María del Mar Barbero-BarreraUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid | UPM · Departamento de Construcción y Tecnología Arquitectónicas
María del Mar Barbero-Barrera
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Publications (63)
In warm climates with high levels of solar irradiation, solar shading plays a determinant role on buildings’ envelope performance, both during summer and winter conditions. In this research, an evaluation of the solar shading effect on sunny façades through IR thermography non-destructive testing was performed. Sunny and shaded areas revealed tempe...
The wine industry requires a considerable amount of energy, with an important fraction corresponding to the cooling and ventilation of above-ground aging warehouses. The large investments made in aging facilities can compromise the viability and competitiveness of wineries if their design is not optimized. The objective of this study was to provide...
III Congreso Ibero-Latinoamericano MAD de la Madera en la Construcción (CIMAD 24) : Libro de Actas de Resúmenes Extendidos
RESUMEN Los edificios y monumentos históricos con el paso de los años junto con la acción de factores naturales y humanos aceleran su degradación y con ello, su pérdida. Los análisis preventivos son clave para la identificación temprana y la conservación de los monumentos, evitando el avance de los daños y su eliminación antes de que el avance del...
Soil as a building material has great potential in terms of low embodied energy, although the great diversity of soils means that more research is needed to characterise them with precise values. In addition, their high thermal transmittance is one of the main drawbacks of earths, so the incorporation of agrowastes could imply a reduction of therma...
The rise of cement at the beginning of the XX century provoked the lime mortars decay. In the case of Spain, they were revival after the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) due to the insolation of the country (autarky period). It is especially interesting since traditional materials defined new styles. An example of this duality is the Obra Sindical del...
New generations present an attention deficit which, together with the lack of spatial visualisation, makes it difficult to teach construction where construction units and systems must be spatially identified, represented and interrelated. In this paper we present the experience obtained, in the first subject of construction in the Architecture degr...
In search of compatible materials to speed up the strength and carbonation in lime mortars, nanoparticles show significant potential. This research explores the mechanical and physical characteristics of air lime mortars with silica sand and two types of dispersions based on nanoportlandite (nP) and nanosilica (nS) used as additions according to di...
This work studies the formation of calcium–silicate–hydrates (C–S–H) in lime mortars prepared with additions of nano‐Ca(OH)2 and nano‐SiO2 at 23.3°C. Mineral identification was carried out by X‐ray diffraction after 10, 30, 90, and 120 days of curing. The nanoscale study starts from the generation of amorphous phases until the development of crysta...
Natural events continue to take a heavy toll on human lives. Added to this are the challenge of dynamic at-risk settings, uncertainty, and increasing threats, which demand holistic, flexible, and quickly adaptable solutions. In this context, mobile applications are strongly emerging as communication tools that can assist in disaster reduction. Yet,...
The characterization of both surface and subsurface pathologies (position, depth, width,...) that affects the porous materials used in building constructions, once in service, is important to establish the most suitable intervention strategy. In this sense, the use of non-destructive techniques allows the analysis of different properties without af...
In this paper, morphological, physico-chemical and thermal properties investigations are carried out for a novel composite material reinforced by Washingtonia Filifera (WF) palm fibers using a 20 weight (wt) % loading rate. The experimental analysis by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) shows the longitudinal roughness of the surface, which pla...
Conserving historical heritage sites is fundamental for preserving cultural identity. Effective interventions require building damage to be pre-detected. Because stone masonry is one of the most globally prevalent building techniques, diagnosing building deterioration is pivotal for conserving heritage sites. Non-destructive tests (NDTs) provide ne...
The dichotomy between tradition and modernity in Spain reached its peak in the 1950s, when avant-garde and extraordinarily modern artistic and architectural representations coexisted with the know-how of the traditional building trades. A harmonious combination in which both points of view combine to extract their full potential. In the interest of...
The improvement of energy efficiency in buildings is pivotal for mitigating climate change and its repercussions on weather patterns, such as raised average temperatures and extreme weather events, which are expected to become an increasingly frequent occurrence. In addition, it is continuously impacting ecosystems and causing biodiversity loss thr...
La dicotomía entre tradición y modernidad en España tiene su periodo álgido en la década de 1950 cuando coexisten representaciones artísticas y arquitectónicas vanguardistas y de una extraordinaria modernidad con el saber hacer de los oficios tradicionales de la construcción. Una combinación armónica en la que ambos puntos de vista se conjugan para...
More than 124 million tons of oranges are consumed in the world annually. Transformation of orange fruit generates a huge quantity of waste, largely composed of peels. Some attempts to reuse by-products derived from citrus waste have been proposed for energy production, nutrient source or pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries. However, their...
Achieving the best energy performance has become an important goal. The European Union has consequently developed legislative measures that introduce the concepts of nearly zero-energy buildings and cost-effectiveness during life-cycle. We use these concepts, looking for the design of energy-efficient wineries, while reducing wine production costs....
