Maria Manuel Borges

Maria Manuel Borges
University of Coimbra | UC · Department of Philosophy, Communication and Information

PhD (Information Science), University of Coimbra, Portugal


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Maria Manuel Borges is an Associate Professor in Information Science at the University of Coimbra and co-coordinator of the Digital Humanities Group at the Centre of Interdisciplinary Studies (CEIS20) of the University of Coimbra. She is the coordinator of PhD program in Information Science at the University of Coimbra.
Additional affiliations
June 2018 - present
University of Coimbra
  • Professor (Associate)
October 1995 - June 2018
University of Coimbra
  • Professor (Assistant)
October 2001 - May 2007
University of Coimbra
Field of study
  • Information Science
October 1997 - May 1999
University of Coimbra
Field of study
  • Information Science
October 1991 - June 1993
University of Porto
Field of study
  • Information Science


Publications (137)
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The premiss/promess of Babel and Alexandria is to make knowledge available to all. This was possible as a physical space and now, with new advantages and new obstacles, within cyberspace.
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Este estudo abordará a conjuntura funcional do comportamento informacional do cientista da informação na instrução do acesso aberto para os investigadores angolanos. A pesquisa irá avaliar os serviços bibliote-conómicos existentes e como são prestados, para sustentar e responder aos objetivos propostos. O objetivo geral é avaliar o contributo da Me...
This study’s aim is to identify the information needs, sources, seeking behaviour and uses of information by health managers involved with decision-making in public health. An exploratory, qualitative and comparative study was performed to analyse the municipal and state spheres of public health administration in Brazil and the Department of Inform...
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A Ciência Aberta é uma expressão guarda-chuva que significa uma nova forma de fazer ciência que assenta em princípios como transparência, reprodutibilidade, colaboração e partilha. Tais princípios requerem uma mudança cultural que afeta um conjunto amplo de partes interessadas, mas, de um modo mais direto, os investigadores. Esta mudança requer o d...
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The article aims to address theoretical strands from the area of information science, used to the university library along with the view of Brazilian reference librarians about the term information mediation to find convergent and/or divergent points and understand how information mediation occurs performed in university libraries. In the applied m...
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This paper aims to map libraries that use synchronous user care tools and to verify the tools used in synchronous user care. The study is characterized as exploratory and descriptive. The Portuguese and Brazilian universities defined as research fieldswere identified, the universe to be researched was defined and the instrument for data collection...
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The objective of this study is to evaluate the informational competence of reference service librarians who work in Brazilian university libraries. It is characterized as an exploratory and descriptive study, with a quantitative approach. Using the questionnaire instrument to collect data with 40 librarians from 40 university libraries in Brazil. T...
Conference Paper
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Resumo: Esta proposta de tese busca argumentar em favor de uma ética pública para os dados de sujeitos em ecossistema de plataformas digitais, em particular o TikTok, em contraponto ao fenômeno de plataformização que torna os espaços de sociabilidade online cada vez mais concentrados nas mãos de empresas gigantes de tecnologia, as quais concentram...
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The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual model for the university library digital reference services. Regarding methodology, this is a mixed exploratory study with a qualitative and quantitative approach. To achieve that, a bibliographic research was performed both in the national and world literature in the area of reference services i...
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Several authors emphasize the need for a change in classification theory due to the influence of a dogmatic and monistic ontology supported by an outdated essentialism. These claims tend to focus on the fallibility of knowledge, the need for a pluralistic view, and the theoretical burden of observations. Regardless of the legitimacy of these concer...
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The epistemic cultures approach exposes the different ways knowledge production channels are built up among the various fields of study. In revealing these differences, the fragmentation of science can be clearly seen. Digital humanities is one such field. It is an inter- and transdisciplinary field, composed of diverse epistemic cultures and marke...
