Mariam ChkhartishviliTbilisi State University | TSU · Institute of Georgian History
Mariam Chkhartishvili
Doctor of History . Professor
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Mariam Chkhartishvili currently works at the Institute of Georgian History, Faculty of Humanities Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and at the Institute of History and Ethnology , Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University . Mariam does research in History of History and Cultural History. Some of her publications are devoted to the issues of women's history based on Georgian case. She studies history of Georgian identity
Additional affiliations
January 1982 - March 2020
January 1972 - January 1981
Publications (171)
Nation-building is essentially the mobilization of masses, which requires certain preconditions. First, there must be cultural elites. Outstanding individuals from these elites generate nationalist ideologies and ensure the establishment of media for their successful dissemination within the emerging national "we-groups". Thus, while nations are ma...
HISTORY OF SAINT HRIPSIME AND HER COMPANIONS IN ANCIENT RECENSIONS OF SAINT NINO’S VITA, Collection of Research Papers Armenian Studies 100,Scientific editor N. Chantladze, Tbilisi, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press, 2023, pp. 139-164
St. Gregory, the Illuminator of the Armenians, St. Trdat, the first Christian King of Armenia, and...
The Testimonies of Leonti Mroveli on the
First Christian King of Kartli Mirian:
History or Poetry? IN SERVICE TO HISTORICAL SCIENCE The collection dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor Otar Janelidze, Library of Georgian Parliament, Tbilisi, 2024 pp., 402-414
The 11th century Georgian historian Leonti Mroveli provides us with a detailed b...
The paper is intended for the general public. It is designed as a tertiary entry, drawing on her previous research in the field of identity studies. The author adheres to a constructivist approach to social phenomena and believes that the history of Georgian national identity can be represented as a chain of identity narratives created in different...
At the end of the 6th century, in the ethnically mixed province of the Georgian state _Vitaxate of Kartli _ tension arose between Georgians and Armenians, which turned into the dispute over theological issues and at the fi rst decade of the 7th century ended with a public declaration of the dogmatic differences between Georgian and Armenian churche...
Two principle monuments of Georgian medieval historiography – ”The Conversion of Kartli” and “The Life
of Kartli” (this last one is a collection of historical writings) are providing mutually exclusive information on
presiding prince Stephanoz I (620s–630s): according to former Stephanoz was a great ruler, believer, builder of the main church of th...
In this article I present a brief overview of my previously published works on the political history of the East Georgian state − Kingdom of Kartli − in the 6th-7th centuries, specifically, I refer to the novelty that was introduced by me in dating of the abolishment the national supreme power in Kartli and then its restoration not in the form of t...
Call for Papers
Georgian Source-Studies #25, 2023
Dear Colleagues! We are pleased to invite you to submit your articles for the next issue of the Journal of “Georgian Source-Studies”. The Journal will be published by the end of 2023. The research paper should be an original contribution focused on history representation, source criticism and histo...
ჟურნალი ქართული წყაროთმცოდნეობა# 25, 2023
ძვირფასო კოლეგებო! მოხარული ვართ გაცნობოთ, რომ ცხადდება სტატიების მიღება ჟურნალ „ქართული წყაროთმცოდნეობის“ XXV ტომისათვის. ტომი გამოვა 2023 წლის ბოლოს.
გზამკვლევი ავტორებისათვის: კვლევითი სტატია შეიძლება იყოს ისტორიული, წყაროთმცოდნეობითი, ისტორიოგრაფიული პროფილის ორიგინალური გამოკვლევა. ტერმინი „...
St. Gregory, the Illuminator of the Armenians, St. Trdat, the first Christian King of Armenia, and St. Hripsime, the Roman nun (virgin) who came in Armenia with a group of nuns (virgins) played a pivotal role in the process of conversion of Armenia. Though the contribution of these three persons is incomparable, the merit of Saint Hripsime still se...
The paper is about the time of origin of Georgian Alphabet. Author considers all available narrative sources and concludes that the evidence by Leonti Mroveli (Georgian Historian of the eleventh century) have to be trusted. . According to Mroveli Georgian Alphabet was introduced by the Georgian King Pharnavaz (4th-3rd centuries BC)
სტატია შეეხება ქ...
