María Luisa Pérez Cañado

María Luisa Pérez Cañado
University of Jaén | UJAEN · Department of English Philology

PhD in Applied Linguistics


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Publications (85)
The learner’s perspective is one of the most underexplored areas in the CLIL arena. Using a systematic literature review approach, this chapter examines recent studies into the learners’ perspectives on CLIL. With a focus on stalwart research, the chapter offers a three-pronged perspective. To begin with, it summarises learners’ attitudes and motiv...
This article employs solid and updated empirical evidence to address some of the most burning issues affecting inclusion in bilingual education. It canvasses the past, present, and future of attention to diversity in CLIL programs and offers practical pedagogical resources to step up to the main challenges identified in this terrain.
This article carries out a cross-European comparison of stakeholder perspectives on catering to diversity within CLIL programs. It reports on a cross-sectional concurrent triangulation mixed methods study with 2,526 teachers, students, and parents in 59 Secondary schools in six European countries: Austria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK...
This paper makes available to the broader educational community the instruments which have been originally designed and validated within the European project CLIL for all: Attention to diversity in bilingual education (ADiBE) to determine how diversity is being catered to across a broad array of CLIL contexts in European Secondary Education (Austri...
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This chapter aims to address the research gap which has been documented in pre- and in-service teacher development programmes for English-medium instruction (EMI) at tertiary level. It conducts a large-scale analysis of the main training needs which teachers at a Spanish university have in order to step up to bilingual education in an EMI context a...
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The characterisation of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) as an approach to bilingual education has aroused great controversy, particularly in monolingual contexts in Spain. The issue of whether CLIL is bilingual education, of whether the schools where it is implemented are truly bilingual, and whether students who attend them can be...
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This book offers new empirical insights into the current state of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) characterisation (through an innovative proposal to link CLIL to English as a Lingua Franca), implementation (via observation protocols and SWOT analyses), and research (by examining the effects of CLIL on the L1, foreign language, key...
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This article aims to provide an updated, empirically solid overview of what's hot and what's not on the current CLIL research agenda in order to weed out the non-issues which we should no longer figure on the CLIL agenda from the real issues which will continue to shape the future of the field. This objective will hopefully be attained while concom...
This article reports on a cross-sectional concurrent triangulation mixed methods study which has been conducted with 153 teachers involved in EMI programs at the University of Ja en, in southern Spain. Four types of triangulation have been employed to determine teachers' perspectives through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews in 165 subj...
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The present chapter aims to provide a detailed rendering of the plurilingual education model developed in the autonomous community of Andalusia (Spain) since 2005. To this end, it raises and answers different wh-questions which attempt to canvass the past, present and future of the two main plans enacting this model: the Andalusian Plan for the Pro...
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This article aims to shed light on the question of elitism in CLIL by exploring empirical evidence taken from a large-scale longitudinal investigation based in Spain. To this end, it reports on a quantitative study into the effects of CLIL programmes on the English language attainment of primary and secondary education students in monolingual conte...
This chapter focuses on Andalusia (southern Spain) as a case study to illustrate the evolution of bilingual education in a setting with a firmly entrenched monolingual model. It will begin by expounding on the chief traits of the two plans which have bolstered bilingual education in this monolingual context –the Plan de Fomento del Plurilingüismo (...
With CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) programs being increasingly introduced in mainstream education, the onus is now on catering to diversity and on ensuring CLIL enhances content and language learning in over- and under-achievers alike. This is no mean feat, particularly considering that strong claims have been made for the lack of...
This article focuses on a key issue for the sustainability of bilingual education: teacher training for CLIL. It begins by canvassing the main innovations affecting teacher training within the current CLIL panorama, in terms of the CLIL the teacher training profile and the interesting evolution which research into the topic has undergone. The chief...
en This article presents the outcomes of a large‐scale program evaluation into whether the pedagogical innovation which is associated theoretically to CLIL is actually trickling down to on‐the‐ground practice. To this end, three sets of questionnaires have been applied and semi‐structured interviews have been conducted with 2,633 teachers, students...
This entry focuses on the way in which technology has impacted the process and pedagogy of EFL writing. It will begin by identifying, classifying, and describing the chief technological aids which can be employed to teach EFL writing within the integrative CALL stage, together with their affordances. It will then summarize the effects which, accord...
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This article reports on a longitudinal study carried out with 1,033 CLIL students and 991 EFL learners in 53 public, private, and charter schools across 12 Spanish provinces into the effects of CLIL on foreign language achievement (grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening, and speaking). The evolution of the bilingual and non-bilingual strands, whic...
This article reports on a quantitative study into the effects of CLIL programs on the L1 competence and content knowledge of Primary and Secondary Education students in monolingual contexts. It has worked with a sample of 2024 students in twelve monolingual provinces in Spain; has guaranteed the homogeneity of bilingual and non-bilingual groups in...