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As Humanidades Digitais são uma área emergente que alberga práticas epistémicas distintas na área das Humanidades. Tais práticas têm como tónica comum a aplicação da tecnologia digital nos seus processos de interrogação, construção, métodos, visualização e análise e disseminação da investigação.
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Preserving semantics is particularly complex when the scope of sharing is interdisciplinary, given the inherent idiosyncrasies of different knowledge communities. One potential solution to transcend disciplinary boundaries involves the use of the ontological approach to modulating new knowledge organization systems. Using top-level ontologies or on...
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A abordagem das culturas epistémicas expõe as diferenças na construção dos modos de produção e de criação do conhecimento entre os diversos campos do conhecimento, revelando a sua fragmentação. As humanidades digitais são um campo inter e transdisciplinar, compostas por diversas culturas epistémicas, e, portanto, marcadas por diversas práticas de p...
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As Humanidades Digitais são genericamente consideradas como a aplicação de métodos e tecnologias digitais às áreas mais tradicionais dos estudos em Humanidades. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é investigar se, e de que forma, a digitalização tridimensional (3D) contribui para a afirmação das Humanidades Digitais. Como objetivos específicos proc...
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As Humanidades Digitais, pela sua natureza interdisciplinar, heterogénea e compreensiva, podem vir a desempenhar um papel relevante na consolidação do discurso de abertura do conhecimento, em função das comunidades epistémicas que representam. O texto tem como objetivo abordar as culturas epistémicas das Humanidades Digitais na convergência do disc...
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Objetivo: Analisar o impacto das revistas e editoras predadoras no conhecimento em saúde, identificando características e o conhecimento adquirido. Método: Procedeu-se a uma revisão da literatura da área da saúde indexada na ProQuest, PubMed, Scopus, SciELO e Web of Science ao longo de 2020 e 2021. O levantamento de dados foi confirmado em março de...
Conference Paper
The humanities reflect a great disciplinary diversity, marked by different practices of knowledge production, which do not have a deep-rooted tradition of using computer-based methods in their research processes. Digital Humanities (DH) follow an interdisciplinary orientation, which can bring together a series of experimental approaches to some cen...
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Este artigo apresenta a proposta de uma plataforma digital nacional de arquivos de dados linguísticos e metadados interconectados para suporte às investigações linguísticas, com amostras de textos falados, escritos e/ou sinalizados das diferentes regiões brasileiras. Tal plataforma brasileira digital de bancos de dados linguísticos atende as demand...
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A Ciência Aberta desenvolve um importante impacto em todo o ciclo científico, desde o início da investigação até à sua publicação, mas também na forma como é organizado este ciclo. Objetivo: Conhecer, descrever e explicar as perceções dos investigadores face ao ecossistema da Ciência Aberta. Método: Foi usada uma metodologia qualitativa, através da...
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É num cenário de abertura crescente da ciência, mais amplo e complexo, que se impõem novas competências aos gestores de repositórios. Este estudo visa identificar os papéis e as competências necessárias à gestão e organização de um repositório institucional. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo com observação participante, suportado pela revisão da li...
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Resumo - Objetivo. Investiga-se o conhecimento do instrumento emanado pela ACRL, a Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, detido pelos bibliotecários portugueses que exercem funções em Instituições do Ensino Superior (IES) e até que ponto este está a ser colocado em prática, demonstrando as capacidades pedagógicas destes perante u...
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El 24 de marzo de 2016, por medio de la Resolución del Consejo de Ministros n. 21/2016, el Gobierno de Portugal, a través del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Educación Superior (MCTES), anunció el compromiso de la ciencia con los principios y prácticas de Ciencia abierta. La misma resolución obligó al MCTES a crear un Grupo de Trabajo Intermini...
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The reference services have evolved and changed since the introduction of information and communication technologies in the academic environment. Since its emergence, at the end of the 19th century, great changes have occurred, especially when referring to access to the enormous range of data and information available. The article addresses concept...
