ukraine, Russian Federation, Georgia, Turkey and Bulgaria. The Black Sea regions have a permanent population of roughly 17.5 million inhabitants, to which are added 6–8 million tourists per year. This population is very unevenly distributed in the riparian states. The Black Sea catchment area has regi...
The Black Sea is considered to be a huge laboratory naturally hosting oxic, hypoxic and anoxic water masses permanently existing due to strong vertical stratification. While strong vertical stratification supports isopycnal distribution of various biogeochemical species, the wide range of redox conditions supports specific processes rendering the B...
The activities of population bordering the Black Sea induce a huge anthropogenic pressure. Considering the entire surface of the Black Sea catchment area, the pressure is, of course, larger. This pressure is exercised by pollution, eutrophication, overfishing, endangerment of rare species, loss of biodiversity, introduction of new species, alterati...
What kind of sea is the Black Sea? The Black Sea is a semi-enclosed sea component of the Mediterranean Sea (European Mediterranean or Euro-African Mediterranean) to whose main basin are linked several straits and seas: Bosphorus Strait, Marmara Sea, Dardanelles Strait and Aegean Sea.
The sediment pattern in the nearshore zone of the Black Sea is governed by surface and longshore bottom currents and wave action (Ross et al. in Black sea sedimentary framework, 1978). In the deep basin, the sediment pattern is controlled by an isolated cyclonic current system and bottom morphology. Large quantities of detritus from the Danube, Dni...
Strategically placed between the European Union, candidate countries and neighbours, the Black Sea region constitutes an axis of increasing geopolitical importance for Europe. With its vast marine, energy and other natural resources, unique ecosystems and diverse interests ranging from shipping to tourism and fisheries to oil pipelines, nowhere is...
The issue of the evolution of Black Sea aquatory from late Neogene until present day was subject to various studies and reenactments based on the analysis and age dating of transgressive sedimentary formations. Concerning oceanographic parameters, the surface waters temperatures, as well as the air temperature are characterized by significant diffe...
The catchment of the Black Sea covers an area of 1,874,904 km² being extended in Europe and Asia Minor. Within the Black Sea catchment area four categories of catchment areas are distinguished: Western basins and North-Western basins, Crimea basins, Caucasian basins and Asia Minor basins, which transport in total 353 km³ of water (multiannual avera...
This book underpins the geography of the Black Sea, covering topics such as morphology, morphography, geology, and history of the Black Sea. It also discusses environmental aspects affecting the population in the Black Sea's coastal settlements and looks to the future of the Black Sea region. This book covers a gap in research in the field of world...
Apart from their severe impact on the environment, marine and beach litter are causing problems to human activities that use and depend on the sea, while also raising human health concerns. European Member States are developing measures to tackle marine litter with the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), but the database is still insufficie...
This volume contains the main results of the EC FP7 “The Ocean of Tomorrow” Project CoCoNet, divided in two
sections: 1) a set of guidelines to design networks of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas; 2) a smart wind chart that will allow evaluating the possibility of installing Offshore Wind Farms in both seas. The concep...
The environmental impact of technological development and the climate changes have lately increased the need of terrain mapping. In this context, a new class of improved satellite sensors was developed in order to meet the specific needs of certain industries. Remote Sensing technology is becoming more accessible and efficient in terms of costs for...
Today the Black Sea coastal zone is subject to heavy human pressure, especially in relation of intensive development. Large areas have been seriously damaged or destroyed by inappropriate development in the past, lack of planning and bad management. The Black Sea and its coastal zone are also affected by the economic activities developed within the...
The summer school on 'The contribution of environmental indices in meeting the objectives and principles of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive' was organised in Constanta, Romania, during 3th and the 7th of June 2013, within the framework of Work Package 8 (WP8) of the PERSEUS Project (Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research for the Sout...
Systemic global environmental changes are manifested in the whole Earth system and represent the global effects of anthropogenic activity on the environment. Global climate changes are included in these global environmental changes. The combined effects of climate change, extreme weather and human alterations of the environment are especially prono...
