Maria Radoane

Maria Radoane
Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava | USV · Department of Geography

Prof. Dr.


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Publications (108)
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This study investigates the relationship between oxygen isotope ratios (δ¹⁸O) in oak tree ring cellulose and past drought variability in Letea Forest, Romania. A δ¹⁸O site chronology spanning 1803-2020 was compiled from seven individual time series. δ¹⁸O values exhibited a significant negative correlation with moisture-related variables (cloud cove...
This study integrates documentary, instrumental, archaeological and sedimentological data to reconstruct periods of increased flooding in present-day Romania over the last 1500 years. We identified 22 flood-rich periods between AD 600-650, 830-930, 990 – 1020, 1060 – 1110, 1136 – 1165, 1195 - 1245, 1304 - 1317 and 1340 – 1373, 1400 – 1440, 1460 – 1...
Recent investigations on the sedimentary infill of the Eastern Pannonian Basin and the western Dacian Basin date suggest that between ~4.8 Ma and 4.2 Ma (Dacian), the Danube and its tributaries formed a deltaic front in the western part of the Dacian basin, at the exit from the Lower Danube Gorge (LDG) partly known as Iron Gates. The appearance of...
The Someș fluvial fan is located in the NW extremity of the Great Hungarian Plain (Pannonian Basin). It was formed by the left-side tributaries of the Tisa River (a tributary of the Danube) as they developed westward, following the avulsion of the main Tisa channel. Drainage reorganisation after the avulsion has occurred via a complex interplay bet...
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The present paper synthesizes the evolution of fluvial systems tributary to the Black Sea (within 25-8 ka BP time frame) by reviewing the existing paleoclimate, hydro-geomorphology, sedimentology, and Late Quaternary chronology. These studies are unevenly distributed throughout the Black Sea (BS) drainage basin and were used to decipher the river r...
Soil erosion is generally recognized as the dominant process of land degradation. The formation and expansion of gullies is often a highly significant process of soil erosion. However, our ability to assess and simulate gully erosion and its impacts remains very limited. This is especially so at regional to continental scales. As a result, gullying...
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Prin vulcanism se înţelege totalitatea fenomenelor şi manifestaţiilor rezultate în urma străpungerii scoarţei de către topiturile magmatice sau gazele provenite din zone profunde. Procesele magmatice generează structuri eruptive, care sunt de două feluri: intrunsive şi efuzive (extrusive), strâns legate între ele. Masivele magmatice intrusive se gă...
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Poziţia stratelor de la partea superioară a scorţei se impune în peisaj printr-o varietate de forme caracteristice cunoscute sub numele de relief structural. În evoluţia unor regiuni cu o structură orizontală sau cvasiorizontală se disting platourile structurale şi văile simetrice; structurile monoclinale impun un relief caracterizat prin cueste şi...
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Meteorizarea ca proces morfogenetic reprezintã rãspunsul ireversibil al rocilor şi mineralelor (aflate în echilibru în interiorul scoarţei) la contactul cu atmosfera, hidrosfera şi biosfera, rãspuns concretizat prin distrugerea unor caracteristici fizico-chimice ale rocilor in situ şi formarea unor depozite cu proprietãţi noi, precum şi a unei morf...
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Procesele geomorfologice care acţionează în domeniul versantului urmăresc componenta gravitaţională dată de energia potenţială, iar agenţii funcţie de care se definesc procesele sunt apa, gheaţa şi aerul. Deplasările gravitaţionale sunt mişcările materialelor scoarţei de meteorizare de la partea superioară a versantului spre partea inferioară, sub...
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Totalitatea formelor de relief a căror geneză, evoluţie şi aspect exterior sunt condiţionate predominant de natura rocilor pe care acestea se dezvoltă alcătuieşte complexul reliefului petrografic sau litologic. Una şi aceeaşi rocă are mai multe dintre însuşirile menţionate şi poate răspunde diferit atunci când este supusă acţiunii factorilor denuda...
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Prin periglaciar se înţelege acel mediu natural în care acţiunea proceselor de îngheţ-dezgheţ este dominantă; limita inferioară, din punct de vedere al regimului termic, pentru dezvoltarea proceselor periglaciare este considerată izoterma anuală de + 3° C, limită până la care se pot produce solifluxiunile. Teritoriile cuprinse în acest domeniu, spr...