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This study introduces novel research using Practice Context Models supported by Knowledge Networks and Percolation Theory with the aim to contribute to knowledge management in Proof-of-Concept (PoC) activities. The authors envision this proposal as a potential instrument to identify network structures based on a percolation (propagation) threshold...
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É sob o signo da Ciência Aberta que a comunicação da ciência se faz hoje. Esta obra propõe-se refletir sobre algumas das vertentes deste conceito guarda-chuva que é a Ciência Aberta a partir de visões de Portugal, Espanha e Brasil. Trata-se de repensar o que são os ciclos de produção, disseminação e avaliação da ciência, um objeto em fuga quando se...
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As instituições que lidam com a curadoria do patrimônio cultural têm o desafio de organizar as informações do campo em que estão inseridas e englobando questões sobre interoperabilidade de dados na internet. O uso das tecnologias da Web Semântica e dos princípios Linked Data tem sido apontado como facilitador para interligar dados e recursos oriund...
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Background. Proof-of-Concept (PoC) is a common practice in several disciplines, and is used in organizations for different purposes, including exploring, producing and disseminating knowledge of new information technology products. Objectives. One intriguing question has motivated the present research: What is the mechanism supporting the flow of k...
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In this study, the authors acknowledge Proof-of-Concept (PoC) as an activity with a set of practices performed by its practitioners and consumed by organizations that aim to explore new products or technologies and achieve knowledge production and consumption. PoC practices are poorly explored and characterized in the scientific literature. The mot...
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El soporte de vídeo en el ambiente de aprendizaje se usa hoy en día para muchos fines, ya sea para demostración, investigaciones o para compartir. Está pensado para reforzar el espacio antes y después de la clase e introducir una nueva dinámica e interacción en el aula. La innovación pedagógica puede lograrse mediante diferentes enfoques para motiv...
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Information literacy is increasingly important in a contemporary society characterized by an environment of rapid technological changes and dissemination of information resources and is, therefore, recognized as a fundamental competence for the academic success of students in Higher Education Institutions. Nowadays, some of the main functions of th...
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It is agreed that innovations related to digital technologies reshape the way scholarly communication is produced and communicated; enabling the existence of new communicative spaces such as Social Networks (SN). Thus, this paper aims to analyze the use of Facebook and Twitter for scholarly information access on behalf of PhD students in Informatio...
estudo enquadra-se nas realidades/virtualidades das ditas sociedades da informação/conhecimento. Realiza-se um mapeamento dos planos de estudos em informação em ciclos vigentes em Portugal e em Espanha, identifica-se, pela análise dos seus conteúdos, a presença dos termos “gestão da informação” e “gestão do conhecimento” e perceciona-se a sua repre...
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Este estudo enquadra-se nas realidades/virtualidades das ditas sociedades da informação/conhecimento. Realiza-se um mapeamento dos planos de estudos em Informação em ciclos vigentes em Portugal e em Espanha, identifica-se, pela análise dos seus conteúdos, a presença dos termos “gestão da informação” e “gestão do conhecimento” e perceciona-se a sua...
Este estudo enquadra-se nas realidades/virtualidade das ditas sociedades dainformação/conhecimento. Realiza-se um mapeamento dos planos de estudos em Informação emciclos vigentes em Portugal e em Espanha, identifica-se, pela análise dos seus conteúdos, a presençados termos gestão da informação e gestão do conhecimento e perceciona-se a sua represen...
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Changes brought about by the Internet to Scholarly Communication and the spread of Open Access movement, have made it possible to increase the number of potential readers of published research dramatically. This two-phase study aims, at first, to assert the satisfaction of the potential for increased open access to articles published by authors at...
The reference services have evolved and changed since the introduction of information and communication technologies in academia. Since its inception at the end of the XIX century great changes have taken place, especially when we refer to access to the enormous range of data and information available. The article approaches concepts of reference s...
Em um cenário de grandes mudanças causadas principalmente com o uso da tecnologia digital em ambientes acadêmicos, o artigo aborda conceitos de mediação da informação na literatura científica brasileira, portuguesa e francesa com o objetivo de identificar as principais vertentes teóricas oriundas das áreas das ciências da informação e da comunicaçã...
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Se analizan las publicaciones sobre Ciencia Abierta de España y Portugal en la base de datos SCOPUS. A través de indicadores bibliométricos y altmétricos se estudia la repercusión de la producción en redes sociales. Entre 2000 y 2016 se detectaron 1273 documentos sobre el tema en ambos países, concentrados especialmente en el último quinquenio. Des...
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Objetivo. Investiga-se o conhecimento do instrumento emanado pela ACRL, a Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, detido pelos bibliotecários portugueses que exercem funções em Instituições do Ensino Superior (IES) e até que ponto este está a ser colocado em prática, demonstrando as capacidades pedagógicas destes perante um novo pr...
Information Literacy is increasingly important in a contemporary society characterized by an environment of rapid technological changes and dissemination of information resources and is, therefore, recognized as a fundamental competence for the academic success of students in Higher Education Institutions. At present, some of the main functions of...
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On March 24, 2016, through the Resolution of the Council of Ministers nº 21/2016, the Government of Portugal, through the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES), announced the commitment of science to the principles and practices of Science Open. The same resolution mandates MCTES to create an Interministerial Working Group wi...
Conference Paper
One of the hypotheses to support the thesis in progress is that the provision of annotated contents should be able to improve the training process by promoting active learning using audiovisual annotations.
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This communication reveals data concerning the knowledge and practices of librarians from Portugal on the ACRL Framework on Information Literacy for Higher Education. The study is supported by a literature review on information literacy crossed with the concept of innovation in higher education libraries'. The data are obtained by analysing the res...
This study starts from the assumption that students need help when faced with the challenging task of producing a thesis or dissertation. When delivering information literacy training, librarians can introduce two kinds of contents that promote important skills development: dispositions included on the New Framework on Information Literacy and conc...
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Wikipedia, as a "social machine", is a privileged place to observe the collective construction of concepts without central control. Based on Dahlberg's theory of concept, and anchored in the pragmatism of Hjørland-in which the concepts are socially negotiated meanings-the evolution of the concept of semantic web (SW) was analyzed in the English ver...
Conference Paper
In this study, we have identified that a Proof of Concept can be characterized as a research practice and instrument of knowledge creation, based on a set of activities that are applied to the study and understanding of certain objects by the actors involved. In Information Systems Development, we have characterized a Proof of Concept as a system t...
Conference Paper
The support of video in the learning environment is nowadays used to many ends, either for demonstration, research or share. It is intended to reinforce the space before and after class and introduce a new dynamic and interaction in the classroom itself. Pedagogical Innovation may be achieved by different approaches to motivate students and obtain...
Conference Paper
Resumo: O progresso científico é um ciclo contínuo de comunicação científica no qual se integram os jovens investigadores que tem vindo a ser fortemente afetado nas duas últimas décadas. Na raiz destas transformações estão o uso e aplicação massiva de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) que tem vindo a modificar o modo como se acessa, orga...
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Scientific progress is a continuous and part of the scholarly communication cycle. In thiscontext, young researchers have been strongly affected in the last two decades. At the root of thesetransformations are the massive use and application of Information and Communication Technology(ICT) that has been changing the way scientific information is ac...
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Wikipedia, as "social machine", is a privileged place to observe the collective construction 12 of concepts without central control. Based on Dahlberg's theory of concept, and anchored in the 13 pragmatism of Hjørland-in which the concepts are socially negotiated meanings-the evolution of 14 the concept of Semantic Web (SW) was analyzed in the Engl...
