Maria Conceicao

Maria Conceicao
University of Brasília | UnB · Department of Clinical Psychology



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Maria Conceicao currently works at the Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Brasília. Maria does research in Clinical Psychology, Qualitative Research, Drug Abuse Prevention, Violence, Cultural Anthropology and Educational Technology. Their current project is 'Brazil-Canada Network for Qualitative Health Research Teaching'.


Publications (86)
Psychodrama is an existential-phenomenological approach with a theoretical and practical foundation. It focuses on social relations and methods of action, making it an effective tool for promoting horizontal, participatory, and inclusive teaching in universities. This chapter aims to present psychodrama as a versatile method for teaching and learni...
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The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic are well known: a collapsing health system, deaths, bereavement, fear and ideological disputes. In Brazil, the handling of the pandemic was marked by sociopolitical denialism, which refers to the question: Who shall survive? We chose to discuss the case of the northeastern community of Camalaú (Paraíba state)...
The homeless population is mostly male. When it comes to the female presence, especially when considering the markers of race, gender and class, the invisibility and delegitimization are even more insidious. The aim of this article is to identify the singularities of a black woman living on the streets and to understand them based on the relationsh...
Psychodrama offers possibilities for innovative responses to work in the context of justice. Its power lies in promoting dialogue between the regulatory paradigm of justice and the comprehensive paradigm of psychology. Creating playful spaces in the “as if” favors the emergence of spontaneous responses, with reflexive potential, without confronting...
This article aims to perform a psychosociological analysis of the performance of the protection network for children, adolescents and their families in the context of social deprotection, relational vulnerability and sociodigital exclusion in Covid-19 times. To this end, a literature review was carried out seeking to verify aspects of the network's...
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Promoção da Saúde e Prevenção de Agravos à Saúde: Diálogos de Norte a Sul é fruto de um processo de trabalho colaborativo entre a Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa em Prevenção e Promoção da Saúde (BRAPEP), a Associação Brasileira da Rede Unida e o Grupo Temático de Promoção da Saúde e Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Associação Brasileira de Saúde C...
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The paper focuses on the concept of intersubjectivity and its importance for guiding community actions and the consequent construction of new social practices. Authors who have an epistemological reference in the focus of interrelationships, emphasizing the field of interaction as the locus in which encounters, mismatches, problems, and solutions t...
Neste artigo, trata-se de desvendar o que há de fato e o que há de mito nas crendices em torno da sexualidade do deficiente físico, em especial, da pessoa com lesão medular. São discutidas crenças errôneas de domínio popular de que o deficiente físico é um ser assexuado, que não possui atrativos físicos, que não pode ter ereção, que não sente praze...
Ayahuasca is a psychoactive drink of Amazonian origin prepared from vine known as jagube and/or mariri (Banisteriopsis caapi) and chacrona bush (Psychotria viridis). Its cultural and ritualistic use have been recognized from millennia by indigenous ethnic groups in the Western Amazon and gained worldwide influence in the 1980s through the expansion...
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The text focuses on the concept of intersubjectivity and its current importance for guiding community actions and the construction of new social practices. Authors are presented who have an epistemological reference in the focus of interrelationships, privileging the field of interaction as the locus in which encounters, mismatches, problems and so...
To protect children victims of sexual abuse three steps are required: disclosure, reporting and notification of violence. This documentary research examined health records of 35 boys victims of sexual abuse assisted in a Brazilian public institution. The aim of the study was to trace the process of restoring protection to the child victim. Results...
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Este capítulo tem por objetivo compreender as configurações dos vínculos conjugais vividos na atualidade.
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The body-map storytelling is a methodology increasingly used in research. The objective was to carry out a meta-synthesis to synthesize, interpret and analyze results of qualitative evidence from research on body-map storytelling with vulnerable populations and to understand what gap is addressed in the production of knowledge with its use. The dat...
