Maria B García

Maria B García
Spanish National Research Council | CSIC · Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología


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Publications (132)
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Plant-plant interactions are major determinants of the dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems. There is a long tradition in the study of these interactions, their mechanisms and their consequences using experimental, observational and theoretical approaches. Empirical studies overwhelmingly focus at the level of species pairs or small sets of species....
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Biodiversity loss is one of the most relevant consequences of climate change. Therefore, identifying areas and environmental features that allow certain organisms to be less exposed to the effects of the current global warming is priority for biodiversity conservation. In this study, we describe a novel approach for the identification of microclima...
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Background The allergic phenotype is responsible for more than 50% of severe asthma cases. In a stepwise approach, add-on treatments such as anti-IgE are used for severe allergic asthma (SAA). This study was aimed to describe the real-world effectiveness of omalizumab in adult and pediatric patients with SAA in Colombia. Methods This was an observ...
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The current distribution of most species results from ecological niche, past distribution, migrations during glacial‐interglacial periods and in situ evolution. Here, we disentangle the colonization history of Saxifraga longifolia Lapeyr., a limestone plant abundant in the Pyrenees and rare in other Iberian mountains and the African Atlas. Our work...
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Species rarity has puzzled ecologists for decades owing to its theoretical fundamentals and practical implications. The main concern that rarity raises from a conservation standpoint is that rare species tend to have higher extinction risk. Understanding the underlying phylogenetic patterns of rarity can shed light on the evolutionary processes yie...
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Background Allergic rhinitis (AR) affects up to 40% of the general population, there are large-scale multicenter studies that have described its characteristics and few studies have focused on studying patients with AR in Latin America (LA). Methodology A cross-sectional, descriptive, multicenter study was carried out in four LA countries (Colombi...
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Climatic refugia have often been associated with hotspots of richness and endemism, and identified on the basis of molecular or paleobotanical information. Here, we apply a phylogenetic analysis to 18,000 plant communities distributed across the Pyrenees, a south European mountain range, to identify climatic refugia from imprints of relictuality in...
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Research in global change ecology relies heavily on global climatic grids derived from estimates of air temperature in open areas at around 2 m above the ground. These climatic grids do not reflect conditions below vegetation canopies and near the ground surface, where critical ecosystem functions occur and most terrestrial species reside. Here, we...
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Recent studies have shown the importance of small-scale climate diversification and climate microrefugia for organisms to escape or suffer less from the impact of current climate change. These situations are common in topographically complex terrains like mountains, where many climate-forcing factors vary at a fine spatial resolution. We investigat...
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Aim Mountains shelter high biological diversity and constitute both important barriers and confluence areas for species. They often contain species whose populations occur at their range limit (peripheral species), which according to the “Centre‐Periphery” hypothesis (CPH) are expected to occur in marginal environments, exhibit low abundance and co...
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Biodiversity is being severely affected by global change worldwide, but consequences differ across individual species and environments. Since rarity is a condition associated with vulnerability and extinction risk, it is a concerning factor itself that can also amplify the detrimental impact of global change drivers. Here, we assess differences in...
Little is known about how much continuous landscape transformation might affect the most vulnerable elements of biodiversity. In this study, we quantified changes in the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) over the past 35 years across locations with threatened plants and in Natura 2000 (N2000) protected areas, in an environmentally heter...
Mountain regions in Western Europe have gone through a massive rural–urban migration and the collapse of their traditional socioeconomic system. As a result, forest has occupied many old pastures and croplands. In protected areas – such as National Parks – changes in the landscape can affect biodiversity and other services, including the values tha...
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The assessment of canopy changes and gap presence after fire provides relevant information to better understand the ecological effectof fire in Mediterranean forests. The study characterizes those changes in Pinus and Quercus forested areas, and their relationship with fire severity in Calcena wildfire. The wildfire burned 4,573 ha in 2012 partiall...
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Genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity jointly shape intraspecific trait variation, but their roles differ among traits. In short-lived plants, reproductive traits may be more genetically determined due to their impact on fitness, whereas vegetative traits may show higher plasticity to buffer short-term perturbations. Combining a multi-t...
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Long‐term monitoring of biodiversity is a fundamental part of environmental management, and Citizen Science (CS) approaches are increasing their contribution to such endeavour. CS plant monitoring programmes, however, almost exclusively report on the species presence, which can be used to detect changes in distribution or occupancy areas, but not t...
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Research in environmental science relies heavily on global climatic grids derived from estimates of air temperature at around 2 meter above ground1-3. These climatic grids however fail to reflect conditions near and below the soil surface, where critical ecosystem functions such as soil carbon storage are controlled and most biodiversity resides4-8...
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Structured demographic models are among the most common and useful tools in population biology. However, the introduction of integral projection models (IPMs) has caused a profound shift in the way many demographic models are conceptualized. Some researchers have argued that IPMs, by explicitly representing demographic processes as continuous funct...
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Phenotypic plasticity can mask population genetic differentiation, reducing the predictability of trait-environment relationships. In short-lived plants, reproductive traits may be more genetically determined due to their direct impact on fitness, whereas vegetative traits may show higher plasticity to buffer short-term perturbations. Combining a m...