Dear Colleagues! We are pleased to invite you to submit your articles for the next issue of the Journal of “Georgian Source-Studies”. The Journal will be published by the end of 2022. The research paper should be original contribution focused on history representation, source criticism and historiography. The discipline of source-studies is underst...
ძვირფასო კოლეგებო! მოხარული ვართ გაცნობოთ, რომ ცხადდება სტატიების მიღება ჟურნალ „ქართული წყაროთმცოდნეობის“ XXIV ტომისათვის. ტომი გამოვა 2022 წლის ბოლოს.
ჟურნალში წარმოდგენილი სტატია შეიძლება იყოს ისტორიული, წყაროთმცოდნეობითი, ისტორიოგრაფიული პროფილის ორიგინალური გამოკვლევა. ტერმინი „წყაროთმცოდნეობა“ გამოყენებულია ფართო გაგებით, როგორც ყველა ტიპის...
Interdisciplinary journal in humanities
The aim of our paper is to establish some important facts of Georgian
Chosroids’ history and through the light of these facts identify aristocratic
family to which Georgian King Vakhtang Gorgasali belonged.
In the scholarly literature the cessation of this royal dynasty is dated
differently: according to some authors this happened already in the si...
Three kings by name Archil are mentioned in Georgian royal lists. The
first one – he is a focus of my investigation - occupied the throne of Kartli
Kingdom in ca. 420s-430s. The life of many Georgian kings, let say, Vakhtang
Gorgasali, David the Builder, Queen Tamar etc are familiar to the widest strata
of Georgian society (which is characterized w...
The paper is about synchronization of data providede by Georgian and non-Georgian sources about the history of Georgian kingdom of Kartli in the late antique period . In particular it is focused on king Baraz -Bakur - the father of the well known Christian ascetic Peter the IBerian
It is a brief account of the new research by Prof. M.Chkhartishvili on the date of orgins of Goergian Alphabet. The full text has already been published in English . The Georgian version is in print now
The aim of the article is to find out the date of creation of the most ancient graphic variety of the Georgian alphabet "Asomtavruli". This problem was touched upon by many experts, but no one was able to resolve it reasonably. According to the author of this article, the reason for this is the wrong approach to the available narrative sources; som...
The paper is about the sources of "History of Armenia" by Movses Khorenatsi.
The research allow the author to conclude that "The conversion of Kartli 'serves for ARmenian historian as source when he describes the conversion of Georgia.e paper
Saint Nino is an Illumenatrix of Georgians. Georgians adopted Christianity as a state religion in 330s .. . The paper is devoted to the original redaction of her Vita. It was created shortly after the conversion of Georgians had taken place, ca. in the middle of 4th century.
Tha paper represents history of Georgian identity
The book is about hagiographical cycle dedicated to the Illuminatrix of Georgians Saint .Nino. The mien conclusions of the research are :
1.The original text of this cycle was written shortly after the establishment of Christianity as a state religion in the Kingdom of Kartli. i.e. in the meddle fourth century,; 2.the compiler of original redaction...
Anthim the Iberian who was ethnic Georgian , however he lived in Romania and greatly contributed to making of Romanian national identity.. This fact is well-documented. The paper analyzes his contribution on shaping of Georgian national identity
The paper is about the time of origin of Georgian Alphabet. Author considers all available narrative sources and concludes that the evidence by Leonti Mroveli (Georgian Historian of the eleventh century) have to be trusted. . According to Mroveli Georgian Alphabet was introduced by the Georgian King Pharnavaz (4th-3rd centuries BC)
Program of the international conference dedicated to 900th anniversary of the Didgori Battle
On Life of Saint Nino
On ancient history of Georgian Church
The paper devoted to the representation of Georgian national Identity narrative.
Proceedings of the international conference dedicated to Mariam Lordkipanidze
The paper aims to follow the dynamics of conceptualization of Europe/the West in the Georgian identity narrative. Research has revealed that through the entirety of Georgian history from antiquity to modernity from ethnic based polity till modern nation state this concept was widely used for Georgian self-expression. Georgians’ thought about themse...
Call for papers:
Inviting papers for the XXIII (2021) issue of the scholarly journal
Georgian Source-Studies
We are currently inviting papers for the next issue of the journal “Georgian Source-Studies”.
The journal will be published by the end of 2021.
The research paper should be original contribution focused on history representation, source cr...
