María do Cebreiro Rábade VillarUniversity of Santiago de Compostela | USC · Departamento de Literatura Española, Teoría de la Literatura y Lingüística General
María do Cebreiro Rábade Villar
PhD Literary theory and Comparative literature
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I work as Associate Professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela. My research interests are in the areas of comparative literature, poetry studies, nineteenth century novel and the analysis of literary anthologies as constructive mechanisms of national identity.
Publications (109)
En los últimos años, las ciencias físicas, sociales y humanísticas están concediendo una relevancia cada vez más notable al análisis de las emociones. Distintos factores avalan esta consideración. Podemos mencionar, entre otros, la diversidad de los campos disciplinares implicados en el estudio de los procesos afectivos (neurociencia, psicología co...
Esta obra presenta una parte de la investigación sobre traducción literaria en España durante el período 1980-2015. En ella se abordan aspectos teóricos e instrumentales de la traducción en ámbito institucional y académico; se analizan sus recientes flujos en los principales campos literarios ibéricos; y se presentan estudios de caso seleccionados...
This article attempts to show that theoretical models that are alternative to the dominant ones are useful for providing committed and thoughtful solutions to two problems: a) the relationship between literature and critics in the Galician cultural field and b) the relationship between the critical narratives built by nationalism and feminism in co...
The aim of this article is to recognise the relations of linguistic, semantic and pragmatic contiguity in a series of poems of the book Herba aquí ou acolá, by the Galician writer Álvaro Cunqueiro. The performance dimension of the poems is based on their link to the judicial declaration—generally built from the self-nomination of the characters. As...
La ambivalencia que preside el acercamiento de Rosalía de Castro a América se hace particularmente patente en su obra narrativa, donde la representación de los personajes americanos —o de aquellos que han participado en alguna medida de los movimientos migratorios del siglo XIX— está a menudo presidida por la desconfianza. El artículo presta especi...
En el verano de 1929, aquejado de la enfermedad que habría de poner fin a su vida, Sigmund Freud termina su libro El malestar en la cultura [Das Unbehagen in der Kultur]. El ensayo de Freud intenta probar la hipótesis de que “en la vida psíquica nada de lo una vez formado puede desaparecer jamás; [que] todo se conserva de alguna manera y puede volv...
Co gallo da conmemoración do 150 aniversario da publicación en Vigo de Cantares gallegos, obra fundacional do Rexurdimento das letras galegas, en 2013 o Consello da Cultura Galega convocou o Congreso Rosalía de Castro no século XXI. Unha nova ollada, que se celebrou na sede da institución en Santiago de Compostela.
Co afán de potenciar a medio e lo...
El motivo literario de la casa abandonada es una de las figuraciones más poderosas de la literatura moderna. En su declinación como casa encantada (haunted house, en la ficción anglófona), la imagen ha dado lugar a un amplio abanico de reflexiones sobre el significado cultural de los espacios espectrales. Debido a la fuerte conexión antropológica e...
This article examines the function of the motif of tears in Rosalía de Castro’s La hija del mar (Daughter of the Sea). In order to do this, an evolution is traced from the suppositions of the comédie larmoyante to the significance of weeping in the serialized novel. This opposition provokes questions regarding the nature of representation, models o...
This article explores the semantic implications of the concept of tedio through a comparative analysis of Rosalia de Castro´s novel, Flavio, and Edgar Allan Poe’s tale, «The Man of the Crowd». Like spleen and ennui, hispanic tedio is an emotional concept inseparable from the industrial dynamic of the modern city. In this sense, it can be read as a...
This article explores the semantic implications of the concept of tedio through a comparative analysis of Rosalia de Castrós novel, Flavio, and Edgar Allan Poe's tale, "The Man of the Crowd". Like spleen and ennui, hispanic tedio is an emotional concept inseparable from the industrial dynamic of the modern city. In this sense, it can be read as a s...
International literary commerce often needs images from authors that comprise the attributes culturally assigned to the different cultures involved in that exchange (Casanova, Moretti). In today’s European literature, some authors still seem to incarnate the “spirit” of their cultures of origin. According to this logic, Cervantes would act as a met...
Partindo da comparacion entre alguns fragmentos narrativos e poemas de Rosalia de Castro, este artigo explora a continuidade entre a sua producion literaria en lingua galega e a sua producion literaria en lingua castela. Esta continuidade e remitida ao contexto das practicas de autotraducion. O obxectivo e atender a algunhas das implicacions do car...
Taking as a starting point the comparison of some narrative fragments and poems of Rosalía de Castro, this article explores the continuity between her literary production in Galician and her literary production in Castilian. This continuity is placed in the context of practices of self- translation. The aim is to examine the implications of the bil...
In her article "About the Ophelia Motif in the Work of Iberian Galician Writers" María do Cebreiro Rábade Villar attempts to arrive at an idea of character through a comparative analysis of various artistic versions of William Shakespeare's Ophelia. Rábade Villar employs Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari's notions of transversality and devices of a...
This article carries out a metapoetic reading of Gaspara Stampa’s Rime, one of the most important voices in sixteenth-century Venetian manierism. This interpretation of his love songs allows us to question some of the analytical topics which, at least from the Romantic period, have determined Stampa’s critical reception, and which, in being project...
The concept of ‘resistance’ has turned into a critical tool in different areas of political,
philosophical and sociological thought. at the same time, the notion seems to be as productive as
it is diffuse. ‘Resistance’ is used in very specific contexts in scientific or technical disciplines, and
with extreme flexibility in social and cultural st...
This essay takes the naturalized link between 'the shared home and its language and territory' – and turns it on its head, postulating instead the centrality, in Galician literary production, of what, following Beckett, it refers to as the 'unspeakable home'. Focusing on the works of Rosalía de Castro, considered the foundational texts of modern Ga...
This article seeks to provide a theoretical framework through which to analyse the strategies of publishing invisibility or visibility of Galician authors who are practitioners of translation in Galicia as well as their social role as writers. Against the model of professional translation, and sometimes in alignment with it, 'author translation' pr...
María do Cebreiro basteix un matisat panorama històric de les antologies de poesia catalana de mitjan segle XIX fins a la ratlla del segle XXI. Per a fer-ho, l'autora estableix tres períodes cronològics en funció de les fites editorials més significatives en aquest àmbit, així com de les vicissituds històriques més destacades. L'estudi posa en evid...
This paper aims to establish a critical view of the anthologies of women poetry edited in Catalonia from 1975 till 2001. Its main objective is the analysis of the textual configuration of some of the anthologies which vertebrate around the gender criteria. The paper makes visible the main guidelines of the anthologic act for women poetry in Catalan...