Maria Emilia YamamotoFederal University of Rio Grande do Norte | IIP
Maria Emilia Yamamoto
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Publications (117)
Evolutionary models and empirical evidence suggest that outgroup threat is one of the strongest
factors inducing group cohesion; however, little is known about the process of forming such cohesive
groups. We investigated how outgroup threat galvanizes individuals to affiliate with others to form
engaged units that are willing to act on behalf of th...
Experiments using priming contribute to the investigation into subtle environmental cues that influence our behavior in an automatic manner. Prosocial behaviors are essential to life in groups and are present during the first months of life. As such, part of the studies that use priming are concerned with understanding environmental cues that can i...
Experiments using priming contribute to the investigation into subtle environmental cues that influence our behavior in an automatic manner. Prosocial behaviors are essential to life in groups and are present during the first months of life. As such, part of the studies that use priming are concerned with understanding environmental cues that can i...
This study aims to investigate assortative mating based on mate value from male perspective. Male participants (132 Brazilian and 106 American) evaluated hypothetical “stimulus” males described in terms of physical attractiveness, social skills, and social status (each varied in high or low levels). Participants rated each stimulus and each stimulu...
Across the world, millions of couples get married each year. One of the strongest predictors of whether partners will remain in their relationship is their reported satisfaction. Marital satisfaction is commonly found to be a key predictor of both individual and relational well-being. Despite its importance in predicting relationship longevity, the...
Empathy is the ability to (a) be affected by and share the emotional state of another; (b) assess the reasons for the other’s state; and (c) identify with the other, adopting their perspective. This phenomenon has been shown to exist in several species and is proposed as a motivator for prosocial behavior. The experimental study of this feature in...
Why do some sports fans exhibit such strong emotions when watching live matches? Identity fusion is a strong form of group alignment in which personal and group identities synergise to produce a visceral sense of “oneness” with one's team. This paper investigates its role using a three‐item state measure with high internal validity in elevating sal...
My interest in cooperation was present before I started investigating it in humans. The research on a cooperative breeder species, the common marmoset, made it clear to me that cooperation was not a straightforward phenomenon. Cooperators also competed with each other, and strived to gain advantage even in a group that depends on cooperation for it...
This study explored undergraduate women’s mating-market expectations in Brazil and the United States. Participants (n = 387) were shown descriptions of hypothetical stimulus females that were varied to yield all combinations of 2 levels (high/low) of 3 attributes (physical attractiveness/social skills/social status). They subsequently rated each st...
Food cravings play an important role in the neurobiology of appetitive behavior, being positively associated with negative feelings, eating disorders, and obesity. This study aimed to assess the psychometric properties of the Brazilian Food Cravings Questionnaire-Trait-reduced (FCQ-T-r), a short version of the most widely used measure o...
Olfaction plays an important role in human social communication, including multiple domains in which people often rely on their sense of smell in the social context. The importance of the sense of smell and its role can however vary inter-individually and culturally. Despite the growing body of literature on differences in olfactory performance or...
Definitions of the term “empathy” have long been discussed. Recent evidence suggests that “empathy” and “concern” (also known as “compassion”) are psychologically and physiologically distinct. These distinctions directly affect the psychometric measures used to assess empathy. A new measure called the Empathy Index (EI) has been proposed that asses...
A natureza humana é fascinante. Como a mente humana evoluiu? Por que temos as nossas faculdades mentais? Por que somos como somos? Este livro examina a mente e o comportamento humano através da moderna abordagem evolucionista. Este manual fornece aos universitários das áreas de Humanas e Biológicas, bem como aos demais leitores, os conceitos e as d...
In cooperative situations, individual interests can be in conflict with those of the group, creating a social dilemma in which one must choose whether to cooperate or not. Sensitivity to social stimuli is an important factor influencing cooperative behavior in such dilemmas. The current study investigated the influence of verbal feedback and vigila...
