Maria Patrão NevesUniversity of the Azores | UAc · School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Maria Patrão Neves
Doctor of Philosophy
National Council of Ethics for the Life Sciences (President), European Group of Ethics in Sciences and New Technologies
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Professor of Ethics (Tenure in Philosophical Anthropology), developps teaching and research on applied ethics, being an Ethics Expert (European Commission and UNESCO/GEObs).
She was: consultant on Ethics of Life for the President of the Portuguese Republic; Member of the National Ethics Committee, and of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Bioethics; and a member of the European Parliament.
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January 2000 - September 2017
January 2000 - March 2017
May 1984 - November 2016
Publications (358)
In this Opinion, the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) presents ethical perspectives on Solar Radiation Modification (SRM), a set of potential geoengineering techniques that could create a net cooling effect on the climate and thus help with addressing the triple planetary crisis. Little is known about how large scale d...
This is a Statement by the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies
The Biomedical Ethics and Regulatory Capacity Building for Portuguese Speaking African Countries Project (BERC-Luso) was a four-year initiative that aimed to enhance biomedical ethics and regulatory capacities in Angola, Cape-Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe, and Portugal. The project established a network of Natio...
This is an Opinion by the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE)
This Comment draws upon the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies' Statement on "Values in Times of Crisis: Strategic crisis management in the EU", which is available here: https://research-and-innovation.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2022-11/ec_rtd_sam-crisis-management-ege-statement.pdf (November 2022)
This paper stems from the current global worsening of the scarcity of resources for healthcare, which will deepen even more in future public emergencies. This justifies strengthening the reflection on the allocation of resources which, in addition to considering technical issues, should also involve ethical concerns. The two plans in which the allo...
Gestational surrogacy is a controversial ethical issue worldwide. In 2016, Portugal launched a second political attempt to legalize gestational surrogacy, proposing it as: being altruistic; forbidding a biological tie between the surrogate and the child; requiring a biological relationship between one of the legal parents and the child; and demandi...
Resumen a "eutanasia" es uno de los primeros y más debatidos temas en el campo de la bioética, y sigue siendo problemático hasta el día de hoy. Este artículo analiza el proceso político-legislativo para la despenalización de la eutanasia y el suicidio asistido en Portugal, caracterizándolo en sus dinámicas y estrategias, señalando sus opciones polí...
Greater transcultural and transdisciplinary engagement within Muslim contexts and deliberate inclusion of diverse Muslim voices in the development of international guidelines is required to improve understanding of the state of stem cell science, strengthen thinking about attendant ethical complexities, enhance compliance, deepen public deliberatio...
Biomedical research has a strong impact on a country’s scientific-technological and socioeconomic development. It can make a significant contribution at three different levels: promotion of public health; the exchange of knowledge within the scientific community; and economic/ financial profitability. Africa only attracts ~3.3% of the world’s clini...
A pandemia de COVID-19, na tripla crise que desencadeou – sanitária, económica e social –, tem provocado o maior retrocesso na implementação dos Direitos Humanos de que há memória desde a sua Declaração Universal, em 1948. Esta avaliação decorre da amplitude e profundidade do recuo na realização dos direitos humanos que se verifica actualmente em t...
18 meses após o início da pandemia global, vislumbram-se centelhas de esperança graças à descoberta da vacina e o processo de vacinação, ambos realizados em tempo recorde, nos países mais desenvolvidos; simultaneamente, o horizonte encobre-se com as muitas sombras que constituem a iniquidade mundial no acesso à inoculação. E mesmo nos países mais d...
A consciencialização de vivermos hoje sob o signo de uma tripla crise – sanitária, económica e social – provocada pela pandemia, convida a recuperar o sentido originário arquétipo grego krisis que, na disrupção que anuncia, exprime o corte repentino com o conhecido e familiar, mas também a oportunidade de mudança para melhor. É a metamorfose da cri...
A triagem, ou priorização de doentes, iniciou-se como uma estratégia de sucesso para salvar o maior número possível de feridos. Ao longo da sua curta história, o sistema de triagem foi evoluindo, respondendo positivamente às necessidades clínicas dos doentes em diversas situações. Assumiu sempre uma inequívoca dimensão ética ao fundamentar-se no re...
A reflexão ética no exercício profissional do nutricionista tem sido perspectivada pela Ordem dos Nutricionistas, não apenas do ponto de vista deontológico, envolvendo apenas o profissio-nal e centrado numa auto-regulação, mas também de uma éti-ca aplicada, envolvendo a sociedade que serve e integrando as suas necessidades e expectativas em relação...
This Dictionary presents a broad range of topics relevant in present-day global bioethics. With more than 500 entries, this dictionary covers organizations working in the field of global bioethics, international documents concerning bioethics, personalities that have played a role in the development of global bioethics, as well as specific topics i...
This intervention aimed to identify and define the fundamental ethical principles that outline the context in which the ethical questioning of vaccination is debated: common good involving and respecting dignity; individual autonomy exercised within the scope of social responsibility; and the principle of proportionality that legitimizes a third al...
"Covid-19 y derechos humanos" es un problema muy pertinente en nuestro presente y que plantea una enorme panoplia de temas relevantes que hay que reflexionar, lo que haré considerando:
1. Primero, y muy brevemente, la continuidad, la persistencia de un patrón social en el abordaje ancestral de las enfermedades infecciosas;
2. en segundo lugar, la e...
The European Parliament is playing a very important role in regulating the present and the future of AI. In fact, among the many institutions that have taken relevant and concrete initiatives for the regulation of AI, the European Parliament stands out for the quantity and quality of the work developed. In 2020, it has presented three thematically...