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Eroziunea glaciară este realizată prin intermediul a două procese majore: exaraţia (uzura glaciară, la care se poate adăuga şi procesul de detersie, adică cel de şlefuire) şi detracţia (dislocarea şi antrenarea în mişcare a unor blocuri). Formele de eroziune glaciară sunt: forme asociate curgerii neconstrînse a gheţii easte caracteristică tuturor t...
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Totalitatea proceselor şi formelor de relief determinate de agentul geomorfologic care este vântul constituie sistemul morfogenetic eolian. Cele mai importante zone unde acţionează acest sistem sunt regiunile aride ale lumii, dar şi zonele de ţărmuri, terenurile nude (în special unde măsurile de protecţie a solului sunt slabe) şi în câmpiile fluvia...
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Noţiunea de sistem fluvial este atribuitã oricãrei reţele de drenaj natural cu un bazin bine delimitat. Spre deosebire de alte sisteme geomorfologice, sistemul geomorfologic fluvial este cel mai uşor de delimitat în spaţiu, datoritã proprietãţii denumitã cumpãnã de apã. Dinspre amonte spre aval într-un sistem fluvial se disting trei zone: Zona I-a...
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Regiunea litorală constituie limita dintre uscat şi mare, supusă în general acţiunii valurilor şi curenţilor marini, reprezentând circa 0,4 % din suprafaţa totală a oceanului. Regiunea litorală include atât zona cu ape puţin adânci, unde prin intermediul valurilor sunt transportate cantităţi importante de sedimente, cât şi zona dinspre uscat, inclu...
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Pentru denumirea ştiinţei care se ocupã de studiul formelor de relief ale suprafeţei Pãmântului au fost în competiţie trei termeni: morfologie, fiziografie şi geomorfologie. Cu privire la punerea lor în circulaţie şi, în mod deosebit, a noţiunii de geomorfologie, aproape toate tratatele şi manualele de specialitate au vehiculat opinia cã ea se dato...
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Metageomorfologia este domeniul care are în atenţie principiile de bază şi conceptele gândirii în geomorfologie. Ştiinţa noastră nu ar fi putut aspira la un statut de sine stătător, dacă nu ar fi avut, între obiectivele prioritare, definirea unor principii şi concepte proprii, precum şi asimilarea altora cu caracter general, cu care să opereze în c...
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Se are în vedere în acest capitol o prezentare generală, în exclusivitate, a principalelor ipoteze sau “teorii” cu privire la evoluţia globală a reliefului uscatului, care să depăşească elementele particulare impuse de anumiţi factori de control, chiar dacă aceştia au un caracter regional sau planetar. Aceste ipoteze şi teorii se pot grupa în următ...
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Pentru a prezenta câteva elemente generale de istorie a cunoaşterii geomorfologice, începem cu precizarea că: geomorfologia şi-a dezvoltat, de sine stătător, eşafodul teoretic - atât cât este până la ora actuală - şi aplicarea acestuia la cunoaşterea concretă a unor anumite regiuni, teritorii ş. a. De aceea, se impune a separa în istoria ştiinţei n...
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Se consideră în această categorie acea parte a geomorfologiei care studiază forma generală a planetei noastre, sub toate aspectele subsecvente (dimensiuni, geneză, evoluţie) şi morfologia majoră de prim ordin (continente, bazine oceanice, marile sisteme muntoase, bazine sedimentare etc.). În primul caz avem de a face cu o morfologie cosmică, în al...
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Din punct de vedere geomorfologic și sedimentologic putem aprecia că de­a lungul timpului albia râului Prut nu a fost luată în studiu în mod sistematic pentru a identifica ratele de eroziune laterală, de eroziune în adâncime, relațiile geometriei hidraulice, morfologia efemeră și perenă a albiei, tendințele de evoluție a traseului albiei, variabili...
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The Holocene fluvial history of rivers draining the Romanian Carpathians has been assessed using a database resulting from the authors’ own field research at more than 50 sites comprising natural exposures (riverbanks), anthropogenic exposures (gravel pits) and manual boreholes carried out in floodplains, as well as on the analysis of over 30 publi...
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Numele mari de geografi care au marcat evoluția geomorfologiei în România (T. Morariu, V. Mihãilescu, V. Tufescu, N.Al. Rãdulescu, P. Coteț, C. Martiniuc, V. Bãcãoanu, N. Popp) sunt și cele care au stat la originea ideii de formare a unui grup de preocupare comună pentru studiul reliefului încă din 1967 (Vespremeanu, 2006). Trecuse câțiva ani de la...