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Resumo Embora em franca expansão, a pesquisa qualitativa enfrenta desafios no campo da saúde. O objetivo é analisar o ensino de pesquisa qualitativa em saúde na pós-graduação no Brasil na perspectiva de atores envolvidos no processo, visando compreender desafios e possibilidades na formação de futuros pesquisadores. Foram conduzidos três grupos foc...
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Este capítulo tem por objetivo compreender as configurações dos vínculos conjugais vividos na atualidade.
Psychoanalytic inquiry into operas based on the life of Oedipus may provide further knowledge on the Oedipus complex. Therefore, we chose to analyze Enescu’s Œdipe and Stravinsky’s Oedipus Rex. Two distinct methodologies were used in our study. The first explored the concept of free association through musical themes in the operas. The second invol...
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Objective: to investigate the perception of harms and benefits associated with cannabis use among adolescents and how regulatory changes might affect their intention to use marijuana. Method: this multi-centric cross-sectional survey study. participants included 2717 students aged 15-17 from 10 cities in Belize, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican...
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Objectives: to analyze the perception of data on and benefits of cannabis, and its association with the use among Brazilian students in public high schools between the ages of 15 and 17, as well as to analyze the intention of these adolescents to use cannabis in the hypothetical context of regulatory changes in Brazil. Method: a quantitative cross-...
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The study aims to identify the family profile of boys who were victims of sexual abuse and of their offenders. Intake documents from a health facility in the capital of Brazil, consisting of 35 cases from that institution over a period of 13 years were analyzed. Analysis of quantitative data with descriptive statistics for the following categories...
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This article proposes the use of chess pieces in psychodrama as an intermediary object, approaching its potentialities and limitations. The technique has been useful in identifying interpersonal conflicts in different psychotherapeutic approaches. We propose an articulation of chess as a psychodramatic and sociometric instrument and the contributio...
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O estudo teve como escopo analisar a produção discursiva da mídia impressa do Distrito Federal acerca do suicídio de gays, lésbicas, bissexuais e transgêneros (LGBT). Tratou-se de uma pesquisa documental junto aos acervos do Centro de Documentação do jornal Correio Braziliense, com publicações do período de 01/01/2004 a 20/09/2016. O trabalho deu-s...
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This is a report of the experience of a sociodramatic group preparing for retirement, which helped one of the participants to realize how hyperdeveloped the professional role in his life was. Five women and three men aged between 52 and 64 participated in the meetings. The reported meeting consisted in dramatizing the roles performed by the protago...
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Resumo: Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa sobre a transmissão geracional familiar de quatro adolescentes que cometeram violência sexual contra crianças. O texto enfoca o adolescente em uma perspectiva de interdependência dos adultos responsáveis por sua educação e sobrevivência, pois é sabido que o adolescente que comete ofensa sexual apresenta...
The relevance of therapeutic act is considered an intervention modality, given its practicality in offering support and empowerment in a single intervention for several people. It aims to describe how a therapeutic act works, how it can benefit the social segments of a population, promoting creativity-spontaneity in groups, activating social networ...
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This case study discusses the psychosocial care offered to children and adolescents in a situation of violence, in a university extension center addressed to this clientele, in the city of Goiânia (GO). It was a family that faced a situation of social vulnerability and physical violence, referred to an institution specialized in dealing with situat...
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RESUMO Objetivando identificar o perfil de pacientes ambulatoriais que procuram tratamento para problemas relacionados com crack em Brasília, 132 usuários que recebem serviços psicológicos preencheram o Questionário sobre o Perfil de Consumo de Crack e o Cocaine Craving Questionnaire-Brief. Os participantes eram homens (83,6%), solteiros (38,8%) e...
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Este trabalho contesta as duas vertentes de prevenção ao uso de drogas mais abordadas pelos meios de comunicação social: o discurso de “guerra às drogas” e as campanhas educativas, com o objetivo de apresentar uma alternativa midiática a essas intervenções, conhecida como mídia advocacy. A partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica na Medline, de publica...
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As ações voltadas à saúde integral dos adolescentes por vezes assumem um caráter moral e regulador sem levar em conta as visões dos próprios adolescentes sobre seu desenvolvimento. O objetivo foi compreender as significações sobre adolescência e saúde, na perspectiva de 10 adolescentes de ambos os sexos, entre 13 e 19 anos de um programa de atenção...