This talks reflects on the regulation of clinical practice, considering the different forms of regulation: Ethics and Law. It takes into account the differences between Medical Law, within the field of Common Law or of Roman Law. It is concluded that the Regulation of clinical practice based on Common Law tends to be more litigious and that of Roma...
(re)Pensar o humano é um processo de construção da nossa identidade. Esta não se esgota na nossa dimensão objectiva mas integra também a imagem que construímos de nós próprios, expressa nas histórias que contamos acerca de nós próprios, como invoca a identidade narrativa de Paul Ricoeur.
Este é um processo ancestral e contemporâneo, um processo din...
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References (39)
These are difficult times. All around the world, tens of thousands of people, young or old, rich or poor, from all walks of life have died in grim situations of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in places suffering from insufficient infrastructure, huma...
“A idade do amanhã”, que hoje aqui nos reúne na reflexão sobre os “desafios à longevidade”, constitui um mote sugestivo para uma pluralidade de olhares sobre o “envelhecimento” que, afinal, se vai materializando no dia-a-dia, nos “hoje” de todos os dias. Eis por que este tema do “amanhã” constitui um dos “hoje” mais pertinentes.
Esta leitura de se...
As an independent, multidisciplinary, and cross-cultural
committee, comprised of ethicists from cultures and
nations across the world, in the context of our previous
statements, we offer the following recommendations on
the concepts of State and Governance in COVID-19
Allocation of health resources has an irreducible ethical dimension, thus cannot be decided only technically, but must be ethically weighed, what paradigmatic experiences of macro (Oregon Basic Health Services Act, 1989) and micro allocation (God’s Committee, 1962) have shown. Justice is required in the enunciation of prioritization criter...
A statement from the World Emergency COVID-19 Pandemic Ethics Committee (WECOPE) calling for a stop in the use of war metaphor to describe efforts against COVID-19.
The World Emergency COVID-19 Pandemic Ethics Committee's triage guidelines for COVID-19
The World Emergency COVID-19 Pandemic Ethics Committee offers the following recommendations on the concepts of individual autonomy and social responsibility in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
As an independent, multidisciplinary and cross-cultural committee, comprised of experts from cultures and nations across the world, we offer the following recommendations on the concepts of individual autonomy and social responsibility in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. https://www.eubios.info/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/WeCopeStatementAuton...
Since the advent of modern Western bioethics, ‘autonomy’, generally defined as capacity to make informed decisions in relation to oneself, has developed as an axial ethical principle. Autonomy implies an obligation to respect. Autonomy soon became hegemonic in some contexts and thus underestimates other relevant ethical principles in our shared hum...
These are difficult times. All around the world, tens of thousands of people, young or old, rich or poor, from all walks of life have died in grim situations of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in places suffering from insufficient infrastructure, human resources, protective equipment, and/or lack of clear triage decision making protocols. There h...
Our present time is characterized by three crises: the health crisis that caused an economic crisis and degenerated into a social crisis. While biomedical technologies are not able to provide safe and efficient treatment or a vaccine, digital technologies stepped in proposing a fine-tuned mobile contact tracing to mitigate the pandemic effects. It...
Public health manages the largest possible volume of resources for health. However, and regardless of the national budget for healthcare, there is a chronic incapacity to respond positively to all healthcare needs of all people, in all circumstances. This reality is aggravated in exceptional situations. When resource scarcity worsens, the need for...
Mobile contact tracing applied to control infectious diseases was previously successfully used during the last Ebola outbreak in 2014. It started to be intensively implemented, during the current COVID-19 pandemic, first in Asia, and then expanded, following different models in the different countries, with regard to technological systems: Geolocat...
The present moment is characterized by 3 crises of enormous proportions generated by COVID-19: health, economic, and social. In this context, it is useful to remind that the Greek word krisis refers to: a threatening moment/situation of deep incertitude; urging for crucial decisions that will always be disruptive; leading either to a better or wors...
Our present time is characterized by three crises: the health crisis that caused an economic crisis and degenerated into a social crisis. While biomedical technologies are not able to provide safe and efficient treatment or a vaccine, digital technologies stepped in proposing a fine-tuned mobile contact tracing to mitigate the pandemic eff...
Public health manages the largest possible volume of resources for health, namely human, technical and pharmacological resources. Although there are strong discrepancies in each country's investment in public health, they all suffer from an incapacity to respond positively to all healthcare needs, of all people, in all circumstances. This...
Conhecimento e Inovação: em prol de uma Estratégia para o Futuro é uma obra construída a partir da reflexão de uma diversidade de personalidades portuguesas, com elevadas responsabilidades e destacada experiência neste domínio privilegiado, que se desenvolveu no âmbito do Conselho Estratégico Nacional (CEN). Foi tomando por base esta reflexão e um...
Allocation of health resources has an irreducible ethical dimension, thus cannot be decided only technically, but must be ethically weighed, what paradigmatic experiences of macro (Oregon Basic Health Services Act, 1989) and micro allocation (God's Committee, 1962) have shown. Justice is required in the enunciation of prioritization criteria, and t...
Question (1)
The term “biopolitics” is either used (1) as a philosophical or sociological term referring to the works of Negri, Agamben, Rose, or Foucault, who focused on the contemporary style of governing populations through biopower, (2) or as an umbrella concept referring to public policies regarding applications of biotechnology and the life sciences. Both usages suggest, stress that biopolitics is a central concept for modern societies.
Call for expression of interest to participate in the elaboration of a Declaration on BioPolitics.
Researchers in the wide fields of biotechnologies, social sciences and ethics are welcome to participate in the elaboration of the International Declaration on BioPolitics, to be sketched along the two first quadrimesters of 2018, and to be officially presented publicly at the end of the same year.
In order to apply, researchers are asked to go to: