María José Hernández SerranoUniversity of Salamanca · Department of Theory and History of Education
María José Hernández Serrano
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Currently work in the University of Salamanca, Theory and History of Education Department.
Research interest: theory of education, educational process mediated by technologies, emerging digital competences, risks in socialmedia, brain-based education and neuroscientific literacy.
Publications (98)
La desinformación en sentido amplio, así como la desinformación que afecta a las mujeres, revelan una de las contradicciones de la Sociedad de la Información en la que estamos inmersos con múltiples y variadas consecuencias. El abordaje de un fenómeno tan complejo no puede eludir la interseccionalidad para desentrañar cómo diversas variables lo con...
La desinformación en sentido amplio, así como la desinformación que afecta a las mujeres, revelan una de las contradicciones de la Sociedad de la Información en la que estamos inmersos con múltiples y variadas consecuencias. El abordaje de un fenómeno tan complejo no puede eludir la interseccionalidad para desentrañar cómo diversas variables lo con...
El fenómeno influencer ha proliferado generando audiencias especializadas, las cuales incluyen a docentes que pueden ofrecer oportunidades educativas de modelado en sus seguidores. La relación seguidor-influencer se basa en la identificación y la imitación, con impactos más sensibles cuanto más jóvenes son las personas seguidoras. El estudio basado...
La Formación Profesional (FP) demanda conocimientos especializados y aplicados al puesto de trabajo, que requieren que sus docentes estén formados en competencias diversas y actualizadas a los cambios digitales. A partir del análisis comparado de los marcos de competencias digitales docentes, generales y específicas de FP, se propone un nuevo marco...
Este libro titulado Avances de la pedagogía actual. Propuestas de educación cívica y educación del carácter recoge varios capítulos redactados, en su gran mayoría, por docentes de diferentes universidades españolas, así como de otros países latinoamericanos. Es un libro con temáticas variadas, útil para quienes se dedican a la pedagogía, así como p...
This study analyzes three competency areas promoted in the Practicum during the 2020–2021 and 2021–2022 academic years: pedagogical and didactic competences, coexistence and participation management and collaborative work. To this end, using a non-experimental design, data were collected from a sample of 725 Education students from University of Sa...
El libro “Paisajes de aprendizaje: enfrentando desafíos con tecnologías di-gitales” aborda diferentes temáticas de interés para profesionales y estu-diantes de la educación y, en general, para cualquier persona interesada en conocer experiencias educativas que tienen como punto en común la implementación de la tecnología. A través de 19 capítulos s...
Professional ethos encompasses individual factors such as attitudes and expectations, and commitment and responsibility, as well as other social factors related to collaboration or identification with role models. All of these factors are expressed in professional experiences and routines. Practicum experiences within teacher education programmes c...
Romance cinema may recreate cisgender heterosexual couple representations by means of image-making, with the use of gender bias or traditional images that have considerable effects on how women and men are represented or are expected to behave, which may confront egalitarian models of relationships. This study aims to analyze how the traditional mo...
Los Recursos Educativos Abiertos (REA) son considerados vectores significativos de cambio por su flexibilidad y transversalidad en todos los niveles educativos, permitiendo además la personalización basada en estilos de aprendizaje. En este estudio se diseñaron cuatro REA según la teoría de Honey y Mumford (1986) (Activo-Reflexivo-Teórico-Pragmátic...
Las numerosos y rápidas transformaciones del nuevo milenio debido a la revolución tecnológica en la que nos encontramos nos plantean una nueva forma de pensar la educación y la sociedad en su conjunto. A través de un cuestionario elaborado
específicamente para ello, se buscó conocer y analizar la situación de las TIC en centros escolares rurales d...
El libro Nuevas perspectivas en Educación, Innovación y TIC" brinda una nueva mirada, mostrándonos la importancia de la innovación y las TIC, así como su papel crucial en el necesario cambio de la sociedad y el ámbito empresarial. La transformación digital de la educación no es solo una cuestión de incorporar tecnologías avanzadas en las aulas, sin...
Digital (video) calls have become a significant tool during the challenging times marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. The article focuses on the perceived functionality of video calls for maintaining social contacts and overcoming loneliness in celebrating family festivities limited by physical distance policies. The qualitative study conducted at the...
Children live together consuming, producing, and sharing digital content. These are hypermediated communication actions typical of cyberculture, and require training in critical thinking that, even when minors receive it, is not always perceived as necessary, which can put the privacy of children at risk. This study focuses on analyzing the cyber s...
