María Verónica Jimeno Jiménez

María Verónica Jimeno Jiménez
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María verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
University of Castilla-La Mancha · Departamento de Psicología

PhD Psicologia


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María Verónica Jimeno Jiménez es profesora del departamento de psicología de la UCLM, forma parte del equipo de investigación de psicología cognitiva aplicada. Desde 2016 es miembro del Centro de investigación en Criminología de la UCLM. Es profesora del Grado de Criminología UCLM y del máster de investigación en criminología y delincuencia juvenil de UCLM.Suprincipal linea de investigación es la victimología de la infancia y de la adolescencia @LivUclm
Additional affiliations
September 2019 - February 2021
University of Castilla-La Mancha
  • Professor (Full)
September 2016 - present
University of Castilla-La Mancha
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (35)
Biases and deficits in social information processing (SIP) skills are associated with social maladjustment in children and adolescents. There is much literature on the association between processing skills and their relationship to aggressive behavior, but there is limited knowledge about their association with other types of antisocial behavior. I...
Anhedonia, apathy and a motivation are common experiences among young people. These var iables are central symptoms of mental disorders, particularly in depression. Purpose in life has been shown to counteract depressive symptomatology, but this has hardly been studied in chil dren. The construction of personal identity and episodic future thought...
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There is a lack of research about dissociative experiences in young non-clinical population, especially in children. Considering this and the association of anxiety and depression symptoms along with rumination, this study aimed to explore the relationship between those transdiagnostic variables and dissociation in children. Children (N= 588, 46.4...
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Los menores que crecen en entornos familiares desfavorables también pueden sufrir victimizaciones en otros contextos distintos a la familia. Estas victimizaciones, junto con creencias sexistas, pueden subyacer al riesgo de involucrarse en la violencia en pareja, ya que podrían afectar a la tolerancia y percepción de conductas abusivas. El objetivo...
When an alleged victim has a pre-existing psychopathological diagnosis, this can affect the rating of their version of the abuse in terms of credibility. The objective of this work is to analyze the relationship between the assessment of the credibility of the testimony of a CSA victim, the psychological problems that the child may have presented p...
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Objectives The Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (AQ; Buss & Perry, 1992) is a broad measurement tool used with the general public in Spain. There is some debate regarding the interpretation of AQ scores and the usefulness of a shorter version. The aim is to study and compare the psychometric properties of the long and short version of the AQ and...
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Objective: Aging produces changes in emotional reactivity and the retrieval of autobiographical memories. The main aim of this study was to assess age-related differences, comparing emotion induction and autobiographical memory recall using photos from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) that are thematically related to childhood. Met...
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Objective: Experiences of direct and indirect victimization can be very common among children and adolescents of the general population and can have an important impact on their behavior. The general aim of this study was to analyze the possible association between childhood victimization and the development of antisocial behaviors during adolescen...
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Background The use of social media became a daily activity for many individuals, with recreational, informational, and social purposes, to name a few. However, for some subjects, the use of these platforms may become problematic and generate functioning impairments in many life areas. Given this, the present research aimed at investigating the fact...
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Retrospective perceptions of parental bonding may be a protective factor for emotional health. These perceptions are grounded in autobiographical memory, which plays a key role in the onset and maintenance of depressive symptomatology. The aim of the present study was to explore whether the emotional valence of autobiographical memories (positive a...
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Previous research with adults has shown mixed findings regarding the correlation between specificity and detailedness within autobiographical memories, and their associations with depressive symptoms. However, minimal research has tested these links in adolescents, despite the importance of this developmental period. The present investigation exami...
Sleep is a support for cognitive development in childhood. Most of the studies in the field have focused on school‐age children and sleep problems, but less research focuses on the relation between the normative course of sleep and executive functions in preschoolers. Thus, the aim of the present study was to analyze the association between nightti...
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Although recent research highlights the association between Intimate Partner Violence Against Women (IPVAW) and child maltreatment, a limited number of studies have examined the effects that this form of violence against women has on children exposed to this situation. In addition to the negative consequences on the psychosocial, emotional, and beh...