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Objective. The need for access to scientific information, as an indispensable condition for the generation of new knowledge, places the information problem in a central role in the production and dissemination of science. In the relation between information and science, we questioned the place that libraries occupy. Design/Methodology/Approach. In...
Los Encuentros Ibéricos bienales de la Asociación de Educación e Investigación en Ciencia de la Información de Iberoamérica y el Caribe (EDICIC) forman parte de los eventos organizados por el Capítulo Ibérico de EDICIC Internacional. Estos Encuentros se han convertido en pasos importantes para la puesta en común de los conocimientos que generan los...
Os Encontros Ibéricos bienais da Associação de Educação e Investigação em Ciência da Informação da Iberoamérica e Caraíbas (EDICIC) formam parte dos eventos organizados pelo EDICIC Internacional. Estes Encontros constituem passos importantes para a partilha do conhecimento gerado pelos investigadores, académicos e profissionais da comunidade ibéric...
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.It investigates the use of new digital methods and tools regarding access, creation and dissemination of scholarly information. It analyzes the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the research process by PhD students in Information Science (IS) in the Iberian Area and in Brazil. Design/Methodology/Approach.The me...
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Objective. It investigates the use of new digital methods and tools regard- ing access, creation and dissemination of scholarly information. It ana- lyzes the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the research process by PhD students in Information Science (IS) in the Iberian Area and in Brazil. Design/Methodology/App...
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In this paper, we present an analysis of the scientific production on Open Science of Spain and Portugal collected in SCOPUS database. Bibliometrics techniques are used to get indicators to characterize the publications obtained. It also includes Altmetrics indicators to account for the impact of production on social networks. The results show that...
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Compartilhar dados de pesquisa é primordial para fornecer acesso a esses dados. Portanto, é essencial conhecer a percepção do pesquisador sobre o compartilhamento de seus dados de pesquisa, a fim de verificar as barreiras existentes e os estímulos que podem ser desenvolvidos para suportar a sua partilha. Para isso, uma pesquisa on-line foi realizad...
Conference Paper
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The need for access to scientific information, as an indispensable condition for the generation of new knowledge, places the information problem in a central role in the production and dissemination of science. In order to analyze one of the main actors involved in this process, an international literature review was carried out on the role of libr...
Conference Paper
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The increasing availability of digital information is a characteristic of the current society. It constitutes a way that promotes equity in access to information while encouraging the exercise of citizenship. Digitization allows the availability of online cultural heritage and stimulates the sharing and reuse of this information. In this way, contr...
Conference Paper
The motivation for the creation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), is to provide computer support and data storage so that research institutions in the European Union can develop their activities in science, technology, and innovation. The European Commission launched the Europe 2020 strategy in 2010 to tackle the transformation of Europe a...
Conference Paper
The increase of growth and access to digital information in the scope of Open Science requires greater political and technological strength in all the systems that support it. Digital repositories also require special attention to preservation policies and conceptual models. The present work uses a qualitative method of exploratory research. The ob...
Conference Paper
The scientific edition has undergone a profound transformation in the last years. The production of research results from big data techniques, the accessibility to them through open access systems and repositories, the appearance of digital tools for editing and organization of content, etc. are some of the elements that have introduced changes in...
Conference Paper
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The availability of digitised cultural heritage content held by archives and other memory institutions improves their visibility, facilitate and increases access to information, allowing new kinds of research of digital heritage, namely Digital Humanities. This study intends to report how Municipal Archives of mainland Portugal are ensuring access...
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Companies have a duty to safeguard the records of their activities and manage organizational memory. The performance of this role depends on the degree of sensitivity and registration activities. In this study, we reflect on international initiatives regarding the preservation of business records, focusing on the Portuguese case, ending up with tre...
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A investigação científica assenta em conhecimento científico prévio, o que torna as bibliotecas num pilar fundamental de acesso ao conhecimento e à sua criação. Este artigo procura refletir sobre a relação entre a investigação científica em Portugal e as bibliotecas, que dão acesso a uma parte nuclear dos recursos de informação, centrada em duas ve...