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This paper focused on the analysis of the interpretation potential given by fluvial archives, in order to decipher the Mid-to Late Holocene sedimentary history. The database discussed here refers to 65 dated ages (mostly radio-carbon), mappings of the most representative floodplain reaches of Suceava, Moldova and Siret rivers, and 23 outcrops analy...
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Our paper is aimed mainly to analyze temporal behavior of the succession of processes that occurred during the development of an exceptional rainfall in a small catchment. The ultimate purpose of our analysis was to understand the role of the factors that controlled the water and sediment fluxes along the drainage network and how the torrential cha...
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This section is dedicated to the contribution of geomorphic processes in dislocation, setting in motion and removal of rock particles from the drainage system in Romania. The total volume of eroded material amounts to ca. 126 Mt/year for the entire territory of Romania. Sediments are dislodged by means of various processes including sheet erosion o...
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In this section, we will discuss the spatial pattern of bed material distribution along the river network as the link between sediment sources and sediment delivery. The variety of controls (i.e., drainage basin size and features, sediment source distribution and effectiveness, longitudinal profile shape, major anthropogenic interventions, etc.) wi...
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Gullies are an important part of the soil erosion process and their occurrence and development may cause serious problems to a region’s economy. Most types of gullies occur in Romania, but the majority are relatively small, discontinuous, valley-side gullies. To obtain some consistent observations on gully initiation and development in Romania’s ph...
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By analysis of representative case studies employing a unitary method, we determined a general trend of active channel narrowing in Romanian rivers (ranging from 30 to 76 % between 1860 and 2010), very similar to other European rivers. The narrowing tendency was not a linear process throughout the past century; around 1980 the greatest variability...
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Recent investigations in the area, based on absolute chronologies, support a first attempt to answer how the rivers from this part of Southeastern Europe adjusted to direct and indirect effects of climate changes during the Last Glacial, and how important are the local/regional controls in their reactions. In general, during the Pleniglacial, the r...
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Recent palaeohydrologic studies along rivers draining Romanian territory and the eastern Hungary give new insights on the Holocene fluvial evolution, in terms of the main causes for river dynamics, the involved processes and mechanism, and the associated sedimentological and morphological features. The climate change from glacial to interglacial co...
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The contribution of Romanian geomorphology to the study of longitudinal profiles revolved mainly around the following question: how can the shape of long profiles be interpreted in order to identify the evolutionary traits of landforms? The approaches to providing an answer to this question can be ranked into following categories: longitudinal prof...
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New and innovative scientific theories, discussion and explanations are presented on landform dynamics and evolution in Romania along with a comprehensive understanding of the geomorphological processes shaping the large variety of Romania’s landscape. Thematically arranged the book deals with landform dynamics of specific relief types: glacial and...
Conference Paper
In this paper are analyzed the climatic and hydrological records from 29 meteorological stations and 48 hydrometric stations which are all overlapping on two big drainage basins (Siret and Prut) from the eastern part of Romania. To these registrations, were added information obtained on basis of more than 20 dendrochronological series collected fro...
Conference Paper
This study is focused on analysis the frequency components of the signal detected in living and sub-fossil tree ring series from different time periods. The investigation is oriented to analyze signal frequency components (low and high) of the two categories of trees. The interpretation technique of tree ring width is the instrument most often used...
Conference Paper
The subfossil wood material collected along rivers from north-eastern part of Romania was dated with radiocarbon and dendrochronological investigated. The study area is represented by Siret and Moldova rivers. Both rivers originate in the Eastern Carpathians where they collect the majority of their tributaries, further crossing through the eastern...
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The main objective of this paper is to describe the late Holocene behaviour of rivers using an interdisciplinary approach combining fluvial geomorphology and subfossil trunk dendrochronology. The subfossil wood material collected along the rivers was investigated for dendrometric and dendrochronologic parameters. The research methods in these field...
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This paper showcases the sediment budget of a small catchment (i.e. 18.1 km2) which supplies the water input for one of the oldest lakes occurring in the Transylvania Plain. The current sediment budget allows for the analysis of the present state of the sediment flux and will form the foundation for identifying the changes in the sediment dynamics...
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Dendrochronological research was conducted in Europe in several centers whereby oak trees, regardless of species, originating from various archaeological sites were studied. Thereby, several shronologies were assembled in Ireland, Germany and the UK, covering the past 7000 to 8000 years. The environment impacts on tree growth by generating higher /...