La frecuencia de eventos climáticos extremos, derivados del cambio climático, ha aumentado en las últimas décadas. Guatemala, Costa Rica y Nicaragua son tres de los países con mayor vulnerabilidad debido a la combinación de factores climáticos junto con los sociales y económicos. Aprovechando el impulso dado a la digitalización, en muchas áreas en...
Local production of construction materials is a valuable tool for improving the building
sector sustainability. In this sense, the use of lignocellulosic fibers from local species becomes an interesting alternative to the development of such materials. As it is thought that the properties of fiber-based materials are dependent on the fibers propert...
Construction materials and systems for the thermal building envelope have played a key role in the improvement of energy efficiency in buildings. Urban heat islands together with the upcoming rising global temperature demand construction solutions that are adapted to the specific microclimate conditions. These circumstances are even more dramatic i...
Pandemic caused by the covid-19 disease brought as a consequence a confinement that prevented the continuation of visits to building sites of the 4th year of the Grade in Foundations of Architecture. To solve this problem, three different virtual methodologies were implemented. The first one consisted in elaboration of construction specifications o...
Earthen construction is an alternative construction method that allows for the reduction of the embodied energy of building materials and the promotion of sustainability in the construction sector. Among the different earthen building techniques available, compressed earth blocks offer a remarkable potential for industrialisation. Due to the drawba...
La pandemia provocada por la enfermedad del covid-19 trajo como consecuencia un confinamiento que impidió seguir con las visitas a obra de la asignatura Taller de visitas a obra de 4º curso del Grado en Fundamentos de la Arquitectura. Para solucionarlo se implementaron 3 metodologías diferentes de carácter virtual. La primera consistió en la elabor...
Water hyacinth (WH) or Eichhornia crassipes is one of the 100 most dangerous invasive species in the world. Currently, WH has enormous negative impacts on various ecosystems, and its eradication poses a seemingly impossible challenge. Physical extraction has been found to be an adequate process for controlling the spread of WH, but sustainable wast...
This research presents a novel approach based on the combination of nanotechnology and Roman technology by investigating how adding nanoCa(OH)2 and nanoSiO2 modify the performance of air lime mortars containing Roman ceramics. Microstructural, physico-mechanical properties were periodically controlled until 120 days of curing. XRD and TGA analyses...
Water hyacinth (WH) is an invasive aquatic with an extensive, rapid growth. Nowadays, the considerable amount of WH biomass generated is a waste management challenge for those areas where WH is present. In this paper, a new insulation building material based on WH's petioles (WHP) and mixed with cement was analysed. Different WHPs particle sizes we...
Lighting, both natural and electric, is one of the key points in the indoor environmental quality in buildings and it is directly related to their energy efficiency and indoor comfort conditions. Since final lighting conditions depend on the luminous reflectance properties of interior surfaces, an accurate characterization of this property is essen...
An in-depth knowledge of building materials is essential in order to preserve them. Tuffs are one of the main types volcanic rocks in the Canary Islands. They are mainly used in masonry or as a filler of the ornamental parts of the façades. In both cases, they have been protected to guarantee their durability. However, in recent years, the renderin...
Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is a dangerous and invasive aquatic species, of which global concern has sharply risen due to its rapid growth. Despite ample research on its possible applications in the construction field, there are no clear references on the optimal use of the plant in finding the most efficient-use building material. In thi...
Resumen: En la actualidad, aproximadamente el 20% de la población mundial no tiene acceso a una vivienda digna, agravándose el problema en contextos de precariedad africanos. En el sector de la construcción existe un creciente interés en el desarrollo de soluciones tecnológicas que sean sostenibles social, económica y medioambientalmente. Las fibra...
The following research work presents a characterization of cement pastes and mortars with Isostatic graphite (IG). This addition is a carbon-based addition from waste origin obtained after the mill of graphite blocks from synthetic origin to produce Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM). This carbon-based material presents a great carbon purity and...
Basándonos en la experiencia del Grupo de Cooperación ICHaB-ETSAM de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, y apoyándonos en el Proyecto de Innovación Educativa ‘ArCoopera: Una mirada a la cooperación al desarrollo desde el Grado en Fundamentos de la Arquitectura’, hemos desarrollado una experiencia docente transversal, vertical y de aprendizaje-ser...
Es necesario llegar a una mayor implicación de los alumnos en el proceso educativo. En la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura (UPM), hemos llevado a cabo una experiencia de aula invertida “vertical” dentro del Proyecto de Innovación Educativa denominado "la Transversalidad entre las Instalaciones y la Construcción en la arquitectura". Han part...
Different types of vegetable fibres are used in the manufacture of adobe bricks to control the cracking during the drying process. In Spain, and in many other countries of the world, the fibre commonly used in the manufacture of adobe bricks is cereal straw, usually wheat. The purpose of this research is to determine the behaviour of three types of...
