Maria De la Caridad Montalvo Villalba

Maria De la Caridad Montalvo Villalba
Instituto de Medicina Tropical “Pedro Kourí” | IPK · Departamento de Virología

Medical Doctor, PhD


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Publications (62)
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Introducción: La detección del antígeno viral constituye uno de las alternativas al diagnóstico del SARS-CoV-2 e implica replicación del virus, por lo que un resultado positivo indicaría infección actual por SARS-CoV-2. El Centro de Inmunoensayo de La Habana, Cuba desarrollo el ensayo UMELISA SARS-CoV-2 Antígeno, y en el presente artículo se descri...
Introducción: La detección del antígeno viral constituye uno de las alternativas al diagnóstico del SARS-CoV-2 e implica replicación del virus, por lo que un resultado positivo indicaría infección actual por SARS-CoV-2. El Centro de Inmunoensayo de La Habana, Cuba desarrollo el ensayo UMELISA SARS-CoV-2 Antígeno, y en el presente artículo se descri...
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Introducción: Los esfuerzos recientes en el diagnóstico del SARS-CoV-2 se han centrado en el desarrollo de pruebas rápidas de detección de antígenos SARS-CoV-2 (PRD-Ag), debido al bajo costo de estos métodos y a la rapidez para brindar un diagnóstico primario en el punto de atención médica fuera del laboratorio. En este estudio se evaluó la utilida...
Introducción: Los esfuerzos recientes en el diagnóstico del SARS-CoV-2 se han centrado en el desarrollo de pruebas rápidas de detección de antígenos SARS-CoV-2 (PRD-Ag), debido al bajo costo de estos métodos y a la rapidez para brindar un diagnóstico primario en el punto de atención médica fuera del laboratorio. En este estudio se evaluó la utilida...
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Introducción: Para el diagnostico virológico de la infección por el coronavirus 2 del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo (SARS-CoV-2) y otras infecciones respiratorias virales ha sido necesaria la colecta de muestras clínicas en medio de transporte. Desde que se declaró el carácter pandémico de la COVID-19 y en aras de lograr soberanía tecnológica...
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Introducción: Para el diagnostico virológico de la infección por el coronavirus 2 del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo (SARS-CoV-2) y otras infecciones respiratorias virales ha sido necesaria la colecta de muestras clínicas en medio de transporte. Desde que se declaró el carácter pandémico de la COVID-19 y en aras de lograr soberanía tecnológica...
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IntroductionInfection with hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is one of the most severe hepatitis B virus (HBV) complications, with a more rapid progression to cirrhosis and an increased risk of hepatic decompensation and death. Data on HDV infection in Cuba are limited. The aims of our study were to determine the HDV prevalence in HBsAg carriers and to c...
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Introducción: Los medios de colecta de muestras clínicas con capacidad de desnaturalizar virus reducen los riesgos de contagio durante el transporte y procesamiento. Objetivo: Emplear el medio de transporte de ácidos nucleicos (TAN) en muestras de exudado nasofaríngeo colectadas para el diagnóstico de SARS-CoV-2. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio expe...
Surveillance of hepatitis E virus (HEV) in risk groups is an important strategy to monitor its circulation pattern and to timely detect changes thereof. The aims of this cross‐sectional study were to estimate the prevalence of HEV infections in pigs and humans from different regions of the country, to identify risk factors for increasing anti‐HEV I...
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Introducción: Los medios de colecta de muestras clínicas con capacidad de desnaturalizar virus reducen los riesgos de contagio durante el transporte y procesamiento. Objetivo: Emplear el medio de transporte de ácidos nucleicos (TAN) en muestras de exudado nasofaríngeo colectadas para el diagnóstico de SARS-CoV-2. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio ex...
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Introducción. El SARS-CoV-2, es el agente causal de la COVID-19. Este virus produce infecciones que oscilan desde formas asintomáticas a sintomáticas, con grados de severidad variable. La tormenta de citoquinas, caracterizada por la liberación descontrolada de mediadores inflamatorios influye en la inmunopatología de la COVID-19. El objetivo fue ev...