[This corrects the article on p. 1199 in vol. 8, PMID: 28785230.].
The factors underlying to the ingroup favoritism and outgroup indifference/hostility are broadly studied by social psychology, where studies report that, for example, individuals trust more and associate positive words to members of the same group. The study of these factors can help in understand phenomena such as prejudice and ethonocentrism. How...
The factors underlying to the ingroup favoritism and outgroup indifference/hostility are broadly studied by social psychology, where studies report that, for example, individuals trust more and associate positive words to members of the same group. The study of these factors can help in understand phenomena such as prejudice and ethonocentrism. How...
Forms of committed relationships, including formal marriage arrangements between men and women, exist in almost every culture (Bell, 1997). Yet, similarly to many other psychological constructs (Henrich et al., 2010), marital satisfaction and its correlates have been investigated almost exclusively in Western countries (eg, Bradbury et al., 2000)....
Based on evolutionary theories, this study analyzes reasons for sharing and retention and the association of these reasons according to age and the presence of conduct disorder symptoms in children. Therefore, the children participated in a prosocial activity, in which they had to decide if they would like to share a prize with his/her classroom be...
Human spatial behavior has been the focus of hundreds of previous research studies. However, the conclusions and generalizability of previous studies on interpersonal distance preferences were limited by some important methodological and sampling issues. The objective of the present study was to compare preferred interpersonal distances across the...
This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties and scoring pattern of the Brazilian version of the three-factor eating questionnaire-r21 (TFEQ-R21).
Data were collected from 410 undergraduate students. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to examine the factor structure of the TFEQ-R21. Convergent and discrimina...
Due to an oversight, the name of the author "Ahmad M. Alghraibeh" was incorrectly spelled as "Ahmad M. Aghraibeh." The correct version is shown above. The authors apologize for this oversight. This error does not affect the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated. Conflict of Interest Statement The au...
Objective: Theories about how couples help each other to cope with stress, such as the systemic transactional model of dyadic coping, suggest that the cultural context in which couples live influences how their coping behavior affects their relationship satisfaction. In contrast to the theoretical assumptions, a recent meta-analysis provides eviden...
The Food Cravings Questionnaires, State (FCQ-State) and Trait (FCQ-Trait), are commonly used to assess food-craving behavior. This study aimed to develop and validate the Brazilian version of these questionnaires, and to explore potential gender differences in the trait version scores. Data were collected from (n = 611) undergraduate students. Conf...
We investigated how the type of resource, food (wafer) or non-food (sticker), age and sex influence cooperation in children. 251 children were tested in a public goods game during eight rounds in two experimental conditions: wafer or sticker condition. Wafers were all of the same kind but stickers were varied. The results indicated that 1) older ch...
The epipelagic flyingfish, Hirundichthys affinis is a major artisanal fishery resource from the Northeastern coastal waters of Brazil. However, biological information about this species has been poorly documented. This paper presents data on the length-weight relationship, sex ratio, length at first sexual maturity, gonadal development and fecundit...
The gonad development and reproductive aspects of Hemiramphus brasiliensis from the coastal waters of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil were verified. This paper presents data on the length-weight relationship, sex ratio, length at first sexual maturity, gonad development, reproductive period and fecundity of H. brasiliensis. Females of this species pred...
Este artigo teve como objetivo examinar as ações de internacionalização dos Programas de Pós-graduação brasileiros. Utilizou dados da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes), Ministério da Educação (MEC), que trienalmente realiza a Avaliação dos cursos. Recentemente, a avaliação passou a ser quadrienal. Valeu-se dos dado...
Marmosets are cooperative breeders organized as extended family groups, but breeding is generally restricted to a single pair. Breeding competition is fierce in female marmosets; males, on the other hand, show low levels of intragroup aggression. We investigated male and female breeding strategies and the resulting reproductive output in 9 wild gro...