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In this paper, a general overview regarding neural recording, classical signal processing techniques and machine learning classification algorithms applied to monitor brain activity is presented. Currently, several approaches classified as electrical, magnetic, neuroimaging recordings and brain stimulations are available to obtain neural activity o...
Resumen: La violencia entre las parejas adolescentes es un tema de investigación de gran interés hoy en día y aunque la violencia psicológica ha sido menos estudiada, existen datos que informan sobre su prevalencia, apareciendo de forma ocasional (64.4%) y de forma frecuente (10%) en las relaciones de noviazgo adolescente. Es necesario tener en cue...
Early adolescents’ perception of parenting styles is crucial to their present and future physical and mental well-being. The main aim of the present study was to analyze differences in parenting styles between mothers and fathers and differences on emotional state scales (anxiety, depression, and purpose in life) depending on gender, age, and famil...
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Young adulthood is the life stage during which people are more prone to develop problematic smartphone use (PSU). Only one study investigated the relationship among attachment styles, family functioning, and PSU, but thus far, no research has shown the relative importance that such dimensions may have on PSU. The main aim of this study was to analy...
Overuse of the smartphone causes negative consequences on the health and behavior of younger people. It is necessary to know which factors can determine the problematic use of the smartphone. The aim of the present study was to explore the relationship between problematic smartphone use, attachment styles, and perceived family functioning in young...
The concept of polyvictimization, understood as the experimentation of multiple types of victimization during childhood and adolescence, is widely recognized. The development of the Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire has allowed a comprehensive study of this phenomenon. However, there is no agreement on the methodological definition, with multipl...
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El concepto de polivictimización, entendido como la experimentación de múltiples tipos de victimización durante la infancia y la adolescencia, está ampliamente reconocido. El desarrollo del Cuestionario de Victimización Juvenil ha permitido un estudio comprehensivo de este fenómeno. No obstante, no hay acuerdo en la definición metodológica, existie...
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La exposición a la violencia durante la infancia puede normalizar las percepciones de este tipo de conflictos. La intervención temprana es clave para evitar que esas actitudes se reproduzcan o padezcan en la juventud y adultez. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar y comparar la percepción de violencia hacia la mujer en la relación de parej...
Although the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale Version 11 (BIS-11) is one of the most widely used instruments to assess impulsivity, its factor structure remains controversial. Several authors have suggested that cultural factors may have an impact on its factor structure. It is also necessary to study the measurement invariance of the scale in different...
Childhood maltreatment is a major risk factor for emotional problems in adolescence and adulthood and has deleterious effects on cognitive functions such as working memory. A key aspect in the study of the cognitive and affective consequences of maltreatment is autobiographical memory, especially regarding the difficulty retrieving specific memorie...
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This study analyzes several measures of aggression and psycho-pathy as possible factors involved in criminal recidivism. Sociodemo-graphic data as well as aggression and psychopathy trait measures (CA, IPAS and TRIp) were obtained in a sample of 110 male inmates of a pri-son in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). The sample consisted of two groups of 55 su...
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In the current study, several measures of aggression and psychopathy are analyzed as possible factors involved in prison recidivism. Sociodemographic data as well as aggression and psychopathy trait measures (Aggression Questionnaire, IPAS and TRIp) were obtained in a sample of 110 male inmates from a penitentiary center in Castilla-La Mancha (Spai...
Self-defining memories (SDMs) are a type of autobiographical memory that people use as a narrative way to explain their self-identity. We sought to examine the relationships between SDMs, aggression, and criminality in a sample of men, 18–64 years of age, recruited in Spain. The sample included three groups: incarcerated criminal offenders with men...
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Número 25, Julio de 2017 RES, Revista de Educación Social es una publicación digital editada por el Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Educadoras y Educadores Sociales (CGCEES) y forma parte del proyecto EDUSO, integrada en el Portal de la Educación Social Correo electrónico: ISSN: 1698-9007. Se permit...
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El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la relación entre el vínculo de apego con la madre biológica y la capacidad resiliente en adolescentes instucionalizados en Hogares Tutelados de Albacete y Cuenca. Los participantes fueron 61 menores, 36.1% varones y 63.9% mujeres con una edad promedio de 14,7 años. El 9,8% de los participantes sufrió...
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L’obiettivo del contributo è quello di presentare i dati preliminari di una ricerca condotta dall’Università degli Studi di Bari in collaborazione con l’Universidad de Valencia e di Castilla-La Mancha (Spagna), con l’obiettivo di analizzare il rapporto tra esperienze sfavorevoli/traumatiche infantili ed esiti di sviluppo in minori inseriti in comun...


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