This qualitative study investigates underprivileged students’ perceptions of their future, their health, and the relevance of a career counseling process. Interviews regarding career guidance were conducted during a workshop with nine eleventh-grade students from a public high school in Brazil’s capital. The data were analyzed according to Gonzalez...
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O crack tem sido tema recorrente em matérias jornalísticas e discursos políticos. O objetivo do estudo foi identificar como a mídia local representa a droga. Baseadas na Teoria das Representações Sociais foram analisadas 76 reportagens de 2009 do jornal Correio Braziliense, utilizando-se o software ALCESTE que gerou seis classes. Destacaram-se três...
The aim of this study was to explore how trainee teachers manage situations of domestic violence experienced by their pupils and how one-off sociodrama acts can help future teachers in performing their protective and caring roles. Trainee teachers were able to experience delicate situations related to domestic violence against children. Beyond bein...
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O estudo tem por objetivo compreender o papel de mulheres que fazem denúncia de violência sexual, perpetrada por um membro de sua convivência, contra seu filho/a. O trabalho apresenta resultados de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com cinco mães de crianças vítimas de violência sexual intrafamiliar. Utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo de Bardi...
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Este artigo busca analisar os sentidos subjetivos que adolescentes que cometeram abuso sexual atribuem a violencia cometida. Esta e uma realidade pouco conhecida e discutida no Brasil. O estudo evidencia aspectos da subjetividade de dois adolescentes a partir da analise de entrevistas clinicas. O estudo da subjetividade desses adolescentes permi...
This article seeks the subjective meanings that adolescent sexual offenders give to the violence committed. This issue is rarely known and discussed in Brazil. The study shows aspects of the subjectivity of two adolescents based on clinical psychological interviews analysis. The study of the subjectivity of these adolescents allows us to know the o...
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O presente artigo trata de uma pesquisa que teve como objetivo compreender os sentidos atribuídos por adolescentes que cumpriam medida socioeducativa de liberdade assistida às trajetórias de vida e ao envolvimento com infrações à lei. Foram realizados sete sociodramas semanais com 21 adolescentes da comunidade, dos quais 18 eram do sexo masculino....
The study aims to understand the role of women that denounce sexual violence perpetrated by a community or kinship member against their son or daughter. The work presents results of semi-structured interviews conducted with five mothers of children who were victims of intrafamiliar sexual violence. We used the content analysis of Bardin, which divi...
This research aims to understand the meanings attributed by adolescents who are serving socio-educative measure of freedom assisted to their life trajectories and infractional acts. Seven weekly sociodramas were conducted with 21 adolescents from the community, 18 males. Information was organized according to constructive-interpretive method create...
This study aims to present the use of the psychodramatic spiral in the warm-up process, and to verify its applicability through the discussion of a clinical case, in light of Moreno's and other contemporary psychodramatists' concepts and definitions. It searches for interfaces between the psychodramatic spiral and Elaine Goldman's diagram, looking...
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O artigo tem como objetivo analisar as variantes do cuidado para pessoas em sofrimento decorrente do uso de drogas, tecendo um paralelo com o percurso da reforma psiquiátrica brasileira. Para isso, apresenta-se um breve panorama das conquistas da reforma psiquiátrica para o processo de cuidado no campo da saúde mental, levantando questionamentos so...
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Há uma estreita relação entre uma escolha vocacional de carreira consciente, e a saúde integral do ser humano. As práticas atuais de orientação vocacional e de carreira (OV) atuam da infância à aposentadoria, construindo autonomia e instrumentalizando os sujeitos para a elaboração do próprio projeto de vida. O Ministério da Saúde reconhece a import...
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The study analyzed Brazilian articles on research in basic health units, which used educative activities as methodology, in order to ascertain the main characteristics of those activities being conducted in primary health care services. The following units were accessed: Lilacs, Scielo and Adolec. The articles were categorized according to these cr...