Analysis of self-presentation practices and profiles of Spanish adolescents on Instagram and TikTok
Analysis of self-presentation practices and profiles of Spanish adolescents on Instagram and TikTok
This study analyses self-presentation practices and profiles among Spanish teenagers on Instagram and TikTok. Both of these online spaces prioritise and promote visual publications, are structured to allow feedback on self-presentation, and offer the user filters both to control self-image and to target specific audiences. Three research questions...
Introduction: Digital competencies are a reference for the training of adolescents in the face of new digitalization processes, especially in the use of social networks where they consume and produce personal information through different digital self-representation practices. These practices and the risks they pose to the privacy of minors are des...
Introducción: Las competencias digitales son referentes para la formación de los adolescentes ante los nuevos procesos de digitalización, en especial el uso de redes sociales donde consumen y producen información personal a través de diferentes prácticas de autorrepresentación digital. Estas prácticas y los riesgos que suponen para la privacidad de...
La ethosfera digital, como entorno cultural de interacciones digitales, propicia espacios de participación social y ciudadana donde se promueven valores y contravalores que determinan la construcción de la identidad personal de sus usuarios. La carencia de estudios para analizar los contravalores inmersos en las interacciones y espacios digitales h...
Nations across the globe are immersed in a technological revolution—intensified by the need to respond to COVID-19 issues. In order to be critical and responsible citizens in the current media ecosystem, it is important that students acquire and develop certain skills when consuming and producing information for and when communicating through the m...
The learning acquisition processes of young people are developed in various formal, non-formal, and informal contexts. For them, the possibilities of knowledge acquisition cross the boundaries of physical presence because when they interact through social networks they turn into consumers, as well as content creators and disseminators of a diverse...
The largest consumers and prosumers of social media are young people, who have found a space to express themselves through social networks with the possibility of generating links and bonds with peers but also with figures of influence, such as influencers. Influencers are known as those figures whose attitudes are influential in the audience that...
Identifying the digital identity of older adults entails an essential step for their effective digital inclusion grounded in a holistic and sustainable human development in hyperconnected societies. This paper proposes a theoretical framework with three levels of digital identity based on motives and practices: location, action, and significance. T...
The paper addresses the lack of interest that Secondary Education students display towards the academic disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). From the pedagogical standpoint, the origin of this problem may lie largely in the way these subjects have predominantly been taught, i.e. using expository strategies. The ai...
Adapting the ADDIE model from instructional design, which encompass five phases (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) the chapter offers pedagogical guidelines for university teachers to develop personalized learning itineraries, with exemplary combinations of online Lesson Plans designed with Symbaloo (https://learningpath...
This Report is the fourth deliverable produced by ‘Lot 1’ of the DIgCompEduSAT project. The Report covers the activities carried out in Task 4 of the project – Refinement and final validation of the DIgCompEduSAT Item Bank. It sets out the process through which the final DigCompEduSAT questionnaire was developed and provides this final questionnair...
RESUMEN: Se explora el interés de los jóvenes por el conocimiento científico-tecnológico desde tres ámbitos: la tradición familiar, los factores académicos, y el imaginario social de la profesión. A continuación se presentan los resultados de un estudio descriptivo-correlacional en el que se ha utilizado como instrumento un cuestionario para conoce...
Desde que se empezara a hablar del Blended Learning, hace más de veinte años, esta modalidad educativa se ha ido constituyendo como una modalidad con identidad propia. Sin embargo, y pese a su aún breve existencia, el Blended Learning (en adelante, BL) ha mantenido y sigue manteniendo un intenso dinamismo tanto en su concepción, como en la interpre...
EDINSOST es un proyecto financiado por el Programa Estatal español de I+D+i. Su objetivo es la formación de titulados capaces de liderar la resolución de los retos de nuestra sociedad mediante la integración de la formación en sostenibilidad en el Sistema Universitario Español. En el proyecto participan 55 investigadores de 10 universidades español...
This research review reports on articles presenting empirical research in the area of how the learning and teaching process, involving teachers, students, and learning institutions, can be enhanced by the use of technology, particularly through the use of the new opportunities offered by cloud services. Some studies have demonstrated that the imple...
New democratic participation forms and collaborative productions of diverse audiences have emerged as a result of digital innovations in the online access to and consumption of news. The aim of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework based on the possibilities of Web 2.0. outlining the construction of a "social logic", which combines comput...
The fast and growing development of technology, the existence of new types of collaborative networks and the global connectivity allow and require, urgently, that Higher Education institutions develop new, innovative and creative ways and models of teaching and learning. These changes allow Higher Education to have a unique opportunity to thrive un...
El cambio de valores en la sociedad postmoderna nos sitúa ante un debate recurrente sobre una posible brecha generacional entre jóvenes y mayores. La postmodernidad, el aumento del individualismo y el relativismo contrastan hoy con las necesidades que plantean la situación económica y la reformulación de las prioridades axiológicas. Ante las circun...