Purpose This paper aims to verify the implementation of digital preservation policies at the institutional repositories (IRs) of Brazilian Federal Universities. Design/methodology/approach The methodology used involved the verification of the information available in the Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) and on the websites of the...
Conference Paper
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(PT)O volume de informação digital disponível e em expansão, para a qual contribui o Acesso Aberto à informação, implica novos desafios para as bibliotecas. Estas, que sempre tiveram como objetivo o acesso à informação de qualidade, enfrentam assim novos desafios que passam também pela ajuda na identificação de informação relevante para todos aquel...
Conference Paper
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Competências digitais se referem aos aspectos associados às formas de aprendizagem, uso, criação, avaliação e comunicação utilizando as tecnologias digitais. Esta comunicação se propõe a analisar as competências digitais dos docentes/pesquisadores dos Programas brasileiros de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação no período 2008-2012. Diante desta...
Conference Paper
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Modalidade de apresentação: Pôster. Resumo: O modelo Sense-making de estudo centrado no usuário de informação (Dervin, 1983; 1999; 2003), que considera a perspectiva de tomada de decisão orientada por problemas e focada no conteúdo da decisão em uma dimensão cognitiva, será utilizado para avaliar o uso da informação por gestores de saúde e seu flux...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide a characterization of the editorial design methods of technical books in a hybrid publishing context. Design/methodology/approach The paper starts by characterizing editorial design as a discipline itself within graphic design, which is then further identified as in urgent need to adapt strategies to...
Conference Paper
The growing availability of digital information in repositories requires a new profile of information professional or curator, one who, among other aspects, master the fundamental concepts regarding digital preservation. In this paper, through a revision of the literature, we describe the bit preservation and functional preservation as fundamental...
Conference Paper
The aim of the "New publishing and scientific communication ways: Electronic edition and digital educational resources" track present the problems are those related to digital literacy and the need to establish diagnostics on access and dissemination of information processes, those related to the processing and conservation of the contents, and, fi...
Conference Paper
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Budapest, Bethesda and Berlin (BBB) declarations defined Open Access (OA) to scientific literature to be the removal of all of access barriers, allowing that research can be reinterpreted in new and/or wider contexts, both disciplinary and geographical. One way of implementing access is throught Institutional Repositories (IR). Institutional Reposi...
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As práticas de comunicação da ciência dependem de culturas epistêmicas diferenciadas. A literatura relata inúmeras pesquisas, sob os mais diferenciados enfoques, relacionados aos programas brasileiros de pós-graduação em ciência da informação (PPGCIs). Nesta pesquisa esses programas foram caracterizados considerando o capital intelectual acumulado....
Conference Paper
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QUALIS is a Brazilian official system with the purpose of classifying scientific production (journals, books and conference proceedings) maintained by the Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). It aims to evaluate qualitatively the scientific literature of Brazilian graduate programs. This research aims to identify w...
Conference Paper
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QUALIS is a Brazilian official system with the purpose of classifying scientific production (journals, books and conference proceedings) maintained by the Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). It aims to evaluate qualitatively the scientific literature of Brazilian graduate programs. This research aims to identify w...
Conference Paper
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Budapest Declaration in February 2002 opened up the discussion of free and universal access to scientific knowledge, seeking to explore the potential opened by digital technology and how the processes and scientific info products fit this new situation. This study aims to assess the potential of scientific summary in the area of Health Sciences giv...
Conference Paper
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Resumo: O Acesso Aberto (AA) é um movimento que defende a plena acessibilidade à informação científica. Não se trata contudo apenas de acesso aberto a esta literatura, trata-se também, tal como foi realçado nas declarações de Budapeste, Bethesda e Berlim, da remoção das barreiras ao acesso, potenciando a sua reutilização em novos contextos ou mais...