Neste trabalho foi revisada a idade de 35 espécies de peixes marinhos da região costeira do Brasil. Um total de 42 artigos foi utilizado, sendo os dados categorizados de acordo com a década de publicação, par de otólitos usados para estimar a idade, métodos de validação, causas da formação do anel etário e a idade dos peixes. Os resultados mostram...
O comportamento humano é estudado por diversas abordagens. Algumas, como a psicologia evolucionista, levam em consideração aspectos relacionados à evolução, buscando compreender e discutir os mecanismos psicológicos e as adaptações que dão origem aos comportamentos. Esses teriam sido selecionados em um ambiente de adaptação evolutiva. O ambiente at...
The relationship between sports competition and behavioral influences, at both individual and group levels, remains unchallenged. However, while the understanding of that remains widely available by sociological reflections, little scientific methods has been used to assemble this relationship. The goal of this study aimed to overcome the scenery b...
This study aimed to investigate the effect of social comparison on self-perception and mate preferences. For this purpose, 225 undergraduate student participants provided their self-perception before and after evaluating descriptions of stimuli subjects specifically developed with high or low levels of physical, social and status related attributes...
Há informação científica limitada sobre o pequeno ciclídeo Neotropical Crenicichla menezesi (Ploeg, 1991), que tem um bom potencial como um peixe ornamental de aquário. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a dinâmica do comportamento territorial de C. menezesi em pequenos grupos compostos de machos e fêmeas. As observações comportamentais revelar...
Annual fish which belong to the order Cyprinodontiformes constitute an excellent model for evolutionary studies. their short life cycle, distribution in ecologically dynamic environments, and low agility make them favorable for genetic analyses. The species Hypsolebias antenori (Rivulidae), encountered in seasonal pools located in the semiarid regi...
This study investigated the anatomy and histology of the digestive tract of a rare annual fish, Hypsolebias antenori captured from temporary pools in Northeastern Brazil. Scientific information about this rare species is very limited. The digestive tract of H. antenori shows a dorsally situated mouth, small conical teeth, first branchial arch with...
Several environmental parameters related to the spawning season of the freshwater fish, Psectrogaster rhomboides were identified. The hypothesis predicts synchrony of the spawning season with the rainy period, presenting a seasonal reproductive strategy. This study investigated the total body length and body mass, sex ratio, body size at first sexu...
This study used the biological market perspective and influential statistical models from the marketing field to investigate males' and females' expectations regarding which combination of characteristics are most relevant in ensuring desirable partnerships for same-sex individuals. Thus, 358 Brazilian undergraduates assessed eight descriptions of...
O peixe-voador, Hirundichthys affinis, apresenta enorme importância socioeconômica, constituindo fonte de alimento e renda para comunidades pesqueiras em Caiçara do Norte, no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. A produção de H. affinis é responsável por 41,9% da produção pesqueira local, representado o principal recurso pesqueiro desse município. Dados...
The ability to process environmental cues and make advantageous choices has been fundamental during human evolution. Discounting future rewards is a capacity of our evolved mind and could be useful for understanding career decisions. This paper investigated the relationship between real-life plans, career choices, and income indicators based on an...
Religious behavior has long been the object of study by the humanities, with only few attempts to analyze its emergence and maintenance in human population from a Darwinian perspective. However, the natural sciences, together with researchers from various fields, are turning to the systematic study of religious behavior through an evolutionary pers...
Agulha-preta, Hemiramphus brasiliensis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Osteichthyes: Hemiramphidae) é um peixe marinho pelágico encontrado nas águas costeiras do Rio Grande do Norte que contribui para a produção pesqueira do Estado. O presente trabalho determinou a biologia reprodutiva de H. brasiliensis nas águas costeiras de Caiçara do Norte, RN. Os peixes for...
The reproductive biology and the gonadal development cycle of the Neotropical cichlid fish,
Crenicichla menezesi
, is described. This species exhibits sexual dimorphism only during the spawning season. First sexual maturity of females is attained earlier than the males. Both macroscopic and histological investigations of ovaries and testes revealed...
Hypsolebias antenori é uma espécie de peixe anual nativo do semiárido brasileiro. Os peixes desta espécie quando nascem, crescem rapidamente, reproduzem e no período de estiagem quando a poça seca, toda população morre. Os ovos resistentes depositados nos substrato da poça seca são capazes de passar por um estagio de diapausa, com seu estágio de de...
Triportheus angulatus (Spix & Agassiz, 1829) is a small neotropical fish species that inhabits rivers. Considering the lack of scientific information available on this species, this study aimed to investigate the morphometric-meristic characteristics and their reproductive aspects. Samples of T. angulatus were captured from River Acauã which is loc...
Resumo: O estudo do comportamento humano tem sido feito há séculos, mas com o advento da Teoria da Evolução, uma nova perspectiva se abriu para a compreensão da natureza humana. O objetivo deste ensaio é apresentar uma abordagem evolucionista. A psicologia evolucionista (PE) é uma área emergente da ciência da mente e do comportamento. Destacamos as...
Tendo em vista a grande importância do peixe voador na produção pesqueira do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, realizou-se este estudo com objetivo de verificar as características: morfométricas, merísticas, comprimento, peso e macroscópicas das gônadas de Hirundichythys affinis. Exemplares do peixe voador foram coletados das águas costeiras de Caiçar...
The Brazilian Caatinga ecoregion is home to several endemic fauna of the
neotropical region. This paper presents the results of fish faunal surveys conducted in the
Piranhas-Assu hydrographic basin located in the Caatinga ecoregion, which is an
important area for the conservation of fish species. The fish samples captured were
distributed in 4 orde...
We analyzed the stomach contents of 40 estuarine dolphins, Sotalia guianensis (van Benédén 1864), beached on the coast of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, between February 2000 and February 2007. A total of 223 prey items were identified, including 18 species of teleosts and 5 species of cephalopods. The index of relative importance (IRI) showed that L...
Callithrix jacchus are small anthropoid primates, endemic to Brazil. They are considered cooperative breeders as it takes more than the parents to rear the offspring. Their mating system is usually monogamous but two breeding female groups have also been reported. Marmoset females, unlike other female mammals, compete for breeding positions both be...
We analyzed the stomach contents of 40 estuarine dolphins, Sotalia guianensis (van Benédén 1864), beached on the coast of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, between February 2000 and February 2007. A total of 223 prey items were identified, including 18 species of teleosts and 5 species of cephalopods. The index of relative importance (IRI) showed that L...
Callitrichids have been proposed as communal breeders, with non-reproductive animals acting as helpers. Reports in the literature attest to the high variability in the behaviour of helpers. The present study assessed four proximate factors involved in helping in captive Callithrix jacchus: age, gender and experience of helpers and composition of th...
The evolutionary natural selection model is no longer a matter exclusive to Biology, now being debated in fields as diverse as Psychology, Economy, Social Sciences and Philosophy. Evolutionary Psychology is regarded as one of the most successful approaches to investigating human behavior from an evolutionary perspective. It proposes that the human...
Mating systems in callitrichids are flexible, but usually only one female breeds. Reproductive skew models suggest that either dominant individuals can control the incidence of subordinate reproduction, and that when subordinates breed, it represents a concession from the dominant individual (Optimal Skew Model (OSM)), or alternatively, that subord...
Demographic studies provide critical data for understanding the evolution, ecology, social organization and mating systems of primates. One influence on the demographic structure of a population is the pattern of emigration of individuals from their natal groups. In cooperative breeders, the offspring may stay in their natal group even after maturi...
A teoria dos jogos é uma abordagem matemática que estuda formalmente o conflito e a cooperação entre indivíduos. Trata-se de uma teoria científica suficientemente coerente para a construção de conhecimentos nas mais diversas áreas como Economia, Política, Biologia, Psicologia e Sociologia, pois possibilita a investigação de conflitos de interesses...
