Maria Perez

Maria Perez
Autonomous University of Aguascalientes | UAA · Departamento de Educación


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Publications (43)
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This paper aims to describe the development process of the Observation Protocol for Teaching Activities in Mathematics (POAEM) and to report the findings from the qualitative and statistical analyses used to provide evidence of validity and reliability of the information collected with the first version of the POAEM. As part of this development pro...
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Este artículo tiene como objetivo describir el conocimiento didáctico del contenido, inmerso en la práctica docente para enseñar la multiplicación de fracciones en educación básica. Se observó y entrevistó a una profesora mexicana que trabajó este contenido con niños de sexto grado de primaria. Para el análisis, se implementaron categorías derivada...
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Esta investigación exploró la potencialidad de los videos y las fotografías digitales para evaluar los aprendizajes en preescolar durante la contingencia sanitaria, cuando se imposibilitó la observación directa del desempeño de los estudiantes. Se realizó un estudio de caso de una docente, en el cual se analizaron videos y fotografías de actividade...
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La retroalimentación es una herramienta poderosa para promover los aprendizajes de los estudiantes, sin embargo, es compleja y sus características comúnmente no permiten que sea efectiva. En la escritura, la retroalimentación es fundamental porque permite al escritor saber en qué medida ha logrado comunicar lo que buscaba. Uno de los medios para pr...
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This article presents an exploratory study of the experiences of university teachers during Emergency Remote Teaching (ERE) in response to COVID-19. Teaching practices, conditions for remote teaching and teachers’ working conditions were investigated under a systematic approach. An internet survey was applied to all teachers at the Universidad Tecn...
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Measures of teaching are used internationally to understand and improve quality in early education with little consideration for ecological validity. In this study, we analyze videos gathered in 58 K-1 classrooms in Central Mexico to evaluate the validity and reliability of scores from an observational tool developed in the U.S. and used internatio...
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One of the aims of basic and middle education is to enable students to become active learners and to regulate their learning processes. As a result of this, current research looks at metacognition and its influence on mathematics learning, but the role played by teachers in promoting metacognition has not been studied in depth. The purpose of this...
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La frase “cambiar la escuela para cambiar la educación” encierra dos procesos de reforma complejos en sí mismos y por la relación entre ambos. Cambiar la escuela hace referencia al cambio en la gestión escolar, en tanto que cambiar la educación remite a la reforma pedagógica en su significado más profundo. La imbricación entre ambos procesos de ref...
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The book is organized around four sections. The first section is an introduction to the problem of defining the scope and foundations of the development of moral personality and social engagement, in particular, the development of civic and ethical attitudes and prosocial behavior. The second section presents a comparative analysis of education pol...
This paper reports an analysis of the tasks included in the Mathematical Challenges book. The analysis was based on the proposals of the Authentic Intellectual Work (AIW). The purpose of the study focuses on assessing the potential of the mathematical challenges to promote in-depth and meaningful learning through the connection with different conte...
It is generally accepted that one of the objectives of education in schools is to introduce children and young people to the various dimensions of politics. Schools teach children how states function, emphasizing the way democratic governments work. Civic and Ethics courses promote not only knowledge of politics and democracy, but also strive to gi...
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The purpose of this study was to empirically test two major theoretical models: a modified version of the social capital model (Pattie, Seyd and Whiteley, 2003), and the Informed Social Engagement Model (Barr and Selman, 2014; Selman and Kwok, 2010), to explain civic participation and civic knowledge of adolescents from Chile, Colombia and Mexico,...
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Educational policy in Mexico and throughout Latin America is shifting focus from school access to school quality. Improving ‘quality’ is often interpreted as enhancing student learning opportunities, but three issues remain unresolved: (a) what constitutes opportunity to learn (OTL) in classrooms; (b) how to assess classroom OTL (COTL); and (c) how...
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This chapter presents the results of an exploratory study that descri- bes the assessment of musical performance through multidimensional rubrics, in the Music Department of Universidad Autonoma de Aguas- calientes (uaa). The study use McPherson & Thompson’s (1988) mo- del of assessing musical performance to guide the exploration, and emphasizes th...
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Estudio sobre las formas en que los profesores de primaria en México promueven la comprensión lectora entre sus alumnos. Se busca comprender cómo influyen en las prácticas de los docentes el perfil del profesor, las condiciones de cada escuela y las características de los alumnos, para sentar las bases para mejorar la calidad de la educación en cad...
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Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre las condiciones de la oferta educativa de la primaria en México y explora la relación que éstas guardan con las prácticas de los docentes para desarrollar la comprensión lectora en alumnos de 4º y 5º grados. Las condiciones de la oferta educativa comprenden la indagación de factores d...


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