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This chapter presents the outcomes of a large-scale program evaluation into the main training needs which CLIL teachers currently have in monolingual contexts. To this end, it has applied three sets of questionnaires and carried out semi-structured interviews with 2,633 teachers, students, and parents in three monolingual communities in Spain in or...
This article reports on the outcomes of a longitudinal case study to gauge the impact of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) on two of the least researched language skills: oral comprehension and production. It worked with 24 students in the fourth grade of Compulsory Secondary Education in a public school in Andalusia (southern Spain)...
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This article presents the three sets of questionnaires which have been originally designed and validated within a broader governmentally-funded research project to determine how CLIL schemes are playing out across a broad array of contexts (Primary and Secondary Education; urban and rural settings; public and private schools; with teachers , studen...
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This article provides an updated account of the evolution of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), from an initial period of CLIL craze to one of CLIL critique to, at present, what could be considered a CLIL conundrum. The controversies which currently affect this approach are documented on three main fronts (characterization, implementa...
This article examines the appearance of the “pendulum effect” in the CLIL research arena and makes a case for a balanced, disinterested, and methodologically sound approach to continue driving the CLIL agenda forward. It is written as a response to the steady stream of criticism to which CLIL research has recently been subjected and which is primar...
This article presents the outcomes of a European study on the main training needs which pre- and in-service teachers, teacher trainers, and coordinators consider they have in order to adapt to a bilingual education model. The macro-study has designed, validated and administered four sets of questionnaires to 706 informants across the whole of Europ...
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Although authentic materials are a very rich source for the selection of teaching materials in the field of ESP (English for Specific Purposes) in general and of Business English in particular, the ultimate purpose should be authentic communication between the text (oral or written) and its recipient as a result of the interpretation brought to the...
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El presente artículo describe el funcionamiento de un grado lingüístico concreto (el Grado en Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad de Jaén) a lo largo de la última década, con el fin de determinar si se está desarrollando adecuadamente y si está preparando al futuro profesorado para afrontar con éxito los retos planteados por el actual panorama de e...
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This article presents the outcomes of a European study on the main training needs which in-service teachers consider they have in order to adapt to a bilingual education model. The investigation has designed, validated, and administered four sets of questionnaires to 706 informants (241 of whom have been in-service teachers) across Europe, which ha...
This chapter provides an introduction to the topic of competency-based language teaching in higher education and an overview of the volume it opens. The initial section is fourfold in structure: it begins by anchoring the topic within the broader backdrop of the frameworks which are channeling reform in language teaching on both sides of the Atlant...
This chapter presents the outcomes of a European study on the adaptation of language teaching to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Nearly 500 students and teachers in more than 15 different language degree programs piloting the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) across Europe participated in the investigation, which has yielded valuabl...
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Este artículo presenta en primicia el diseño y validación de cuatro baterías de cuestionarios (competencias, tiempo real de dedicación, metodología y satisfacción), que pone a disposición de la universidad española para su utilización en un diagnóstico del funcionamiento del sistema ECTS tanto en el área lingüística como en todos los ámbitos de la...
This chapter examines the impact which the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is having on foreign language writing within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). It canvasses the main studies carried out into the use of telecollaboration, data-driven learning, social networks, or digital storytelling, inter alia to teach w...
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El presente artículo describe una experiencia novedosa en el desarrollo de competencias genéricas y específicas y en el fomento de la interdisciplinariedad y la transversalidad. Se trata de un sistema de seminarios ECTS – que también entroncan con el Plan de Acción Tutorial – que se han desarrollado en la Licenciatura en Filología Inglesa de la Uni...
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This paper delves into multicultural teamwork as a source of experiential learning. It starts with a theoretical consideration of work in global teams, with a particular stress on the possibilities they offer for experiential learning on a cooperative and collaborative basis. From a practical sphere, the paper presents part of the results yielded b...
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The aim of the present chapter is to carry out a comprehensive overview of the research conducted into the effects of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) within the Andalusian Plan for the Promotion of Plurilingualism (APPP). After framing the topic against the backdrop of this ambitious and far-reaching Plan, the chapter will go on to...
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This article provides a comprehensive, updated, and critical approximation to the sizeable literature which has been produced on the increasingly acknowledged European approach to bilingual education: content and language integrated learning (CLIL). It begins by tracing the origins of CLIL, framing it against the backdrop of its predecessors: North...
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Este artículo presenta los resultados del primer estudio llevado a cabo en Europa acerca del proceso de adaptación de la enseñanza de lenguas al Espacio Europeo de Educación (Proyecto ADELEEES1, Programa de Estudios y Análisis, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación). Concretamente, se centra en los cambios metodológicos que está conllevando el nuevo s...
This article makes an explicit comparison between the reconfiguration of tertiary language education in Europe, the USA and Canada. It argues that, despite certain minor differences between continents, the same trends are operative across the Atlantic. It then examines each of them, illustrating how similar forces are at work in shaping higher educ...
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The present article seeks to bridge the gap between policy and practice in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). It illustrates how the underlying policies of the European Credit Transfer system (ECTS) are practically implemented in the language teaching arena, using five pedagogical innovation projects as a backdrop. It then reports on one of...
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This article illustrates how the creation of the European Higher Education Area is subverting the traditional roles of students and teachers in tertiary language education. It portrays the shift which has been made from the previous teacher-directed, lecture-based system which has traditionally prevailed in European Higher Education to the present-...
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The present article seeks to overcome some of the most common misconceptions which are currently proliferating in the application of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) at tertiary level. It presents and unpacks seven false myths affecting all the main curricular and organizational levels of the implementation of the new credit system -compe...
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This article underscores the importance of keeping up to date with vocabulary which is currently employed in English-speaking countries. It argues that textbooks, dictionaries and even corpora are not the most reliable sources to do this, and puts forward a pedagogical proposal – grounded in the Lexical Approach and three pedagogical innovation pro...
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This article reports on a quasi-experimental investigation with a pre-test/post-test control group design carried out in the second semester of the academic year 2006–2007 with Spanish pre-service English teachers at the University of Jaén in Spain. Its aim was to determine whether the use of virtual learning environments (VLE) and computer-mediate...
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This article presents an interview with Stella Ting-Toomey, an author of several books and articles on communicative interaction. Ting-Toomey's interview focuses on the factors that play in the relationship between culture and communication. She also talks about the role of conflict in culture, the underlying characteristics of international unders...
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Resumen El presente artículo describe el desarrollo y los resultados del primer proyecto de telecolaboración puesto en práctica en la Universidad de Jaén. A través de dicho proyecto, se ha establecido un intercambio entre la Southern Methodist University de Dallas y la Universidad de Jaén, en el marco de la asignatura Inglés Instrumental Intermedio...
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The aim of this article is to explore the role and characteristics of communicative interaction in an intercultural context and, more specifically, within multicultural teams. To this end, after defining the concept of intercultural communication, highlighting its importance, and examining the main elements affecting it, this study concludes by str...
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Book synopsis Das Thema «Fremdsprachen in der Berufswelt» stellt ein weites Feld mit vielen unterschiedlichen Facetten dar. Dimensionen des Themenbereichs umfassen das Fremdsprachenlernen an der beruflichen Schule, der universitären berufsbezogenen Fremdsprachenausbildung und in außerschulischen, z.B. innerbetrieblichen Kontexten. Fachdidaktische F...
This paper aims to shed light on the explicit–implicit paradigm contention in connection with the foreign language area of English spelling. To this end, it frames the subject against the backdrop of the prolonged dispute between implicit, whole language, top-down, or whole-to-part approaches and explicit, traditional, bottom-up, or part-to-whole v...
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The present paper, framed within the ECTS scheme currently being piloted at the University of Jaén, reports on a study carried out in the second semester of the academic year 2004-5 with English Philology freshmen at this University. One of its aims, described in an initial section of the paper, was to determine whether the use of Computer Assisted...
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While acknowledging the undeniable differences between a shallow, transparent orthography like that of Spanish and a deep, asymmetrical spelling system such as is found in English, this article asserts that there are also marked similarities between them. Both orthographic systems violate the universal phonemic principle in exactly the same three w...
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The present paper explores the role language plays in establishing power relations in multicultural teams, understood as teams comprising members from three or more than three different national, cultural and linguistic backgrounds. To this end, the general relationship between language and power is examined in an initial theoretical section and su...
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The objective of this paper is to show how some drawbacks inherent in the use of the Case Method in teaching Business English can be surmounted, especially when students are non-native speakers of English and the teacher of ESP is not experienced in this method. The first part of the paper presents a brief account of the general features, advantage...
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Este trabajo se centra en el tema, tan debatido, de las diferencias entre losprofesores de inglés nativos y no nativos. Después de hacer una revisión bibliográficasobre los trabajos de investigación que se han realizado sobre el tema, presentamos unestudio que refleja la percepción de profesores y alumnos sobre el tema. Los resultadosson bastante e...
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En este trabajo pretendemos arrojar luz sobre los paradigmas explícito e implícito, en relación con la ortografía inglesa, quizás el área que más nos puede ayudar a esclarecer esta controversia. Con este fin, hemos realizado una investigación con un diseño de grupo de control pre-test/post-test/seguimiento para determinar si un programa sistemático...


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