Maria Inês da Silva dos Passos

Maria Inês da Silva dos Passos
Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro · Departamento de Zoologia (DZO)


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Publications (29)
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In 2000, Cleide Costa published a paper presenting the state of knowledge of the Neotropical Coleopte ra, with a focus on the Brazilian fauna. Twenty-four years later, thanks to the development of the Coleoptera section of the Taxonomic Catalog of the Brazilian Fauna (CTFB - Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil) through the collaboration of 100 c...
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Graphical abstract Highlights d Ecological metadata were compiled for 7,694 sites across the Brazilian Amazon d Accessibility and proximity to research facilities influenced research probability d Knowledge gaps are greater in uplands than in wetlands and aquatic habitats d Undersampled areas overlap predicted hotspots of climate change and defores...
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FICHA CATALOGRÁFICA Editora Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia (SBZ) Departamento de Zoologia, UFPR Caixa Postal 19020, 81531-980 Curitiba, PR, Brasil Editoração Ângelo P. Pinto (UFPR) Frederico F. Salles (UFV) Leandro L. Dumas (UFRJ) Maria Inês S. Passos (UNIRIO) Projeto Gráfico Ângelo P. Pinto (UFPR) Revisão de Conteúd...
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Coletânea de artigos completos, a maioria dos quais baseados em trabalhos apresentados no III Simpósio de Entomologia do Rio de Janeiro, realizado de 01 a 03 de setembro de 2015, na Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO).
Three new species of Macrelmis Motschulsky, 1859 are described and illustrated based on adult males from Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and São Paulo states (southeastern Brazil). A new species groups definition is proposed for the genus, with a redefinition of the former six (aristeae sp. group, celsa sp. group, isus sp. group, granigera sp. group,...
Conference Paper
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O Simpósio de Entomologia do Rio de Janeiro (EntomoRio) é um evento científico bianual que congrega professores, pesquisadores e estudantes de diferentes áreas do estudo dos insetos, para a divulgação de pesquisas e troca de experiências. A análise cienciométrica dos trabalhos apresentados nas três edições (2011, 2013 e 2015) já realizadas do event...
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The genus Xenelmis is found in the Nearctic and Neotropical regions. Currently, seven out of thirteen species are registered from Brazil. Here, two new species of Xenelmis from Brazil are described and illustraded—Xenelmis sinecarina sp. nov. and Xenelmis granatoides sp. nov. Additionaly, X. granata and X. micros are characterized and illustrated.
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This article compares arachnid-based Marvel and DC comics characters. The composition of a comic book character often has interesting ‘real-life’ influences. Given the strong connection between arachnids (especially spiders, scorpions and mites, all belonging to the zoological class Arachnida) and human beings it is not surprising that they have in...
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A bibliography of significant taxonomic papers on Elmidae (Coleoptera, Polyphaga, Byrrhoidea), and a checklist of valid species and subspecies and their geographic distributions are provided. Forty-seven genera and 430 valid species are included. Maps show the geographic distribution of the genera by country.
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Macrelmis is a genus distributed in the Palearctic, Nearctic and Neotropical regions. Currently there are 40 species, 20 being recorded from Brazil but only two from Rio de Janeiro State. Herein two new species of Macrelmis are describedand figured: Macrelmis fluminensis sp. nov. and Macrelmis friburguensis sp. nov. A New record of Macrelmis isis f...
The genus Austrolimnius Carter & Zeck has its greatest known diversity in Oceania, but its fauna in the Americas is poorly known. In this paper, two new species—Austrolimnius uncatus sp. nov. and A. bocainensis sp. nov.—are described and illus-trated based on adult specimens collected at Serra da Bocaina National Park, São José do Barreiro Municipa...
Two new species of the genus Stegoelmis Hinton, 1939, S. figueiredoensis sp. nov. from Amazonas State, Brazil and S. shepardi sp. nov. from Roraima State, Brazil and Saint Laurent Du Maroni, French Guiana, are described and illustrated based on adult specimens. This work also provides a taxonomic key to males of Stegoelmis species known from Brazil...
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The genus Cylloepus is found in the Nearctic and Neotropical Regions and currently represented by 52 species. Twenty species are recorded from Brazil, and three of them from Rio de Janeiro State. Here three new species of Cylloepus are described—Cylloepus quinquecarinatus sp. nov., Cylloepus nessimiani sp. nov., and Cylloepus friburguensis sp. nov....
The genus Portelmis Sanderson, 1953 and the species P. gurneyi Spangler, 1980 are reported for the first time in Brazil. Portelmis kinonatilis sp. nov. and P. paulicruzi sp. nov. are described and illustrated based on adult specimens collected in two different municipalities in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. Diagnoses and illustrations of all Porte...
The genus Portelmis Sanderson, 1953 and the species P. gurneyi Spangler, 1980 are reported for the first time in Brazil. Portelmis kinonatilis sp. nov. and P. paulicruzi sp. nov. are described and illustrated based on adult specimens collected in two different municipalities in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. Diagnoses and illustrations of all Porte...
Hintonelmis anamariae sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on adult specimens collected in Presidente Figueiredo Municipality, Amazonas State, Brazil. This species can be distinguished from all other known Hintonelmis species by its dorsal color pattern and the morphology of the male genitalia.
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Macrelmis tijucana, sp. n. is described and illustrated from a first order stream at the Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil. This species is similar to M. aequalis (Hinton), M. celsa (Hinton), M. pubescens (Grouvelle), M. salti (Hinton), M. sandersoni (Hinton), M. striata (Sharp), and M. striatoidea (Hinton). Macrelmis tij...
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Elmidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) from Rio de Janeiro State: list of species and new records. A list of the species of Elmidae from Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil, is presented. The list was prepared with basis on a refined survey of the literature and examination of entomological collection, located on Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro...
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A list of Elmidae species from Amazon is presented. The list was prepared based on a literature surveyand examination of the entomological collection of Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA). The listincludes 102 species, with ten new occurrences recorded, being one for the Amazon (which includes areas ofBrazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Guya...
Hintonelmis anamariae sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on adult specimens collected in Presidente Figueiredo Municipality, Amazonas State, Brazil. This species can be distinguished from all other known Hintonelmis species by its dorsal color pattern and the morphology of the male genitalia.
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Identification keys to genera of Elmidae (Coleoptera) from Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. Illustrated keys for identification of larvae and adult of elmid genera from Rio de Janeiro state are presented. Brief morphological characterization for larval and adult forms for each genus are presented.
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Illustrated keys for identification of larvae and adult of elmid genera from Rio de Janeiro state are presented. Brief morphological characterization for larval and adult forms for each genus are presented.
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Cylloepus dorvillei sp. nov. is described and illustrated from a first order stream at the Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Taxonomic and habitat notes on the new species are presented.Descrição de uma nova espécie de Cylloepus Erichson do sudeste do Brasil (Coleoptera, Elmidae). Cylloepus dorvillei sp. nov. é descrita e ilustrada c...


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