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RESUMEN A partir de la revisión del Atlas Digital de la Flora de los Pirineos y de las floras y catálogos regionales y nacionales, se revisa de forma crítica la flora vascular endémica de los Pirineos a la luz de los estudios botánicos del territorio más recientes. Atendiendo a criterios taxonómicos y al nivel de conocimiento sobre su corología, la...
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RESUMEN Se enumera y comenta un listado preliminar de la ora más rara de los Pirineos a partir de la revisión de taxones y áreas de distribución contenida en el Atlas de la Flora digital de los Pirineos. Se han seleccionado las plantas presentes en 1-4 cuadrículas de 10 x 10 km que supone entre el 0,2 y el 1% de la super cie total, más las que esta...
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RESUMEN En las últimas décadas, los bosques de montaña europeos han sufrido las consecuencias del abandono de las actividades agrosilvopastorales tradicionales bajo la forma de una importante expansión y densificación del monte. En este trabajo, se ha evaluado la importancia de ambos procesos y las derivaciones a nivel de la configuración del paisa...
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When plants establish outside their native range, their ability to adapt to the new environment is influenced by both demography and dispersal. However, the relative importance of these two factors is poorly understood. To quantify the influence of demography and dispersal on patterns of genetic diversity underlying adaptation, we used data from a...
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Despite being central concepts for life history theory, little is known about how reproductive effort and costs vary with individual age once plants have started to reproduce. We conducted a 5-year field study and estimated age-dependent reproductive effort for both sexes in the extraordinarily long-lived dioecious plant Borderea pyrenaica. We also...
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In the present scenario of climatic change, climatic refugia will be of paramount importance for species persistence. Topography can generate a considerable climatic heterogeneity over short distances, which is often disregarded in macroclimatic predictive models. Here we investigate the role of rocky habitats as microclimatic refugia by combining...
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Este manual sintetiza y describe métodos científicos para realizar seguimientos de diferentes especies de plantas, con el fin de estimar tendencias temporales en la abundancia.
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Climatically induced local species extinctions may trigger coextinction cascades, thus driving many more species to extinction than originally predicted by species distribution models. Using seven pollination networks across Europe that include the phylogeny and life history traits of plants, we show a substantial variability across networks in cli...
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Scientific projects can greatly benefit from the participation of non-professionals in identifying environmental changes at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. In 2010, we launched a long-term project in Northeast Spain (MONITO) that has recruited more than 200 volunteers and rangers. Participants monitor regional-species distribution and loc...
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Predictions of plant responses to global warming frequently ignore biotic interactions and intraspecific variation across geographical ranges. Benefactor species play an important role in plant communities by protecting other taxa from harsh environments, but the combined effects of warming and beneficiary species on their performance have been lar...
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Traditional land-use decline in Mediterranean mountains is translating into extensive forest recovery and the loose of “cultural landscapes”. In this context, the management of semi-natural ecosystems plays a fundamental role for the future preservation of species and processes, particularly in protected areas, and managers need rigorous informatio...
The Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park shelters a high diversity of organisms and habitats (1400 vascular plants) across a magnificent mountain landscape. Climatic change, and changes in the land use due to the abandonment of traditional practices, are the two most important global change drivers at present, and they usually act together. In th...
In gynodioecious species, hermaphrodite plants invest both in seed and pollen production, whereas female plants only produce fruits. For both sexes to coexist, such unbalanced investment is expected to translate in some kind of reproductive compensation, particularly under severe nutrient shortage or environmental stress. This study investigates 1)...
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La reciente edición en línea del Atlas digital de Flora vascular de los Pirineos permite analizar algunos patrones de la distribución y las preferencias ambientales de las plantas más raras, con el fin de contribuir a la caracterización de la rareza y al diseño de estrategias de conservación de la diversidad florística en la cordillera. Entre los 3...
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La reciente publicación web del Atlas de la flora vascular de los Pirineos permite ahora delimitar la diversidad florística de la cordillera y analizar su distribución territorial y algunas afinidades ambientales con el fin de contribuir a su caracterización ecológica y a su conservación. La flora vascular de los Pirineos reúne 3.652 plantas vascul...
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El conocimiento detallado de los endemismos pirenaicos resulta de gran utilidad en la adopción de medidas de conservación y en la investigación de patrones ecológicos de la flora. Describimos la distribución espacial y distintos aspectos florísticos y ecológicos de la lista revisada de endemismos pirenaicos tras la edición digital del “Atlas de flo...
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Hutchinson (1957) defined the ecological niche as a hypervolume shaped by the environmental conditions under which a species can “exist indefinitely”. Although several authors further discussed the need to adopt a demographic perspective of the ecological niche theory, very few have investigated the environmental requirements of different component...
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In gynodioecious species, hermaphrodite plants invest both in seed and pollen production, whereas female plants only produce fruits. For both sexes to coexist, such unbalanced investment is expected to translate in some kind of reproductive compensation, particularly under severe nutrient shortage or environmental stress. This study investigates 1)...