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Introducción: En el presente trabajo se muestran los resultados de la validación de los ensayos serológicos in vitro para la detección de anticuerpos IgM, IgG y anticuerpos totales contra el SARS-CoV-2 UMELISA SARS-CoV-2 IgM, UMELISA ANTI-SARS-CoV-2 y UMELISA SARS-CoV-2 IgG desarrollados por el Centro de Inmunoensayo (CIE). Métodos: Se utilizaron...
Introducción: La detección y cuantificación del genoma del virus de la hepatitis C (ARN-VHC), mediante la transcripción inversa-PCR en tiempo real (RT-qPCR), es vital para el diagnóstico y seguimiento del tratamiento antiviral de los pacientes con hepatitis C. Objetivo: Evaluar los indicadores de desempeño clínico como la especificidad, sensibilida...
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One of challenge for control and prevention of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection is the early diagnostic at the point of care. Several tests based on qualitative antigen detection have been developed; one of these is Elecsys SARS‐CoV‐2 Antigen immunoassay (Roche Diagnostics). In total 523 nasopharyngeal swabs were randomly selected with the aims to evaluate sen...
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Introducción: La vacuna cubana Heberbiovac HB contribuyó a la prevención y el control de la hepatitis B en Cuba. Actualmente, es un reto la eliminación de la enfermedad. Objetivos: evaluar la prevalencia de marcadores de infección (HBsAg, ADN VHB) y de protección contra el virus de la hepatitis B (anticuerpos anti-HBsAg), en donantes de sangre y un...
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Introduction: The study of patients infected with hepatitis C virus revealed that polymorphisms of a single nucleotide of the interleukin-10 (IL10) gene influence the sustained virological response to the treatment with interferon and ribavirin, and the immunopathogenesis of the disease. Objective: Determine the frequency of single-nucleotide polym...
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Early recognition of severe forms of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is essential for an opportune and effective intervention, reducing life-risking complications. An altered inflammatory immune response seems to be associated with COVID-19's pathogenesis and progression to severity. Here we demonstrate the utility of early nasopharyngeal swab...
Upper respiratory tract is the primary site of SARS-CoV-2 replication. Releasing of pro and anti-inflammatory mediators plays an important role in the immunopathogenesis of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The aim of this study was to evaluate the early inflammatory response in upper airway by measuring of IFN-γ, TGF-β1 and RANTES at mRNA level...
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Introducción: Los ensayos para cuantificar el ADN del virus de la hepatitis B (VHB) o carga viral son imprescindibles en el diagnóstico y en el seguimiento de los pacientes con hepatitis B crónica; de ahí que estén disponibles estuches diagnósticos para esta función. En el presente estudio se muestra la validación de SUMASIGNAL VHB (un paso), el cu...
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Introducción: La incidencia de la hepatitis B en Cuba se redujo notablemente desde la incorporación de la vacuna cubana Heberbiovac HB. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de marcadores del virus de la hepatitis B en donantes de sangre de tres provincias y la persistencia de los anticuerpos contra el antígeno de superficie de este virus en donante...
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Introducción. Los factores genéticos del hospedero; como el polimorfismo de genes de citocinas influyen en la magnitud de la respuesta de anti-HBs inducida tras la vacunación contra el virus de la hepatitis B.Objetivos. Determinar si el polimorfismo de un simple nucleótido (SNP) de los genes de la interleucina 12 (IL12) A y B, influyen en la respue...
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The symposium “Epidemiology of Hepatitis E virus (HEV) Infection and Associated Immune Response” was held at the Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico, on 14 June 2017, to define the status of research on HEV infection in three countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)—Cuba, Mexico, and Uruguay—compared to the situation in Germany. Scientists...
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RESUMEN Introducción: la evaluación ética de los proyectos de investigación en el Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Pedro Kourí" de La Habana, tiene una tradición e historia. En 2008 fue reorganizada esta actividad y creado el Comité de Ética de la Investigación. Objetivos: realizar una revisión documental del trabajo desarrollado por el Comité de É...