Offers a fresh and detailed take on the evolution of religious behavior from a biobehavioral perspective, promoting a new understanding that may help build bridges across the religious divide.
There has been much recent interest in the study of religion from the perspective of Darwinian evolution. The Biology of Religious Behavior: The Evolutionary...
Callitrichids are communal breeders that lack sexual dimorphism, and only a few studies have examined behavioral gender differences
among them. The purpose of this study was to investigate gender differences in infant carrying in 16 captive and seven wild
common marmoset groups. Our results showed that female–female twin pairs were carried signific...
This chapter presents data on the relations between reproduction and aging in both captive and free-ranging marmosets and tamarins. The relationship is examined from two perspectives. First, the relation of age to physiological impairments in reproductive function is explored. Callitrichid females, in common with many other nonhuman primates, begin...
Cooperation between individuals is an important requisite for the maintenance of social relationships. The purpose of this study was to investigate cooperation in children in the school environment, where individuals could cooperate or not with their classmates in a public goods game. We investigated which of the following variables influenced coop...
The first record of prey-transfer behaviour between adult and calf animals in Sotalia fluviatilis is recorded. Five clear episodes of prey-transfer from adult animals to calves were observed, occurring in north-eastern Brazil at Pipa's Beach. These results suggest that food-sharing is a naturally occurring behaviour in the marine tucuxi dolphin, an...
The coloration pattern of the estuarine dolphin, Sotalia guianensis, does not display variations in its distribution and the colour grey, as its common name suggests, is predominant. On the coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte a dolphin was sighted with atypical coloration in relation to animals from that region. After observing its morphologi...
Research in animal behavior is a consolidated area whose development and diversification in several countries have originated some subjects and investigation approaches, such as Ethology, Behavior Ecology, Neuroecology, Psychology and Evolutionist Psychology. In the study of animal behavior, the ethogram is the foundation for studies on behavior pa...
Research in animal behavior is a consolidated area whose development and diversification in several countries have originated some subjects and investigation approaches, such as Ethology, Behavior Ecology, Neuroecology, Psychology and Evolutionist Psychology. In the study of animal behavior, the ethogram is the foundation for studies on behavior pa...
The red hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) x O. mossambicus (Peters, 1852) is a fertile hybrid used in the semi-intensive level of fish culture in the Northeast of Brazil. It is a territorial cichlid and is highly aggressive towards conspecifics during the breeding season. The purpose of this study was to investigate and describ...
The species, Pterophyllum scalare distinguishes itself by its breeding behavior, involving competition for territory, sexual partners, courtship and parental care. The purpose of this study was to identify the mating system adopted by this species of fish. Twenty males and twenty females were observed under semi-natural and experimental conditions...
The ever-increasing tourist industry has extended to the aquatic environments, thus making the aquatic mammals susceptible to interactions with humans. Dolphin watching tourism has developed to a great extent in the Pipa Beach, Rio Grande do Norte, consequently the number of dolphin-watching boats operating in this area has increased. In the presen...
Feeding neophobia represents a cautious behavior towards unknown food. Although men and women show behavioral differences, relating feeding neophobia data on neophobic response are controversial. In this study, in order to investigating gender differences, 266 individuals were tested on a two food choosing task between a familiar and an unfamiliar...
Dominance status among female marmosets is reflected in agonistic behavior and ovarian function. Socially dominant females receive submissive behavior from subordinates, while exhibiting normal ovulatory function. Subordinate females, however, receive agonistic behavior from dominants, while exhibiting reduced or absent ovulatory function. Such dis...
Biological and cultural aspects, psychological and neurological aspects, emotional and rational aspects were privileged separately in different times and perspectives - the vision of mind was sometimes focused and sometimes relegated to the black box of the psychological science. Presently, integration between mind and human behavior is sought. Min...