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The aim is to discuss theoretically the issue of the disconnection process in the context of action research. A theoretical study about it was conducted in the works of Rene Barbier, Michel Thiollent, David Tripp, André Morin and Hugues Dionne. The analyses reveal the importance given to the starting point of the research as well as to the involvem...
There is a close relation between vocational choice and human's integral health. Current practices in vocational guidance (VG) acts from childhood to retirement, promoting autonomy and preparing individuals to build-up their own life projects. The Ministry of Health highlights the importance of life project to promote adolescent's health, since thi...
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The project of reducing the full legal age in Brazil is in an advanced process in the National Congress. This is a study of the social representations of Brazilian legislators responsible for the decisions on legal age in the country. This documentary research aims to analyze the consistency of psychosocial and legal arguments for and against the r...
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The objective was to analyze the scientific tendencies pointed by the national publications about Vocational Guidance from 2006 to 2010. A manual and boolean search was performed within the bases BVS-Psi and INDEX-Psi returning 108 articles, which were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. It was verified how much the production in vocational...
Vocational guidance is becoming more relevant in society and is considered essential for students' healthy development. Cross-curricular themes, as proposed by the Brazilian legislation in Education, are seen as an effective means to promote vocational development but, for that, teachers must be well trained. The purpose of this study is to describ...
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The objective was to investigate the affection in the bond mother and daughter victims of sexual abuse, understanding the affective logics of conduct, and to investigate transgenerational issues and mental health. Three families from an assistance program to victims of sexual abuse participated in this study conducted by means of home visits, semi-...
The article discusses the psychosocial aspects related to the place and the identity of adolescents in conflict with the law, using the psychosociological theory. The construction of stigmatized people identities has a social function and it’s constructed by it in a dialectic relation based on the difference. The modernization era products a large...
Studies contradict the belief that everyone that has spinal cord injury (SCI) suffers from depression. This study aims to investigate the level of depression in patients with SCI using the Beck Inventory of Depression with the aim of assessing the scale of the problem and providing clinical intervention in the context of rehabilitation. The invento...
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O usuário de drogas tem recebido tratamentos contraditórios que promovem sua estigmatização e clandestinidade e limitam a compreensão do fenômeno. O objetivo foi investigar como Promotores e Juízes estão entendendo e aplicando a nova lei que legisla sobre a conduta de usar e portar drogas no Brasil. Onze operadores do Direito do Distrito Federal (D...
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Drugs users have been receiving contradictory treatments thereby promoting their stigma besides hiding and limiting the understanding of the phenomenon. The objective of this study was to investigate how the District Attorneys and Judges are considering and applying the new law which legislates on the conduct of drug use in Brazil. Eleven Law profe...
The article discusses the psychosocial aspects related to the place and the identity of adolescents in conflict with the law, using the psychosociological theory. The construction of stigmatized people identities has a social function and it�s constructed by it in a dialectic relation based on the difference. The modernization era products a large...
Gender issues have produced interesting debates regarding the complementarity of the roles of post-modern woman and man, especially with regards to women entering the job-market and the social realm. This paper presents a study carried out at the graduate psychology course of Brasilia University. Through the use of action methods, the objective was...
The objective of this study was to understand the expectations and concerns of students from the last term of primary school, in relation to their joining high school as well as professional choice. Based on the the role of education and vocational guidance and the absence of rites of passage preparing for adulthood, this article examined, through...
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El uso de biorretroalimentación en la rehabilitación de personas con lesión medular viene en aumento, aunque no haya datos consistentes sobre el alcance de esta técnica. El objetivo es averiguar la efi cacia de la técnica en la rehabilitación motora de pacientes con diferentes tipos de lesión medular. Se trata del estudio de tres casos: dos paraplé...
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Brazilian legislation has been improving consistently and the integration of handicap students is gradually occurring. Nevertheless, there is still an enormous difficult to the society to put in practice the proposals of inclusion, which generates the need of constant revision of their inclusive practices. Until recently, just a few amount of peopl...