The project Creation of a Black Sea Network for Sustainable Tourism Development in Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia (BS-TOURISM NET) will establish and operate a co-operative and self-supporting Black Sea Sustainable Tourism Network (BSSTN) of leading municipalities within the Black Sea region, environmental and socio-economic NGOs,...
The importance of an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management (EAFM) has been highlighted by the Directorate General MARE, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), the International Water Center (IWC) and the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (N...
This paper examines the implementation of EU policy concerning the protection of biodiversity in the Lower Danube, particularly regarding sturgeons. Policy-making based on the open method of co-ordination (OMC) often follows a procedural logic in which joint targetsetting and peer assessment of national performances occur under broad and unsanction...
The main objective of this paper is to highlight the dynamics of biotic community in terms of spatial and temporal relationship. The biotic community dynamics in St. Gheorghe Branch were discussed based on existing data and the results of our own research during 2003–2009. Surface water and sediment samples have been collected monthly from two cont...
Generally for the wind engineering phenomena and particularly for the gaseous contaminant dispersion in the atmosphere modelling in wind tunnels, the simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer mean velocity distribution corresponding to the studied area at the model scale must be ensured. The paper presents first the atmospheric boundary layer eq...
For the modelling of gaseous contaminants dispersion in the atmosphere using a boundary layer wind tunnel, besides the simulation of the mean velocity profile the turbulent structure specific to the boundary layer flow corresponding to the studied area is necessary. The paper describes the general characteristics of the atmospheric turbulence like...
This paper examines the implementation of the EU policy concerning the protection of biodiversity in the Lower Danube, particularly regarding sturgeons. Policy-making based on the open method of co-ordination (OMC) often follows a procedural logic in which joint target-setting and peer assessment of national performances occur under broad and unsan...
The European ecological network Natura 2000 includes Special Protected Areas (SPAs) classified under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC and Sites of Community Importance (SCIs) designated under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC. In accordance with these directives, on the Romanian coast, there are: the marine site ROSPA0076 Black Sea, ROSCI0269 - Vama V...
The purpose of the study was to do a temporal and spatial monitoring of water and sediment quality in seven different locations from Saint George branch, the southern branch of the Danube Delta. In water and sediment samples, the levels of metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (...
The paper describes the experimental studies developed for establishing the viability of a passive in situ groundwater remediation technique proposed by the authors, for petroleum contaminated groundwater cleanup and downstream area protection. Based on the funnel and gates conception, the method proposes a bioreactive cell where the contaminant pl...
Between 2009 and 2010, habitat mapping activities were carried out within National Institute for Marine Research and Development (NIMRD) and GIS maps were created in 4 Romanian Natura 2000 marine sites (adopted by the EC through Decision 2009/92/EEC): ROSCI0269 Vama Veche - 2 Mai, ROSCI0094 Mangalia Underwater Sulphide Seeps, ROSCI0273 Cape Tuzla M...
The tool of training is very important and significant component of education and public awareness. The new economical and social conditions in Romania require a new approach to the development of'professional education' in the frame of the sustainable development and the long-life training of the EU. Sustainable use of natural resources, environme...
The main objective of this paper is to provide data on the Danube River Delta Biosphere (Romania) aquatic ecosystem quality
and Vardar – Axios River Valley (FYR Macedonia – Greece) on comparison basis from on the long-term analytical investigation
for specific indicators. In particular this paper is focused on the quality assessment of surface wate...
The paper presents the evolution of the Black Sea ecosystem as a characteristic of inland sea,
subject of land-based pollutions and other human influences. In these conditions, the fishery
was the most affected sector by the important changes of the Black Sea ecosystem. On the other
hand, fishing activities contribute themselves to the worsening of...
In all the industrialised countries the problem of pollution has become a major issue with important socio-economical connections being considered as an obstacle for the socio-economic development. We may emphasise that the natural material and resources are not inexhaustible and they should be rationalised and efficiently used for the best interes...
The paper presents the evolution of the Black Sea ecosystem as a characteristic inland sea, subject to land-based pollutions and other human influences. Under these circumstances, the fishery was the sector most affected by the important changes of the Black Sea ecosystem. The main causes responsible for decline of marine living resources were gene...
An 18 m depth bore hole was drilled in the northern part of the Agigea barrier beach. On the basis of complex textural, mineralogical, and faunistic (moluska fauna) analyses performed on samples collected from this drilling, a stratigraphic evolution model during the Holocene time was performed. Briefly, in the Agigea barrier beach area, the marine...
The paper describes the numerical modelling process and the obtained results regarding the transport and transformation of two arenic hydrocarbons, namely benzene and toluene present in a specific permeable environment. The study was achieved using a steady-state horizontal two-dimensional numerical model and considering the individual flow, transp...
In Romania, the national network of marine protected areas is formed only by two sites: the 2 Mai - Vama Veche marine reserve (5000 ha) and the marine part of the Danube delta biosphere reserve (buffer zone - about 103 000 ha). Concerning the European ecological network Natura 2000, in 2007 through Order No 1964 of the Environmental and Durable Dev...
Present paper makes in summary a description of the peculiarities and state of the Romanian Black Sea fisheries tacking into account the following:
- Legal and institutional framework
- Management system
- Policy framework
- Actual national fisheries regulatory framework
- Main fishing grounds at the Romanian littoral
- Fleets, fishing gears and fi...
The present paper is focused on the quality assessment of surface water and sediment of the Danube Delta biosphere. Information is presented on water and sediment quality variations in organic/inorganic pollutants and heavy metals over a 2-years period (2007 and 2008) from April to October. Samples have been collected monthly from two different loc...
Identification of the climatic variations in the costal area from the Sfantu Gheorghe was based on temperature and precipitation data and also on potential evapotranspiration data which have ensured a good climatologically knowledge. These data have hydrometrical character and they offer information upon water necessity of the atmosphere in accorda...
The Upgrade Black Sea SCENE (2009-2011) is an international research project supported by the 7th Framework Programme of European Commission. The basis of the proj'ect is formed by the FP6 Research Infrastructure 'Black Sea SCENE' (Black Sea Scientific Network) which started on 1st December 2005 and ended on 30th November 2008. The latter proj'ect...
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are now recognised widely as a valuable tool for managing, decision-making, analysing, and displaying large volumes of diverse data pertinent to many local and regional planning activities. However, the number of GIS applications for regional tourism planning and education, has not mushroomed as in other fields....
The paper presents data from the comparative biological analysis of the aquatic ecosystems of the Danube delta in two sampling sites: Uzlina and Murighiol for the sampling period (April 2005-October 2006). The results on the biotic communities determined from Uzlina and Murighiol locations demonstrated the following aspects: in the Murighiol and Uz...
Tourism is a major activity in the Greek islands and more especially in the islands of North Aegean. Its development during recent decades stopped the economic and demographic decline of the area. The paper develops a framework for the appraisal of tourism's sustainability in the Greek islands, and it is concluded that the conventional tourism mode...
The marine reserve Vama Veche-2 Mai (the single one on the Romanian littoral), represents an almost unique environment, comprising a variety of habitats for the sessile species. Through its geographical location - the south of the Romanian littoral down to the Bulgarian border - the reserve presents a special, scientific and socio-economic importan...
The Bulgarian marine reserve was proposed to be 'mirror-like'to the Romanian protected area. The main anticipated zone should be situated from the Bulgarian-Romanian border (cape Siviburum, cape Kartalburum) to the southern part of the Durankulak lake. We suggest also establishment of two additional zones for marine reserve: first one is situated a...
Seaborne shipping is the most efficient way to transport cargo over greater distances. Along with globalisation it will undergo further increases in future. New ships will have to be built and the number of ships trading will also enlarge. Shipping is a precondition for the economic prosperity in the world. In many ways, however, shipping is contri...
Environmentally friendly sea transportation is based on two major challenges: the error-free management with sense of responsibility for our environment (human element) of emission-free ships (technical element). This ideal will ever be wishful thinking and we have to look for environmentally acceptable ships. This means to reduce the emissions of...
Providing adequate water is critical for survival in the initial stage of a natural disaster. The impact of natural hazards such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, landslides and droughts, frequently results in contaminated potable water sources with direct impact on local population health. Therefore, to save the drinking water supply, alternativ...