María Teresa Martín-AragonesesNational University of Distance Education | UNED · Faculty of Education
María Teresa Martín-Aragoneses
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Publications (43)
This retrospective study provides insights on linguistic development in exceptional circumstances assessing 378 children (between 2;6 and 3;6) who lived their first years during the COVID-19 pandemic and comparing it with normative data collected before this period (CDI-III-PT; Cadime et al., 2021). It investigates the extent to which linguistic de...
The main goal of this study was to explore the impact of digital media (screen exposure and video calls) on children’s early language development by exploring its interrelationships with shared book reading and children’s sleeping problems. The cross-sectional data of 362 families with children aged 30 to 41 months old were collected and a structur...
Students with reading disabilities form a heterogeneous group: some struggle with accurate and fast reading (dysfluent readers), others with comprehension (poor comprehenders), and some face challenges in both areas (poor readers). Research has indicated a link between executive functioning skills and reading performance; yet, further studies are n...
Research has consistently revealed the existence of an interconnection between reading comprehension, word reading, reading fluency, vocabulary and rapid naming. The main goal of this study was to explore the possible mediating role of reading fluency in the relationship between reading comprehension and the remaining skills, and to test whether th...
Ageing entails different functional brain changes. Education, reading experience, and leisure activities, among others, might contribute to the maintenance of cognitive performance among older adults and are conceptualised as proxies for cognitive reserve. However, ageing also conveys a depletion of working memory capacity, which adversely impacts...
INTRODUCCIÓN. El trabajo en el ámbito educativo se caracteriza por la constante preocupación de sus profesionales acerca de las mejores formas de enseñar y de aprender. En los últimos años, esta inquietud se ha venido reflejando en un interés creciente del profesorado por fundamentar neurocientíficamente sus prácticas educativas. El presente estudi...
The decline in semantic verbal fluency as we age may originate from both semantic memory degradation and executive function deficits. We investigated to what extent semantic memory is organized into categories in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (n=81) and healthy controls (n=83). We obtained the semantic networks automatically from the...
The purpose of this study was to analyse the design and implementation of an interpersonal communication skill training to improve the leadership of teachers who are part of school management teams in the Dominican Republic. A program evaluation methodology was used, which is aimed at making decisions that enhance the effectiveness of the training...
While language comprehension tends to be well preserved in older adults, the processing and comprehension of syntactically complex sentences might be influenced by age-related changes in Working Memory (WM) and Interference Control (IC). Further, aging can be accompanied by cognitive decline caused by neurological conditions such as Mild Cognitive...
Advances in the contribution of neuroscience to education and personalization of learning could be the sentence that summarizes the main interest of publications in this Research Topic. The Research Topic in Neuroscience and Education is already an emerging research field. It is knowing that learning about the brain and its relationship with Educat...
Analizar el beneficio que supone la colocación temprana del IC en la lectura y, más específicamente, en la comprensión de los aspectos morfo-sintácticos que son críticos para construir el significado de las oraciones.
Determinar si los niños con implante coclear temprano utilizan estrategias sintácticas como los niños con desarrollo típi...
The present study explores the role of cognitive reserve, executive functions, and working memory span, as factors that might explain training outcomes in cognitive status. Eighty-one older adults voluntarily participated in the study, classified either as older adults with subjective cognitive decline or cognitively intact. Each participant underw...
El declive cognitivo subjetivo (SCD; Jessen et al., 2014) representaría el punto más temprano del continuo que va del envejecimiento normal a la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA). Al existir evidencia de que el SCD está presente en la fase preclínica de pacientes con EA (Fernández-Blázquez, Ávila-Villanueva, Maestú & Medina, 2016), el estudio de este gr...
Diferentes estudios ponen de manifiesto que los niños con deficiencia auditiva implantados tardíamente, después de los 24 meses (IC>24), tienen más riesgo de padecer dificultades de comprensión lectora que los niños implantados tempranamente, antes de los 24 meses (IC<24) (Domínguez, Pérez y Soriano, 2007, Geers, 2004). Las estrategias de comprensi...
Este libro reúne la mayoría de los trabajos presentados por los ponentes invitados al XXX congreso internacional de la Asociación Española de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología e Iberoamericana de Fonoaudiología (AELFA-IF), organizado de forma coordinada con el Colegio de Logopedas del País Vasco. Se trata pues de una obra de especialistas que están...
Deaf students have traditionally exhibited reading comprehension difficulties. In recent years, these comprehension problems have been partially offset through cochlear implantation (CI), and the subsequent improvement in spoken language skills. However, the use of cochlear implants has not managed to fully bridge the gap in language and reading be...