Are new technologies encouraging a (re)construction of the concept and phenomenon of citizenship? This work gives a reading of the ways on how these technologies can contribute to some shaping processes and citizen empowerment that our time requires. The article proposes the concept of relationship as a bridge to transit between the two pillars of...
– The purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual framework to understand the influence that the social era is having on the value chain of the local news industry. The authors theoretically advance value chain theory by, firstly, considering the influence of community type and age on consumption and, secondly, exploring the role that...
Purpose: This paper develops a conceptual framework to unde rstand the influence that the social era is having on the value chain of the local news industry. We theoretically advance value chain theory by firstly, considering the influence of community type and age on consumption and secondly exploring the role that consumers can play in value addi...
La forma de proceder de un estudiante cuando busca información en Internet difiere en cuanto a la rapidez y la cantidad de información que necesita consultar. Estas dos variables cuantitativas pueden estar determinadas por preferencias cognitivas, o por el contexto específico de la tarea que solicita el profesor. Este estudio analiza de manera empí...
Students' online search processes are variable in terms of the speed and the amount of information they need to consult. These two quantitative variables may be determined either by cognitive preferences or by the specific context of the task as required by the teacher. This study empirically analyzes how the online search processes of ninety-two s...
The rapid growth of ICT and network connections has resulted in the implementation of new methods for enhancing learning in the educational world, such as e-learning, blended learning and mobile learning. In view of the adoption of blended and mobile learning by some institutions of higher education, this chapter offers two hypothetical models of t...
El avance de la tecnología, la existencia de nuevos tipos de redes colaborativas y la conectividad global permiten y requieren urgentemente que las instituciones de Educación Superior desarrollen nuevos, innovadores y creativos modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. En este trabajo se presentan, primero, algunos de los actuales modelos emergentes de a...
Resumen: El avance de la tecnología, la existencia de nuevos tipos de redes colaborativas y la conectividad global permiten y requieren urgentemente que las instituciones de Educación Superior desarrollen nuevos, innovadores y creativos modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. En este trabajo se presentan, primero, algunos de los actuales modelos emerge...
This article examines the emerging literature on the need for a synergy between neuroscience and educational sciences, identifying several differences in approach and methods that hinder the connecting processes between these two disciplines. From this review a transdisciplinary framework is presented which is based on the systemic and lifelong pro...
El libro presenta una amplia revisión sobre el origen, el desarrollo y las posibilidades pedagógicas que presentan los modelos de formación Blended Learning. Estos modelos combinan recursos online con la educación presencial y presentan el potencial innovador necesario para transformar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje tal como los hemos concebido hast...
The aim of this study was to identify segments of university professors with different predispositions and use of the blended-learning methodology in their teaching routine. Predictor variables were taken from individual socio-demographic and professional characteristics; each one of the phases of adoption typified in the Theory of Diffusion of Inn...
Education is a fundamental human right, essential t o exercise all other rights. Education promotes freedom and personal autonomy and generates relevant benefits for developing countries. From these premises, in freedom deprived context s, inmates should not suffer from further deprivation of their right s, among which t he right t o education is i...
Como actividad compleja y dinámica, la búsqueda y selección de información online precisa del desempeño estratégico para conseguir procesos y resultados eficaces y significativos. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar si los estudiantes universitarios perciben o no que deben ser estratégicos, para qué acciones, en qué momentos, y qué tipo de valo...
Technological and Internet services developments occurred in the last decade have significantly changed the processes of teaching and learning. Living in exponential times and in an information society, we believe that the concept of lifelong learning, millennium learner enables teacher and students to take part of a new learning experiences as wel...
Internet has made our world, the way we live and educate, more dynamic and virtual than ever, creating greater challenges and new possibilities. In this way, it is important that higher education institutions have, as a priority, the goal of finding effective ways of providing new learning opportunities according to their environment: student chara...
In an era known as the society of technology and
knowledge, where lifelong learning is a way of life, it is important
that educational institutions have as a priority the goal of finding
effective ways of providing new learning opportunities according
to their environment, student characteristics, teacher training,
economic crisis and advancing tec...
The chapter proposes an optimization of the opportunities for learning via social media through the progression of the social dimension toward collaboration. The key question is how to map this progression when using 2.0 environments for achieving meaningful processes of collaborative construction of knowledge. A pedagogical framework with three me...
This paper presents the results of two studies concerning student learning experiences in the context of notions of students as “digital natives” and where their instructors are “digital immigrants” (Prensky,2001), using methodologies and approaches determined in a pre-digital age. For digital natives, new and emerging technologies and information...