A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions has given rise to the search for low-embodied energy materials. Based on this assumption, natural hydraulic lime can be an alternative binder to cement, while the introduction of waste as inert material can be used to reduce the environmental impact of sand. A graphite-NHL composite had been previously analyz...
ResumenEl grafito puede obtenerse de forma natural o sintética, pero este último se ha utilizado en carreteras debido a su dureza, así como en placas de cerámica fina. Se demuestran las posibilidades de la adición del polvo de grafito isostático procedente del fresado de moldes fabricados por Electroerosión de Penetración (EDM) en compuestos a base...
The use of waste materials contributes to the improvement of the life cycle assessment of building materials, while traditional binders with a low carbon footprint enhance building sustainability. Isostatic graphite powder waste has not been used in the industry in spite of the huge quantities of it around the world. However, hydraulic lime is a tr...
European standards place great emphasis on the reintroduction of waste in the production chain. In this research, a combination of experimental tests has been carried out to analyse the use of revalorized isostatic graphite powder waste in gypsum-based boards. A series of gypsum pastes was prepared with a graphite content ranging from 0% to 25%, by...
This paper deals with the enhancement of gypsum composites through the synergic work of polypropylene fibers (PPF) and isostatic graphite filler (IGF) additions. IGF is a waste by-product that has shown a good performance in plain gypsum, and in this research it is demonstrated that it can also be revalorized as gypsum matrix activator in reinforce...
Luminous properties of surfaces have a decisive influence on the daylight design in retrofit but also in the final lighting performance of buildings. In addition, lighting conditions is one of the parameters considered to measure the comfort conditions due to their effect on the human health. Indeed, it is stated that a wrong illumination implies a...
The reuse of waste materials can contribute to improve the sustainability of materials. In the EU, consumers discard around 5.8 million tonnes of textiles per year and only the 25% is recycled. The aim of this paper is to present the results of the research conducted to use textile fibre waste in boards. They were bindered with the minimum hydrauli...
The study here exposed was developed in order to contribute to the recycling and re-valorization of isostatic
graphite powder as filler in gypsum pastes. Graphite powder is a waste product obtained from isostatic
graphite blocks ground for mold production. The design of these molds is previously processed by
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) and C...
The cloister of Asunción de Calatravas’ Convent is one of the most important examples of Renaissance in Ciudad Real province.
This paper compiles the explanation and summary of the intervention process in the stone elements of the cloister, based on a theoretical research about the type of stones in the area of analysis and the building as well a...
The combination of the diverse environmental and natural characteristics (geography, climate, geology, relief …) and cultural ones (society, economy, history) has conditioned the constructive traditions, the forms of the dwellings and the function of the vernacular architecture in the valley of Tajuña river, southeast of Madrid. This work analyzes...
The adaptation of building constructions to energy saving requirements entails the study of the performance of constructive systems making up the building envelope. Since the façade is the envelope constructive system of greater impact, in terms of energy demand, the thermal characterisation of its components is of great interest. In this article,...
Passive performance of buildings is nowadays one of the key points, not only for reducing energy consumption of buildings, but also for decreasing “fuel poverty”. Among the constructive systems in buildings, façades are the ones having higher influence on thermal performance in urban spaces. Lime renders are specialized systems which can improve no...
El paso previo a una intervención sobre edificio existente, con el objeto de lograr incrementar las prestaciones de eficiencia en el uso de recursos y energía, es el conocimiento del propio edificio.
Se propone en la presente comunicación una metodología de toma de datos que permita elaborar una metodología de recopilación de datos in situ. De for...
Dentro del proyecto LIFE+ NEWsolutions4OLDhousing se realiza una estimación de las condiciones en las que se lleva a cabo la Rehabilitación del parque inmobiliario de vivienda social en España. En este estudio se avanzan las necesidades básicas que se satisfacen con estas viviendas, y su fragilidad frente a las condiciones socio-económicas actuales...
Lime renders are of great importance not only to enhance the appearance of the buildings, but also to protect and preserve old masonries. They constitute a specialized system, composed of several layers, in which each of them depends on the others and carries out some specific functions in order to assure a suitable performance of the whole. Knowle...
Al sudeste de la Comunidad de Madrid, el río Tajuña discurre por un profundo valle de escarpes constituido por yesos y margas yesíferas. La presencia de este tipo de suelos junto con el clima continental acusado característico de la meseta, ha favorecido la construcción de casas-cueva de tipología en ladera. La tradición y su buen funcionamiento ha...
La dureza del clima y las diferencias de salto térmico entre invierno y verano promueven la elección de viviendas con importante inercia térmica; entre ellas seleccionamos la arquitectura subterránea que, repartida por la geografía española, responde a las necesidades extremas del lugar en el que se ubican. La casa-cueva, habitada generalmente por...