Se han desarrollado diferentes paradigmas con el propósito de medir la memoria de trabajo. Una medida frecuentemente empleada en estudios de diferencias individuales son las tareas de amplitud compleja. Este paradigma, sin embargo, es inusualmente empleado en contextos clínicos, donde es más frecuente el uso de tareas de mantenimiento/manipulación,...
Some recent studies had pointed out that executive competence in certain diseases (as Parkinson) has direct effects in language comprehension. For example, Colman et al. (2011) suggested for Parkinson patients that cognitive flexibility is necessary during the comprehension of certain (passive) sentences to disable an expected (canonical) thematic...
This study explores morpho-syntactic reading comprehension in 19 Spanish children who received a cochlear implant (CI) before 24 months of age (early CI [e-CI]), and 19 with CI placed after 24 months (late CI [l-CI]). They all were in primary school and were compared to a hearing control (HC) group of 19 children. Tests of perceptual reasoning, wor...
La presentación se enmarca en un proyecto de investigación conjunto UCM-Fundación CLAVE de atención a la deficiencia auditiva. Drs. D.Carlos Gallego López y D. Ramón López-Higes. El objetivo principal de la investigación es el estudio de los niños implantados con IC de 8 a 11 años en relación con el desarrollo de la competencia lectora mofosintácti...
Simposio realizado en torno al estudio multicentros (UCM y Fundación CLAVE de atención a la Deficiencia Auditiva) sobre adquisición y desarrollo de habilidades en la comprensión morfosintáctica de los niños de 8 a 11 años que fueron implantados con IC a edades tempranas y/o tardías para el desarrollo lingüístico y cognitivo.
Estudio realizado en el marco de una investigación sobre la comprensión gramatical y el uso de estrategias morfosintácticas en niños con y sin implante coclear. En los últimos años, se ha comprobado que el uso del Implante Coclear (IC) beneficia el desarrollo lingüístico en general, y de la lectura en particular. Asimismo, se ha destacado la import...
The ECCO Test (Cognitive Assessment of Sentence Comprehension in english) has shown its usefulness as an assessment tool of grammatical comprehension in older people along several studies published from its creation. The ECCO-Senior, a shorter and updated version derived from the original one and adapted to the elderly population, has good psychome...
In the last few years, interest in understanding the nature of language in aging has grown. This interest concerns how this domain changes with age. Furthermore, because of its complexity and interdependence with other cognitive processes, language provides a framework to develop general theories on aging and to examine the neurobiological substrat...
Object-relative clauses are generally harder to process than subject-relative clauses. Increased processing costs for object-relatives have been attributed either to working memory demands for the establishment of long-distance dependencies or to difficulties processing unexpected, noncanonical structures. The current study uses self-paced reading...
La batería ECCO (Exploración Cognitiva de la Comprensión de Oraciones) ha demostrado su utilidad como instrumento de evaluación de la comprensión gramatical en personas mayores en distintos estudios publicados desde su creación. La batería ECCO_Senior, una versión reducida y actualizada de la batería original para adultos mayores, presenta propieda...
Se presenta un estudio realizado para comprobar la influencia del nivel educativo como factor protector frente al DCL en la comprensión gramatical.
Para diferenciar a los mayores sanos de los que presentan deterioro cognitivo (DC) se emplean habitualmente pruebas de memoria y de lenguaje. Entre estas últimas no suele aparecer ninguna que evalúe la comprensión gramatical. El objetivo de este trabajo es explorar las diferencias entre mayores normales y con DC en la comprensión gramatical, determ...
Interindividual variability in vocabulary, sentence comprehension and working memory is studied in older people with mild cognitive impairment, very low cognitive impairment and normal state, according to the Mini Examen Cognoscitivo (MEC). In the study participated 71 seniors, aged between 62 to 90 years of age, with low instructional level (from...
The sentence comprehension test from the sentence comprehension cognitive examination (ECCO) battery can be used to assess children and adults with grammar comprehension disorders by means of a simple verification procedure that requires few memory resources. AIM. To present a psychometric analysis of the sentence comprehension test based on the cl...
To investigate the interindividual variability –diversity– in sentence comprehension in normal aging, four measures related to performance in a simple sentence-picture verification task were obtained for 196 persons, ranging from 50 to 80 years old, all with a primary level of education (from one to five years of scholarship). These measures reflec...
Objective. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of the executive functioning on the process of decision making in persons with severe traumatic brain injury. Method. We study 13 persons with severe traumatic brain injury, to which there was applied the Gambling Task (GT), and a set of tests that measure the executive functioning: Lett...
Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the sentence processing of two patients with subcortical lesions and to discuss the results obtained in relation with aphasic syndromes classically established on the basis of an anatomical localization. Participants and Methods: We study two cases (1 female & 1 male, middle-aged), both with right man...