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Thirty-two participants, aged between 3-18 years, born to hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive mothers and vaccinated at birth were analyzed for hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Overall, 56% had anti-HB titers ≥10 IU/L; five were positive for antibodies to the core antigen (anti-HBc), and two of these were also positive for HBsAg/DNA. One...
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Introduction Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is mainly transmitted by the fecal-oral route and is one of the most important causes of acute viral hepatitis (AVH) around the world. In Cuba, Despite of endemic behavior of HEV in Cuba, its causality is not associated when a picture of enteric acute hepatitis is suspected. Objective Taking into account the com...
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The occult hepatitis B infection (OBI) is defined as the presence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA and antibodies to core antigens of the HBV (anti-HBc) in the sera or in the plasma and the absence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). The current study aimed to characterize the OBI in children born of HBsAg-positive mothers. Serum samples of 291 c...
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The occult hepatitis B infection (OBI) is defi ned as the presence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA and antibodies to core antigens of the HBV (anti-HBc) in the sera or in the plasma and the absence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). The current study aimed to characterize the OBI in children born of HBsAg-positive mothers. Serum samples of 291...
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Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infects several animal species that act as zoonotic reservoirs for viral transmission. Solid and liquid residues from infected animals could lead to HEV contamination of food and surface waters. Evidence of human HEV infection through ingestion of seafood (shellfish, mussels) has been reported. Dolphins generally feed on fis...
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RESUMEN Introducción. El virus de la hepatitis E (VHE) se transmite, principalmente, por vía fecal-oral y es una de las principales causas de hepatitis viral aguda (HVA) en el mundo. En Cuba, a pesar de que este virus tiene un comportamiento endémico, no se relaciona a este patógeno al presentarse una hepatitis viral de trasmisión entérica. Objetiv...
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Se estima que alrededor de dos millones de personas en el mundo son vulnerables a ser infectados por el virus de Hepatitis E. Según la diversidad genética de este virus existen cuatro genotipos que afectan a los mamíferos; el 1 y 2 están restringidos a los humanos y el 3 y 4 infectan a varias especies de animales y son considerados zoonóticos. Con...
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Cuba is an HBsAg low-prevalence country with a high coverage of anti-hepatitis B vaccine. Its population is essentially the result of the population mix of Spanish descendants and former African slaves. Information about genetic characteristics of hepatitis B virus (HBV) strains circulating in the country is scarce. The HBV genotypes/subgenotypes,...
Acute hepatitis E is a very common disease in developing countries, to the point that, according to World Health Organization estimates, one third of the world's population has been exposed to HEV. It also causes outbreaks in refugee camps or after natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes. Sporadic cases of acute hepatitis have been observed...
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The results of the surveillance of the viral hepatitis in the period 1992-2004 are presented. The HAV infection is the most frequent association that originates pictures of acute viral hepatitis among the patients under 24 years old with positive HBsAg, followed by the hepatitis B virus. The hepatitis A virus alone or co-infected with the hepatitis...
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viral DNA levels in serum samples are a useful marker to monitor the disease progression and the treatment response in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Commercial kits for this purpose are available, but they are considerably expensive. to evaluate the analytical performance of a real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay for Hepatitis B...
This study was conduced to determinate the seroprevalence and risk factors associated to hepatitis E virus (HEV) exposition, in individuals who work in pig farms located at western of Artemise Province. The presence of HEV in human and swine samples and the phylogenetic analysis were evaluated. One hundred six workers (with an age range of 18-70 ye...
With the aim to characterize the HCV genotype distribution in Cuba, sera were collected from two subgroups: HCV-monoinfected and HCV/HIV co-infected patients. A combination of reverse transcription-PCR using genotype-specific primers, restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequencing was used to determine the genotype of 84 samples. Seventy-n...
Introduction: viral DNA levels in serum samples are a useful marker to monitor the disease progression and the treatment response in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Commercial kits for this purpose are available, but they are considerably expensive. Objectives: to evaluate the analytical performance of a real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-P...