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Recruitment of new individuals, through germination and seedling survival, is a key process for short-lived plants. Here, we analyzed intraspecific variation in recruitment across the latitudinal range of Plantago coronopus, a widespread herb that produces both large basal seeds with a mucilaginous coat and small apical seeds without coat. We exper...
Citation / Cómo citar este artículo: Gómez, D., Lorda, M., Garmendia, J., García, M.B. (2017). Distribución espacial y análisis ambiental de las plantas raras de los Pirineos. Pirineos, 172, e030. doi: pirineos.2017.172005 RESUMEN: La reciente edición en línea del Atlas digital de Flora vascular de los Pirineos permite an...
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A detailed knowledge of the endemic plant species in the Pyrenees benefits both conservation policy and ecological research. Here we describe the spatial distribution patterns and floristic and ecological aspects of the updated list of Pyrenean endemisms after the on line edition of the Atlas of vascular flora of the Pyrenees. A total of 88 unambig...
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To forecast changes in biodiversity we need to go beyond the theoretical models and obtain real and reliable evidences, which will allow us to have more time to slow down habitat deterioration or extinction of populations or species. For this, we have developed a network of rangers and volunteers to monitoring the dynamics of plant diversity all ov...
Aim To assess the spatial congruence between hotspots based on taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity, after accounting for the correlation between diversity metrics, and the spatial scale and sampling completeness of data. Location The Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park (Central Pyrenees, Spain), a species‐rich area subjected to int...
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Populations at the margins of a species’ distribution range are often smaller and more spatially isolated compared to centrally located populations. Therefore, a decline in within-population genetic variation and increased differentiation among populations towards range edges is expected. The edge effect can be enhanced by historical range expansio...
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The ‘centre–periphery hypothesis’ (CPH) is a long-standing postulate in ecology that states that genetic variation and demographic performance of a species decrease from the centre to the edge of its geographic range. This hypothesis is based on an assumed concordance between geographical peripherality and ecological marginality such that environme...
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Global change is exerting a major effect on plant communities altering their potential capacity for adaptation. Here, we aimed at unveiling mechanisms of adaptation to high altitude in an endemic long-lived monocarpic, Saxifraga longifolia, by combining demographic and physiological approaches. Plants from three altitudes (570, 1100 and 2100 m a.s....
Contrasting population dynamics in the boreo-alpine Silene acaulis (Caryophyllaceae) at its southern distribution limit
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Time lags in responses of organisms to deteriorating environmental conditions delay population declines and extinctions. We examined how local processes at the population level contribute to extinction debt, and how cycles of habitat deterioration and recovery may delay extinction. We carried out a demographic analysis of the fate of the grassland...
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The Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park and the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (CSIC) recently joined the Spanish LTER network. As part of our strategy to understand recent changes in this protected area, we are carrying out a number of projects to evaluate changes at different spatiotemporal scales, using a variety of methods and approaches. We...
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Los espacios protegidos, por el hecho de albergar una gran geo-biodiversidad y asegurar una baja intervención humana, constituyen lugares muy adecuados para el seguimiento de organismos y procesos a escala ecológica, así como para la obtención de series temporales largas a escala geológica. En el marco de la red LTER-España, el Parque Nacional de O...
Online Resource 1. Sensitivity of ordination analyses to the choice of the dissimilarity measure, type of vegetation data, and consideration of rare species. Supplementary material 1
The increase in gene diversity from high to low latitudes is a widely recognized biogeographical pattern, often shaped by differential effects of Late Quaternary climatic changes. Here, we evaluate the effects of Pleistocene climatic changes from northern Europe to North Africa and their implications on the population differentiation of the widespr...
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Understanding the effects of herbivores on plant communities is needed for anticipating how variation in grazing regimes will impact natural and semi-natural ecosystems. Prominent ecological hypotheses predict that drastic reductions of herbivory, as have occurred in many European mountains, will trigger fast diversity loss and structural changes i...
Most species are exposed to significant environmental gradients across their ranges, but vital rates (survival, growth, reproduction and recruitment) need not respond in the same direction to those gradients. Opposing vital rate trends across environments, a phenomenon that has been loosely called ‘demographic compensation’, may allow species to oc...
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To assess fine-scale effect of tree cover increase on field-layer vegetation in the alpine treeline ecotone
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Aim The ‘centre–periphery hypothesis’ ( CPH ) predicts that species performance (genetics, physiology, morphology, demography) will decline gradually from the centre towards the periphery of the geographic range. This hypothesis has been subjected to continuous debate since the 1980s, essentially because empirical studies have shown contrasting pat...
Species of Sonchus section Pustulati (Sonchus masguindalii, S. fragilis and S. pustulatus) constitute a group of endemic cliff plants in the Mediterranean region, restricted to narrow non-overlapping areas within the Baetic-Rifan hotspot of plant species diversity. S. pustulatus occurs both in SE Spain and N Africa, whereas the other related specie...
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Objective: To implement a long-term monitoring network (volunteers, rangers, managers and scientists) for assessing the temporal trends of endangered species (including endemic and those at their range limit) and their response to local perturbation and environmental change (land-use change and climate change).