Desde una óptica educativa, tomando la Red como recurso de información para la educación, el artículo analiza qué suponen las nuevas habilidades informativas, en lo que respecta a los conceptos de alfabetización y competencia informacional. Esta breve descripción y recapitulación de habilidades nos lleva a preguntarnos, en la práctica, por cómo los...
Information searching on the Internet has become, besides one of the most frequent online activities, a highly complex practice that requires the use of strategies in order to find effective results. It has also turned into a crucial competence for learning, and learning through life by seizing the informational potentialities. Accordingly, this ch...
Autonomía y responsabilidad en el contexto de la sociedad de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Este documento está sujeto a los derechos de la propiedad intelectual protegidos por las regulaciones nacionales e internacionales.
Since the democratization of personal computers and Internet access formal and informal learning opportunities have multiplied, increasing the technological-supported contexts and contents. Despite the increasing opportunities for education, not all teachers have developed a satisfactory level of eCompetence (Schneckenberg, 2006), not being able to...
El cambio informacional al que asistimos en la actualidad está provocando
algunas repercusiones en los hábitos informativos de los individuos, configurándose un cambio cultural del
que los llamados sujetos de la “generación Google” son los máximos representantes. En este artículo se
analizan las predisposiciones y comportamientos de 60 jóvenes univ...
This article reflects on the impact of informational innovations and their interdependence with lifelong learning. Today, the object of knowledge and learning is increasingly based on digital information, which means we need to make serious efforts to construct a new culture of lifelong learning. On the one hand, technological and informational pos...
Growing development of advanced technologies demands, continuously, designing new educational strategies and instructional mechanisms to improve teaching and learning processes. Attempting to provide a new perspective to consider, we present the results of a recent research in which we investigated around the spatial character of technologies, whic...
Embora a Web 2.0 seja apenas uma maneira de entender a Internet, este novo cenário tem contribuído para o desenvolvimento de novas formas de acesso, gestão e utilização da informação apelando para novas formas de tirar partido no ensino da riqueza de informações deste novo espaço. Este artigo apresenta algumas indicações fundamentais relacionadas c...
Lifelong learning and achieving success in the Information Society is related to the ability to access, select and manage online information: Web seeking activities occupy a central position. However, as studies have pointed out, effective searching is a complex task for many users. Some preliminary results about the factors involved in Web seeking...
Being able to search for information in virtual environments is, at present, a necessary activity and a key competence for Life Long Learning (L3). Nevertheless, effective searching has turned into a challenge for education because of its complexity and because of the large amount of factors involved. This paper aims at presenting a categorization...
Para comprender las posibilidades educativas relacionadas con las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, es preciso analizar y comparar los diferentes artefactos tecnológicos que han mediado las relaciones y comunicaciones en otros momentos históricos. Cada sociedad genera un conjunto de competencias que los individuos deben aspirar a con...
To understand the educational potentialities related with the Information and Communication Technologies, it is necessary to analyze and to compare the different technological devices that have intervened on the relationships and communications in other historical moments. Every society generates a package of competences that every one desire to ac...
Lifelong learning and achieving success in the Information Society is related to the ability to access, select and manage online information: Web seeking activities occupy a central position. However, as studies have pointed out, effective searching is a complex task for many users. Some preliminary results about the factors involved in Web seeking...
Para comprender las posibilidades educativas relacionadas con las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, es preciso analizar y comparar los diferentes artefactos tecnológicos que han mediado las relaciones y comunicaciones en otros momentos históricos. Cada sociedad genera un conjunto de competencias que los individuos deben aspirar a con...
En la búsqueda de información en la Web hay diversos factores que dan como resultado que un alto porcentaje de los recursos recuperados con una herramienta de búsqueda no cumplan con las condiciones o las expectativas especificadas. Entre estos factores, uno de lo más relevantes es la carencia de información semántica para que los buscadores electr...
Las modificaciones promovidas al amparo de la nueva sociedad comportan numerosos retos para los individuos y para los diferentes contextos en los que éstos interaccionan. Una de las principales modificaciones, sobre la que apenas se ha reflexionado o teorizado, afecta al dominio cognitivo de los sujetos. Debido a las nuevas características que pres...
Technologies witch had mediated in different moments had generated three historical stages. First, in the oral societies, the technology was the oral word; second, in the reader-writer cultures a cluster of graphic and phonological symbols; and in the current society will be Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). All these technologies w...
ResumenLas prácticas educativas familiares han sido analizadas y diferenciadas en función de distintos estilos educativos parentales. En este estudio revisamos las características más significativas de los principales estilos educativos familiares y sus consecuencias sobre el desarrollo infantil. Para ello, nos basamos fundamentalmente en las clási...