The joint administration of the anti-hepatitis B gammaglobulin and the vaccine is worldwide recommended for the prevention of perinatal transmission to children from HBsAg(+) mothers. As a preventive measure of transmission, passive-active immunization was evaluated after 3 days and at 7 and 18 months of life. Eighty-seven sera from children from H...
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) causes a common infection in developing countries. HEV infection occurs as outbreaks, as sporadic clinical cases and as large epidemics in endemic areas. The objective of this study was to determine the presence of HEV infection in patients with clinical suspicion of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection, referred to the Institu...
The joint administration of the anti-hepatitis B gammaglobulin and the vaccine is worldwide recommended for the prevention of perinatal transmission to children from HBsAg(+) mothers. As a preventive measure of transmission, passive-active immunization was evaluated after 3 days and at 7 and 18 months of life. Eighty-seven sera from children from H...
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INTRODUCTION Co-infections between hepatitis B and HIV viruses are frequent due to their similar epidemiological characteristics. Worldwide, hepatitis B infection is one of the main causes of hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis. In Cuba as elsewhere, prevalences of hepatitis B and hepatitis C viral infections are higher in persons with HIV. Thes...
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is an important cause of acute viral hepatitis in tropical and sub-tropical regions that occurs both as epidemic episodes and sporadic cases. The aim of this investigation was to estimate the prevalence of total immunoglobulin (Ig) anti-hepatitis E virus (anti-HEV) and the risk factors associated to two communities...
ANTECEDENTES: el virus de la hepatitis E es el agente causal de la hepatitis E. Las propiedades biológicas y moleculares de las cepas asiáticas del VHE ya han sido exploradas en cultivos celulares. OBJETIVOS: aislar y propagar una cepa cubana del virus de la hepatitis E en diferentes líneas celulares. MÉTODOS: la monocapa de las células A549 fue...
BACKGROUND: the infection produced by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a world health problem. The HCV and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) share communicable ways and some epidemiological characteristics; in coinfected HCV/HIV patients, the behavior and the evolution of the infection in HIV patients is accelerated. OBJETIVES: to contribute to...
Viral hepatitis ranks as the fifth cause of morbidity for infectious diseases in Cuba. Epidemics are observed frequently in the population, the hepatitis A virus being the main agent responsible for such epidemics. Previous reports also confirmed the circulation of the hepatitis E virus. From 1998 to 2003, 258 serum samples were collected by the Re...
The results of the surveillance of the viral hepatitis in the period 1992-2004 are presented. The HAV infection is the most frequent association that originates pictures of acute viral hepatitis among the patients under 24 years old with positive HBsAg, followed by the hepatitis B virus. The hepatitis A virus alone or co-infected with the hepatitis...
Hepatitis B is mainly Controlled by the existing vaccines. In our couotry there is an effective and safe vaccine to prevent this disease. The risk of perinatal infection among children born from mothers found positive to the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) is high. These infections are preventable if positive HBsAg pregnant women are early dete...
Se estableció como objetivo conocer la coinfección entre los virus de la hepatitis B (VHB), hepatitis C (VHC) y virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) en el período estudiado. Existe una asociación marcada entre estos virus, porque la vías de transmisión y los grupos de riesgo son muy similares. Durante los años 2000-2004 se recibieron en el La...
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A marked association exists among the hepatitis B virus (HBV), the hepatitis C virus (HCV) and the type 1 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), since the transmission route and the risk groups are very similar. The objective of this paper was to know the coinfection among HBV, HCV and HIV in the studied period. 2 994 serum samples from HIV (+) patien...
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Introduction: Worldwide, there are around two billion people infected with the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and more than 350 million are chronic carriers, besides, the risk of perinatal infection in children born to HBs-Ag positive mothers is high. Materials and Methods: Serological markers of the HBV: HBsAg, anti-HBs and total anti-HBc were processed...
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Antecedentes. Los pacientes en hemodiálisis constituyen un grupo de riesgo importante dentro de la epidemiología de la hepatitis B. Aunque los índices de seroconversión inducidos por la vacuna contra el virus de la hepatitis B (VHB) en estos pacientes son bajos, es indudable que su adminis-tración ha contribuido a reducir considerablemente la morbi...


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