It is Call of Pepers for the journal "Georgian Source-Studies", 2021, #23
Poster. Event Invitation. Presentation of the Journal of Georgian Source-Srudies
Academic Journal in Humanities
Sometimes western researchers when they want to represent history of conversion of Georgia, depict the picture according to the Armenian model. Meanwhile the experiences of these neighboring peoples are not identical. Armenians’ break with paganism was dramatic one full of blood of martyrs. Saint Hripsime, one of the main pillars of Armenian Christ...
The paper is devoted to the consideration of Facebook as important source for representation of social history, in particular for study of national identity .
(Journal of the
Ivane Javakhishvili Institute of History and Ethnology
"Chronos" .ქრონოსი ).
A group of thirteen Assyrian Fathers came to Georgia in the middle the 6th century. It was led by famous ascetic named John, later St. John of Zedazeni. The Assyrian missionaries played pivotal role in Georgian history: as a result of their activities the...
In the paper the phenomenon of diaspora is considered in the context of national identity formation process. The author makes accent on increasing number of migrants from Georgia and consequences of this fact for Georgian identity .
For Georgian case it is unusual to live in diaspora. Because of this Georgian political and cultural elites are unexp...
The paper is about publication of Georgian hagiographical monuments by M.Sabinin in 1882. This fact is considered in the context of Georgian national mobilization.
წმინდა დავით გარეჯელი გარეჯის ქვებოვანი მონასტრის დამაარსებელია. იგი იყო ერთ-ერთი იმ ცამეტ მისიონერთაგან, რომლებიც ქართულ წყაროებში წმინდა ასურელ მამებაად იწოდებიან და რომლებიც მეექვსე საუკუნეში მოვიდნენ საქართველოში. დავითგარეჯის მონასტრის წერილობით წყაროებს შორის თავისის მნიშვნელობით განსაკუთრებული ადგილი უკავია წმინდა დავით გარეჯელის ცხოვრებას....
30-ые годы IV века христианство официально было объявлено религией Восточно-грузинского государства-Картли. Это событие во многом определило направление последующего культурно-политического развития грузинского народа. Поэтому неудивительно, что изучение истории обращения грузиноведы всегда уделяли большое внимание. Настоящее исследование ставит це...
The article is dealt with the issue of study of Georgian hagiography. Two versions of Vita of Saint Nino included in the "Conversion of Kartli" are compared. While analyzing the style of the authors of two texts alongside with traditional methods used in humanities first time in Georgian historiography was implemented method of mathematical statist...
Dear Colleagues!
We are pleased to invite you to submit your articles for the next issue of the Journal of “Georgian Source-Studies”. The Journal will be published by the end of 2020.
The research paper should be original contribution focused on history representation, source criticism and historiography. The discipline of source-studies is under...
Paper is devoted to the Illuminatrix of Georgians Saint Nino. This paper is published in newspaper and intended for general public.
The article is devoted to the issue of the origin of Georgian ancient script "asomtavruli"- capital letters". The author reviews critically Prof. T. Gamkrelidze's view on the date of origin of Georgian alphabet, namely opinion about creation asomtavruli in Christian era. She analyses all arguments proposed by Gamkrelidze and concludes that non of t...
The paper is devoted to the issue of dating and attribution of the monument of Georgian hagiography "The life of Saint Serapion of Zarzma". It is concluded that the original text of this compilation should be dated by 7th c . The author of the original text is identified as Basil of Zarzma who was close relative of Saint Serapion and who arrived th...
A group of thirteen Assyrian Fathers came to Georgia in the middle the 6th century. It was lead by famous ascetic named John, later St. John of Zedazeni. The Assyrian missionaries played pivotal role in Georgian history: as a result of their activities the remnants of paganism were eradicated and positions of Christianity were strengthened. During...
Mariam Chkhartishvili
Studying Georgian National Identity: In Search of a Theory
In Soviet historiography formation of Georgian nation was represented on an ground of Marxian sociology. For this purpose from the beginning of the 21st century I began using western theory, namely, ethno-symbolist approach. In the present article I share with readers...
Academic Journal in Humanities
The paper aims to follow the dynamics of conceptualization of Europe/the West in the Georgian identity narrative. Research has revealed that through the entirety of Georgian history from antiquity till modernity, from an ethnic based polity till the modern nation state this concept was widely used for Georgian self-expression. Georgians thought abo...
In Georgian identity narrative of the Soviet period national and imperial were mixed. The blurring boundaries of Soviet Georgian identity will not be astonishing if one would take into consideration the fact of its creation in the circle of high echelon Georgian intelligentsia constituting part of Soviet nomenclature.
Hence the dissident leaders o...
The speech given by the author at the conference dedicated to Professor Lado Minashvili’s Jubilee is published.
In the introductory part the ethno symbolist approach to the definition of nations is considered and the relevance of its use for describing Georgian past is argued; then in terms of above mentioned theory the process of modern Georgian...
This presentation was intended for the international conference ESSHC 2020 which was cancelled due to corona virus.
Spiritual Mission of the Nation Struggling for Independence:
National Identity Narrative by
Georgian President Zviad Gamsakhurdia
Mariam Chkhartishvili
In Georgian identity narrative of the Soviet period national and imperial were m...
Presentation of the Journal of the Institute of History and Ethnology
The Evidences on Samuel the Archbishop of Kartli in Monuments of Medieval Georgian Literature
Several ecclesiastics are mentioned in the “Martyrdom of St Shushanik”. The archbishop Samuel is the most remarkable among them. The author of the “Martyrdom” – Jacob the Presbyter – narrates ob Samuel in connection with the events 460s-470s and presents...
In the nineteenth century the process of history professionalization took place. It was characterized by exclusive development of the discipline. The “founding fathers” tried to bold the borderlines between the history and other disciplines and sharpen the focus of historical researches. Just this view was reflected in fact of choosing archival dat...
Program of the annual conference of The Department of Medieval history of Georgia and Source Criticism in Source-Studies held by the Ivane Javakhishvili Institute of History and Ethnology
Georgian Journal in Humanities
Georgian Journal in Humanities
It is an abstract of the presentation included in the program of the international conference: The ESSHC 2020, 18-21 March, Leiden, the Netherlands
The aim of the ESSHC is to bring together scholars who explain historical phenomena using the methods of the social sciences.The European Social Science History Conference is organized by the Internatio...
It is proposal for mobility grant. Grant is already obtained
ეს არის საპროექტო წინადადება რუსთაველის ფონდის მობილობის გრანტის მოსაპოვებლად. პროექტმა გაიმარჯვა.
Today Mtskheta is relatively small town of Georgia situated approximately 20 kilometres north of Tbilisi, at the confluence of the Mtkvari and Aragvi rivers. Nowadays Mtskheta does not play any important role in political life of Georgia, however, it represents powerful religious and cultural center of the country.
This place was populated from II...
The item is an abstract of the speech delivered at the conference. It aims at representing history of Georgian identity. For depiction of general picture as well as for selection particular facts the author uses social theory known in academic literature as ethno-symbolism. The most eminent representative of this approach is A.D. Smith. One of his...
In their notes editors Professor Giuli Alasania and Professor Mariam Chkhartishvili provide brief overview of the present edition of the journal “Georgian Source-Studies”. Issues of 2017 and 2018 are published as one volume. In the long history of this academic media the present publication is the most voluminous one. The authors of the papers are...
Kartli kingdom was a Georgian polity established by king Pharnavaz (4th-3rd cc BC). In 330s (according to other opinion in 320s) Christianity was adopted as official religion of this kingdom. At first the new faith was spread among the inhabitants of the capital city of Mtskheta. King Mirian his family, his retinue, common people were converted and...
The research examines evidences on Erismtavari (presiding prince) Stephanos I (the ruler of Georgian polity in 6th – 7th cc) which are available in two principle monuments of Georgian medieval historiography: The Conversion of Kartli and The Life of Kartli - a collection of historical writings. They depict personality of Stephanos I differently: ac...
Perceiving the markers of Georgian and Byzantine Identity (According to Vitae of St. Ioane and St. Ekvtime the Athonites and Vitae of St. Giorgi the Athonite)
Byzantine-Georgian Interrelations in Late Antiquity: forth-fifth centuries
Mariam Chkhartishvili
Professor at the
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
In 330s Christianity was established in the Kingdom of Kartli (Georgian polity) – as a state religion. As far as the sources allowed concluding this ha...