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The study area is located in the north-eastern part of the Pannonian Basin, on the romanian teritory, with a surface of over 3,600 square kilometers. With elevations of 20-30 m above the Timiş and Criş plains, is the highest low-western romanian plains (100 – 160 m absolute altitudes), the surface extending on both sides of Someş River. This study...
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Current models aiming to simulate contemporary sediment yield (SY) implicitly assume that tectonic effects are either irrelevant or are reflected by catchment topography. In this study we analyse the relation between SY and seismic activity, a component of tectonic processes. Results show a spatial correlation between SY and seismic activity expres...
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The boost in the national and international research on the centennial and multicentennial-scale changes in the configuration of river channels has led to a need for standardization of database acquisition methods, so that the final results may be accurately compared regardless of the size of the analyzed river and its physical environment. This pa...
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El presente trabajo pretende discutir la dinámica de algunas secciones transversales de varios ríos situados bajo diferentes condiciones de caudal, carga de sedimentos, tamaño de los depósitos del lecho, tipo de cauce e intervención antrópica. En cortos intervalos de tiempo caracterizados por elevadas crecidas y ciclos estacionales, se ha comprobad...
Fluvial archives became increasingly important for the reconstruction of past environments, as they record a sum of climate, vegetation, hydrologic and anthropic changes. This is especially important for the Late Quaternary, when climate and human activities had recorded large spatial and temporal variations. Here we present a tale of fluvial behav...
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In the Romanian Carpathians, developed on crystalline and volcanic rocks, the main geomorphological processes are rockfalls, debris flows, and topples. In the eastern part of the Eastern Carpathians, built up of Cretaceous and Paleogene flysch, landslides and mudflows are of major significance. High and middle mountain karst features and cave syste...
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Purpose Although it is well-known that catchment suspended sediment yields (SY; tons per square kilometre per year) can vary significantly from year to year, little information exists on the magnitude and factors controlling this variability. This is crucial to assess the reliability of average SY values for a given measuring period (MP) and is of...
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Whereas the importance of tectonic activity in controlling long-term erosion rates is widely recognized, tectonic effects on contemporary sediment yields (SY, t/km2/y) are generally neglected. It is implicitly assumed that the effects of tectonic activity on SY are reflected by catchment topography. Here we show that this assumption does not hold....
Moldova River is a 205 km long river, right tributary of the Siret River, with the confluence close to Roman city. The most important tributaries are Moldoviţa, Suha Mică, Suha Mare, Râsca, Ozana and Topolita Rivers. The drainage basin area is 4316 km2, a discharge of about 32.8 m3/s and is superimposed on four lithostratigraphic units: the crystal...
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The rivers that drain the Eastern Carpathians were studied under the aspect of the contemporary modifications of the bed elevation using a data base on 37 cross sections. The determination method of the bed elevations dynamics is based on a long-term series of minimum annual water stages (1950 - 2010) at the gauging stations was used to determine t...
Putna is an approximately 160 km long Romanian river draining the south-eastern part of Carpathian Mountains. The extensive deforestations recorded before the 1950 in the upper part of its catchment have undoubtedly affected river channel planform typology due to the high rates of slope erosion and associated sediment input. After this period, an a...
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If we follow the opinions expressed by the most recent studies and concerns in the field, but also our own observations accumulated during our career, we find that in the last two decades the geomorphological mapping as a scientific discipline came under a shadow cone. The reasons are several, but we selected two in particular: (1) the geomorpholog...
In this paper the spatial and temporal responses of the Someşu Mic River (Romania) to natural and anthropogenic controls over the past 150 years are analysed, based on a series of morphometric parameters extracted from five successive sets of topographic maps and one set of orthophotos. Prior to the intensive hydrotechnical interventions of the las...
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The rivers that drain the Eastern Carpathians were studied under the aspect of the contemporary modifications of the bed elevation using a data base on 60 cross sections. The determination method of the bed elevations dynamics is based on the hydrometric measurements in the pre-established sections, calculating the height of the lowest point of the...
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In this work, we investigate the causes of ice jams along the Bistrita River, which has the longest mountainous course (216 km) of any river in Romania. Over a length of 25–30 km on the upstream portion of the Izvoru Muntelui Reservoir, ice block accumulations known as ice jams form almost yearly during the cold season. Analysis of the hydroclimati...