The use of biofeedback in the spinal cord injury person rehabilitation has been increasing even though there are no data about the efficacy of such technique. The study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the technique in the motor rehabilitation of spinal cord injured patients with different lesions. Using case studies, three participants, two parap...
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Vocational choice implies a deep sense of one’s self and reality. The neo-reichians theories include the body in the therapeutic process and offer great contributions to vocational guidance as they develop self-awareness and autonomy by means of grounding and other type of exercises. This study describes the results of body-oriented vocational guid...
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Ao longo da história, os deficientes ocupam um lugar de marginalização e sua inserção depende, em grande parte, do contexto social. Este trabalho se propôs a mapear as redes sociais de alunos universitários com deficiência física a partir de uma leitura psicodramática e identificar como o aluno avalia sua inserção a partir dos papéis desempenhados....
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It is evident through history that disabled individuals occupy marginal positions and their insertion depend, in great part, on the social context. This study aims to investigate the social networks of college students with disabilities from a psychodramatic point of view. To achieve such goal, a new instrument called minimal atom, was created. Thi...
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Trata-se do estudo sobre a afetividade presente na interação racial, a partir da implantação da política de cotas para negros na Universidade de Brasília. A política racial afirmativa expõe os indivíduos a processos afetivos que mobilizam os preconceitos e a politicidade dos membros dos grupos. Os suportes teóricos adotados foram a socionomia e as...
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The objective of this text was to propose Sociodrama as a qualitative research method in Psychology, to enable the group interaction the focus of investigation. The methodology of sociopsychodramatic intervention is described, showing this method difficulties, as: dramatic action planing, registration, observation, information analysis and ethic ma...
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O objetivo deste texto foi propor o Sociodrama como método para a pesquisa qualitativa em Psicologia, de modo a propiciar a interação grupal como foco da investigação. Descreve-se a metodologia de intervenção sociopsicodramática, mostrando suas dificuldades tais como: planejamento da ação dramática, registro, observação, análise das informações e q...
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A técnica de biofeedback tem sido utilizada no tratamento de uma grande variedade de patologias. Tem sido comum a sua utilização na reabilitação de pacientes com lesão medular, sobretudo no fortalecimento da atividade motora residual. No entanto, não há qualquer menção ao seu uso em pacientes com lesão medular associada a distúrbio da percepção cor...
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FUNDAMENTOS E OBJETIVO: O esporte tem um papel fundamental na reabilitação física de pacientes com lesão medular por ampliar as alternativas terapêuticas e favorecer a independência funcional. O estudo tem por objetivo conhecer os efeitos da natação sobre habilidades funcionais de pacientes com lesão medular. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 16 paciente...
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FUNDAMENTOS Y OBJETIVO: El deporte tiene un papel fundamental en la rehabilitación física de pacientes con lesión medular por ampliar las alternativas terapéuticas y favorecer la independencia funcional. El estudio tiene por objeto conocer los efectos de la natación sobre las habilidades funcionales de los pacientes con lesión medular. MÉTODOS: Fue...
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The article suggests sociodrama as a sociatric method for the actions of the psychologists when facing polemic issues, among them, the quota policy for African-Brazilians in universities. The article starts with a thought about scientific-cultural productions that assist social scientists for the social transformation. Assuming social changes throu...
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Trata-se de investigação sobre uma instituição de atendimento a adolescentes em situação de rua, escolhida pelo fato de os atrair e retirar da marginalidade. O objetivo foi identificar os principais elementos da instituição responsáveis pela fixação e adesão da clientela, visando oferecer subsídios para a construção de propostas pedagógicas de aten...
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This is a research of an institution which provides assistance to homeless children which was chosen because it got the children's attention and took them out of the marginality. The research aims at identifying the elements that are mainly responsible for the adherence and maintenance of the clientele to the institution project. The data was...
This is a research of an institution which provides assistance to homeless children which was chosen because it got the children's attention and took them out of the marginality. The research aims at identifying the elements that are mainly responsible for the adherence and maintenance of the clientele to the institution project. The data was compl...


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